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Same old question: Could I be a cuck?

  • Thread starterfantasycuck
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Beloved Member
Nov 1, 2006
Part 1:

I married a virgin and had a very active sex life for at least 20 years. At the onset our sex was basically without talking-------it was mostly driven my our youth and basic biological drive for fucking.

The one day my wife asked me to talk dirty to her. For some reason the 1st thing I said to her was that she was a slut and that her pussy was filled with cum 24/7. She loved that and slowly but surely we started to do fantasy stuff where she was always fucking other men while I was at work during the day.

As soon as we went to bed she would say stuff like: "Here touch my pussy". I would get very turned on because she was dripping WET and I had no even initiated foreplay.

I would say: "Wow, I love your wet big pussy". She would reply, "I am not wet, I don't get wet with you anymore". I was fucking my lover an hour or so ago." For some strange reason this fantasy really turned me on and -------she really enjoyed playing the role of a cuckolding wife.

Our sex life went into overdrive for several years and then she had an affair.
Part 2: The Affair:

This may seem hard to believe, but my wife never turned me down for sex until she started the affair.

So one day I wanted to fuck and she said: "I am not in the mood, I am not a kid anymore, maybe my hormones are changing, blah, blah". By this time were were in our mid 40s. I didn't make such a big deal out of this, but in retrospect I should have known she was up to something--------She was always into sex. Interestingly she was puritanical for other things----she did not drink and did not like partying. She was also a great mom and a magnificent wife. She made me very happy!

After getting turned down many more times I started to lose interest in sex and asked for it less often. Slowly, but surely we went down from 2-3 times per week to once a month. In the meantime she was happy as ever and did not nag at all. I adjusted to sex once a month and thought we were getting old.

Then one day she was in the computer and became very nervous as I entered the room. I finally put 2+2 together and after doing some research installed a key-logger spy software program that recorded all her keystrokes as well as what she saw on the screen.

She had been cuckolding me for two years.
Part 3: Discovery--I am a cuck

I was in shock and the pain was unbearable.

My wife had a secret email account dedicated to the affair with florid and very descriptive details. This account was used for the sole purpose of affair communication because her lover was long distance and they only fucked a few days a month when he was in town. My wife and her lover got off with lurid descriptive emails during the times the lover was not in town.

I read MANY emails and learned everything there is to know-------including cock size. To my surprise the lover was smaller than me and yet my wife would write entire emails praising the cock of her lover. She also made it clear that she had never experience sex of that caliber with me.

I also discovered she was sharing the details of her affair with her best female friend who is well known to me. I felt very humiliated!

I told my wife I knew everything and asked her for a quick divorce.

Then next day ----before I had a chance to move out she fucked my brains out and I was very horny. After denying me the pleasure of giving her oral sex for two years the first thing she did was to place her pussy on my face while she gave me a blow job.

As soon as I ate my wife's pussy I wondered about when was the last time my wife had fucked her lover.
BTW, she never used condoms because she was in love and he was a real nice man.
I went back to read her email account and everything had been erased.

So I was left to wonder if she had just fucked her lover or whether the lover was out of town. Unfortunately I spent so much time reading the emails describing the sex that I neglected to read the more mundane emails that described when and where the lover was staying in town. I was going insane with the idea she had fed me a cream pie without my approval.

I must say that during our fantasy my role (among many others) was to clean her pussy after she fucked her lovers. But, now that I was confronted with reality I was very upset and mad----but also VERY HORNY.

I cried to my wife: "Why did you do this to me. Why did you have an affair."
She replied: "This fantasy of ours got out of hand. In my mind I thought you would not mind that I was fucking another man and gave myself permission to stray."
Part 4 What now?:

I decided not to divorce my wife-----I could not do it. I was so HORNY that I could not function. All I wanted was to have sex with my wife, nothing else mattered. She kept putting her pussy on my face after not having done that for two years. I wanted to drill her with my tongue---------I could not control this desire.

I finally got the nerve to ask her if her lover was in town. She said NO, but I felt she was lying.

Luckily, I still had the key logger in place and captured an IM conversation between my wife and her lover. My wife's lover was in town the day I discovered the affair.

In the IM convo My wife wanted her lover to cool things off while she handled the crisis at home. Her lover said "I love you, I hope this is not the last time we are together."

There was no doubt--------- the lover was in town and he fucked my wife as usual.

The lover also advised my wife on how to handle me and not to tolerate any abuse or stupid behavior from my part. He even offered to meet with the two of us, but my wife declined. She ended the conversation by reassuring her lover that everything would be OK. The typical lurid tone of prior writings was missing, they were having a serious conversation.

