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  • Thread startermuleman
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Lorismi said:
Little boys with big egos!
Lorismi if you are refering to pooch and whammer here pooch does not have a big ego and as for whammer as everyone knows here on this site that has been here awhile I've stuck up for Pimp we use to get in some hell of a arguments with people here and people even went so far as to say we were one anothers ass buddies but whammer had really toned down and he ended up shit kicked out of here for 30 days over pissing pimp off and it was nothing. In my book whammer got screwed over as Ro did. I know you like pimp as well as alot of people but between Mods on this site at least Pooch and Will listen and fire back and don't ass kick someone out because they get pissed at them. Hell kdawg was a mod he left. Pimp has his thoughts how things should be and there are no give or take it is a one way issue and I will be the first to say I mentioned Pimp to be a mod I thought he would be fair but as I have seen certain people just rub him the wrong way and he gets fired up on them and don't take this as I'm running him down I'm not just stating what I have seen go on here. I will still back Pimp if I think he is right on a issue . Just my 2 cents Lorismi
thanks mule got me pegged pretty good (not bad for a cowboys and lorismi i do have a big ego (among other things...brain, biceps, lips..and u figure what else..lmao) but i dont show it here to make myself feel like a big man.

for rest of you..from what i have seen since i have come back past week is that there havent been any 'argument' type threads...but if you go back 2 months and before that..there were many... the ones that got me sick were ust people being nasty to each others simply cause they dont like different veiwpoints or lifestyle choices, and then bringing race/political issues into it.

one thing i noticed is chatroom is always packed and you cant get in it alot. really i just like to see some pics here and there and see some alternate viewpoints on what people do out there.
A one time statement from me:

I am not banned. I can post if I choose--I just choose not to. This site is a shell of its former self and no amount of good intention on the part of certain moderators (current or past) is going to change that. I've resolved myself, reluctantly, to that unpleasant truth. This site could care less about the swinging lifestyle or realism. It's all about freakish interests and divergent obsessions and that is fine with the administration because that's the demographic that constitutes their cash cow. So be it. I can and will take my more realistic and swinger mentality elsewhere. I certainly do not need this site to continue my interracial swinging pursuits. I have swinglifestyle, swappernet,, sdc and my own 10,000 plus member yahoo group for that.

And contrary to what Mule or anyone else thinks, I only banned those people who earned it by their behavior and actions. If I were to ban people from this site simply because I disliked them, many would never have been reinstated (whammer is a perfect case in point; I banned him and I also reinstated him). As it is, I no longer care one way or another who is here, what kind of fucked up content is allowed or what transpires. Have at it. The freakshow is all yours.
Well it looks like we lost another super mod here so Pooch is the only mod left. Pooch good luck I guess if you get pissed at the admin and take a leave this site will really take a roll for the shit hole. Will is busy moving threads and deleting spam all the time so this will really open a door. Pimp you old ass I'll miss giving ya shit here as always muleman
pimp i dont think you can stay away forever so have nice holidays good luck to youre redskins and old papa joe lions and ur gangbangs and live and let live.
this site has always been same for year or so i have been here, so i dont know what it used to be...but its not just about IR gangbangs either. Be good whatever makes you happy. life is a freakshow...i didnt choose to be part of it!

As for me being the only 'super mod' well i suggest they recruit someone else cause i not gonna spend my life working on this site ...for free thats for sure. i dont care that much about it i said i come here for fun.
mmm... the next few weeks will be interesting. Let's see where it goes. Perhaps the truth will out, perhaps the site will be seen as nothing more than a cash cow for a few. Only time will tell.
Pooch it is like this I've been around here since April of 05 Pimp came here a year later in 06 as you did and there are others that were real good people that I can remember that has left here male and female. The bottom line to anything is that when the old crowd leaves that comes daily for years start to leave all you get is a lot of lurkers or a one post and there gone. This site has as I said in another thread slipped. We had people that made positive smart post and threads like uk hall thawks black dom neat newwht couple and so many more that don't come here as often or at all it is a shame. Some of these new forums don't hardly get a post or a newthread. It was alright to redo the site but if you want the site to turn into a freak show it will because for every lost of a good person you gain two freaks. I hate to see this happen it is like you say you come here for fun. So to the admin if you want a temp mod I will be glad to help out the pooch but I will tell you this I will not let spam come on here or child porn or related sites such as blue sky and I will not take to threating nor hatefully degrading of a person on here but if I feel they are just speaking their mind so be it. It is just I've been here for a while and i don't want it to go to the shit hole.
Mule gets my vote... this place NEEDS a rescue attempt - big time:)
well bout 6 weeks ago right when i was sick and tired of this place i was emailed asking if i would be a instructions on what i was supposed to do or how to do it. so i started gettign emails about posts, and even though i wasnt visiting the site , i tried to ck them out but i didnt even know what to do or how to do (delete them). i emailed 3 seperate times, the owner I guess, to ask what and how to do whatever was necessary and didnt get any replies so i was like if they dont care why should I. again i dont really care if this place survives changes or what ..for me its a nice diversion to ck out i go in chatroom sometimes have some some nice people , exchange some ideas/view points ck out some pics... its a friggin website to me thats it. i certainly not making money off it mule if u want to be a mod go for it if u dont dont worry bout it. I will stick around but my attitude is what it is. i think people (pimp and others) take shit way to seriously on here....i mean i dont want to talk about his voyeuristic gangbangs non stop ..any more than i want to talk about sissy cucks..or argue about who and what is real/fake on me i just take the attitude its all fake so i have nothing invested emotionally in anything here..ive been called fake several times its all here and i read what i want and i pass on what i dont. thats what i think everyone should do. overall i like pimp and hope he comes back in here but if he chooses not too well its his life i hope he is happy. mule you are cool despite the cowboys affiliation ( TO is talking shit about Romo and Homer Simpsons you all be good SUPER MODERATOR>>>OUT!
DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD! I am overjoyed that I wont have to read come to ohio for an oreo gangbang as the second post in every new wifepix thread. Pimp was a terrible mod and we all know it. (He banned for life) a number of his enemies on the night he made mod. People were afraid to even comment on his hypocrisy these past few months and the psychophantic stragglers were extremely annoying (lorismi etc). So high ho the derry oh says I
Sticky.......who says you won't have to read that and much, much more from me? Stepping down as moderator only did two things: 1) free me up to take off the kid gloves I had to treat people like you with and 2) give me license, in buzzy's own words, to mix it up with the likes of you again.

