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On optimal cock size...

  • Thread starterCuster Laststand
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Custer Laststand

Beloved Member
Jul 18, 2007
Recently I "saw" a woman who can reasonably be described as having vast experience fucking men. (She has two children being looked after by their father — to whom she is not married, she said — in the distant U.S. state she is from. She mentioned he is quite good about taking care of her children when she is away.)

During one of our conversations, the subject of cock size came up. She mentioned the man who fathered her children has a ten-inch cock. Stating the obvious, I replied: that's *very* long. She said yes, but it isn't very big around — rather clearly implying she didn't consider it optimum for that reason. I went on to mention that since a woman's G-spot is only a couple of inches inside her vagina, why does a cock any longer than (say) several inches make any difference in a woman's sexual pleasure?

She replied that there is a second G-spot deep in a woman's vagina near her cervix such that when a man's cock is long enough to reach it, it yields a very intense orgasm that feels quite different from orgasms derived from her "couple of inches inside her vagina" G-spot or her clitoris.

Beginning to feel enlightened, I said: Ah... I see. I then mentioned I had read somewhere that the largest cock most women can take comfortably is about eight or nine inches. Would she agree with that...?

She said: yes; for her the best size is eight by eight.

You mean, eight inches long and with a circumference of eight inches (eight inches around)? I said.

Yes, she replied.
8x8? Now that is a mighty cock. All the cucks here are in tears.
my wife would agree thickness over lenth or both if poss. As round as a coke tin would be perfect between 6 and 10 inches .
MacNfries said:
Possibly she needs a horse?? :eek:

Well, considering diameter = (circumference)/pi for a cock with roughly circular cross-section, 8" x 8" would be slightly larger, both in length and diameter, than a can of gillette shaving gel. Do men with such cocks exist? I suppose they must...

MacNfries said:
I'm sure the medical professon (as well as Dr. Ruth .. lol) would love to know about that second G-spot!

No doubt. The medical profession, though, has had a hard time acknowledging that women have even one G-spot, so if they don't believe women (or some women) have two, I'd say that's no confirmation a second G-spot — or, more broadly, a second area of sensitivity — doesn't exist.

drackas said:
My wife would agree, thickness over length — both, if possible. As round as a coke tin would be perfect between 6 and 10 inches.

Ah... agreement from a second woman. Two out of one-half the world population is beginning to sound like a statistical concensus. (Just joking...)
Inches or Cms?

Saraha said:
I like 9 x 7 best.

I guess most 'normal' men would only ever be cuckold fodder for you lady!
Medieval vs. practical units


Regarding your "inches or centimeters" question to Saraha: I used inches because of the U.S. preference for medieval units. If Saraha meant centimeters, a 9 by 7 cock would be 3.5 inches long by 2.8 inches in circumference... unimpressive, at best. So, I think you can conclude her dimensionless numbers imply inches.

Wrong biter!

Custer Laststand said:

Regarding your "inches or centimeters" question to Saraha: I used inches because of the U.S. preference for medieval units. If Saraha meant centimeters, a 9 by 7 cock would be 3.5 inches long by 2.8 inches in circumference... unimpressive, at best. So, I think you can conclude her dimensionless numbers imply inches.


Really Custer, it was supposed to be Saraha who bit on this one!

Of course all and sundry knew she was meaning inches!!!!

Just that in so doing - she excluded about 99.999999999% of the male population in her desires!
A broader survey...

