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She's on the brink...

  • Thread startercuckedbybella
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Sep 24, 2008
Hi everyone,
Despite my username, it's more of a desire than a fact. But that looks like it might change sometime soon.

First of all, our relationship is a very unique type...we're long-distance. We've met twice and both times were incredible. We've been together a year now, and we are very devoted to each other. Due to a number of circumstances, we can't move together now, but hope to eventually, of course. It's a very deep and very loving relationship. She's 40 and I'm 44. But she looks 30, she's a BBW, gorgeous, blue eyes, long blonde hair, and a very sweet beautiful smile. She has two kids from a previous marriage, and is separated from her husband but not divorced. However, there is no chance for reconciliation there.

I was open and honest with her from the beginning about my cuckold desires, moreso than I'd ever been with anyone before. She was always accepting of them, even if she didn't fully understand them, and willing to explore in ways she might feel comfortable with. To date, we've done a few online things, where she would flirt and have cyber with some guys, and tease me about that, but nothing offline to date. She *almost* met a guy she used to meet once in a while for casual sex, but that was too early in our relationship and she backed out at the last minute, and probably that was a good choice at that time. We hadn't had a chance to meet in person yet and solidify our own intimate relationship which is important.

A development occurred suddenly this week, a former lover of hers IM'd her from out of the blue! And he wants to meet her "for a drink". We both know it will probably lead to more, so we needed to have a discussion about it, and did so all last evening. She is very clear that she no longer feels any love for him, which she did in the past. And because of the way he is, she is sure he doesn't for her either. The last few times he IM'd her asking about meeting, she didn't think he was serious, he wasn't being seductive at all. This time he is doing so, and being very complimentary which is appealing to her very much, plus he's being much more definite about when he'd like to meet with her (he wanted to meet next Monday though that won't work because she already has a medical appointment at that time). We had a long conversation about feelings and about how that would be the one aspect I'd be concerned about, but we shared how that won't happen, she is totally and completely in love with me. Her biggest hesitation is that she worries how I might truly feel, and though I've assured her that it would be nothing but very exciting for me, it still was something she needed to process for herself, because it's foreign to her way of thinking.

There is a bit more to it, but basically this morning, we talked about it some more. He had IM'd her earlier this morning (my time zone is far behind hers), and again asked to meet, and was talking about how he loved her hair, and how he misses their kisses and her lips (which are gorgeous!). She hasn't been reciprocating his flirting at this point, just thanking him for the compliments. We talked more about it, and I finally just told her to meet him...something I think she needed to hear. Once she heard that, she agreed and will be contacting him either tonight or tomorrow morning to set up the meeting! We *know* it will very likely lead to sex. He will want that, she is sure of it. On her part, she will see how things go, and if she feels to weird she will stop it before it starts, but she thinks it might be ok at this point, in terms of how she feels about it. She is being restrained, but I feel she is excited about the prospect and shared that with her in an email this morning after we logged off chat. We even talked about preparing for this "date"...helping her select some sexy lingerie, wearing an outfit that she knows will appeal to him, perfume he likes, other things like that.

I should offer an aside here and say that we do play with virtual chastity. After time she has become comfortable with tease and deny games with me, and she does keep me chaste for relatively long periods of time. I am on my honor as we don't use a device, and it's hard (literally!!!) at times, but I am loyal in this way (in ways I've never been with anyone else, I really do love this woman!!!). I've been chaste for 17 days now (going on 18) and we talked about keeping me so until after they meet, at least...he wants to meet sometime early next week if possible.

Anyway, I think she's excited that she's reached a decision and will be setting up the date soon! We even talked about the possibility of, if it works out ok, starting up something with him regularly, a "fuck buddy" relationship, and honestly it surprised me that she gave consideration to it in a positive way!
The whole thing is incredibly arousing to me, and I hope that it works out, though I will support and love her even if it doesn't. Wish me luck though!!!
Your situation sounds very exciting for both you and your partner. The main thing is that you are communicating with her,and,by the sounds of it,she is looking forward to the process. One has to remember that Women think about Consequences much more than men. Once she has played and sees the pleasure it gives you,she will play more.
I wish I could communicate with my wife the same way. You are lucky. Good luck. Keep us posted. Hope it goes well for your lady.
Hi, thank you very much for the kind words of support. I'll be sure to check in as things progress, which should be fairly soon if she sticks to her decision. I agree that women think of those consequences much more than men. I plan to shower her with gifts and flowers the day after she does this, if she goes through with that, and until then, continue to give her as many assurances as I can that this will be wonderful for us both, and certainly for me.
I have found that communication is very difficult in this area, because it is so far out of the norm for most people, and certainly for most women in terms of their experience and expectations. I haven't been able to be this honest in my previous relationships. I think one thing that helped is that she discovered me on myspace, and it was actually a fetish-oriented ID, which I've since changed quite a bit. But that helped me to be more open as well as communicating primarily by email initially, providing me with a buffer with that communication. I feel it is much more difficult to be open about these things in person, but of course it can be done. One thing we agreed we would continue, even after we move to be together, is to continue to send each other emails during the day when we can, as we have done since the first day we met. I

All the best to you!
I think you are right to make sure you reassure her and lavish her with attention ,if she goes ahead with this. The main thing ,I guess,is to make sure this is a fun and positive experience for her. I think she would appreciate attention more than gifts etc. One of the main drives to Cucking/Hotwifing is the need to " win your wife back" after she has been with another male. Like are " Competing "again .
It's great how things are progressing. It's important to continue to reinforce how you feel about being a cuck.

Also, it's always better for the cuckoldess to have more than one "fuck buddy". With more than one she is much less likely to develop romantic feelings for a "fuck buddy"
I agree with OneForSure. In the situation you out line,it may be even more important for her to have more than one F/B. Because she and you have a longdistance relationship,a second male will be able to get much more frequent access to her. A friendship will develop.
When I told my wife of my Cuckold fantasies years ago ,she was not happy ,so I let it drop. She is very ,very conservstive and str8 laced,so it is difficult to talk about sex with her. I dont even know if she has any fantasies herself ,and weve been married 30+ years. It is great that Cuckedbybella can talk openly with his lady. That seems to me to be a good foundation for a happy sex life whichever direction you go.
As an aside to this topic of Cuckedbella's lady being happy to take a lover and share this with Cuckedbella,I'm surprised more Cuck wannabes don't get their wives to try flirting with guys on contact sites. It seems a hell of a jump from being in a traditional relationship to getting your wife to have sex with another guy.
I very rarely read about hubbies asking thier wives to enjoy and play around with the "Fantasy" of being a Hotwife at a distance ,using the internet. They seem to expect their wives to go from first base to final base in one jump.
I for one,would be 'made up' if my wife flirted with guys on contact sites. I think it would boost her confidence and add a much needed dimension to our sex lives. . . . Just a thought ?

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