Hm.... it sounds like it's time to begin negotiating with your sexy wife....
BubbleButtLover said:
Thanks guys, she told me that she got fucked only just last night. I wish she was still fucking me.
You're welcome. I, too, think it's a fine thing your wife is finding sexual satisfaction at last by fucking black men.
Regarding your wish: I gather your wife has stopped fucking you, in preference for her new lover(s). This suggests you might be able to negotiate an agreement with her. There are many possibilities, depending on your wife's preferences. One possibility might be something along the following lines.
You will agree to accept, without reservation or criticism of any kind, her right to date and fuck other men, black or otherwise, and you will wear panties every day to symbolize your cuckold status in your marriage and that your wife now "wears the pants," if she will allow you to orgasm in her presence once every two weeks (or month, her choice).
Your orgasm may be with you nude and on your knees masturbating before her, as your wife relaxes fully clothed in her easy chair and views you for her amusement, until you cum on her fuck-me boots (FMBs). Then, you will lick your cum from her boots and swallow it.
Alternatively, you could lie nude on your back at your wife's feet and masturbate, again while she observes you (fully dressed and relaxing in her easy chair) for her amusement, then cum in her hand which she will extend for this purpose, then lick your cum from her hand and swallow it. (I suggest these possibilities because many women like watching their husband masturbate on his knees before them, or at their feet.)
Alternatively, your wife could allow you to orgasm by fucking you, with her on top, of course, so she could move in ways that maximize her pleasure. As you get close, she would require you to ask her permission to orgasm ("May I cum now, Ms. [her first name]?"). If her answer is "No, sweetiebuns, it's too soon," your wife could abort your orgasm by squeezing the base of your cock hard or pulling down on your balls. How to allow you to orgasm in her presence would, of course, be entirely up to your wife.
Your part of the bargain could, for example, be to agree to do part of the housework at first then, week-by-week, gradually work up to doing pretty much all of the housework (or as much as your wife wants you to do). You could give your wife a small black calendar book for purposes of recording your housework each day and grading its quality. If she judges your housework quantity and/or quality insufficient during any given week, she could defer your next orgasm in her presence for, say, an additional week (or month).
In addition, you could agree to assist your wife with preparing for her dates by drawing her baths and bathing her, helping her dress in her sexiest clothing including short skirts and stockings, etc., and going shopping with her and giving her your opinion, as her cuckold, as she contemplates new sexy outfits to purchase for turning on her lovers (and attracting new lovers).
Anyway, you get the idea. If you want your wife, as your cuckoldress, to do something you want, you will need to start doing things as her cuckold that she wants that have the effect of making her life easier, so she will have more time and energy to devote to dating, relating to, and fucking her lovers.
Best regards to you and your sexy wife, and good luck!