The "Scandalous Women" e-zine — which was recently off the air, so to speak, but is now up and running again — has published online the results of their recent and interesting "relationship and sexual preferences" survey of their female readers. A question on the subject of optimal cock size is included. For the whole survey, see:

The Complete Results! ? The 2010 Scandalous Social and Sex Survey

Question 34 is, what cock size do you prefer? (Note this question is in terms of length only.)
5.0 to 5.9 inches: 3%
6.0 to 6.9 " : 5%
7.0 to 7.9 " : 50%
8.0 inches or longer: 20%
Not important: 18%
Other: 5%

Those of us who unfortunately do not fall into the favored categories — as you can see, 70% of women stated they prefer cocks 7 to 8 inches or longer — as well as those who do, might be interested in question 35. It is:

How important is it for your [male] lover to give you oral sex [or to put it more bluntly, be your cuntsucker]?
—It's crucial, an absolute must. 63%
—It's nice if he'll do it, but if he doesn't, I'll get over it. 38%

Some other questions that may be of interest to this forum include:

How important is it for you to have an orgasm during sex?
—Crucial! He'd better make it happen! 60%
—Nice, but it isn't the most important part of sex. 38%
—Other: 3%

Have you engaged in sexual female domination (femdom), and how do you feel about it?
—Yes, I've done this (/do this) and it's hot! 38%
—Yes, I've done this and it was OK. 10%
—No, but it sounds like something I'd want to do. 33%
—No, I'm not interested. 20%

Would you like to incorporate cuckolding in your relationship; that is, such that you are free to date and have sex with other men but your male partner must remain faithful to you?

—Definitely, this is something I would love! 50%
—Sure, but I don't really see how it could work. 10%
—I have this arrangement now. 20%
—No, this doesn't interest me. 20%
Very interesting

Custer Laststand said:
The "Scandalous Women" e-zine — which was recently off the air, so to speak, but is now up and running again — has published online the results of their recent and interesting "relationship and sexual preferences" survey of their female readers. A question on the subject of optimal cock size is included. For the whole survey, see:

The Complete Results! ? The 2010 Scandalous Social and Sex Survey

Question 34 is, what cock size do you prefer? (Note this question is in terms of length only.)
5.0 to 5.9 inches: 3%
6.0 to 6.9 " : 5%
7.0 to 7.9 " : 50%
8.0 inches or longer: 20%
Not important: 18%
Other: 5%

Those of us who unfortunately do not fall into the favored categories — as you can see, 70% of women stated they prefer cocks 7 to 8 inches or longer — as well as those who do, might be interested in question 35. It is:

How important is it for your [male] lover to give you oral sex [or to put it more bluntly, be your cuntsucker]?
—It's crucial, an absolute must. 63%
—It's nice if he'll do it, but if he doesn't, I'll get over it. 38%

Some other questions that may be of interest to this forum include:

How important is it for you to have an orgasm during sex?
—Crucial! He'd better make it happen! 60%
—Nice, but it isn't the most important part of sex. 38%
—Other: 3%

Have you engaged in sexual female domination (femdom), and how do you feel about it?
—Yes, I've done this (/do this) and it's hot! 38%
—Yes, I've done this and it was OK. 10%
—No, but it sounds like something I'd want to do. 33%
—No, I'm not interested. 20%

Would you like to incorporate cuckolding in your relationship; that is, such that you are free to date and have sex with other men but your male partner must remain faithful to you?

—Definitely, this is something I would love! 50%
—Sure, but I don't really see how it could work. 10%
—I have this arrangement now. 20%
—No, this doesn't interest me. 20%

But remember this data can't be extrapolated to the population at large since the data is very biased. Those logging on to such a website would already be very predisposed towards an open female adventurous sexuality and many towards a Femdom bent!

Plus there is a BIG difference between one's apirations and what we'll be quite happy with!

4julie said:
But remember these data can't be extrapolated to the population at large since the data are biased.* Those logging on to such a site would already be predisposed toward an open female adventurous sexuality and many toward femdom!

Yes, that's right. The survey cannot be considered representative of the female population at large — or rather, the subset of women who have computers, an internet connection, and speak English — because the respondents are self-selected not randomly-selected. Those who voluntarily respond to a survey, be it on the Internet, in a magazine, or elsewhere, are — more-or-less by definition — people who have a particular interest in the subject matter of the survey. This "self-selected respondents" criticism is what invalidates essentially all such surveys as representative of the population being surveyed (ostensibly).

