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Truth about this Forum/Website

  • Thread starterWhite-Male_Truth
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Dec 16, 2005
Ok. I have been viewing alot of the threads,here on Darkcavern. Some are very insightfull,and some are just pure bullshit. Let me,go into a bit more detail,if you will.

Let me first start off,by letting you know,that "White men have small dicks" is a myth just like "Most black people have aids" is a myth. Of course there are white guys out there,who have small dicks. but the same can be said for blacks,asians,hispanics. The list continues. It isn't necessarily race,that inhabits this myth,but more about individual genetics. I have seen white men with huge dicks,and have seen black guys with tiny dicks. Some people carry that myth,because it's supported and spread as gospel from black men. Not to say there is anything wrong with trying to spread a desired myth. I mean,if a rumor was abroad,that all white men had huge cocks,im sure we would have plenty of white men promoting that idea.

Anway. Just to clear that up....

My next subject i wan't to rant about is the material i see on here. It's absolutely ridiculous. Don't get me wrong. Im not against IR at all. I find the fantasy to be interesting. The same can be said for alot of you people on here. The difference is,sometimes you take it overboard,and get carried away. Some of you black guys don't understand that 99% of the women don't wan't to be "owned" or "abused" in any way shape or form. It seems as though most of the black men i have encountered,here,in the forum,and in the chat room,take this fantasy way out of proportion. The "breeding" fantasy actually backs up my point. Chat rooms are loaded with "breeding bulls" trying to find a white woman to breed...

The dangerous difference is,most of the white woman on here and in general will talk about "breeding" and fantasise about the thought of it,rather than actually doing it and carrying it out. Where as 90% of the black men i encounter are seriously on a mission trying to find a white woman to breed. It seems to me,that this site is more of an ego booster than an actual IR website. I know that might crush somebodie's ego,but it has to be said. I have had conversations with couples in the chat room and they agreed. Not out in the open of course.

The cuckold fantasy is another interesting idea. I don't know where this fantasy came from. Not a dangerous fantasy,just really weird,and it seems to be promoted by more white guys,than white woman. Im sure you realise this. It's not hard to look at the numbers involved and see that 9 times out of 10,the white hubby get's his wife/girlfriend involved in this type of lifestyle. Another ego booster.

Im sure you see a trend. I do.....

I recently read an IR article that somebody posted. Good article actually,if it wasn't obviously filled with hatred and resentment for white guys. Obviously the woman who wrote that article had a bad past experience with a white man. Or many.

The response from that article,actually was more interesting,than the article itself. One guy replied back to a woman with anger,telling the opposed white woman that she is a "two timer".(First off,she can't be considered a 2 timer by this man because shes not married to him!)His jealousy really came out in the replied rant and it became obvious,that he isn't here for fantasie's purpose. He is here because of his own ego,and low self-esteem. His underlying plot of the reply was a hatred towards white hubby.:)

Now,with my next subject. Let's talk about how white men can't satisfy white women shall we? Yes,lets......A very popular belief amongst the black men who post here at DC. That's a pure fabrication,as many,even on this IR forum will tell you. That should really tell you something considering this is a demographic site FOCUSED on IR material.

Now,for the truth of the matter. This isn't to burst anyones bubble. please don't think im trying to stir matters up.....

Most of you guys will even agree with me,that ALOT of people who post here are fabricated characters,usually created by imagining white men,who have a strong desire to see their wife with another man(in this case black men).. This is an ongoing theme,not limited to DC,but all over the internet. Even in the chat rooms. I know personally,i have caught "couples" only to find out,they were men. A very large % come in with names insisting they have wives or girlfriends at there disposal(which is actually not the case)...............Even on the wives forum. Im SURE most of the men are married. Im also sure,that most of the men post pictures fantasising,not having the wife's permission. Really think about it. How many actual homemade amature pictures do you see of Wives with black men?;) ..............To tell you the truth,i would say that 70% of the people who post on this forum are fabricated characters.....

So that leaves you with 30 %.Then lets cut out 20% pronto. 20% are males wanting to share their wives,but she isn't interested. That leaves 10% of proven couples who are INTERESTED and CURIOUS. After it's all said and done,there is a very small minority who are into the lifestyle of "cuckolding" and being "owned" by the black man,and even smaller percentage who wan't to be "bred by blacks"(Thank god,because that is very strange).

To wrap up my conclusion,i will just state,that most of the black males on here,are not here because of actual fantasy,but rather a deep rooted hatred towards the white man. That's not a good reason to get involved in a fantasy. I see alot of white male bashing on here,usually on the behalf of the black male(or characters)...While some is fabricated,some is very real. Im not really here to defend the white male,because there is no need to. I just had to come on and speak the truth. This is what i see. Im sure most who read this will agree,even if they don't stress their opinions.

Before i get atacked............I am 25 years of age. 6''1 225 pounds. In very good condition and shape. im good looking,and have very high confidence. I have been married for 4 years now to a gorgeous wife(she isn't even interested in this and thinks it's weird)And i can't blame her for thinking it's weird after seeing alot of the topics here on DC. Most of you white guys scare potential participants away. You act like fanatics. Anway)....Anyway i have been in the United States Marine Corps for 6 years now. I have a good job......I wanted to clarify this before extremist "lifestyle" white men and black guys attacked me,because of "size" or "intellectual" or "penise size" for that matter.:)

P.S. Again. I stress to you. Im not against this fantasy. there is alot of good material on here and i wouldn't be against sharing my wife with a proffesional,honest black man.

