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Sue and Robert

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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  • #182
Hi Steve,

It is clear that you want her to have this affair and that she wants to have it. I hope it stays, I don't know how to put it, maybe "uncontrolled but contained" and I wish you the best!
  • #183
Agreed on the description - "uncontrolled but contained" - that would sum it up nicely.

It's almost 3pm and I am thinking she's going to leave work early if she can. I feel like I'm sitting on the edge of a knife - one side is pleasure and the other is pain at what is happening.
  • #184
Just a single point. I know Sue‘s time with Robert started on Fridays due the office drinking time but surely they can't be seen together there now? Your time on Wednesday was always more poignant because Sue was going to cuckold you on Thursday. Do you think Sue will switch. She would then have choice of preserving your weekends .... or taking her lover for a second day. I think I know where that would go!
  • #185
Do you know what Robert's MO is? will he take her out to diner or romance her in some other way, or will the just head for his place and start screwing? If I understood Sue's complaint with Frank, he never took time to romance her, all they ever did was screw.

  • #186
Well, she did just text me and said she's off and that she doesn't think she'll be home that late - specifically said "wait up for me".

Peak - you're correct. In answering this and Rick's question - I do know generally what they've planned. The are meeting at the bar that's in this hotel not far from where he lives. There's also a nice restaurant in there where - the plan is - they'll have an early dinner. She did say that if the bar had music, that they might dance a bit before going back to his place. So yes, Rick, Robert is obviously continuing his seduction of m wife. It's okay - there was no hiding the excitement and arousal in her this morning. No thoughts about Wednesday nights - I understand what you're asking about but not sure of any changes just yet.

Gotta run - my daughter is downstairs and we're going out to dinner together in a bit - one of the first times she's home when mom isn't. She's not questioning or suspicious of anything as it's become a bit more of the norm for one or both of us to be going out, sometimes late, after work. We'll just have to keep things to a dull roar when she does get home later.....
  • #188
While we all wait with bated breath your update from last night, I got to thinking about what Sue said earlier. How she was going to reward you when she got back. My question really is how can you really PREFER to be denied in future when she gets back. I mean I can understand the head rush of the thought, but if Sue came back and just said Take Me, would you really say no or prefer to?
  • #189
Yesterday just seemed to get away from me in terms of finding time to post here.
There is actually quite a bit of a change here that I'll get to.

Peak, I actually thought about your question on Friday night when Sue and I were in bed together, finally. Not quite your question but certainly the question in my head each time is - how am I going to feel when I can't or won't have this.

But before I get to that thought - there's been a bit of a change here. Sue's still not totally sure of how she feels about it all and we've only begun to really start to talk about it.

She shared with Robert how she thought she was developing some emotional attraction to him and she asked him what he thought. She wasn't totally prepared for what his answer was. Apparently he'd felt some of this developing and he said he enjoyed knowing she was very attracted to him and that he had very much wanted to seduce her into bed - even more so after she shared with him her story about my health issues. She told him how comfortable she felt with him and he said that he loved having sex with her - and again said (or so she emphasized to me) that he loved that he didn't need to use condoms with her - and also that she could take all of him (apparently something he's had problems with other women). But he told her that he wasn't looking for a romantic relationship and that he wasn't looking to fall in love with her or anything like that.

She said she was confused and even a little hurt when he said that - but what followed, as she explained it, was him essentially telling her that he wants her for sex. In trying tell me all of what he said - it seems his ex-wife was quite the almost prude in terms of enjoying sex and wanting it - at least with him (apparently her cheating on him was part of the reason for their breakup) - and essentially, when he heard about our supposed health-issues - that what he'd said the week before, about him wanting to fill in for me sexually - was what he wanted to have with her.

I may be jumping around here - maybe the sequence of events is easier to understand in order. She met him at the bar that they'd talked about - actually despite her saying she was leaving early, it was just after 5pm when she got there and they met. She said he kissed her when they met and he hugged her and said he was glad she could make it. They made idle talk - but with clear sexual innuendo. She shared that she had brought a change of clothes and he said he couldn't wait, etc. I'm sure she told me more details but I don't recall them right now - other than there being some hand-holding including his toying with her rings at one point. She asked him if she should take them off and he said that was up to her. She giggled at me and said that if I saw them home one-day that I would know why. I didn't think much about it then but now I'm thinking that if I do find them home - that perhaps she meant that I should know it's her that wanted/took them off?

