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Suspected something alomst 2 months ago and walked in on them recently.

  • Thread starteradviceeneeded
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Jun 4, 2012
We never talked about anything like this and I never even heard about it. I was looking online and was suggested to come here. I moved in to her fathers a yr ago, i'm 21 and she's turning 19. We just started making love 6-7 months ago. We were acting silly one night when people were over partying. Agreed to let another join and after that I suspected her cheating and walked in one day early and she was with him and his friend. They stopped and she acted normal she said she knew it was ok since I agreed before. He's over a lot a friend of her dads and he's intimidating so, I tell him I don't mind. I'm starting to get use to the humility. They joke with me and ask me to do different things how, do you know if my girlfriend will stay with me.
If she sees you are OK with it then she probably will stay with you as most would not ... but then who am I to say ... she is a 'female' ... :D

Question: if it is a friend of her dad's how much older is he than your gf?
Advice needed,

adviceeneeded said:
I moved into [my woman's father's place] a year ago. I'm 21 and she's turning 19.

What's your and your woman's employment status? I ask because this is relevant to what might be called your and her status "relative to each other."

adviceeneeded said:
We just started making love 6-7 months ago.

Cool. Good for both of you...

adviceeneeded said:
We were acting silly one night when people were over partying. We agreed to let another join.

Hey, nothing wrong with that...

adviceeneeded said:
Afterwards, I suspected her of cheating and walked in early one day; she was with him and his friend. They stopped and she acted normal; she said she knew it was ok since I had agreed before.

If your woman viewed it as normal for her to fuck other men, that's positive. And, her point was reasonable...

adviceeneeded said:
[My woman's lover is] over a lot.

Well, you know how it is. When your woman is fucking a lover, it's exciting for both and they need to keep each other sexually satisfied...

adviceeneeded said:
He's a friend of her dad's and he's intimidating, so I tell him I don't mind.

But, it sounds like you do mind. Obviously, however, since your woman's lover is a friend of your landlord (who is her father, as well), if you begin objecting that would be awkward, at best, and could easily cost you both your woman and your place to live...

adviceeneeded said:
I'm starting to get used to the humility.

That's good. Since your woman has, in effect, made you her cuckold (even though you and she aren't married)*, it's important for you to become accustomed to the humility of her fucking another man (or men) whenever she pleases. It sounds like you're adapting well.

adviceeneeded said:
They joke with me and ask me to do different things now.

And you comply, I gather. If so, that's good. It's important to do what your woman tells you to do.

Whether you also do what your woman's lover tells you to do is, I suggest, something you should negotiate with her. Arguably, it's almost always undesirable to have more than one boss. I suggest negotiating an agreement with your woman that she, not her lover — at least, not necessarily her lover — will be your boss. Whether you should also view her lover as your boss is something you and she (as I mentioned) should probably negotiate.

adviceeneeded said:
Do you know whether my girlfriend will stay with me?

No. But, a way to maximize the probability of that may be to begin talking with her (not with her and her lover) about the possibility of the two of you formally agreeing to have a "cuckold boyfriend / hot girlfriend" relationship, in which she will be free to date, seduce, and fuck whomever she wishes while you will agree to be faithful to her. By way of starting your discussions, you might suggest your woman read:

Susan Gower on natural cuckolding of husbands by married women:
The Science of Cuckoldry Cuckold Couple

Dr. Cherry Lee on the cuckold husband / hotwife phenomenon:
The Cuckold Phenomena Cuckold Couple

(after, of course, reading both of these articles yourself).


*Definition, cuckold: a man with an unfaithful wife.

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