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  • Thread starterpansymaid_uk
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Beloved Member
Jun 17, 2006
I know that I am responsable for my current position as cucky maid to my wife I accept that as I started her on this road with an open mind as to what I was letting her into with black guys.

However I do feel I have a right to the way shes currently treated me with regard to not letting me know where or how she is over the last two days. She went out with friends on Sunday evening an I havent heared or seen her since. I know she with some guy, I can tell that from the reaction of the girlfriends she went out with that I've rang in the last 24hrs trying to locate her. But I do feel she has a duty and a responsability to let me know shes ok.

OK I've had the opportunity to dress up and get all the house clean, washing and ironing done after Christmas but even I've now run out of things to do.

What do people think?

For this to be beneficial to both you and her you two must communicate your feelings, your plans, your fantasies, your hopes, etc..

To leave you out of the loop is the same thing as her cheating on you.

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