Drinks were followed by dinner - she said it was nothing special food-wise - but that he was really nice company and that he seemed to pay a lot of attention to her when she was talking. I loved hearing how smooth he was with her - she loves it when I or anyone else will really listen to her when she's talking.

By the end of dinner which was maybe 7-7:30pm they felt it was too early to go to the bar for more drinks and dancing so they went to his place instead. He told her that he could put on music and they could dance there. Again - smooth - something she loves, to be wooed like that.

It was when they got to his place that their conversation turned more sexy and more open. She said they hadn't gotten undressed yet and were making out on the couch when she said the conversation I mentioned earlier had begun. It was in the midst of a passionate kiss that she shared with him that she "could fall for him".

I knew from how she looked and even how she smelled that they'd most definitely had sex. But hearing this conversation I was confused as I thought she'd be upset or whatever about her dream for this passionate affair seemed to be gone. Over the next hour or so, over more wine, she said that they both opened up to each other a bit. She kept up her ruse about my health and said that she hoped that the passionate-affair would fulfill her (to use his words back on him). He countered by again saying he didn't want the emotional baggage of a relationship so soon after his marriage was over - and instead - told her about his thought of - essentially - her being his sexual outlet. He told her that he thought he could fulfill the same feelings and desires she'd had and that he said that "this was more considerate to your marriage".

Now there was more she'd shared - more they'd talked about - but in the interest of getting back to work in my yard - I'm going to short-cut to what obviously came out of it. That Sue said she'd "think about it" and that all during their time in bed together, that he emphasized how they could get together more frequently. Apparently she'd shared her concerns about being seen or whatever that he also played up on that and said that "we're great in bed together - lets just enjoy that for now". She asked him if he would fight it or resist it if he felt attracted to her - he said "of course not" - and she looked at me and said "it's sort of what you'd said - to just enjoy whatever it is".

I held her and asked her if she was okay and she said that she was okay about it. I asked her what she was going to do and she gave me this look and said "you just said - to see whatever happens". We kissed and as we pulled apart she said "It IS going to happen, if not this time, then sometime" and she paused "I want it to .... I just don't want to force it to happen".

We kissed again and I asked her - playing dumb because I did already know the answer - I asked her "so, did you have 'fun' tonight anyway?". She bit her lip and coyly said "hmmmm, I think so.... wanna find out?".

I took off her top to reveal she was still in the sexy camisole she'd taken - obviously her bra and whatever else she'd worn to work must have been in her bag. I loved how she looked with the lacy top just revealing the tops of her tits. She unbuttoned her pants and stepped out of them revealing her matching lacy panties that also seemed darkened down between her legs. A moment later she was beneath me on the bed as I pulled them off of her.

I knelt there for a moment just looking at her pussy. The whole mound was swollen and reddened but mostly her pussy lips seemed really inflamed and swollen. As she breathed they'd part at the bottom and revealed her vagina that looked almost angry it was so reddened - and also so open too. A dribble of some sort of wetness appeared as she breathed in deeply and she knew what I wanted. Despite my cock throbbing between my legs - the first destination for my tongue was down there. I pushed her legs apart and I loved how her labia felt under my tongue. She moaned at how gentle it felt and I moaned back as I tasted what I'd seen dribbling out of her. I knew it was Robert's semen and I knew from last time that undboutedly there was a lot more of it up in her. As I licked I could feel her muscles contract and spasm and each time a new dribble appeared.

I could only stand it for a few minutes and she seemed almost relieved when I did climb up and rub my cock against her and start to spread all the wetness. I'm sure it was all in my head - as I'm sure just a few fuckings won't change her just yet - but in my head, her pussy felt like it was gaping open and just a soft deep pit for me to sink into. Maybe it was real - maybe it was from all of the cum he'd left in her - but she felt slick and open and she made no secret of it. She told me how he fucked her - deep and hard at times. She looked up at me and said that he'd made her scream and cum and cum.

She obviously said more than just that - she kept it up - getting more and more graphic until she told me how it felt when he'd cum in her a second time and she felt it oozing out of her that I lost it and let go with whatever I had to give. I too felt it splash-out as I pulled back and then plunged back in and the thought that this was sloppy 3rds that I was now sloshing in and out of really turned me on and kept me hard - hard enough that I rode her to a surprise orgasm for her too!

Afterwards, as we lay there all sticky and messy she giggled when I asked her "what's with being so graphic?" - and she said "thats something Robert said he thought we (the 2 of them) might enjoy" and something he'd wanted with her - to be able to talk to her like that - not like his wife but - essentially - like he'd talk to his fuck-toy.

