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On the new series "Archer"

  • Thread starterMorganTheCapn
  • Start date


Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Oct 30, 2009
Another example of cuckolding I found in the media... I had another one but it has apparently slipped my mind at the moment. So I will only talk about this one.

For those of you who don't watch snarky animated shows intended for college students, "Archer" is about a spoiled secret agent named Sterling Archer.

Two of the characters, Lana and a man named Cyril are involved in a romantic relationship. In the most recent episode Lana wants to get back at Cyril for cheating on her. She decides to openly have sex with every man in the office one by one while Cyril is ****** to mingle among them and hear their sex stories.

It actually turns out Lana isn't having sex with these men but rather she is just taking their money and in exchange they get to SAY they had sex with her. Which brings up an interesting point. Cuckoldry seems to be SO much more prevalent in today's media. Yet it's not cuckoldry to the full extent, it always seems to be toned down a touch as it was here. Lana wasn't ACTUALLY having sex with every man in the office, she just wanted it to SEEM that way.

Maybe this is the media's way of "softening the blow" so to speak? Maybe America isn't ready to publicly and openly embrace cuckolds in the media?
It might just be that some things in the vanilla world don't always lead to the full blown act of cuckoldry as we know it.
I watched another show on TV last night, can't remember the name, but the main charactor is a private detective. He was following a woman at the request of her husband but screwed up and she caught him following. During the confrontation he explained what he was doing and admitted he had found no evidence.

She explained that she had cheated on her husband once but instead of being upset he was excited and wanted her to continue. She wanted to keep him happy but did not want to cheat so she was feeding him stories of trysts she was making up. He agreed to keep her secret. I was just flipping channels so I moved on when it went to commercial.
Susan's Slave said:
I watched another show on TV last night, can't remember the name, but the main charactor is a private detective. He was following a woman at the request of her husband but screwed up and she caught him following. During the confrontation he explained what he was doing and admitted he had found no evidence.

She explained that she had cheated on her husband once but instead of being upset he was excited and wanted her to continue. She wanted to keep him happy but did not want to cheat so she was feeding him stories of trysts she was making up. He agreed to keep her secret. I was just flipping channels so I moved on when it went to commercial.

It was Terriers on FX.
Thank you, that is the one! I will have to see if it is on our cable network's on-demand section.
I totally agree. I have never been able to enjoy the whole slasher genre of scary films because everytime a hot young girl gets naked or starts having sex with her boyfriend some ugly asshole comes in with a chain saw, butcher knife, or other pointy metal object and chops them to pieces. Naked girl = painful, bloody death. Simple graphic message to young people.

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