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wife acting funny

  • Thread starterrolnoles
  • Start date


My wife had a best friend about 5 years ago that dated a blackman,she called my wife to talk to her about him (which my wife did not want to do,I would not call her family well Id say rednecks) she was telling my wife how his dick was 9 thick inches and how rough the sex was which turned her on.Well my wife stopped hanging out with her and about 2 years ago they saw each other talked and saw each other every month or so.But latly they are seeing each other weekly more then once.Now thats fine but a year or so ago my wife started wanting 3 fingers in her pussy instead of two then 4 fingers instead of 3 and now she can take my fist:eek:Now im not small by no means close to 8 inches and fairly thick Ive had no complaints and my wife squirts so I know she gets off 90% of the time so sex is very good,but last week I was talking about a tatoo and she was saying how she could not take the pain and her friend brought up piercings that night we talked a little and 5 days later both nipples are pierced:confused:This was not expected by no mean.Then 2 nights ago I came home early and she is smoking which she has not done in 15 years,I thought she might be but still.Now last night we are in bed and we have a satalite that has 8 XXX porn channals and we are messing around and she turns on a int porn and she hardly ever watches white porn so I am not in a good place right now.We have swung many times but are rule is both are their both agree and never behind ones back,I think she has been with a black man without telling me??? I will post pics later but the kids are here now and I cant but tonight or in the morning I will show you the two dildos she wants in her pussy at the same time 2 or 3 times a week.
I have but she justs laughs it off and really dont say much.If she answers the questions its short and quick mainly just like yes or no with no detail or even why did I ask that.Also I have told her for years that I would like to see her masturbate with fruit or something odd and all I got was no way thats gross,she told me to go pick out a nice big cucumber at the store a few days ago,but we dont eat cucumber,add I stoped talking about fruit years ago.They all looked bad so she said will try again next week.

Here are pics of her pussy and one of me Im not small not huge either but not small.Then her piercings which caught me off guard for sure


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Nice! Most women like having their pussy stretched especially after they have had kids.
MacNfries said:
Black men won't wear condoms with white women, and they don't pull out.

That's a pretty generalized, racist comment. I know black guys who always wear condoms regardless of the color skin of who they're fucking.
The black men in this community are NOT an un-biased control group. The black men on this forum are mostly bulls, who are set out to totally use the wife/gf and humiliate the man. So asking the men here would prove nothing except that this is a forum for cuckholding. The majority of black men are not assholes that will refuse to use birth control/std prevention.

And yes, stating black have bigger cocks IS racist, especially since it's based in myth and personal opinion as opposed to fact.

Going strictly by the Kinsey data, which still remains one of the most exhaustive studies on penis size to date, the average white male has a penis measuring 6.2 inches long and 3.7 inches around, whereas the average black male has a penis 6.3 by 3.8 inches, for a difference of 0.1 inches--not what you'd call statistically significant. When it came to flaccid length, however, blacks fared a little better: 4.3 inches long, versus 4.0 inches for white males. So it may be, therefore, that while those of African heritage appear larger initially, under actual working conditions things tend to even out.

Not to mention that the largest, and most of the largest, reported penis(es) sizes actually belong to Caucasians.

And this other website:

"This couldn't be further from the truth. Based on a number of surveys (most notably Masters and Johnson), of thousands of men of many different races, white males actually have the largest penises. White males averaged an erect penis length of 6.4" while black males averaged 6.2". Hispanic men averaged 6.0" and finally east Asian men bring up the rear with a meager 5.6"

So that statement is just racist, not a fact. Just like saying "DARIKIES DONT WEAR CONDOMS LOL". Both are racist statements based on small personal opinion/what lines up best with your cucking/bulling fetish.
rolnoles said:
My wife had a best friend about 5 years ago that dated a blackman,she called my wife to talk to her about him (which my wife did not want to do,I would not call her family well Id say rednecks) she was telling my wife how his dick was 9 thick inches and how rough the sex was which turned her on.Well my wife stopped hanging out with her and about 2 years ago they saw each other talked and saw each other every month or so.But latly they are seeing each other weekly more then once.Now thats fine but a year or so ago my wife started wanting 3 fingers in her pussy instead of two then 4 fingers instead of 3 and now she can take my fist:eek:Now im not small by no means close to 8 inches and fairly thick Ive had no complaints and my wife squirts so I know she gets off 90% of the time so sex is very good,but last week I was talking about a tatoo and she was saying how she could not take the pain and her friend brought up piercings that night we talked a little and 5 days later both nipples are pierced:confused:This was not expected by no mean.Then 2 nights ago I came home early and she is smoking which she has not done in 15 years,I thought she might be but still.Now last night we are in bed and we have a satalite that has 8 XXX porn channals and we are messing around and she turns on a int porn and she hardly ever watches white porn so I am not in a good place right now.We have swung many times but are rule is both are their both agree and never behind ones back,I think she has been with a black man without telling me??? I will post pics later but the kids are here now and I cant but tonight or in the morning I will show you the two dildos she wants in her pussy at the same time 2 or 3 times a week.


Thank you for sharing those pics of your gorgeous wife. good to see another full-figured woman on here.

