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The Cuckold's CLinic 6 & 7

  • Thread starterLucy & Tom
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Lucy & Tom

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Sep 14, 2008
The Cuckold’s Clinic 6

By Thomas & Lucy

It was a Wednesday night in winter. I locked my car and walked towards the college. They had evening classes tonight, but mine was a little different. I visited Dr Ward's Cuckold Clinic twice a month. I remember the line under their leaflet that Lucy picked up said "enjoying shame". I think that sums up Wednesday nights. I never want to come but somehow it is usually a powerful experience. On this occasion Cara, Dr Ward's young student nurse met me on the way in, already in her nurse uniform.
"I'm a bit late today" she said. "How are you? Done your homework?"
"I'm fine. And yes I've done it." I didn't want to continue that line of conversation where we might be overheard, since my homework had involved carrying a big black dildo around with both hands for an entire day on the weekend. I was in the house all day of course, but it was still a strange experience not putting this thing down from morning to night, except to pee. For everything else I had to struggle or rely on Lucy’s help.

I knew the theme of today's clinic was black cock worship - and not the sort Lucy does on her hands and knees with James - this was me doing the worship. I'm 100% straight but by now was used to seeing other men’s cocks - on film, in pictures, even real life. In James' case I'd seen his in action with Lucy more than my own. I'd come to admire black cocks as things of beauty and enjoyed the humiliation of comparing my self to them. That was a regular feature of the clinic, though in contrast to Lucy's warm, loving teasing, Dr Ward's cold demeanour and Cara's giggling made this place particularly humiliating and I never grew comfortable with it.

We reached the clinic and I went straight to the cloakroom to change into my clinic uniform - pyjama bottoms and a t-shirt decorated with cartoon erect black cocks and flaccid white dicks. The middle aged Dr Ward, casually dressed as usual welcomed me as I returned. I noticed that the usual bank of desks was missing an there was something covered with a sheet in their place in the middle of the room. After discussing how my homework went Dr Ward introduced the theme of the evening.

"Cuckolds have a responsibility to worship black cock, not just to passively watch their partners do it. I don't mean you have to be gay", she said dismissing my attempt at an objection, "but you have to express your admiration for the power of big black cocks more openly. We all know you admire them. You must admit it publicly and be seen to express it physically. Not through contact with them, they are bulls, they are too busy with your wife. But through contact with representations - dildos for instance. I believe you have become acquainted with the joys of strap-ons, but you can also deep throat a dildo. You can where clothes such as your pyjamas there which depict the size difference. Don't let a single opportunity to have your photo taken alongside a black man for a comparison portrait be missed. That is a tribute to his power over you. Read books, watch interracial porn, but concentrate on the cocks more. Remember the black cock view rule".
That was a rule which forbid me to masturbate unless there was a black cock or and image of a black cock in my line of vision. Usually porn or if I'm lucky Lucy's adventures filled the requirement but sometimes I'd had to resort to staring at dildos to get my release.

Dr Ward went on to explain that I was to treat symbols of black cocks almost as objects of religious worship. Dildos, she explained were the best things to use for this. Not just your average sex toys either - you could make your own, larger even than life. And comparison was an important part of this philosophy.
"If you ever miss a single opportunity to draw attention to your own inadequacies it is as bad as failing to praise her lovers strengths. The two go hand in hand. I know you feel humiliated, but remember it is not for that purpose but to highlight even further how amazing a powerful black cock is. The puniness of your pale little willy contrasts perfectly with his hard dark muscular rod. It is your job to draw attention to this and you will feel better than waiting for others to notice it once you have become used to it."

The next part of the evening was spent with Dr Ward showing me a simple way to worship black cock, followed by a grander example. First I had to walk around the room finding the many huge black dildos that were arranged on desks, shelves, even one which I found fallen under a desk. I had a pot of toy cleaner with me and had to use my hands and the fluid to clean each massive rubber cock.
"Good, nice and clean," said Dr Ward after I finished the first one, "What else must we remember? Who's black, who's white? Who's big, who's small?"
I took the hint and improvising, held the dildo against my pubic bone and pointed it down so that my it utterly dwarfed my penis. I pulled myself out so you could see, otherwise I was literally eclipsed by the big cock.
"Very good. Worship those cocks". said the doctor before I heard Cara's voice add that I looked really small compared to it. "Your willy is barely there".
"It's there as much as it ever was" said Dr Ward, "It's just dwarfed, as it always is and should be".
I repeated the ritual of cleaning each dildo before humiliating myself with it. All this seemed quite normal compared to the finale.

