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sorry for the two posts.

  • Thread starterrandythecuck
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Jul 15, 2008
For some reason, I am unable to get on the site, so I am writting this down until I can get on.
Wednesday, 11/29 yesterday, my wife came home and told me that she was invited to a Halloween party given by "D's" friends, and had to go and get a costume. I had some phone calls to make, so I couldnt, but she didnt really seem to be too upset with that, and left to the costume store, a few miles away from our house. She didnt come back until about 7pm or so, with some bags, a costume and some other items for the party. It was a cheerleader outfit, and it was pretty skimpy, actually very skimpy. She showed it too me, but didnt try it on. She said that "D" and her had talked while she was at the costume store, and after she told him what costumes were left, he suggested the cheerleader one. I didnt know what to say, so like an idiot, (that seems to be my usual state lately, I just nodded and said, oh... like an idiot... damn, I wish I knew what to say to her, when she does this, for so long I have wished for this, thinking "how it would be, etc etc", and then now that it is happening, I am a speechless boob.

I dont think I posted what she had said about the rules.. but there were not many of them. First off, she told me that WE wouldnt be having sex, unless she wanted too, and that "D" and her wanted to be confortable with each other before having me be around or as she said, "whatever it was that YOU (meaning me) wanted to do". (I had asked her if I could watch or listen, even from outside the room, door closed, and she said "maybe after D and I are comfortable with it.")
She told me that I would be able to meet him, but it would be later, and to not pester her with those questions. She asked me if I had anything to add, or to ask, and I asked her if she and "D" had had sex yet, and she said, yes, that they had. I asked her if she enjoyed it, and she smiled, and said that if she hadn't she would not be with him. (like a child, I looked down, embarrassed, and my face felt so hot, and asked her if I could use my tongue on her) she laughed, and told me, "Well, we didn't do it today, but if you want to, maybe you could lick me tonight. I was so hard in my pants, I thought I would cum in them, right then. I asked her if she would tell me about him and her, and again was embarressed, and my face was hot, I couldnt even look at her. She seemed to be enjoying this. She asked me if this is what I wanted, to be humiliated, and made to look foolish. I just nodded again, like an idiot. She laughed, and said, maybe someday, or maybe someday, I will see for myself. I was so excited, I think I was shaking. She then got up, and started to walk into the other room, stopped, and asked if there was anything else, i wanted. I quickly and (I think too loudly,) asked her if I could wear one of her panties. She laughed, and said, yes, of course, go and find the biggest pair that you think you could fit into, and consider them yours, and left the room. Well, that was a few weeks ago, and now I wear a pair around the house, but not to work. I leave them at home, until I get home,and when I change from work clothes, I put them on. I felt a little stupid the first couple of times, but now, I like the feel of them.
I met D today, and his son..