I asked her, sort of, if that's what she'd wanted to do with him - to be his toy, or rather, "his plaything"? She rolled over to me and said "maybe - it'll give you what you wanted if I go along with him" and I countered "and that's what you meant about 'some-day'" that' she'd mentioned earlier for when she would find the guy who she'd be able to fall-in-love with.

That is pretty much Friday night into yesterday morning. After sleeping in yesterday morning, we talked more - but then we had family-visitors in the afternoon-evening into last night so obviously there's much more to discuss later or tonight.
  • #190
You know Robert is being very honest with Sue. He is telling her right up he's not in Love with Her. This is just Sex. Ofcourse its only making Her want Him more. What will she do to to try to win Him over??? Make Him want to fall in love with Her??? (No He would never ask her to do that!!!) She wouldn't!!! I don't think she would????
  • #191
Put yourself in Robert‘s shoes. He's been burnt. He's wary of relationships. If he is going to get serious or even fall in love, its going to take him longer than this. I don't think he's playing anyone, just being honest. But that doesn't mean the risk isn't there. What it does mean is that if he does fall for Sue he is going to fight very hard to keep her. The longer it goes on, the bigger this risk becomes. Be careful.
  • #192
peakmb said:
Put yourself in Robert‘s shoes. He's been burnt. He's wary of relationships. If he is going to get serious or even fall in love, its going to take him longer than this. I don't think he's playing anyone, just being honest. But that doesn't mean the risk isn't there. What it does mean is that if he does fall for Sue he is going to fight very hard to keep her. The longer it goes on, the bigger this risk becomes. Be careful.

There are Some that are not looking for Relationships. Not looking For Love. Just Deep Meaningful Sex. I see Robert doing things that look Very Farmilar to Me. Things I have done. And yes still do. This Relationship is still young. But I feel I feel like I have seen this movie. I know I'm not the only one. I have talked to several that feel the same.

I will say this Peak. Don't stop believing in Love.
  • #193
I Sue is looking for more deep dicking then maybe she will have to start working a little later on a project at work so your daughter doesn't get suspicious. Then she can get Robert's big meat more often?
  • #194
Well - our discussion from Saturday continued well into yesterday including a few times when things got a little heated.

I had already considered a number of the things that Peak and others posted here. It was one of the biggest things we talked about actually - was what she wanted to do with him and what she wanted from him. It was my way of essentially saying what Will and Peak both said. And while both of you said one thing - my head was actually a bit concerned that she seemed to be saying to me now she'd changed her mind, or maybe worse, would settle for this new role with him.

We went all over the place with the discussion. She wanted to hear me tell her again that I wanted her to have a lover and that I wanted her to do more with him - including denying me as we'd discussed. I told her yes to all of that and even told her that I was surprised that she kept on wanting me to repeat it. She said she will probably always want to hear me say it just to reassure her.

She had tears in her eyes at some points as we talked. I asked her how she was suddenly going to go from wanting this passionate affair with him to simply being his friend-with-benefits. I told her how it'd taken a lot for me to accept her desire to even fall in love with Robert and now she was saying that it was off-the-table or that it wasn't going to happen? And that's when I started to ask her what she wanted. I did ask whether she was going to try to encourage him or try to make him fall for her. I asked her how she was going to feel if it wasn't reciprocated.

I can't put down all of what we talked about or I'll be here for an hour trying to remember it all. We talked about all sorts of stuff, again including some pretty explicit and graphic stuff. At one point she wanted to hear me tell her that I liked her getting fucked by Robert - and in return I wanted to hear much the same - and she had not qualms about telling me that she did!

But in the end - what she pretty much came out and realized herself is that she didn't necessarily want to fall-in-love with Robert but - and this took a while for us to get to (including most of a bottle of wine) - but she said that she thought that was what she needed to do in order to have the sex she wants to satisfy both herself and me. I know it sounds crazy but in hearing her talk, it became apparent that maybe she needs to find an online forum like this for herself to understand what she's thinking. She never really talked to me about all of this and instead, in her head, she thought that was what she wanted.

I honestly sat there kind of dumbfounded - and after a moment I told her so. She explained to me that was the only way she thought or saw that she could have the kind of sexual experience she was looking for (and had now found) and that was the only way to escalate it to give me more of what I wanted in return. I actually got even mad at her at one point for not coming to me and trying to talk to me about it - but she pointed out that she did do that and that we did talk about it, at least in her eyes. And at another point I accepted a bit of responsibility for not trying to dissuade her from the whole emotional involvement thing.

