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Our Game

  • Thread startertarheeljw
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Jan 22, 2006
Hi to all.
I have been a long time lurker, and have decided to write to explore another side of Cuckolding that I have rarely seen.
Let me begin by a little back ground, not trying to brag, but it will help explain things better.
I am 6'4", 200lbs, in my mid 40s and in very good shape as I played college basketball and still do a couple times a week.
My wife is 5'9" and in better shape than I am, as she looks to be in her early thirties.
She is a manager for a fortune 500 company, I own a small construction company: two very dominate, driven people, so together we lead a comfortable life.
With all that said, I am a Cuckold.
Ours is a different relationship than I usually see here, and would like to hear from all, but especially anyone who is in a similar situation.

Our "Game" begins like most, as my wife is my Goddess, and I her cuckold.

She maintains all the control of our sexuality. Our everyday life is like most others, as we take kids to school, and workout our schedules to accommodate all the things we must pack into a day, but when she utters the words, JW, my initials, I know she is in total control, and I obey her.

Her job requires her to travel most weeks, and she is always on the lookout for a Lover, as she has the time and opportunity to have some fun.

I guess this is where we differ from most, as she has lovers.....guys that really interest her, and who she enjoys their company. She only has a couple of lovers at a time, usually one here in town and one on the road, time doesn't permit more than that.

Not trying to piss on anybodies parade here, but don't understand the "bull" thing, or the fixation on "breeding" to get pregnant. Our game centers around PLEASURE, her pleasure, and her control and denial of mine.
She doesn't have lovers because I am inadequate, or small, or a wimp, but rather because she can........It's a power thing. She tells me she would like nothing better than to fuck me and allow me pleasure, but then I wouldn't see her as a true Goddess, and shes right.
Her knowing that I am in a chastity device while she can do anything she wants is a mighty powerful mind fuck.
We talk constantly about what she is doing, where and who with as thats part of our game....
Ours is Loving Female Authority relationship. Thats not to say that she doesn't believe in a little discipline, as she can be very cruel if needed.

Overall ours is a very balanced , life permitting, game that we enjoy.

I would love to hear from anyone that enjoys such a lifestyle, and what works for you, or any other different style...

Yours is actually quite similar to ours

The bull breeding thing....makes no sense...the LAST thing I want to do is raise somebody elses kid.....raising my enough to drive anyone crazy..and we aren't as hardline...on the cuckold..stuff...although when she's with her lover...around that gets really intense....I enjoy it in some weird way.....
Jw....I completely agree with you.
I don't understand the bull-breeding thing either.

Like you, I am not inadiquate smal or a wimp either.
My wife just likes lots of sex from a variety of men and she calls the shots provided she stays within certain guidelines.

I'm not into any sort of cruel humiliation from my wife or her boyfriends either.
However, I do definately enjoy the intence erotic humilation that results from the fact that I freely offer my wife to her boyfriend and lovers becauase if i didn't she would be with them anyway.

Actually, I am mainly in charge of our relationship except when it come to sex and her spreading her legs for other guys.
That's very cool....


Your description of yourself and your relationship with your wife/cuckoldress, as you describe it in your interesting post and which you seem to view as unusual (if not highly unusual), seems similar to the relationship between Jweiner and his wife/cuckoldress as described in his post and followup post in the thread started by Rucuckold, here:

Are you Jweiner, with a new screen name "Tarheeljw"?

It's very cool that your wife requires you to wear a chastity device, and that you acquiesce in your wife being the dominant partner in a femdom-style marriage. Regarding your comment:

tarheeljw said:
.... Ours is Loving Female Authority relationship. That's not to say she doesn't believe in a little discipline, as she can be very cruel if needed.

perhaps this link would be of interest to your wife

Disciplinary Wives Club (DWC)

(if she isn't familiar with it already).


Your relationship is almost exactly like ours and many others in here. It is just that the more strident and extrovert members take centre at times. :)
different strokes...