Also, as you point out, the "" site is for women who cuckold their husbands / LTR partners, or are interested in the possibility of doing so. But this, of course, is also the topic of interest to the members of this forum — hence my suspicion that many here will find the results of interest.

Regardless, "scandalouswomen" seems to have made a substantial effort to survey many women. They say: " contacted over 4000 of our readers to take our survey, taking great care to ensure they were all women. 2389 responded. We utilized personal invitations, our mailing list, Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter profiles to recruit potential survey takers. Based on our methods of delivering the survey, we’re reasonably sure 98% of the results are from women. We’re therefore assigning a +/- 2% margin of error." 2389 out of "more than" 4000 is an unusually high response rate.

Thus, taking into account the "pre-existing interests" of these women (as a health insurance corporation would put it, no doubt), the results still seem interesting, I would say.

*Incidentally, note "data" are plural, "datum" is singular. If you use "data" in sentences as if it were "data points," it comes out right.

MacNfries said:
Possibly she needs a horse?? :eek:

I'm sure the medical professon (as well as Dr. Ruth .. lol) would love to know about that second G-spot!

You replies right after it was discussed here:

More specifically she is probably speaking of either the AFE/A-spot/Epicenter (likely) or the rectouterine pouch (less likely, statistically), which are near or part of the anterior and posterior vaginal fornices.

Vaginal fornix - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Either way, I don't measure up.

Oh Custer is your ego showing?

Custer Laststand said:
Yes, that's right. The survey cannot be considered representative of the female population at large — or rather, the subset of women who have computers, an internet connection, and speak English — because the respondents are self-selected not randomly-selected. Those who voluntarily respond to a survey, be it on the Internet, in a magazine, or elsewhere, are — more-or-less by definition — people who have a particular interest in the subject matter of the survey. This "self-selected respondents" criticism is what invalidates essentially all such surveys as representative of the population being surveyed (ostensibly).
Also, as you point out, the "" site is for women who cuckold their husbands / LTR partners, or are interested in the possibility of doing so. But this, of course, is also the topic of interest to the members of this forum — hence my suspicion that many here will find the results of interest.
Regardless, "scandalouswomen" seems to have made a substantial effort to survey many women. They say: " contacted over 4000 of our readers to take our survey, taking great care to ensure they were all women. 2389 responded. We utilized personal invitations, our mailing list, Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter profiles to recruit potential survey takers. Based on our methods of delivering the survey, we’re reasonably sure 98% of the results are from women. We’re therefore assigning a +/- 2% margin of error." 2389 out of "more than" 4000 is an unusually high response rate.

Thus, taking into account the "pre-existing interests" of these women (as a health insurance corporation would put it, no doubt), the results still seem interesting, I would say.
Again you FAIL to see the REAL bias in the data posted and try to deflect these failings by spurious comments on the design of the survey. You left out the one KEY element in your argument that I say means the data on this site ‘while of real interest to those with cuckold tendencies’. Only a small subset of women would browse this site so any respondents to the survey would have a major bias to the subject matter. Just as a survey carried out on gay marriage conducted on a gay person website would not be representative of the population as a whole because few people other than gays would browse that site. I would suggest if the exact same survey was carried out on a Evangelical Christian website the answers would be immensely different from a totally different BIAS! Neither of those surveys could be extrapolated to the population as a whole because of the limited nature of the population being surveyed.

Maybe in cloud cuckold land you can believe that - 80% of all women are interested in cuckolding their husband with only 1 woman in 5 having no interest - or similarly only 1 woman in every 5 has no interest in being in a Femdom relationship. Indeed I’d go so far as to say that a survey carried out of women on would have an even smaller percentage of women uninterested in being a domme or am I being bias?