Mac has given you some good advice about confronting her about it. Take it. I would approach her by simply saying this: Please tell me if you are seeing another man. I promise I won't be angry, Just tell me the truth and I will not be angry. just lay it out all on the table.

My wife saw this thread and she agrees that your wife could very well be seeing another man sexually. But nothing is 100% conclusive yet. keep that in mind. Or she may be having fun with her girlfriend with different types of dildos or whatever.

I do know that when my wife started seeing her Bulls(Three initially) that it took some while to get use to their size. And her bulls, who happen to be (Two currently) Black men that we both know very well, we work for them at the same company, and we are all best of friends. They never wore condoms either and don't like them as well. Which was not really an issue because we have known them for years, their lifestyle, etc.. The more she got use to them, meaning: how they perform in bed and their size, the more her sex drive went up and her desire for a very well-hung man, bigger toys, more fingers inside her, etc..

Checking her panties is one good way to find out. You can smell the cum odor even if there is not much wetness on the crotch. It was no secret with us in the beginning, One of her Bulls arranged a dinner date for both of them, I knew it beforehand, and it was out in the open between all parties involved.

Even though I had a pretty good idea that he would have sex with her that night, I still checked her panties when she got back home after she went into the bathroom and that confirmed it. The odor was the first give away and of course the crotch being wet.

Be supportive either way because the best thing that can happen from this point forward is that both of you can enter into a fantastic alternative lifestyle that can be quite fullfilling for both of you.

Melanie and Ryan
"You have been swinging for a number of years and have rules about not doing it behind each other's back without discussing it first. And sex is great 90% of the time. You have kids".

I am pleased that her and her best friend have sorted their differences out and are back having fun together.

Your wife is excited about her (possibly black lover) and is not yet ready to talk to you about it, so give her space to enjoy him.......give her room to try this stuff, because you tried to get her to do it years ago. FINALLY YOUR FANTASIES MAY BE COMING TRUE at last.

If you "go with the flow", she will become hotter in bed with you, as she learns more from her g/f and her big cock friend.

Don't get angry about the rules being "stretched". She suddenly feels comfortable to try black cock, so let her and you may get to drink his sperm pies.
I never wanted my wife to sleep with a blackman if she wants to thats fine but its not my fantasy.We swing together,Im not a cuck and I dont want or need a "hotwife".If this comes to be true this marriage will be over.We have talked about our relationship and she is the one that says as long as we are together its swinging but behind ones back is cheating,I told her OK these are her rules and have went both ways for about 8 of our 15 years together dating and marriage.
A large percentage of men would not be interested in having their penis measured, even if you paid them. All the statistics are from men who have been willing to take part in the studies. Has the Royal family been measured? Royals are a pretty randy lot. Prince Charles needed two wives at once, he talks to his plants but I bet he has not offered his vital stats.

Kinsey, and Masters and Johnson, were all hoping their studies were a useful estimate, but unless you measure every adult man in the world, you can't be sure.

African-American's were bred in the cotton fields for superior genetics and survival of the fittest just like modern breeding programmes with animals The white man was not.

It is reasonable to accept than the working class races of America will have greater cock size, and that the white man with his softer occupations and better medical care will have bought forward a lot of weaker genes that would not have survivied the "survival of the fittest.

Even in Africa this natural selection of "survival of the fittest" has made the local races very strong with higher sperm counts, away from the highly processed foods and chemicals that are causing a buildup of female hormones in men.

In Japan, there is a booming trade in men's bras because the female hormones appearing in the food chain are growing male breasts. Some men are turning back into women, with softer voices, a slowing down of whisker growth, a fall off in muscle size, and a laying down of more body fat, a shrinking of penis size.

All foetuses are female until 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, then a huge release of testosterone appears into the bloodstream of the foetuses to turn into males. Adult males still have nipples, reminding them that they were once a female.
The more chicken an American male eats, the more likely he will start the journey back to being a female again, and the quicker his penis will shrink.

Don't you just love those female hormones in the chickens and soy products? It is the new birth control pill to slow down the population growth of the world. Sperm counts have dropped 40% in 50 years.
what the hell are you talking about,if you ask for a blackman with a big cock thats mostly what you will get,same for a white guy,I played football in high school and collage and There is no difference Ive seen at lest 100 cocks or so Ive seen just as large white cocks as black.In collage the football team had a bet to see who had the biggest cock two white guys finished first and second both over 10 inches (no I did not enter at $50 a person I new one guy and had hard about his dick so I keep my money) There where a good 15 or so black guys in the bet.Now that dont mean shit it was a small collage in a small town in a small state in a small country in a big ass world.Also how many white guys what you to know they have a big dick and talk about it ? Ive herd lots of black guys talk shit about there dicks and thats what got the bet started...
Glad you mentioned it

MacNfries said:
Well, one thing we do know ... your major in "collage" didn't include spelling or grammar. LOL!
I remember last year someone on here making the statement that he was a psychiatrist, and was spelling it sychiahtris ... what a hoot!
Well, I be "collage edjumicated", too!

I was glad to see you address that. It's seriously sad how many "collage edumicated" folks think the plural of wife is "wifes" or don't know how to use "bring" and "take". Probably the most common indication of poor "collagin'" or someone claiming a college education who has not yet mastered 3rd grade English is the consistant misuse of "their" and "there".

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