Hi tarheeljw,

your wife sounds like a great woman very much in control of her (and your!) sexuality. Lucky you!

Whilst I *do* understand the bull thing, because I love the thought of big strong alpha males fucking me hard, I still have to connect on a mental and emotional level with that person or there will be no pleasure in it for me; in fact likely I will not respond in the first place. I consider that my relationship with learningtobeUK is one of loving female authority and that my pleasure increasingly comes first as I increasingly deny him his. I am attracted to big strong muscualr men it's true, but that's my taste and it just so happens to fit one aspect of the bull description.

I don't get the breeding thing either, for me, babies and children are born as part of a loving, intimate relationship, not a strangers fuck. They're damn hard work as many have already said, and for me, being a Dominant Goddess in no way encompasses looking after the lifelong legacy of what might be a one night fuck!

Please tell me more about your chastity device as I coincidentally just posted about this and wouldl ove to hear of your experiences.

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Thanks to all for your comments.....I guess I view this board just enough to see the wilder side, or someones imagination, sometimes not sure which....

I will try to answer some questions:
I have never posted before, so No, I am not me posting as someone else.

I do enjoy some humiliation from my wife, but only between us....Not sure how I would handle her lover doing sure she would not like it..Humiliation comes in many forms: having to wear a chastity device and giving up the male driven ability to masturbate, is quite humiliating.....especially when she reminds me of it daily......just the fact my wife has a lover, is.........

Dominant Goddess asked about my chastity device, and I will do my best....
I wear a CB3000 daily, except friday nights , as Ms.K changes it to a Calis braclet for friday night, her way of starting the weekend......many weekends friday night runs into saturdaynight, depending on her and what I have done for her....after two nights, it really becomes uncomfortable....Also, I agree with you 100% as to the conditions to bring children into this world....I am allowed to cum between 2-4 weeks, depends on her, and how often she sees her lover { averages 1 visit every two weeks }.....the more she sees him, the less I cum

NYJOE, I am much like you, but we share in the duties of our relationship.....I am incharge of the money, not because of power, but because she doesn't want to pay bills....she wouldn't make a large purchase with out consulting me, and the only ones I've made with out her consent were things I bought for, trips...shes never bitched about that...also, I have no say to when, who or where, or how often she sees her lovers, as this was a condition for playing our Game.....Her reasoning being, she didn't want to persue someone then have me get cold feet.....I repect that.

Before this summer she had only had lovers from out of town, people she would come into contact with thru her buisness and only a couple at that.....that all changed this summer as she decided she liked a friend of mine......that has been weird, but I like that aspect that I know shes safe with him and I get to see her right after......Some people find the creampie thing revolting, and wasn't sure I could do it, but she made it a condition to play, so , If I wanted her to cuckold me, I had to agree to

As you might have guessed, she was one of those wives who were very relunctant to get into this as it differs with how a good southern couple should live....and made certain conditions, ie. chastity, creampie ect., to discourge me from asking for this......and I agreed to her terms, deep down never thinking she would go thru with, it is what it is.....
amazing how a buisness setting and a bottle of wine can change things, as thats how it first happened , some six years ago....

I guess ours is about POWER, or the exchange of it.....Her power, there is nothing more sexy to me than a confidant, powerful woman....

again, I am not trying to rain on anybody but share, and thanks for sharing to all who did.....
"You are not alone.... "


tarheeljw said:
I will try to answer some questions: I have never posted before, so no, I am not me posting as someone else.

Thanks for the clarification.

tarheeljw said:
I guess our [relationship] is about POWER, or the exchange of it..... Her power. There is nothing more sexy to me than a confidant, powerful woman....

I agree.

Regarding your thoughts about the unique nature of your femdom marriage.... there are some other posts, in the archives, from other cuckold husbands who seem more-or-less analogous to you. In other words, "you aren't alone." If I can find them without too lengthy a search, I may post links to them in this thread sometime later.


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