Custer it was merely a comment that due to the limited nature of the survey population the data could not be ascribed to all women, merely those with an already declared interest in dominant female relationship. It is taken as read that such information will be of interest to the readers of this site but equally a survey carried out by of men interested in being cuckolds could never be applied to the male population as a whole, but then maybe where you live, a bias towards an interest is the only thing that matters?

Custer Laststand said:
*Incidentally, note "data" are plural, "datum" is singular. If you use "data" in sentences as if it were "data points," it comes out right.
Data as a word is plural but can be used to describe a ‘single’ series of datums or multiple series or as a collective noun. In your example a datum would be a single answer or piece of information within the survey, while all answers by a single respondent would constitute a series of datums but a ‘single’ series of data, see Data - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary and while Encarta suggests that data should always be plural many other sources recognize that while being plural within its own context, it may be described by a single or plural verb see -

data: Definition, Synonyms from - pl.n. (used with a sing. or pl. verb)
1. Factual information, especially information organized for analysis or used to reason or make decisions.
2. Computer Science. Numerical or other information represented in a form suitable for processing by computer.
3. Values derived from scientific experiments.
4. Plural of datum (sense 1).
[Latin, pl. of datum. See datum.]
USAGE NOTE The word data is the plural of Latin datum, "something given," but it is not always treated as a plural noun in English. The plural usage is still common, as this headline from the New York Times attests: "Data Are Elusive on the Homeless." Sometimes scientists think of data as plural, as in These data do not support the conclusions. But more often scientists and researchers think of data as a singular mass entity like information, and most people now follow this in general usage. Sixty percent of the Usage Panel accepts the use of data with a singular verb and pronoun in the sentence Once the data is in, we can begin to analyze it. A still larger number, 77 percent, accepts the sentence We have very little data on the efficacy of such programs, where the quantifier very little, which is not used with similar plural nouns such as facts and results, implies that data here is indeed singular.

So I can only surmise that your inane comments about data and datum is a fit of infantile pique at your post’s obvious bias being highlighted and while you try to deflect the weakness in your assertions by grandiose and misleading prose - you yourself deemed it necessary to attack me in such an immature way.

If you re-read my post #10 (above), which you re-produced in your post #12 (also above), I think you'll see it begins:

Custer Laststand said:
The "Scandalous Women" e-zine — which was recently off the air, so to speak, but is now up and running again — has published online the results of their recent and interesting "relationship and sexual preferences" survey of their female readers.

My post made no claim that the "Scandalous Women" survey is representative of all women, nor do they make that claim themselves. It is a survey of their female readers. Thus, your preoccupation with establishing that it isn't representative of all women seems puzzling.

An aside regarding your comment about evangelical christians: that religious subgroup does not include me, but I suspect you'd have a hard time establishing that their sexual behaviors differ in significant ways from those of other subgroups across the political/religious spectrum.

Regarding your concluding comments:

4julie said:
So I can only surmise that your inane comments about data and datum is a fit of infantile pique at your post’s obvious bias being highlighted and while you try to deflect the weakness in your assertions by grandiose and misleading prose - you yourself deemed it necessary to attack me in such an immature way.

my, my....

phooey with all these fancy schmancy soi disant
'studies' 99% of the ladies i've queried ( 100's )
replied they'd prefer a large male endowment ....
and a small one was a big turn off and most likely a
deal breaker ..........i didn't get into specific sizes
but presume large means more than avg. i.e. 5-6"

note to 4julie: don't pick on custard stand
he fancies himself a deep thinker ;-)
70% of women who responded either are cuckoldresses or would like to have that status in their relationship - it is notable that the Hite Report mentioned that women feel trapped inside their marriages and wouild like a lot more freedom. I think most women would like to be Boss and have their partners be more like a puppy dog without jealousy.
You may well be right Saraha.
Re cock size, the Kama Sutra explains the different cock & cunt sizes and explains how they should be matched.

Genital Categories
Yoni and lingam sizes are said to be of three kinds with a total of nine combinations possible for intercourse. Man is divided into three classes: the Hare Man, the Bull Man, and the Horse Man, according to the size of his lingam. Woman also, according to the depth of her yoni, is either a female deer, a mare, or a female elephant.

