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Wife giving blow jobs

  • Thread starterWantToWatchHer
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Dec 27, 2007
This is hard to write. I have fantasized about my wife having sex with another man for a long time. She knows about my fantasy, but was absolutely against it. She is very pretty, slim, small breasts and 45 years old. About a year ago she weighed more, but was not fat by any means. Then she started to lose weight, bought all new clothes etc. We have not had sex in 15 years and she has had no interest in anything sexual.

I have had a strong feeling that she was seeing someone else and confronted her. She denied it, strongly and told me how much she loved me, would never leave me, and she was mine forever. Very convincing.

Again I began to get the feeling..... and checked out her computer. She had a site called confessionizer. I looked at her history, and she had visited two specific confessions approximately 14 times each in the last 3 weeks. The first was "I had sex with him". The second was "I love him so but he cant satisfy me in bed so I am getting it somewhere else and I just hope he never finds out".

I also found where she had searched for "personals", but no indication joining a dating site. I confronted her and begged for her to come clean. She got very mad and indicated that she loved me, she was not a *****, did not lie, and wanted this to stop.

I wrote her a letter saying we could come to an arrangement and I would accept it. She got very mad and told me she was NOT having an affair.

I bought a UV lamp to check her clothes, and it was not conclusive. Lots of indication, but it was also on my clothes, so it would be things.

I bought a digital recorder and hid it in her car. On her way home today, she drove for about 5 minutes then stopped.

I heard her door open, a zipper open, a moan, and what appeared to be another man type moan. I heard what appeared to be sucking, but not real sure. Lots of other non-identified noises. No voices. Then her door shut and the car started. Since i have the recorder on sound activation, she could have gone somewhere and the recording would not show it.

She made it real clear that the accusations are to stop. That she is NOT seeing anyone.

What should I do next???? How can I find conclusive proof? Please respond soon.
WantToWatchHer said:
This is hard to write. I have fantasized about my wife having sex with another man for a long time. She knows about my fantasy, but was absolutely against it. She is very pretty, slim, small breasts and 45 years old. About a year ago she weighed more, but was not fat by any means. Then she started to lose weight, bought all new clothes etc. We have not had sex in 15 years and she has had no interest in anything sexual.

I have had a strong feeling that she was seeing someone else and confronted her. She denied it, strongly and told me how much she loved me, would never leave me, and she was mine forever. Very convincing.

Again I began to get the feeling..... and checked out her computer. She had a site called confessionizer. I looked at her history, and she had visited two specific confessions approximately 14 times each in the last 3 weeks. The first was "I had sex with him". The second was "I love him so but he cant satisfy me in bed so I am getting it somewhere else and I just hope he never finds out".

I also found where she had searched for "personals", but no indication joining a dating site. I confronted her and begged for her to come clean. She got very mad and indicated that she loved me, she was not a *****, did not lie, and wanted this to stop.

I wrote her a letter saying we could come to an arrangement and I would accept it. She got very mad and told me she was NOT having an affair.

I bought a UV lamp to check her clothes, and it was not conclusive. Lots of indication, but it was also on my clothes, so it would be things.

I bought a digital recorder and hid it in her car. On her way home today, she drove for about 5 minutes then stopped.

I heard her door open, a zipper open, a moan, and what appeared to be another man type moan. I heard what appeared to be sucking, but not real sure. Lots of other non-identified noises. No voices. Then her door shut and the car started. Since i have the recorder on sound activation, she could have gone somewhere and the recording would not show it.

She made it real clear that the accusations are to stop. That she is NOT seeing anyone.

What should I do next???? How can I find conclusive proof? Please respond soon.


watch CSI for forensic cuckold tips
Why do you want to check up on her sex life when you admit you and her have not had sex for 15 years. You are married in name only.

She is entitled to have sex with other men (and women) because she does not get it from you. She is over 18.

She obviously feels that she can't admit the truth to you, and that she can talk to other men much easier than she can talk to you.