Give me your thoughts will you?
All that needs to be said in reply is that the vast majority, if not all the members of this forum are white males.

They feed off eachother's own bullshit.
MatthewT said:
All that needs to be said in reply is that the vast majority, if not all the members of this forum are white males.

They feed off eachother's own bullshit.

Exactly.Im glad im not the only person who sees this.
Take a little truth, mix in some opinion both substantiated and unsubstantiated, add a little prejudice, especially while proclaiming that you are not prejudiced and you have something that sounds almost like the official truth. Some will even buy it, but others like me will see it for what it is, another line of BS.
woolywart said:
Take a little truth, mix in some opinion both substantiated and unsubstantiated, add a little prejudice, especially while proclaiming that you are not prejudiced and you have something that sounds almost like the official truth. Some will even buy it, but others like me will see it for what it is, another line of BS.

A little truth? Sorry to correct you "friend" but i think you ment to say alot of truth and some opinion. Don't get mad because i called out alot of white guys. I,along with most everyone who posts here often,know that most of the posters are fabricated characters. You point out to me where i offered ALOT of unsubstantiated facts,and i will show you,where i stated substantiated opinions. It goes both ways,when it comes from an individual like you.

But i understand how you have to defend this place. This is your fantasy,and an escape from reality.

I like how you make threats of racsism towards me. Damn. Im hurt now(even though im not racist):D
Hey- all things aside you make a very good case. I'm a 40-year old white male with a fantasy of watching my wife with a well built, well educated black man. I don't want her bred, owned and I'm certainly not the type to be dominated or cuckold. While both in the chat room and the forums people express anger, agressiveness towards white women and husbands, I also think that along with the various role-playing that goes on here there are people that hope there fantasies come true, hook up with someone or just want to have a good time talking with others without being made to feel bad or inferior. We are all more the same than we are different.
So, what's the problem with other people fantasizing if it gets them off??
Certainly doesn't bother me.
You're right!

I agree 100% with everything you have said. if a married couple wants to have a threeway with a black guy that's fine, but the folks who do it because of some bullshit that one race is inferior to another or one should be breeding the others race is pure shit. Black men are no bigger or better lovers than white men. Everybody should be above board and honest. Well said buddy.
I would not argue with many of those items, but i also would think you have to take it from each persons perspective. I know breeding is like way out there, not sure who really wants that, but can see some would. As for better lovers, I find sex with black men totally erotic, and maybe I like it so much becasue its taboo. Does that make them better lovers, no, but it sure works in my mind.
julie43mwf said:
I would not argue with many of those items, but i also would think you have to take it from each persons perspective. I know breeding is like way out there, not sure who really wants that, but can see some would. As for better lovers, I find sex with black men totally erotic, and maybe I like it so much becasue its taboo. Does that make them better lovers, no, but it sure works in my mind.

Breeding isn't out there - it's fucking sick, it's fucking disgusting, and the twisted little perverts who perpetuate this crap should have their fucking balls cut off. In fact, I'll bet their fucking pedophiles.

I draw the line ANYTIME discussion about bedroom activities start to include children - born or unborn.

- K
lot of good points made

i always say to each his own. of course in this site, things are blown out of preportion, but there are plenty of white men wanting there wives and gf's to experience a big black male...due to the taboo, the attitude, the cock size, whatever. I'm not gonna fight the fight bout cock size, but most have to admit there are far more black guys with big dicks than white guys. As far as better lovers go, well i only worry bout myself. I respect you white people, dont hate the "white man" or anything like that. There are cuckolds out there, and it is a trip to mess with them (as long as it don't get to crazy..least thats my view)..as far as breeding goes...hell i am responsible and i dont want kids out there that arent mine, so if we not using protection, she damn sure better be on the pill, and i know we safe. my point for even responding here is sex is sex is sex is sex, everyone likes different things, but you shouldnt get turned off by whatever other people think or write, just enjoy whatever gets you off!
As an aside: I recently posted a link to a womans myspace page and she has told me that she was suddenly inundated with a load of white guys trying to add her...read into that what you will.

Still, it's the net, and a release for many, many people.
I always love people who state percentages as if they were actually numbers used to support their "theory" or beliefs. The truth is you don't know what the truth is. You are making assumptions based upon your own personal ideals and using false numbers to support them.

Until you can produce some hard data supporting your theory, your statement which your put a lot of working into writing, will be seen as the rambling concerns of a jealous idealist. Not saying that you are, since I don't have any evidence of that either, just another person’s unrealistic opinion, same as yours.

come down to earth

:clap: Well written chap. I like many have wanted my wife to have black for many years nows, but some of the things that turn her of are the attitudes towards the white female. Who in there right minds wants to be reffered to as a slut? my wife would just want to have good clean non abusive fun. Try finding a black guy who will meet first before having sex (no chance). You dont have to be a rocket scientist to know that 90% of couples wont have sex first time. The main thing that turns her of is why do all black men in porn leave their socks, shades, and bling on, half of them go around thinking they are 50 cent? what happened to normal clothes jeans t-shirt ect....come on guys get in tune it would be to your benefit.
I will finish on this note: I would love to see my wife taking black and she would love bbc in her along as we could strike up a relationship with a guy first. Remember all good things come to those who wait. Oh and ditch the bling.................it looks awfull and puts women of.
Black males have big cocks that all other races MUST worship! Gender or age don't matter.
It's the Internet use with Caution.Good luck to all the true ones on here finding what you seek.

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