All of this would have had a different flavor had it been a few weeks earlier - before she'd been with Robert. She admitted that she really enjoys sex with him and how different it is than she's had with other guys including me - yes primarily from him being bigger - but also from how she feels with him in general. I asked her if she still felt she wanted to fall in love with him. She was quiet for a moment and then said what she'd said the other day - and she held my hand and said again how it wasn't something that I should be scared of or anything like that - that it was mainly for herself - but that again she said that if it didn't happen with Robert, then yes, she would still want it to happen with someone eventually. She said she didn't want it to be something that took away from her and I, but, as she tried to explain it, as something that would help her and in turn, even help us.

She then turned things around and she came out and asked me without any misunderstanding - what I wanted to have from her sexually. She admitted that she wanted to have an intense sexual relationship - with Robert if it worked out now. And she said something that I wasn't totally ready for - that she thinks shes wanted this ever since she was with Don - and that he was the last guy (other than me) who really pushed her sexually.

It was my turn to be quiet and think about what she'd said. I've been re-reading a lot of what happened back with Don and I can see that he really did push her and get her to open up and accept her desires more. I guess I never saw that Frank just didn't do it for her in this way. She didn't say it, but I'm even thinking that maybe she went with Frank more for me than for herself? She knew I felt comfortable with him and - well, this is all just me right now as I'd never ask her that.

So - when she asked again about what I wanted. It was my turn to open up and be honest. I told her that I feared her falling in love with someone else but at the same time I did want to feel her sexual desire to be exclusive with another guy - that what I'd told her that I'd want to feel and experience was what I did want - but I added that I wanted it to be something that she wanted to do too and not necessarily because it was what 'he' wanted (as was the case with Don where she seemed reluctant to embrace it). She giggled back at me and said that she still didn't fully understand it all but that if things went, now, as they seem they might with Robert, she giggled that it would be something she would be more comfortable doing.

After all of this - I sort of started to understand her. She said she didn't see how she could feel strongly enough or to feel enough in general with a lover to have the kind of sex she wants (it is soooo hot to hear her say that to me) without falling in love with him. But she now thinks that maybe Robert might be more the combination of guys she's wanted. In my head - the desire she felt from Don - someone who truly wants to have sex with her and wants her to want him - something Frank didn't do. The comfort-level she had with Frank - being able to be herself and being accepted for what she is and wants. And maybe the emotional spark she felt with Brad way back when. Maybe Robert is someone who can fulfill those roles? She pretty much said all of that without those specific words.

I asked her if she - and I said it just like this - I asked her "if she wanted to be his fuck-toy for the summer? ... To get him fully over his marriage?". She said she wasn't sure but that like Robert and I have both said to her - that she may just "let it happen" and see what does happen - she even said that maybe it wouldn't be so bad even if the emotions happened but they were just one-sided. She turned to me and said "is that what you'd like? Are you going to be okay with that, knowing that?". I was thinking about how to answer her when she added "I'll still tell you no ...." and after a pause she looked at me and said "you'll know it's because I want to".

We talked only briefly about the future - she said that Robert has pretty much said that he wants to have sex with her more often and more frequently. I asked her how she felt and more importantly, what she wanted. Going back to explicit and graphic - she spared no details when she said she loved having sex with him and yes, if I was okay with it all, that she wanted to let herself go with him and see what happens. I asked her what that meant and she said she wasn't sure yet - but she then said that she had "fond memories" of when she'd seen Don at lunch-time and how that had made her feel. I was about to respond when she added that it had also made her feel really special the few times things had really gone well with Frank when she'd "just been with him" and she again asked me what others here have also asked - "are you really going to be okay when I want to just have sex with him?". I was going to answer her when she added "of course I'll make sure you're happy in other ways!" and she licked her lips and made this sucking sound with her mouth.

I don't know what the plans are for this week - perhaps I'll know more later - but I know that we have plans for Friday night so that may change things for them. I suspect that she'll probably meet him today or tomorrow at work and maybe they'll talk a bit over lunch or with a walk around outside in the nice weather.