So be careful what you wish for pal or I may stick around just to piss folks like you off.

And you're not privy to the banned users page so just how would you know who I banned and for how long? Truth of the matter is I only banned maybe 1 or 2 people for life and they had it coming. You didn't get banned for life so you should be thanking me instead of prancing around like I died.

In fact, I may apply to be a moderator again. Lord knows I gained valuable experience and insight in doing it the first time and, save the incident with Ro (which I apologized for), I did a damn good job as moderator and those are buzzy and dig's words not mine. Hell, look how many spam posts get through (even though Will is trying) now and I was responsible for the deletion of 99% of those when I was a mod.

So see, there ya have it--I'm officially throwing my name back in to be reinstated as a moderator. See what ya did? And even if I don't get the nod I still might stick around just to be a thorn in your side (whammer's too). But you can rest easier if I'm a mod than if I'm not. As a mod I'd treat you fairly on your merit as a member. As a non-mod I'm free to dislike you as I do and act accordingly.

good luck with all your dreams mr oreo

Just a suggestion on the spam. Set up a spam forum and let them spam away in there. It won't get rid of a lot, but it will eliminate some of it and any relief makes it easier on the mods, and people who actually want to read it(believe it or not they exist,lol), can.
Actually, it's standard practice in many forums and a proven method for cutting down spam. Believe me, many forums have the same issues of misplaced posts, spam and the other problems here. Worst case, it won't cut spam down at all. Best case, it cuts down some spam. What's to lose ?
good... i dont want you too lets end this thread and all move on for nothing is going to change but again i hope you stick around whether as a mod, or a daily participant or occasional...whatever suits you...and that goes for me and everyone else
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That remains to be seen. My involvement at this site will depend on a number of things. I'm leaning towards leaving as I really don't need this site to further my swinging endeavors and as far as forums go--there are others out there that may better suite my needs than this one does currently. And I can always start my own.
Oh please stay and continue to be a thorn in my side LOL
You over estimate your worth.
Bon Voyahhgie- as Bugs Bunny would say.
Whammer said:
Oh please stay and continue to be a thorn in my side LOL
You over estimate your worth.
Bon Voyahhgie- as Bugs Bunny would say.

Steady up, Pimp and stay the course.

MANY (probably MOST) of us DO REALLY appreciate your value to this board. There are those who needed to be shown that DC is NOT their own private 'rampage world,' and they screamed becauz you told them in no uncertain terms that their idiosyncratic attitudes would not be tolerated.

I haven't always agreed with everything you've said or done here, but I (and many others) see that the Cavern became a more pleasant place to visit when you were MOD'ng...

Unfortunately, what's missing is the 'management piece...' There needs to be standards of conduct (at whatever level management dictates). Then both the MODS and posters know what's allowed, and not allowed. Until then, there will always be turmoil. Everybody sees this shortcoming, but certain posters use the absence of these 'standards' to wreak havoc. They need to be REINED IN OR BANNED.

I've always argued for tolerance, civility, and respect for others viewpoints/lifestyle focus here. Understanding that this is a 'for profit' site, management needs to decide the effect that those values have on their bottom line. Somehow, I've always thought that profitability was enhanced in a more civil environment, rather than in one embroiled in turmoil.
pimpology101 said:
And you underestimate your lack of importance.

Ha ha ha!! Hey man- I just make a few posts and post a few pics. I'm not the one thinking I'm the Grand Master of Pimping from the Big State of Ohio.
Any luck finding a girlfriend yet?
That's because even in your wildest dreams you couldn't aspire to be me and do what I do. Some of us live it, some of us post pics.
And very well said, Randy. There's no clear direction for this site and, God love 'em, the administrators don't have (or seem to) a clue as to the direction they want this board to go.
No Will I was never asked to be a Mod so I couldn't have turned it down. For those of you that hasn't figured this out if you hammer on Pimp he isn't wearing gloves anymore he don't have to be nice if you want to poke at him. People don't let Pooch think he isn't getting paid fo being a Mod hell he gets a free ****** once a month down in Texas shit Buzzy makes sure of that. He's just crying. Slam my Boys

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