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Mexican Wife's 1st BBC

  • Thread startermexWife
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Beloved Member
Jan 17, 2007
I am a professional Mexican woman that is married to a white man. However, I enjoy sex with black men. I have always been attracted to black men, but until immigrating to the United States, I had only had sex with Mexican and white men. It was after attending a party alone, without my husband, that quite by accident, that I experienced the taste and feel of a black man for the 1st time.
Over the course of some months I had become friends with my boss, another Mexican woman. It was after she and I had attended a movie together in which appeared many handsome black men, that she detected my attraction. Over a post movie coffee we were having a light hearted conversation full of much silliness when she asked me about the little sounds of approval I had made during the movie when seeing several of the black actors. Somewhat embarrassed, I admitted to her my attraction for black men, but quickly told her that it was just attraction…that I had not had our thought of having sex with one.
To my surprise, about a week later, my boss had arranged the seating at a Christmas party that she hosted in a way that had me seated beside a very handsome black man that I will call John. As the night progressed and I conversed with John, I knew that I was attracted to him. He must have sensed the attraction because his attention to me grew more pronounced as the party went along.
John and I conversed throughout the night and in the process drank several bottles of wine. He asked me numerous innocent questions…to include…was I married. I had replied yes but my husband was out of town on business, and that was why I was alone at the party.
We eventually danced and that dancing was the first time that a black man had touched me in any significant way other than to shake my hand. I was very aware of his touch, his smell. I was very excited by the dancing but at that time had no thought of sex. At one point I even noticed my boss and her husband watching me with smiles on their faces and she even gave me a discreet thumbs up. Playing along, I gave her a wink.
At 11:00pm the party ended and I told John that it had been nice to meet and speak with him and went to gather my things. As I finished collecting my coat and purse, John came over and asked if he could walk me to my car. I told of course, that it would be fine.
Upon reaching my car, John held the door as I arranged my things. After closing the door I rolled down the window and said goodnight. As I was starting my car, John turned back and asked me if we could talk for a few. It was late, but against my better judgment I said ok. For some 15 minutes or so we chit-chatted about insignificant things. Eventually I heard a tap on my window. It was my boss and her husband on the way to their car. As they passed she gave me a wink. I was very embarrassed but knew that we would joke about it when we returned to work. After all…I was just talking.
It was right after my boss had passed that John leaned over and kissed me sweetly on the lips. I did not resist and when I didn’t speak, John embraced me and kissed me deeply and passionately. I returned the passion and we continued to “make out”.
I had no thought of stopping, even though I was aware that people from the party were still passing my car. John’s hand was under my skirt along my inner thigh and clumsily trying to get under my panties. I asked him to stop long enough to arrange my skirt above my waist so I could remove my panties. As he felt me he commented about how hairy my pussy is. We continued to kiss and I became aware of John unbuckling his pants. Eventually he raised himself and slid his pants and underwear down. For the first time I saw a black cock! It was huge. We continued to kiss and as he rubbed and fingered me I masturbated him with my left hand. At that time I thought that I would masturbate him to completion and that would be the end of it. That at home I would masturbate myself to orgasm thinking of my first black experience.

I became aware of the time and stopped kissing John, but continued to masturbate him. I told him that I would finish him by hand and then must go. John leaned back as I continued to masturbate him while gazing at his lovely black cock. Suddenly John asked if I would suck him off. I told him that I wanted nothing more at that moment than to suck his cock but could not do it there in the parking lot where someone from the party would see what I was doing. It was then that John asked me if I would like to go somewhere and finish what we had started. I almost lost my breath. This was the time to decide if I really wanted what I had thought about for over 20 years.
To my surprise, and with no thought of my husband, I breathlessly said yes. As I sat there in my car naked from the waist down, John called a close by Ameri-Suites hotel and reserved a room. As I drove toward the Ameri-Suites I felt several emotions. I was about to betray my husband, but there was no doubt that I wanted this to happen. This black man would fuck me. Use me as he wished. And I wanted it!
On the way John asked if I would like to stop for another bottle of wine. Nervously I told him that I might need something a little stronger…Tequila maybe. I stopped at a liquor store and John purchased the Tequila.
Upon entering the hotel and checking in, I was aware of the staff watching John and I. It was very exciting for me that they knew John and I were there to have sex. On the way up to our room in the elevator, John once again kissed me and ran his hand under my skirt. Finally we reached our room. As John was unlocking the door I was aware of the incredible anticipation raging through me. I had never felt anything like it. I was about to experience what I had imagined for years. I was crossing the line and just the thought of the taboo associated with what I was about to do heightened my excitement to unimaginable levels. Finally the door opened and we stepped inside. The door closed behind us and I was alone in a hotel room with a black man…free to do as I wished.
Inside the room we embraced and kissed deeply. John caressed my breasts as we kissed. As that first moment ended, John turned and went over to the wet bar and opened the Tequila. I stood there awkwardly as he poured the Tequila, my mind reeling with thoughts of what was to come. After pouring the drink, John turned and said, “take your clothes off baby”. As John sipped his Tequila and me, I removed all of my clothes. I cannot describe the feeling that I had as I stood naked before this black man.
As I stood naked before him, John once again made a comment about the hair between my legs. “So this is what Mexican pussy looks like”, he said, as he sat down, still dressed. I continued to stand there naked until he said, “turn around”. I did as I was told. I was being inspected like cattle, but with this black man the excitement of it was unbelievable. As I stood with my back to him he said, “you have a nice little ass”. I had never been spoken to in this manner before, but I felt as I never had before. I was in such a state that I would do anything for John.

John finally told me to turn around. I turned and waited to be instructed. He then said, “come here baby”. I walked over to his chair and he said, “undress me”. He was still sitting so I first got onto my knees and removed his shoes and socks. He then stood and I loosened his tie and slipped it over his head. As I unbuttoned his shirt I marveled at the texture of his chest hair. I ran my hands over his chest, recording the feeling in my brain. I licked and sucked his nipples as I unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants. As I slid his pants and underwear down his cock was rock hard…and huge. As I lowered my head to take it into my mouth, he stopped me, saying, “not now”.
John handed me my glass of Tequila as he got up and walked over to a small table in the hotel kitchenette and told me to sit across from him. As we sat there naked,he asked me many questions…some of them about my husband. What would he think about his wife sitting naked in a hotel room with a black man? Would he be angry…excited…want to watch? He asked me about my professional life…my attraction to black men…my sexual preferences. “Do you like to suck cock”, he asked. I answered, “yes.” “Very much”. “Do you want to suck my black dick..suck it off”, he asked. “Yes”, I answered. I had never felt such excitement before this night. I had been a very proper woman up until this night, but I was feeling so slutty…so wild. He asked if I would lick his balls…his ass…his asshole. Trembling with excitement I replied, “If you wish”. He then told me to finish my Tequila. He poured me another and told me to drink it quickly. As I finishe he slid his chair away from the table. His cock was hard and his legs were spread. He stroked it as he spoke to me. “Do you like this black cock”, he asked. “Mi Dios, yes”, I replied. “Do you want it”? I continued to answer yes to each question. Finally John said, “come here and suck my black cock”. I rose and walked around the table and as he sat there with his legs spread, I went to my knees.
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