What I can say is that after all of that was said and done yesterday, that last night there was this renewed feeling of calm between us. i guess all of the uncertainty of the past few days/weeks was hanging over us a bit. As we lay there last night watching something on TV it seemed we both just rolled towards each other and felt the same - that we needed to feel each other. As we started to fuck she looked up at me and said "you know, even though I may see a lot of him - I will still always need this with you" and as she said that, she wrapped her legs up around my back and we rocked back and forth together fucking deeply (well as deeply as I can!). I felt her cum from deep inside her as we rocked back and forth and she told me she loved me as she encouraged me to "fuck me harder" and "cum in me".

This morning that same lightness was in her step as she bounced and pranced around the bedroom after her shower. I do love her so.
  • #195
I will Say This. Whatever Robert Whats he is going to get. Steve You May be in for a Very Long Hot Summer!!!
  • #196
Hey Will. I suppose you're correct - instead of Robert seducing Sue to lure her emotionally to him - he appears to be aiming for a more physical appeal to him. In thinking about it, I suppose what others said here about it being obvious to other guys that she "is available" must be true - it would explain his pursuit and seduction of her. I'm thinking that whether she told him I had a medical condition or not, that he would have pursued her in his own way as he did, and that her response must have made his day.

I guess I'm not surprised at her - based on what Cara and others here said about her needing some emotional attachment to feel good about sex with him - but I am surprised in a way that she'd have leapt to thinking that she'd need to truly fall in love with him to have the sex she says she's after. And I'm laughing to myself that maybe - as Far2 or other seemed to say - maybe she just needed someone with a bigger cock who was horny for her!

If she decides to let herself fill this role for Robert, then Will, I suppose you'll be correct.

I'm going to say this now for myself and anyone else here - he (Robert) hasn't made any demands or requests of her regarding me - I don't know if I can even explain the excitement and arousal I feel when I think of her denying me - knowing it's all her and not something he's putting her up to. I haven't heard her tell me it yet - well, not in the way that you all know what I mean - but I know that despite the angst and misgivings that Peak mentioned - I know that it is something I want to experience with her. To hear her truly tell me - at least for a while - that it is her that prefers her lover to me. I know I may rue the day that it happens - and I know the first time I'm horny and am relegated to my hand instead of her sweet softness, that I'll be kicking myself - but at the same time - it's something I do so want to experience.
  • #197
a hot summer indeed! So it seems like Sue is going to keep you out of her for a while at some point, what do you think she is waiting for? Maybe you should start slowly instead of going cold pussy (that is like "cold turkey" but better) maybe you could start by being close to her and letting her feel you through penetration but either go to condoms or pull out and finish on her so she can feed you. This could be the beginning of the build up to totally cutting you off. :) It sounds like Robert is perfect for Sue and you. No need to worry about losing her and he can take your place in her saddle. Sounds perfect and she will bring you home some fresh creampie! Don got possessive, this guy won't care!
  • #198
missed you previous post STB, but could one make the assumption that she already prefers Robert over you in the sex department since she is already contemplating your denial. She should just do it already, you both want it! LOL
  • #199
Far2 - I'd agree with you that she seems to want to do it - but then there are times when I know she'll miss the sex between us even if Robert is bigger and perhaps better - that was definitely the case last night - when we both came last night, it was just the 2 of us. I just want her to drive this if and when she's ready. I do agree with you - just the thoughts and conversation thus far do seem to indicate what she wants - but I have to say that her indecisiveness is very arousing too.
  • #200
So - I'm kind of annoyed about tonight - she's off to bed but we went around and around again on this stuff until I finally told her again what I've been saying all along, that if she's not wanting this, then she just needs to say it and we don't have to do it. But in the next breath she's saying that she does want to try it. And yes, I guess what also came out tonight is that it's true - perhaps since we've started all of this and it's made her want more - but she did admit it that she does want more sexually than I give her - and that she's really sorry that she's feeling this way now.

Between the borderline tears at times and her open desires at others, we both left it that we'd let things simmer this week - apparently he's away or something later this week - and that hopefully, as time and the days wear on, things will get easier and more clear. I told her the same as I've said all along, that I'd support whatever she wants, but that this time, it's her that needs to make the decision.

And I'm wondering if that may not be part of the problem she's facing. I think I've encouraged everything in the past - I was the one who started it by planting stuff in her suitcase when she went away. I'm pretty sure that I was the one who encouraged her to see how she felt when she started seeing Brad. Same with Don - I'm almost certain that I encouraged her there too. And we know that I was behind things with Frank. So maybe this is the first time I'm asking her to make the decision.

Anyway - that's all for me for tonight. A part of me wants her to ask me to just tell her what to do - but the other part knows that at this point, I want her to take control of her own desires.

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