Dr Ward explained that while today's exercise showed how easy it is to worship black cock, once in a while the opportunity may arise to do so in a bigger and better way. The actual events that followed are something of a blur, I can't remember much about what she told me, or what I thought about it but whatever was said I spent the next thirty minutes stripped naked, riding a rodeo machine. Except this one was shaped like a huge black cock made of leather. The cock was angled up slightly, and without any thing to grab it with I had to lean forward and grab it with my arms. They barely went around it, and my face ended up pressed against the head of the cock! Cara and the doctor both found my attempts to ride it hilarious but the strange thing is so did I. I fell completely off three times, and Cara would help me re-mount, her hands on my ass and even my balls at one point as she tried to push me up.
"Come on, worship that cock!" She laughed.
"Cara, this is serious" said Dr Ward, "although it does look funny". Both women laughed again as i gripped the massive leather cock with my knees and hung on for dear life. The thought of Lucy riding James’ cock back home, her cunt flooding with his black seed at the same moment as I clung on to this ridiculous contraption was humiliating but I couldn’t help seeing it as a challenge.

Eventually I got the hang of it enough to sit upright for a short ride. That's were the photo in Lucy's scrap book of me riding a six foot black cock with a huge grin on my face came from. At last, the speed was turned down to a gentle rock and I was encouraged to actively hump the cock as it rocked me to orgasm.
"Differential?" joked Dr Ward
"Even I don't know this one" I panted, "a million times bigger than me?" We laughed but a few more pushes of my hips on the slowly revolving cock made me cum so hard I almost slid off the end.

Cara and the Doctor both helped me down and Cara wiped the cum off my penis and belly, before turning to work on the machine.
"You weren't bad at that", said Dr Ward, "not for a first time. We have a little competition in the summer. Top prize for the longest ride on full power is a weekend's break at an interracial club on the coast. There's also a prize for the fastest orgasm. I think you'd have a shot at that with a bit more practise."
I wasn't sure about that - the one thing I had managed to avoid being subjected too so far was humiliation sessions with other cuckolds present, despite Lucy's urgings. I'd only really been around them at parties and although I'd been roped into coming third out of six in a who's got the tiniest penis competition organised by the girls at one, I preferred to keep my experiences as private as was practical.

I changed and returned to take my leave. Dr Ward handed me a package.
"In there you will find a dictaphone. Or perhaps you should call it a willyaphone. For homework you and your wife will find an hour's time in the next fortnight to discuss your mutual and separate feelings about your willy. I know you both realise it's too small, so there's a start. You will record this conversation as proof. I promise you will be surprised how useful it is to get things off your chest, and I think we should all be rather enlightened as to you wife's opinions."
I took the package, said my goodbyes and headed for the car a little gingerly.
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The Cuckold’s Clinic 7

By Thomas & Lucy

The 2nd Wednesday of the month had arrived. I made more frequent visits to Ms Carlton at Bend and Beg, not to mention our trips to the Black Cock Club most weekends, but I still felt more nerves and excitement at the anticipation of my fortnightly weeknight visits to the Cuckolds Clinic than anything else. And of all of my commitments it's the one I'd stop coming to if I had the choice. I've learnt to love watching Lucy enjoy those hard, huge black cocks and I've even learnt to enjoy, if maybe not love those nasty rubber cocks at Bend and Beg. It's different anyway. You never knew what to expect at the clinic though, except that it always seemed humiliating.

That Wednesday night was a typical example. I knew I would have to listen and take notes to Dr Ward's lectures on penis size and the sexual performance of black men, more than likely having changed into my clinic t-shirt and pyjama bottoms, both of which we decorated with cartoonish pictures of hard black cocks and flaccid white ones. Willies I have to call them. And I could reasonably expect my own willy to be ******* at some point, with Dr Ward's young assistant Cara kindly helping me display the huge difference in size between my manhood and a life-based black dildo. Perhaps she would hold the dildo, or maybe this time I'd hold it and she'd pull my willy out alongside it. Not sure which was better. I'd even done my homework, which I admit I was sometimes slack on, and had gotten Lucy to lovingly draw a monster of a black cock on the front of my body in black marker.

There is always something that catches me off guard however, even in this strange place. The clinic was actually a large art classroom which Dr Ward hired in the evenings, supposedly for adult evening classes. Well, that's what she would call the clinic and I was lucky to attend alone. We paid more for that. On Tuesdays there were up to six "students". Sophie was always trying to persuade me to go then instead saying I’d make friends. I think she wants to save the money for more trips to the BCC.

I was met that night by Cara, in her student nurses outfit, And we walked to the clinic together.
"OK Tom", she said cheerfully, "you'd better put your jammies on straight away, Dr Ward will be showing a film today and we're a bit short of time. Just change here".
"Yes sorry, I got caught in traffic. I had to come straight from work as it is". I gave her my jacket and shoes and she took them off to the cloak room. Usually I got to change there in privacy but I was experienced enough of this place to not worry about stripping in front of her. I undid my tie and took my socks and jeans off as she cheerfully returned. I heard Dr Ward arrive behind me at the same time.