Today, I met "D"., (and his son, "J")
I was in the back room, on the computer when my wife came home from school, with "D" and his son. I heard voices, and walked out to see who was here, and came face to face with an 11 year old boy, who walked past me into the kitchen, I could hear my wife, showing (who I came to find out was "D") the living room. She introduced us, and he stuck out his hand to shake mine. So many thoughts came flooding into my mind. First, that this was the "other man", and second how tall he was. I am 5ft 9 inches tall, but he was at least 6 1 or 6 2, and third, how young he looked. He is mid 30's but in good shape, and acted young, not immature, but youthful. I then thought about what he and my wife has done, and got red faced, I am sure. We shook hands, and said Hi to each other, and he smiled and said, that my wife has told me about you. (I again felt embarrassesed, but ok otherwise, strange thinking about it now, how I wasnt angry or even happy, just embarrassed.)
My wife told me to take "J" his son, out to the garage, and show him my trainset, which I have set up in the garage as a hobby, that she was going to show D her costume, looked at D, took his hand, and headed upstairs, chatting about how it was the only thing that wasleft that she liked. I stood there looking at them as they walked up, and D looked back at me, and I swear he winked, and smiled at me. I was shocked, I guess, you could say, as they disappeard up the stairs.
I heard the tv in the kitchen come on, and walked in to see J sit down at the table and start to watch tv. I said hi to him, and he ignored me. I asked him if he wanted something to drink, and he said nah, and I asked him if he wanted to go and see my trains in the garage, he said something to the effect of those being for little kids, and kept watching tv. I didnt know what else to say to him, so I just stood there and watched him watch tv. I again, asked him if he wanted to see the trains, and that it was a big set, and had lights and other stuff, but he just sat and watched tv, not even acknowledgeing that I was in the room. I told him that if he wanted anything to just let me know, and he nodded, looked at me, and then back to the tv. I sat down across from him, and watched tv with him. After about 5 minutes, or so, he looked at me and asked, "you got anything to eat?", I stood up and asked what he wanted, and he said he didnt know, so I listed off some stuff that we had, and he settled for some goldfish crackers, putting crumbs all over the floor while he ate. During the commercials, he looked at me off and on, not saying anything. He wasnt shy, just arrogant, is the only term I can come up with to explain him. He asked if the trains ran and if he could run them. I said yes, and he said he wanted to see them. We went to the garage, and I turned on the trains and he played with them for a while, not really be careful about it, or anything, turned around and said he wanted to go and watch tv again.(this took about 15 minutes) I said ok, and bent down to turn off the electricity to the set, and then he said, "my dad says you wear girls underwear". I about knocked myself out, getting out from under the table. I asked him what?, and he said it again. I just looked at him, and said, why would your dad say that? He said, he just did, and that on the way here, his dad told him not to say anything about it, but he wanted to know if I did. I said of course not, and the tried to hurry him upstairs to change the conversation.
He sat back down at the table again, and watched tv, and spilled cracker crumbs on the floor.
I then heard the shower upstairs running. (it is right over the kitchen), and I instantly had visions of what had just gone on upstairs, in my bed. I sat there, with mixed emotions, embarassement, excitement, and an erection, (strange how something like this will play on your system...)After about 10 minutes, the shower turned off, and it was quiet again, except for the tv. I sat there thinking about what I would say or do when they came back downstairs, and then got nervous and afraid, wishing that I could be somewhere else when they came back down stairs.
When I heard my wife's voice coming down the stairs, I paniced, stood up, sat down, i didnt know what to do. D and my wife came into the kitchen, and D looked at me, and then at his son, and said lets go eat. My wife looked at me, smiled, and I could see... I could see that she had had sex in our bed. She said that D and J and her were going to eat, and that they would be home after, got her purse, and kindof touched D's arm, and started for the front door. D steered J to the door, and led him out, turned around, smiled at me, and said, "Nice meeting ya, see ya around." I was following them to the door, J, then D, then my wife. My wife looked at me, smiled, and said, "I left something upstairs for you". and closed the door. I stood there, looking at the door, for about a minute, and then ran, litterally ran upstairs to the bedroom. The blanket was pushed back onto her side of the bed, and the sheets were pushed down to the foot of the bed on my side of the bed, and her halloween costume was piled on the corner of the bed, and a pair of her panties were on the sheets, on my side of the bed. I looked at them, then slowly reached down and touched them, and they were wet, soaked. the sheets where they were, were also wet, my pillow touching the wet spot.
I was holding a pair of her panties that she had used to wipe herself with, after they had had sex. I was holding his and her cum. I sniffed them, smelling the smell, and felt myself get hard. I masturbated right there, holding her panties in my hand. It didnt take me long to cum.and i also added to the wet spot on her panties, and just stood there, embarrassed, (yet again) and excited. It happened. She did it, and I have the proof.
She came back home from dinner, and walked into the living room where I was watching tv, thinking about what had just happened, looked at me, smiled, and asked, "is this what you want?"
I nodded, and said yes, if this is what YOU want. She asked if I enjoyed my gift, I nodded again, and said yes. She said, ok, then, turned to walk upstairs, for bed, and said that she will be going to the halloween party tommorrow, and since it will end late, she will stay at D's house.
I nodded again, and then asked, about the kid, she told me that his mother will pick J up from school, and take him to her house for the weekend. I nodded, and watched her go upstairs as she told me good night.
Well, I finally go on to the site, so here are my posts, and sorry about there bein two of them. I wanted to put them down, so later when I "wake up from this dream", I will know that it really happend.I dont know what I will do tommorrow, when she is with D. I will think of everything, and hope that this is worth it, I hope it is.
Thanks for listening.
Hi Arizona,

Those were two absolutely incredible posts. It seems your wife is enjoying her power over you and that she and her boyfriend both enjoy humiliating you. Having the boy ask about your panties must have been an incredible embarrassment and yet, I bet you enjoyed it on some level. I probably would have lied to him as well, but shame on you anyway for not being truthful.

Your description of the bed and her panties made me super hot. Your wife is an absolute dream cuckoldress!
Susan's Slave said:
Hi Arizona,

Those were two absolutely incredible posts. It seems your wife is enjoying her power over you and that she and her boyfriend both enjoy humiliating you. Having the boy ask about your panties must have been an incredible embarrassment and yet, I bet you enjoyed it on some level. I probably would have lied to him as well, but shame on you anyway for not being truthful.

Your description of the bed and her panties made me super hot. Your wife is an absolute dream cuckoldress!

leave kids out of these stories,it aint right or even legal,don't go there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey People,

I agree that children are a taboo subject when it comes to sex, however, the child in this case is strictly there for the humiliation factor. Unlike some of the posts where people want to have sex with their daughters or put there daughter's picture on the web for men to jerk off to, this child is not mentioned in a sexual manner.

Making the husband entertain the lover's child while the wife takes her lover upstairs for a quickie just adds to the humiliation factor, and having the kid ask about his panties takes it over the top.

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