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What am I getting into?

  • Thread starteropenminded2833
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Beloved Member
Jan 25, 2010
Here is the back story link

So anyway, talked to the hotwife last night and she expressed that she really wanted me but that her husband said specifically that he did not want her to be with anyone while he is gone out of town (today). So I told her it was her time to step up and take control. If she wanted me, she can have every inch of me. So she said we were on, as long as we tape it, so she can give it too him as a suprise later on down the road.
Half hour passes and my wife says that her husband has come online and wants to talk to me....
So I log on and he comes straight out and says that he is "giving me permission" to fuck her while he is gone. Under two conditions...1 - that i tape every minute of the action and 2nd- That i do not tell his wife that he is aware of her fucking me.
He wants her to experience the thrill of cheating on him.
He then tells me that if i play my cards right this will be a regular thing..whatever the hell that means...I hate playing bs games.
So obviously he is spying on her msn without her knowing about it and really doing the puppet thing. His wife also told me that she was unsure about being with me also because their "intimate contact" has really dropped off and she thinks they are having a rough patch.

As it stands now, I'm going over tonight to service this hotwife, but something about just seems off.

Is any of this ring a bell or seem to follow a type of cuck pattern? Or is this something different altogether?

Thanks for any input.
From what you've described - I think the "rough patch" that the wife mentioned may be something her husband has manipulated to push her to fulfill his desire for her to experience the excitement of "cheating" as opposed to her "having permission".

It sounds a little manipulative - but not as extreme as others that I've heard of as in this case the husband has given his consent to her when he is home/around to be there.

I think this is just a case of a voyeuristic husband who merely wants to see his wife in a situation where she is acting on her own desires.
Sounds like your cuck is having control issues. Bottom line, the three (or even four) of you need to sit down and set some ground rules. Stick to the rules for a few weeks and when he balks (and I can almost gaurantee he will), remind him he agreed to the rules and that they will be followed.

After the test period go back, talk about the rules. Discusse openly what everyone did and did not like and what, if anything, should be changed. Try again, this time make the test period a little longer. Keep doing this, each time extending the length of time between discussions and rule modifications. Eventually everything will work out... or it won't and you will all go your seperate ways.

A couple key things to keep in mind...
1) This should be fun and enjoyable for eveyone (even the cuck).
2) YOU are the outsider in their marraige. You have the most to loose and have to e able to step back and let them stay connected as a couple.
3) Both of your marraiges should be put in first priority. Both couples should make sure they have their own "couple time".

Personally I had a lot of issues when we first started playing the cuck game. The cuck really puts his emotions on the line, as well as his sense of self. A cuck needs to be pretty self confident and emotionally stable to handle this type of play.

Most forays into swinging and swapping tend to end badly for most couples, so be aware of this as well.

Good luck.
Cuck games

openminded2833 said:
Thank you both...great advise!

There may be a number of different games going on with the Cuck trying to play different versions so HE sees himself as controlling you and his wife when she is with you without him. This is not uncommon for a new cuck to try and manipulate his wife and at the same time pull a fast one on her wiht you.

Another option is they are playing him being away to make sure the session is taped and you believe she's being unfaithful while the whole time YOU are the one being played.

In either case play with the power and keep the upper moral ground.
Tell the wife what her husband asked of you, if he's playing her then she'll fuck your brains out in revenge and you'll get one great evening and a great tape! The Cuck will get his just desserts and you will be admired and respected by the wife.

If they are in cahoots you still look good and you know you haven't been played by either of them.

In ALL cases make sure you give her a really good fucking, you've earned it after all! Send her home with a full cunt, chances are the Cuck will be waiting to clean her up!

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