The Kama Sutra describes these various types as such:

* The Hare Man is a lively individual with a slight body type and a gentle manner. His lingam is considered to be of the small variety and measures about six finger widths in length, which is equivalent to about 4 inches.
* The Bull Man has a sturdy body and holds himself with esteem. He is considered of a medium size and his temperament is hearty and energetic. When erect, he measures about eight finger widths, or 51/2 inches.
* The Stallion, or Horse Man, is the largest of the three. He is said to be tall and muscular and has a sense of adventurism and daring. He measures twelve finger widths, which equals about 8 inches.
* The Deer Woman is the smallest of the types of women. She’s of slight build, is gentle, and it is said that her secretions smell like a new lotus blossom opening. Her yoni is narrow and not very deep, thus she is best pared with the Hare Man.
* The Mare Woman has a medium-size yoni. She is said to be sturdy in body, and conducts life with a flare. Her personality is positive and sensuous. She is best suited to partner with a Bull Man, and her vulva area is full and generous.
* The Elephant Woman is large boned and often has a taller-than-average body. She is affable and agreeable and can have a rather ruddy complexion. She is best partnered with a Stallion Man as he can bring her deep yoni the most pleasure.

Read more on The Kinds of Physical Unions :: Lover’s Fit - Kama Sutra

Therefore in a multitude of cases complaing of a mans cock size is simply a case of mismatching.
Careful what you wish for girl!

Saraha said:
70% of women who responded either are cuckoldresses or would like to have that status in their relationship - it is notable that the Hite Report mentioned that women feel trapped inside their marriages and wouild like a lot more freedom. I think most women would like to be Boss and have their partners be more like a puppy dog without jealousy.

I doubt any more women than men feel trapped by marriage. I think it’s an emotional state all married people feel from time to time in any long term relationship but often the feelings will ebb and flow depending on other circumstances in their life! Having been married for over 30 years myself.
Oh Saraha, what you fail to say is that what woman want rarely makes them happy, it has been my experience over almost a half century of relationships with the fairer sex, that MOST women say they’d like to be boss but in practice prefer being with a man they admire and respect and at times of crisis they can look to for strength and solace.
I’ve seen so much of the dichotomy of what woman say they want and having achieved it find that it doesn’t make them happy, in fact it often makes them unhappy and they ditch the guy who allowed them to take total control of the relationship. In the past dozen years or so I’ve been quietly watching women express their frustrations at men who don’t stand up to their female counterparts. I’m counting times like watching TV or in public places where a woman is dominating her partner and a female in my hearing will turn and say to her friends something to the fact ‘why doesn’t HE grow a pair’!
Sexually I’ve been with some very powerful women who get off on being USED and one very powerful woman actually asked me, while we were dating, to assemble a group of guys who would fuck her ‘like a back street slut’! Most of the wives I’ve fucked, at some part of me cuckolding their husbands, asked me if I would leave my wife and set up home with them, not because I’m well endowed, I’m anything but at 5.25” long by 6” around! But I’m blessed with being multi-orgasmic and even in my 50’s have managed to cum regularly 10-12 times in any 24 hours and peaked a few years ago at 19 times between wake up and going to sleep that night! I feel that my attitude to women, I treat them as individuals just as I do men but never forget sexually they are women and as such capable of so much more sexually than men, but most do not have the libido to regularly use their sexual abilities. I feel my main attractions to women are my sense of humour coupled with a willingness to engage in life as an adventure and work on a relationship each and every day. These attributes seem in general to have won me many more women than my looks or male endowment ever merited, one thing for sure I know is that allowing a woman to be boss ALL the time is the surest way for her to lose her respect and therefore long term, her sexual desires for you.

So Saraha while a puppy can be fun to play with, a woman looks to a real man to SHARE her life with.

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