She does not want the marriage to break up, that is why she says she loves you.
If you keep trying to catch her out, then she could easily be "pushed" into asking you for a divorce, using the excuse you are harrassing her and causing her enormous stress.

Maybe you could take a gentle approach and admit that you have had fantasies of becoming a cuckold, with her having permission to have sex with other men to her heart's desire.

I don't know why you have not fucked your wife in 15 years, but when she married you she did not expect to become a Nun.

It sounds like she is having an affair, and I think it started from sexual loneliness where she just started chatting on websites about her unmet needs in marriage - and probably, she found comfort spilling her feelings to other men, and she found a soul mate who held her in his arms in a tender way, and her body just responded to the warmth he offered her.

She is embarrassed about having an affair, so it is easier for her to deny it.
I don't think that you should be invading your wife's privacy by reading her e-mails or checking out her computer conversations with men or women.

She is not breaking her marriage vows of fidelity, because you stopped having sex with her 15 years ago. She has a right to sex - and it is not your business who she fucks.
There are all kinds of key logger software out there. Get some, install it on her computer and you will have your answers soon enough.
It's a rare occasion when I have to agree with Saraha.

If you haven't had sex with her in 15 years, then why do you even care what she does sexually with other guys? You've clearly written her off and your lack of sexual desire/attention for her must really confuse her when you've also said you want her to be with other guys.

Maybe she's not comfortable sharing with you what she's doing given the lack of sex between you two?

I'd think you should start looking at yourself before you try to spy on her and "gather evidence" about her.
Why is it so hard to communicate

Sean, you indicate you fantascies about your wife sucking other mens cocks, so it follows that you want that. You have not given any information on why you are not have sex with your wife, other that you seem to feel she was not interested. I hate to say this, no one likes or respects a sneak, and that is what you have become. I appears she may have taken a lover, but does not trust you, and has no intention of admitting any thing to you. Under the circumstances, most would feel she is justified, in treating you this way. Try the honest frontal approack, go to her and just state you desire her to suck and fuck other men and wish to watch. She may do it, if not you should set her free and seek a woman that will cuckold you.:eek:


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WantToWatchHer said:
I bought a UV lamp to check my wife's clothes, and it was not conclusive. Lots of indication, but it was also on my clothes, so it would be things.

A UV lamp probably was not the right detection device; I suggest purchasing an inexpensive semen-detection kit. See, for instance:

Semen Detection Kit for Infidelity Investigations SemenSPY Semen Detection Tests

WantToWatchHer said:
I bought a digital recorder and hid it in her car. On her way home today, she drove for about 5 minutes then stopped. I heard her door open, a zipper open, a moan, and what appeared to be another man type moan. I heard what appeared to be sucking, but not real sure. Lots of other non-identified noises. No voices. Then her door shut and the car started. Since i have the recorder on sound activation, she could have gone somewhere and the recording would not show it.

This is a good strategy; the recording you obtained sounds like rather definite evidence. I suggest leaving your recorder in your wife's car. It's probably only a matter of time until you record more definite evidence (including, for instance, her lover's voice).

WantToWatchHer said:
She made it real clear that the accusations are to stop. That she is NOT seeing anyone.

I agree with your wife that you should not accuse her of infidelity. From your point of view, it's counterproductive. Although your wife obviously IS seeing someone — and, it sounds like, giving him blow jobs — confronting her and accusing her of that is clearly not the right strategy.

WantToWatchHer said:
What should I do next???? How can I find conclusive proof? Please respond soon.

First, as for the idea that it is "not admirable" for you to secretly obtain evidence of your wife's infidelity: your wife appears to be secretly seeing a lover while denying she is doing that, so turnabout, in my opinion, is fair play.

Second, I suggest purchasing a semen-detection kit and testing her clothing, including her panties, on a continuing basis. Also, note whether she defeats this strategy by washing all of her clothing, including her panties, immediately after coming home. If your wife begins doing that and also taking a shower immediately after coming home, you can take that as a strong indication she has begun fucking her lover (in addition to giving him blow jobs).