After an interrogation from my part my wife confessed to me that she had strong feelings for her lover and was wondering if I would go along with an open marriage. It was quite clear she did not want a divorce, but wanted to continue to see her lover with my approval.

I was in shock!

She said: "This is your fantasy--why are you so upset."

Eventually I gather the strength to confront her regarding fucking her BF while also fucking me. She admitted she had fucked her lover during the day as she had done for the last two years. She added, "don't worry, you know I take a shower every night before I go to bed. I also put a lot of perfume down there--you even made a comment about how good my pussy smelled."

I replied that even though she had taken a shower there were still quite a few sperms roaming in her pussy. She replied: "Who caress, you are in charge of cleaning my pussy with your tongue---------did you forget your job description?" I had an instant erection---I almost ejaculated.

She had me by the balls, she knew I was HORNY as hell with her cuckolding activity.
You got what you asked for and now you are not sure you wanted it. It sounds like somebody in the house needed to where the pants and your wife decided you were not capable so she took the job on. I am sure her lover is not so wishy-washy and that is why she prefers fucking him.

You have a choice, try to be a man and divorce her (she still has a lover - you don't), or sissy down and learn to lick pussy (she has two lovers - you might sometimes have one). Trust me, "A bush in the hand...", (I think thats how it goes)!
Part 5:

You have a choice, try to be a man and divorce her (she still has a lover - you don't), or sissy down and learn to lick pussy (she has two lovers - you might sometimes have one). Trust me, "A bush in the hand...", (I think thats how it goes)!

This event was a few years ago. This is what I did:

I wrote an email to her lover and told him I was not willing to share pussy.

I told my wife that being a fantasy cuck was ok, but that I did not have the balls to go through with that in real life. I also wanted to divorce her, but at the same time my lust for her was very powerful. I was in distress all the time because I had been cuckolded and eventually my wife started to feel guilty about it. The only activity that made me feel good was to fuck my wife as often as possible.

I told my wife that she needed to dismiss her lover or the marriage was over. For some strange reason the threat of divorce always made her very horny (or pretended to be horny with me).

My wife had an emotional connection to her lover, but was able to end the affair rather easy because the man was from out of town.

The issue is that her cuckolding activity caused me to have very good sex on a daily basis for two years. This is something I never expected.

BTW, she stopped putting her pussy on my face and the issue of creampies never came up again.

Then the sex started to become a routine again and we re-started the same old fantasy in bed. My fantasy role was to be submissive to my cuckolding wife. This was very powerful fantasy because she had already cuckolded me in real life.

Initially my wife avoided using the name of her former lover in bed, but one day she did and used very strong words regarding her cuckolding activities. Even though we were playing roles in bed she was mentioning true events, actual places (like the name of the hotel), and actual times and circumstances. In other words she was simply telling me how she cuckolded me without having to make up a story. This new twist made me very HORNY once again and this is one thing my wife enjoys. My wife enjoys bringing a man to orgasm, I know this because in this regard she was quite similar with her lover (I read the emails).

My new problem is:

Is there a chance she is actively cuckolding me? Sometimes her words sound so real and convincing that I have doubts.

Has she lost respect for me?

BTW, there is another twist. She is now entering menopause and her pussy is changed. I have a large cock and she has difficulty accepting my penis inside of her. She has told me she prefers clitoris stimulation with the trunk of my penis. She also loves to feel my large penis between her legs.

In one email she wrote to her confidant friend my wife admitted I was almost twice as big as her former lover. My concern is that it seems the story is repeating itself. The issue of painful intercourse because of my large cock was one of the excuses my wife used to deny me sex when she was actively fucking her lover. In an email to her confidant friend my wife stated that at the onset her lover's penis felt too small, but she had great orgasms. In a follow up email she stated that she slowly adjusted to the smaller penis of her lover and everything was fine as long as I did not put my cock in her pussy.

More questions:

DO I subconciously want to be cuckolded?
Part VI:

Is my wife a natural cuckolding woman?

She never read any cuck literature and yet she seems to know what to say to get me horny. I never discussed the issue of cuckolding outside of the marital bed. Next day we simply acknowledge I have a weird fetish and, but very little is said afterwards.

I suspect that if I ask----------she would do whatever it takes to be dominating. She also knows all the moves to make me feel humiliated. Nevertheless,n ext day she acts as if though it never occurred.

She spontaneously say she is planning to fully replace me with her so-called lover and that eventually she will use the marital bed for fucking while I wait outside. Furthermore, she states that she is disappointed in that I never licked her pussy immediately after getting fucked by her lover. She states that if I lick her pussy a few hours later is not the same. She wants to make sure the cum in her pussy is still warm when she rides my face with her pussy.