"Hello Thomas" she said before turning to Cara, "I have the TV from resources for a couple of hours, can you set the DVD up, please? Ah, let's have a look at that please Thomas". I'd unbuttoned and removed my shirt displaying the temporary phallic tattoo. I turned and put my hands down.
"Very, Very good", she beamed, "I'm impressed. Now you have a big black cock to go with your little white willy, don't you?"
"Yes, Dr Ward."
"Carry on dressing though we're short on time".
I put the t-shirt on, and Cara took the rest of my clothes out as I quickly removed my underwear and reached for the pyjama bottoms. Dr Ward picked them up to give to Cara and stopped me, one leg in the bottoms.
"Wait a minute. Do you realise these panties are filthy?" I instantly felt a rush of heat to the face. "there's a big yellow pee stain in the front."
I didn't think it was big. "But..."
"But what? I'll not having you coming here with dirty underwear and skid marks or anything else. Put those down", she motioned to my bottoms and took my hand, "come with me."

We went into the small toilet which came off the side of the classroom. Now first things first, let's show you how to wash your willy. There's no excuse for not doing this twice a day, it's tiny enough!".
Cara was silent and I couldn't see her but knew she'd be able to hear and most likely watching from outside the door. She ran a tap behind me as I faced away from her towards the wall. Then she was reaching over and a warm sponge was soaping my genitals. She did this for a few minutes, then gave me the sponge and made me demonstrate that I could do it myself.

"We don't mind dirty minds but we want clean willies and clean panties. And bottoms - bend over a little. Open you butt cheeks for me". I did so, mortified.
"We'll just give it a proper wipe to make sure". She got a wad of toilet paper and wiped my ass firmly enough to push me on tiptoes as I leant against the wall. Then she was soaping my butt with the warm sponge. A nice enough feeling for me to partially forget the shame until she snapped me out of it.

"Right, come on. Leave your bottoms off now, you're nice and clean down there anyway. She went back into the classroom, beckoning for me to follow. The front row of five desks each had a plastic model penis in the middle. Four desks had big black cock models, I'd say about 12" worth. I'm good with that kind of judgment thanks to my studies. The middle desk had a model white willy. About an inches worth and flaccid, stuck to some blu-tack to keep it up. I guessed that was my seat, and sat down while Cara turned on the TV.
"Good boy" said Dr Ward, "you're learning and doing your homework, all you needed to get a commendation today was to turn up with a clean willy and bottom and that's hardly rocket science Thomas. Next time." She wagged her finger as the DVD started.

The film was nothing too memorable. I'll admit to sometimes enjoying DVDs Dr Ward had shown me which concentrated on sexual performance. These usually involved sex and I am allowed to masturbate at clinic, though it's a bit embarrassing. Today’s film however was a study on the reduction of white penis size through the shame of confrontation with black cocks. The film showed a fully clothed woman and a black man being introduced to several naked white men. Each time the black mans cock was revealed in their presence, the already flaccid white willies seemed to shrink further. The film lasted half an hour, there were at least a dozen "experiments". They even showed slow motion close ups of some of the white penises shrinking right up to the body. It was quite comical really. Dr Ward asking me to stand up to display my own willy, which at that point was pretty shrivelled itself, and comparisons were made to the willies on screen, but it was nothing I hadn't grown used to.

After the film I had to pee, and Dr Ward insisted that Cara accompanied me to the toilet. She held my penis as I peed and blushed bright red, then watched me wash it clean. I thought I don't have time to do this every time I pee, but thought better of saying anything.

I was made to recite a few learned rules and points, before dressing.
"When is it ok to masturbate?"
"When there are black cocks or images of black cocks in view".
"What's too small?"
"My white willy and balls"
"What your wife really needs is?"
"A big black penis"
"And what do we want squeaky clean next week?
"My willy and my bottom".
"Good boy - we didn't masturbate this week, so you will do it for me as homework. She took out a large poster and unfolded it. It was a close up photo of a black mans genitals. His cock was soft but I’d guess about 8" in that state.
"Stare at this, masturbate and cum" she said. "Ask Sophie to sign a card to confirm you did it...and wash your willy afterwards".
"Yes Dr Ward". An unusual task. Usually homework involved some form of creative art like the large ink phallus on my body.

I am not gay, nor even bisexual. In order to complete my task I imagined that big black cock, several times larger than life on the poster, pumping relentlessly in and out of Lucy's stretched asshole, flooding it with cum. I knelt before the poster jerking my dick while Lucy stood quietly behind watching. I admit the humiliating feeling of being watched masturbating to a picture of a cock filled me with that now familiar warm feeling of shame mixed with pleasure. I came suddenly, my cum missing my clean up towel which Lucy called the cumforter and splashing the poster.
"Naughty boy," laughed Lucy, "she won't like that. I'll see if I can get it off before it stains".

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