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  • Thread startermuleman
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I just hope Will and Eve are getting paid for the work they are doing - it must be bloody hard !
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Will & Eve said:

K, I find 4 temps, 11 permanents (2 of which say for child porn which is obviously good work)

Not a huge amount, but I wish you had thought to put reasons by more of them so I would know if it was for spam or what.

Anyway, thanks for pointing that out...I'd not even thought to look on the control panel for it.

11 permanent bans and no reason given! Ill bet most of the 11 had 100 posts or more it. The parrelels to a military coup are astounding. How many of the 11 were within a day or so of black sunday?
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And none were people being banned simply because I disliked them or you'd have been among the first to go, icky. So you need to be a little more informed before you run around making the accusations you do. Most were banned, even though I didn't always cite a reason, for spam or child porn. Even the administrators didn't always give reasons when they deleted accounts.
Lorismi said:
Little boys with big egos!

I disagree with your comment,,,,we are big boys with big egos ha...ha,,,,,listen I think the exchange between whammer and pooch was very mature in that they did not let thing get out of hand and just ended it as men.
pimpology101 said:
And none were people being banned simply because I disliked them or you'd have been among the first to go, icky. So you need to be a little more informed before you run around making the accusations you do. Most were banned, even though I didn't always cite a reason, for spam or child porn. Even the administrators didn't always give reasons when they deleted accounts.

I am not making false accusations pimple you banned at least 4 members who had a healthy post count and mainly because they argued with you. You may have banned pedophiles as well and bravo for that no arguement from me but You also got rid of some enemies. so your apologetic im sorry for my latest altercation with ro rings extremely false. If you hadn't been demoded over it you'd still be struttin around and tootin away
Well as i sit here and read this thread, a few thoughts come to mind. I like so many others have been here when things were good and the Modship was fair strong and ever present. I have met some very lerned people here and I myself have enchanced my knowledge (for without knowledge, one cannot grow) I know there will be a few people who willl attack me on some level, and to them i say...."take your best shot". I was a chat moderator here in the good times. I have watched the steady decline of this forum and yes its disapointing to say the very least. I long for the days when everyone was treated with respect and we had a mild-mannered chat decorum. Everyone knows me that has been here for more than 3 yrs, and the rest of you may know OF me throgh stories or chat My name has never changed here unless someone cloned me. I have always felt that cucks play some type of role in this lifestyle, for if it were not for cucks there would just be a bunch of cheating going on. I say this to state one point of fact.....Its not always the people who fantasize who drag a forum down.....sometimes its the way the other people respond to them that makes things come to a screeching halt. To PIMP I say...... im in most of your groups and I know the work you do......Keep it up and ill see you when i see you. To Randy.... you know I have the utmost respect for you my brother...we will talk soon. To the rest of you who have thoughts about where this board should go...... think about this:
A board is only as good as the members on it, if we bitch and complain then thats what the board will gravitate towards. Conversely, If we respect and allow people to voice their thoughts and opinions we will further encourage and promote the path to enlightenment for some of the people who want to try this..."LIFESTYLE" because although some of you do this for entertainment, this is a "LIFESTYLE" TO MANY OF US. Again I did not set out to attack any one person and I will also say if my verbage effected you, then you do have some sort of passion for the success of this forum or you have a desire to see it crash.... either way, open your minds and allow yourselves to grow because through knowledge you can attain many things. I wish everyone a very Happy and safe Holiday season and i will close with this. Like me or Hate me, its up to you, how many of you have been on the opposite side of either ????? I AM AND WILL ALWAYS REMAIN SIR_PHILLY..Be Well all.
I say again, you should be getting paid - impressive stuff
Will i think you wasting youre time cause you didnt disprove Sticky's notion, nor prove Pimp's for there is no reason given why these people were banned??? I do recognize a few of them myself as some with drastic opinions on things. This is not to say that I am taking Stickys side or Pimps. (I really dont believe Pimp would have just eliminated people for personal reasons.)

May i ask what is Spam considered in here? again shows you i was told nothing in advance of having been a mod..not even sure what it is you guys talk about as Spam.
Philly you basically summed up what i have long said in many posts and think ...but no matter how nice or tolerant you may be, you cant change close minded people here...that is what makes many of us take sabaticals for we get sick of the place.

I'm glad to hear there was mod in chatroom at would know then, how bad that is needed again NOW! MHall is correct about "should get paid" but the management certainly dont want to hear that...didnt i state that and look how they took that to mean? I give Will a ton of credit and respect for all the time he is putting in. Dig and Buzzy whoever they are ..well they are lucky he is around right now!
I'm not understanding the list of banned individuals???
Pimp has banned me and said he banned why did we not show up on that list???
Thanks Lord Philly. Look forward to the day we meet.

I was told by Buzzy to delete people who bashed women, those who were problem starters and of course, spammers. He also told me to ban Restitutor.

Spam is promoting things and sites that generic or commercial to my thinking. Like the promotional ads for viagra and the like.

Will posted the truth of the matter and I have or had nothing to hide. I stand by my record as mod and even administration has said I did a good job. My detractors are merely whining. Wnat a little cheese with it? The sound you hear, sticky, is the world's smallest violin playing.......
Hey if Pimp banned people out of spite, he'd have nuked me ages ago...

The more crap weeded-out the better IMHO!
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It's pretty clear I didn't "nuke" people simply for having issue with or disliking them. I believe I was more than fair. That being said I can't even, to be honest, recall having any issues with you newcpl2. To the best of my thinking I have only really genuinely disliked six or seven users on this board (whammer, sticky, habib, watchwife, brissy and restitutor immediately come to mind) and of those at least 3 are still here and 2 I was told to ban.
Excellent! Well memories are short and it's all water under the bridge...
thanks for spam info pimp...i know it only as some nasty canned lunch meat type- product and bogus overloaded ad emails. newcple you have plenty of time to create some new found just kidding people lets enjoy the holidays and upcoming new year.
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its all good by me Will just dont want you to be doing unecessary work but its youre choice i never thought Pimp was banning for sake of his whim. Sticky, Whammer, move on already. you both should be happy then he is no longer a mod.
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I applaud your efforts but the page you saw does not include tose members who furious at their un warranted banning, had Buzzy delete all of their threads and attachements. Those members were erased and no record exists of their ever being here the number I know of (through other forums) is 4. I am not trying to stir up trouble but rather want Pimples legacy to be accurate. Without the stats it will be impossible to ever know the truth. I hope that who ever becomes mod in the future has patience in spades and a very even temper because the recent past was an example of the opposite
LOL too rich and funny. You dispute the very facts the site logs yet put stock in the words of "ghosts" you claim to have heard from in other forums. I doubt that's even true and just more of your fabrications in an attempt to discredit me. So be it. The proof is in the factual information on the moderator page which you are not privy to or have access to. You can't even see it to dispute what it says. Stop your fuckin' bitching already and move on.
Doesn't matter how many times you tell or show him, Will. He's got a personal hard-on for me and is on some kind of vendetta to fuck with me. Always has and always will. It doesn't matter that you post and share the facts of my mod record. It doesn't matter that buzzy and dig said I did a good job. It doesn't matter I was told to ban a couple of the people I did and that I only banned a handful for life and that they were spammers or pedophiles. It doesn't matter that I reinstated most of those I banned (including him) and just asked that they conduct themselves like adults. He is always gonna dispute facts, manipulate the truth and troll behind me in every thread bitching and moaning that I'm using up oxygen. Kinda wish I had banned him for life! ;)

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