Here is a plan for getting started, Cuckold-In-Waiting Mr. Sheba....
dying-2b-cuck said:
Custer, thanks very much dear, I appreciate it.
You’re welcome.
dying-2b-cuck said:
The problem is, I'm too afraid to express something like [fantasizing with my wife about her fucking other men], even when we're in bed or as a fantasy. I fear something like that will tear our marriage apart. I guess it needs to be taken step by step very slowly, but I don't know how !!
I agree, being afraid to even bring up your secret desires with your wife as bedroom fantasy makes your problem more difficult. You will, as you say, need to take it step by step and very slowly. But that’s OK. You and your wife are very young and have plenty of time.
Here’s a way you may be able to get started without making yourself too anxious, shocking your wife, or tearing your marriage apart.
After going to bed with your wife, gently say you want to tell her a story. (Have one ready in advance.) Then, whisper a story in her ear that’s romantic and has some mild sexual overtones and a nice ending — nothing that might shock her, and nothing that involves your secret fantasy. Caress her gently as you tell her this story. Note whether it seems to turn her on and cause her to feel more affectionate toward you. If it does, make love to her afterwards as erotically and expertly as you can. Try to make sure she orgasms.
The next night, do the same… tell her a different story that’s mildy erotic, has a nice ending, and does not cause either of you to feel anxious. Again note whether it seems to turn her on and make her feel hot. Do this 3 or 4 times per week for, say, a month (or for however long it takes), until you get a good feeling for what kinds of stories turn your wife on, what kinds she seems indifferent to, and what kinds of stories seem to turn her off. Whenever your wife seems turned on by one of your stories, reward her by making love to her afterwards as erotically and expertly as you can (trying, of course, to make sure she orgasms). Whenever she seems indifferent or turned off by a story, don’t make love to her afterwards. Instead, tell her “…and that is the end, my darling,” then kiss her gently, turn over, and go to sleep.
During this time period, view yourself as a male equivalent of Sheherazade in “The One Thousand and One Nights.” As you may recall, the context for this long series of fascinating stories, many of which are quite sexual and erotic, is as follows.
“….And so the King kept Scheherazade alive day by day, as he eagerly anticipated the finishing of last night's story. At the end of one thousand and one nights, and one thousand stories, Scheherazade told the King that she had no more tales to tell him. During these one thousand and one nights, the King had fallen in love with Scheherazade and had had three sons with her. So, having been made a wiser and kinder man by Scheherazade and her tales, he spared her life and made her his Queen.” [From Wikipedia.]
For your own context, make some substitutions. In the following, assume your wife’s name is “Sheba” and you are “Cuckold-In-Waiting Mr. Sheba.”
“….And so Queen Sheba of the Nile kept her Cuckold-In-Waiting Mr. Sheba alive day by day, as she eagerly anticipated the finishing of last night’s story. At the end of one thousand and one nights, and one thousand stories, Cuckold-In-Waiting Mr. Sheba told Queen Sheba that he had no more tales to tell her. During these one thousand and one nights, Queen Sheba had fallen in love with her cuckold-in-waiting and had borne three daughters sired by him, one of whom would become a fine future Queen. So, having been made a wiser and kinder Queen by her cuckold-in-waiting, she spared his life and officially made him her Cuckold Mr. Sheba. They then lived happily ever after, with Queen Sheba of the Nile enjoying the sexual services of many knights of her court, as was her wont, and with Cuckold Mr. Sheba always wearing the chastity device Queen Sheba required of him and remaining her faithful cuckold as he diligently cleaned and dusted her castle in accordance with her wishes.”
As a source of stories, I suggest, in fact, purchasing a copy of “One Thousand And One Nights,” then selecting a suitable story to tell your wife each night (say) 3 or 4 nights per week. It shouldn’t be necessary to tell her all one-thousand stories, of course, but you should easily be able to find a sufficient number of suitably-erotic stories to last one to several months. They are fascinating classics (as I mentioned above); both you and your wife should find them very good, enjoyable and erotic, even if you've read them previously.
When you start becoming comfortable telling your wife erotic stories and caressing her and turning her on while doing so (without feelings of anxiety), and when you begin to get a good feeling for what kinds of stories turn your wife on sexually and what kinds of stories she doesn’t seem to like, write back to the forum and we, i.e. the forum members, will make some additional suggestions to assist you further. I also encourage you to write back from time-to-time simply to let us know how it's going and how your wife seems to be responding.
Best wishes to you, Cuckold-In-Waiting Mr. Sheba, and to your beautiful young wife Queen Sheba of the Nile.