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Who wants to be a cuck?

  • Thread starterbarbiescuckoldress
  • Start date
Oct 15, 2009
So. There's a section for looking for wives/bulls, but I didn't see one for cucks- if I missed it, I apologize.

I have a somewhat unusual request...I'm looking for a cuck. That's not the unusual part; this is: I have a husband- and he is not my cuck, but I'd like to add a man to our lives that will serve in the cuck role. This will not be something that happens tomorrow, but once we get to know each other and establish a relationship, I'd like it to be a long term commitment.

About me:
I am educated enough to carry on a conversation, fairly nice and small children don't run at the sight of me...I have a minimum of experience with the lifestyle (much more with the bdsm life, so it would be nice if the potential cuck had those same interests. However, I never play in the sub role.)- Darling Hubby and I thought we had met the one that would be in this cuck spot, but unfortunately, things did not work out for him- though he is a good guy and I hope we always remain friends. I live in the panhandle of FL and would like for the cuck to be close by. I am white, blonde/blue eyed if it matters.

The potential must be clean (as in literally clean! Also free of disease, drugs and excessive drama--we are free of all 3). I like sissy boys (they amuse me), but it's not mandatory. I must be able to trust you- and I will not be with a man that has another woman- wife, girlfriend, fuck buddy (unless she's part of the deal!). I am bi (hubby is not, unless I request it) and would like the cuck to be as well...
Questions, comments, concerns?
Thanks for the PM' turns out though...that the only cuck I really want at this time is the one we think I'll take a break from this whole thing- thanks to all the nice people I've met! I appreciate the kind words :)
Yes ma'am.... if you would be willing to entertain a question, I have one.

Hi Ms. Barbiescuckoldress,

barbiescuckoldress said:
Questions, comments, concerns?

What happened to Barbie (who is a man, I gather)? Perhaps other men applying for this position, so to speak, would want to be aware of that so they can avoid a similar less-than-optimal outcome, whatever it may have been.

Regarding your husband, whom you say is not your cuckold.... many would argue, I suppose, that if you have sexual relationships with other men, your husband is your cuckold by definition.* As you recall, no doubt, the definition is short and simple: a cuckold is a man with an unfaithful wife (meaning not with respect to [e.g.] financial matters, but rather, she fucks other men). How the husband "feels" about his wife fucking other men, or how his wife relates to him and he to her, is not part of the definition.

I seem to recall that in another thread in this forum, you mentioned you enjoy the sexual attentions of other men, as well as the sexual attentions of your husband. (Good for you!) Anyway, if so your husband qualifies. You do, indeed, have a cuckold and it is him.

It occurs to me that if Barbie moved into your home where your husband also lives, presumably, that would be a classic "high friction" situation that may have led to confrontational feelings, possibly including words and actions, between the two of them. Is that, in essence, what happened?

Thanks in advance for whatever enlightenment you might be willing to provide.

Best wishes—


*This is not an attempt to open yet another interminable debate re. what is or is not the definition of a cuckold, so I hope the sharks, who are always circling, will not smell blood in the water and move in for a kill. Rather, this is a way of posing my question which is: why advertise for a cuckold when you already have one?
I would love to be cucked, but at my age and living in conservative Kansas, it is doubtful that I will ever be able to realize this dream. But, if there is anyone that lives in the midwest that is willing to help me, please holler.
As always, you have much to say :)

Nothing happened to I mentioned, great guy-I adore an awful lot about him and hope we stay friends...but he made other choices, and while I would have liked for him to have stayed in the cuck role, I won't be with a man that I am not a priority for- hope that made sense.

He did not live with us and my hubby likes him a lot- no friction there. He liked him as a person, as a cuck and really enjoyed how much I like barbie ;)

As to the semantics of the term cuck...we've agreed on this forum that the meanings of words is subjective...for me, the term has a certain amount of....hmmm....discomfort connected with it (just my personal opinion!), as in: a wife choses another man because her husband (or in my case- for lack of a better term- a significant other, it gets a little poly here I guess) is somehow, while I like the concept of having a man around in the role of a cuck, I don't see my hubby in that light because I don't want to have sex with another man (as in penis meets vagina sex...). Again, just my thoughts. I get what you're saying about the strict definition.

As to me looking for another cuck- I may get back to that at sometime- but after talking with some nice people here and elsewhere, I've decided that at this point, the only cuck I wanted was barbie...there was an earlier thread here about a cucks feelings and his emotional connection- well, that's something that cuts both ways- at least for me. I am not the type that does random sex acts- if you're in my bed then you're important to me...and I've discovered very quickly that until I get over barbie, I can't think about someone else in that role.

And Safe-
The FL panhandle is pretty conservative too (very Bible Belt). Be patient and I'm sure you can find someone near by!
i went to fsu for four years and just graduated back in August, terrible timing imo. If you two are ever up for a weekend adventure send me a pm, it's an easy trip for me to make.
I sense that you need and deserve a cuckold to add value to the marriage you have with your husband. I also believe this is a great opportunity for a single man of good character to "abandon his current life" and "give himself over completely" to meeting your well-defined needs.

There is no point in investing a lot of time and effort into any cuckold wannabe, who has not made the emotional adjustment to long-term commitment to the amazing opportunity you have offered.

You can't be a "conditional cuck", you must make up your mind which side of the fence you are on. When you are ready for a life transformation, write the letter that will change your life. Apply for the job, and let go of the old life that should disappear quickly from your memory.

Cuckoldry is a specialised career, so if you are going to be one, you should be as proud of your profession as Neil Armstrong looking for a moon to land on.

If you want to be Barbie's replacement APPLY AT ONCE and make sure you put your heart and soul into the opportunity you have been given.

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