Third, I suggest adopting a more subtle strategy for gradually reducing and, finally, eliminating (you hope) your wife's view of taking lovers as "evil," while gradually building in her a feeling that taking lovers is a normal and healthy thing for married women to do. I suggest beginning by purchasing or ordering a copy of

"Insatiable Wives: Women Who Stray and the Men Who Love Them," by David J. Ley (2009, 291 pp. [hardcover]),

and reading this fascinating book each evening (say, instead of watching TV) in your wife's presence (say, after dinners when the two of your are together in your living room). Also leave this book on your coffee table, where she can easily read it herself secretly when you aren't around.

In addition, bookmark on your joint home computer (or your wife's computer, if you use separate computers) these articles:

Susan Gower on natural cuckolding of husbands by married women:
The Science of Cuckoldry Cuckold Couple

Dr. Cherry Lee on the cuckold husband / hotwife phenomenon:
The Cuckold Phenomena Cuckold Couple

Cuckolding of husbands by wives as a marital lifestyle:

(but don't point out or recommend these articles to your wife; just bookmark them on her computer so she'll find them).

I also suggest pretending your wife has not already made you her cuckold and beginning the program to transform her (so to speak) into a self-acknowledged "proud of it" hotwife, as described in the 8-part article by Dr. Cherry Lee that begins here:

A Wife Into A Hotwife Hot Wife Blog - hotwife and cuckold husband fetish discussion

thereby gradually moving your wife forward until, finally, she accepts her proper role as your cuckoldress and begins telling you openly about her sexual adventures with other men.

Good luck!

Well done!

Man, you have been told some nice truths over here...You left the woman without sex for 15 years???? How so?
In your place, I will be opening the Champagne to have the biggest toast of my life! Welcome to the place I have been wanting to be for 20 years!!!! The sole idea of hearing a tape recorded from my wife doing that kind of noice is just driving me crazy as I am writing...And the fact that she is hesitant to tell you?
Wow, that is even so much better!!!!She is directly telling you two things, I definitely do not want to hurt your feelings, but also what I do with my sex is personal...Remember you left it without sex for 15 years? If this is her first time or so she REALLY loves you! What else could a true cuckold ask for???? Relax and enjoy the ride man, you are the luckiest of men!
Saraha said:
Why do you want to check up on her sex life when you admit you and her have not had sex for 15 years. You are married in name only.

She is entitled to have sex with other men (and women) because she does not get it from you. She is over 18.

She obviously feels that she can't admit the truth to you, and that she can talk to other men much easier than she can talk to you.

She does not want the marriage to break up, that is why she says she loves you.
If you keep trying to catch her out, then she could easily be "pushed" into asking you for a divorce, using the excuse you are harrassing her and causing her enormous stress.

Maybe you could take a gentle approach and admit that you have had fantasies of becoming a cuckold, with her having permission to have sex with other men to her heart's desire.

I don't know why you have not fucked your wife in 15 years, but when she married you she did not expect to become a Nun.

It sounds like she is having an affair, and I think it started from sexual loneliness where she just started chatting on websites about her unmet needs in marriage - and probably, she found comfort spilling her feelings to other men, and she found a soul mate who held her in his arms in a tender way, and her body just responded to the warmth he offered her.

She is embarrassed about having an affair, so it is easier for her to deny it.
I don't think that you should be invading your wife's privacy by reading her e-mails or checking out her computer conversations with men or women.

She is not breaking her marriage vows of fidelity, because you stopped having sex with her 15 years ago. She has a right to sex - and it is not your business who she fucks.

Got to agree with the above, if you haven't had sex for 15 years then why are you checking up on her? I would say unless she had some medical/psychological condition that she would have started having sexual encounters quite a while ago.

I'm not criticizing your situation, lots of marriages work well with no sexual contact, there can still be love and fulfillment without sex, but usually partners in this situation will fulfill their sexual needs in other ways or with other people. I don't personally see a problem with that. It seems odd that you appear unaccepting of your wife's infidelity, as Saraha says, you don't expect her to be a nun do you?

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