The % of wives having affairs is high, & will probably continue getting higher.
sptbj2 said:
What percentage of wives are involved in "the lifestyle" of having sex with someone other than their husbands, whether they are cuckoldresses, hotwifes, or cheaters? .... Does anyone have an opinion? My guess is 10-15%. Do you think I'm high, low?
I agree with those who say your guess is way too low.
"Cherry Lee," Ph.D. (a pseudonym) used to maintain an excellent extensive website on woman/man relationships that included a fairly large section on hotwife / cuckold husband marriages. Unfortunately, she took it down claiming insufficient time due to increased professional responsibilities. (My guess is, she got a grant funded.... in her self-description, she said she had two university appointments.) In any case, in a sub-article on female vs. male extramarital affairs, she showed a bar graph and cited some statistics indicating steady increase in the percentage of married women who were having, or had in the past, at least one affair. The "bars" were at periodic time intervals over a number of decades, since the survey was first conducted. The same bar graph also showed the percentage of married men having affairs, or who had had at least one affair, at the same points in time (so they could be compared directly).
The bar graph for the most recent year of this survey showed the percentage of married women having affairs pulling ahead of the percentage of married men having affairs for the first time. As I vaguely recall (this is from memory), both numbers were somewhat higher than 50%.
Dr. Lee gave no information about how the surveys were conducted, whether the survey methods were self-consistent from year-to-year, nor about the uncertainty limits. (It was an article and plot for the layperson.)
sptbj2 said:
Do you think this will change in the future, or stay about the same?
My guess would be, the percentage of married women having affairs will continue pulling ahead of the percentage of married men having affairs in the future. That is, there will be progressively more hotwife / cuckold husband marriages, whether or not the cuckold husbands know that is the nature of their marriages.
Cherry Lee speculated that a (perhaps the) main driver for increasing numbers of married women having affairs is that progressively more women have been entering "the work force" since the end of WW II, where they have, of course, much greater access to men than they would if they were "stay-at-home" wives and mothers. This explanation strikes me as probably right.
It's reasonable to expect this trend to continue, IMO, because more women than men are entering and graduating from universities and professional schools (e.g., law and medicine) and gaining elective office. This implies that in the future, progressively more women will attain high-level positions, in which they will (for instance) travel more extensively thereby gaining even more access to men other than their husbands.
But, as someone once put it: "Predictions are difficult, especially of the future."