Where did she learn this stuff?
Part 7 The plot thickens:

The other day (before going to bed) I asked my wife how she managed to stay a virgin before I met her. We were highs school sweethearts and it took me two years before I actually penetrated her.

The whole time I thought that she was simply way too young and having difficulties with my oversize cock. Regarding my cock, I could have been a porn movie star---------I am that big.

I remember the times we were in bed and I simply could not push my cock inside of her. In fact, once I decided I had to fuck her it took well over two weeks of daily trials before my cock finally went in.

My wife smiled as I recounted the story to her and said: "Did you really think I was a virgin? When I met you I was fucking a 30 year old man on a daily basis. In fact, the guy got me pregnant and we discussed the idea of saying the baby was yours. However, we desisted because you had not cum inside of me. All you ever did was cum between my thighs, but never inside of me. So ended up having an abortion."

I was stunned!!!

My wife thought I was a keeper and therefore had to play things differently with me. The concept was that I would admire and want to marry her if she was virgin. In other words I was good husband material, but not considered good enough to fuck. She said it was rather easy to play the virgin and to tighten her pussy to keep me out.

The next questiuon is:

Have I been cuckolded many other times and I know nothing about it?
Your wife probably years ago when you started with the fantasy talks in bed could have looked it up online. When you were talking you said she got aroused and really wet. So she knew this turned her on. You were not tracking her every moves on the computer till you suspected something to be wrong. I don't believe in cheating, but understand that some of the people in this lifestyle don't consider it to be bad. They believe it is part of the lifestyle and is for some and not for all.

My husband and I have been married 21 years this past June. I would never cheat but he knows when I am going to fuck someone, half the time he sets the date up for me. And gets me ready as he will pick out my outfit, give me a bath, shave me ect. As for you and your wife you need to be more open with each other, Talk about this not just in the bedroom but in everyday talks.

Sit down with her and discuss the pros and cons on going forward in this lifestyle or not. In order for it to work or not work will require good communication.

If she told she wanted an open marriage does that mean you can go fuck someone whom likes big cocks? Or does she mean you can't play with her pussy or anyone else’s? If you would have been involved in her finding a cock to fuck in real, how would you have been with it? Would you still not like it? Or would you got turned on by helping her get ready than when she came home from a date/fuck session would you have fucked her licked her pussy clean? This lifestyle is for some and not others. If you just like role playing, but not interested in making it real than it's probably not for you. And she as your wife needs to accept that if she truly loves you. If you do give it ago introduce her to this forum so she can communicate with others on taking it further. It never hurts to get more ideas.:D
fantasycuck said:
Part VI:

Is my wife a natural cuckolding woman?

She never read any cuck literature and yet she seems to know what to say to get me horny. I never discussed the issue of cuckolding outside of the marital bed. Next day we simply acknowledge I have a weird fetish and, but very little is said afterwards.

I suspect that if I ask----------she would do whatever it takes to be dominating. She also knows all the moves to make me feel humiliated. Nevertheless,n ext day she acts as if though it never occurred.

She spontaneously say she is planning to fully replace me with her so-called lover and that eventually she will use the marital bed for fucking while I wait outside. Furthermore, she states that she is disappointed in that I never licked her pussy immediately after getting fucked by her lover. She states that if I lick her pussy a few hours later is not the same. She wants to make sure the cum in her pussy is still warm when she rides my face with her pussy.

Where did she learn this stuff?

Thank you for your thoughts.

There is one thing my wife told me that resonated with me. When she was fucking her lover she rationalized the affair by telling herself I would not mind. Rationalization and justification are powerful tools-----no doubt.

In retrospect, the hurt has to do more with the lies and the deception. If anything her affair gave me a lot of great sex! If she had asked I might have consider the idea---------At the time things were to much of a routine.

I always thought this was nothing but a fantasy, but I used to daydream about making it real.

When she cuckolded me I was in a lot of pain. If she cucks me again I assume the pain will be much less--- now that the innocence of the marriage is gone. IMHO true cuckolding is done with deception. If a wife gives her husband a cream pie he must not know the pussy is freshly fucked. This deception is an aphrodiciac to me. Open cuckolding with the husband aiding the wife does not do it for me.

I still daydream about making it real, but the pain is scary.

I also have the fantasy of getting a lover on the side, but I am quite choosy and also getting old.

I also suspect my wife wants to keep it a fantasy.

As most affairs go, this was mostly about boredom in a long term marriage. Her lover was simply in the right place at the right time.

I am also concerned with the fact she is becoming menopausic. That means I will not be able to properly fuck her. As I said I am quite big and do not want to hurt her. A huge aspect of my sexual satisfaction is to see that my wife is also enjoying it. I also love her and can live with the idea of not being inside of her.

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