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  • Thread starterOneForSure
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Sep 21, 2008
I'm wondering what the folks here think...
Is it possible to turn any wife into a cuckoldess? Granted, it would take the right set of circumstances, and psychological work, knowing what makes her "tick", etc., but can it be done, or are there those wives who would NEVER become a cuckoldess?
Maybe you can answer your own question....


OneForSure said:
I'm wondering what the folks here think...
Is it possible to turn any wife into a cuckoldess? Granted, it would take the right set of circumstances, and psychological work, knowing what makes her "tick", etc., but can it be done, or are there those wives who would NEVER become a cuckoldess?

Your question brings to mind the classic question of medieval alchemists: "How can I turn 'base metals' into gold?" As you know, I hope, the answer was and is: "you can't, because gold is an element."

You can answer your own question, at least in a probabilistic way, by visualizing female sexuality as distributed along a line. At one end are women who are asexual. They don't want sex with another person under any circumstance, do not seek it, and are repulsed by the idea of it. If they never in their whole lives have sex with anyone else, that's fine with them. Apparently this subgroup, females and males combined, is something like 1% of the population — but that's considered a weak statistic. (For more on this, look up "asexual people" in Wikipedia.) One percent may sound negligible, but 1% of a very large number, i.e., the whole population, is a lot of people. You may have met or be acquainted with some of them.

At the other end of this "sexuality line" are women who are *very* strongly sexual. Sex is extremely important to them — they continually seek it out and they find it, successfully. Some at this end of the line are so talented they can be considered sexual athletes. Their talents and drive relative to the average woman's sexuality can be compared, say, to the talent of an NBA basketball player relative to an amateur who likes basketball but plays only one or two days a week in his spare time. You may also have have heard of, or met, or be acquainted with some of these women.

In the broad middle of this line are women who have median sexuality (plus or minus, say, one standard deviation). These women can be thought of as having "about average" sexuality.

Male sexuality, as you probably know, can be similarly thought of as distributed along a line.

Now, consider that it is not unusual for a woman whose sexuality is somewhere above average on the "female sexuality line" to find that her husband's sexuality is somewhere below average on the "male sexuality line." Ask yourself whether many, perhaps most, of the married women who have lovers — thereby making their husbands their cuckolds — may be in this catagory.

Also, consider that it is not unusual for a man whose sexuality is somewhere above average on the "male sexuality line" to find that his wife's sexuality is somewhere below average on the "female sexuality line." Ask yourself whether many, perhaps most, of the married men who have affairs (while their wives remain faithful, although they may be unhappy) may be in this catagory.

Finally, consider the case of men with average sexuality who find themselves married to women with substantially below-average sexuality, and they have no desire to seek extramarital affairs, AND they want their wives to become their cuckoldresses. Perhaps, by now, you are beginning to see the answer to your question....

another question....

I'm interested in the flip side of this and there must be plenty of you men on here can answer this?

What makes a man desiring of turning his wife into a hot wife? why does he want his wife to enjoy sex with other men? not all of you define yourselves as sissy, or submissive, so what exactly are your main drivers for this and how does it make you feel?

OneForSure, personally I don't think one can turn all women into hot wives no. I think many would be/are horrified at the thought and would throw a fit, call you a pervert and head for the divorce courts if you even mentioned it....but then maybe those women (and just as many men?) would do the same if you attempted to talk about anal sex, or swinging, or BDSM or any range of practices outside of the 'vanilla' norm.

Sadly :(
A number of reasons.....

- seeking assurance for ourselves that our woman is sexually attractive, not just to us but also to other men.

- providing assurance to her that she's sexually attractive to men who aren't 'legally obligated' to want her.

- wanting to provide her with the best sexual experience possible, regardless of whom that's with.

- allowing her to continue experiencing the sexual excitement that accompanies 'new relationship energy'.

- allowing her to let her inner 'bad girl' out to play, in ways that she isn't comfortable doing with the 'nice guy' she married.

- the fact that she's experience sexual excitement with others makes her more 'hot to trot' at home also (gratitude is a wonderful thing, and allowing our wives sexual freedom is something that pays itself back tenfold).

I'm sure others will be along to add items to the list that slip my mind at the moment.

Dominant.Goddess said:
I'm interested in the flip side of this and there must be plenty of you men on here can answer this?

What makes a man desiring of turning his wife into a hot wife? why does he want his wife to enjoy sex with other men? not all of you define yourselves as sissy, or submissive, so what exactly are your main drivers for this and how does it make you feel?

OneForSure, personally I don't think one can turn all women into hot wives no. I think many would be/are horrified at the thought and would throw a fit, call you a pervert and head for the divorce courts if you even mentioned it....but then maybe those women (and just as many men?) would do the same if you attempted to talk about anal sex, or swinging, or BDSM or any range of practices outside of the 'vanilla' norm.

Sadly :(
marys_pet list some excellent 'logical' reasons for maintaining these types of sexual lifestyles. However, I really don't think these are reasons for entering such a lifestyle in the first place. Like most things, we are often driven by our emotions, and if a wife is not emotionally into this type of thing, I doubt that logic will make much of a difference. If it's a border-line case, then logic MAY help some women, but I seriously doubt it will be the deciding factor.

For my wife, it was easy, in fact she has always been 'easy' (but I don't mean that in a negative way). It's just always been in her nature to be attracted to sexual activities. A fascination and desire I guess, perhaps partially caused by some childhood events/experiences (yes, she has shared some foggy memories).

For women who don't seem interested, some may have good reasons, perhaps bad sexual experiences, possibly even abuse of some kind. For such women, i believe it may be difficult to overcome their trust issues, but not impossible -- remember, most emotional issues can be overcome with time and patience. But regardless of the reason (real or perceived), I believe that with enough positive encouragement, flattery, and true love, anything is possible. Now, we are not only talking about the husband here, the same goes for all her sexual friend(s). Everyone involved in this type of lifestyle MUST have an extremely positive attitude, be extremely open and honest about ALL of their feelings (both good and bad), and have exactly one true goal in mind -- to have FUN. Remember that good communication is the basis for ALL successful relationships.
Dominant.Goddess said:
I'm interested in the flip side of this and there must be plenty of you men on here can answer this?

What makes a man desiring of turning his wife into a hot wife? why does he want his wife to enjoy sex with other men? not all of you define yourselves as sissy, or submissive, so what exactly are your main drivers for this and how does it make you feel?

OneForSure, personally I don't think one can turn all women into hot wives no. I think many would be/are horrified at the thought and would throw a fit, call you a pervert and head for the divorce courts if you even mentioned it....but then maybe those women (and just as many men?) would do the same if you attempted to talk about anal sex, or swinging, or BDSM or any range of practices outside of the 'vanilla' norm.

Sadly :(

I'm neither sissy nor submissive... but I do love my wife. We have been married over 30 years. I am the only man she has ever had, and from a sexual perspective... I would be less than honest if I didn't acknowledge there's better.

She has never expressed dissatisfaction or a desire to explore and she's very old-fashioned, but it's my fantasy to help enable her to have more (and presumably better and exciting) sexual experiences. Whether I'm a part of those or not isn't a primary objective.

Short and sweet...


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