Here are a few that I have been informed about.
The white boys need to give up the pussy first and foremost. It's not that hard to do and it is important. I did it and if I can do it anyone can.
It all boils down to getting the Black Mans Cum inside you. It may not sound appealing to all but it is important too.
I would say it all really starts when the white man starts influencing and encouraging all the white women that he knows to find out about the joys of black cock. If he really wants to show his dedication to the cause than he would be working hardest at getting his own woman, be it his girlfriend, or even better, his own wife to see the light and except the truth about black superiority. Trying his very hardest to convince her that every white woman should be happily serving any and all of our black superiors and helping her to learn her role in this new world.
First off, its not about us white males "giving up the pussy", its ALL ABOUT us being CUT OFF of the pussy, by our SUPERIOR BLACK MEN. We agree with wht_hubby about the SUPERIOR BLACK MEN making the rules.