TheDevil said:
Well, as some of you know, I have a girlfriend who is very sexual. Our relationship is non-sexual.
Yes, you mentioned that when you first posted. It sounds like that aspect of your relationship hasn't changed. I suggest there may be several reasons your girlfriend will not let you fuck her.
One may relate to her dominant personality (that is, with respect to you). She understands intuitively that if she lets you fuck her, you will begin to view yourself, in accordance with classical male tradition, as "owning" her in some sense. Since she is and wants to remain the dominant partner in your relationship, she does not wish to take that risk.
Another reason may be that she understands that as long as she keeps you as horny as possible, you will continue your courting behavior, treating her as nicely as possible in hopes she will some day relent and give you the the satisfying sex you crave.
Another possible reason relates to your comment a while back that you have a large cock (8 inches, as I recall). Your girl friend may be among the women who can't comfortably take a cock that large. If she knows sexual intercourse with you would be painful, that may also be a reason she won't let you fuck her.
TheDevil said:
Anyway this week i hurt her really bad. I just didn`t want to be this submissive cuckold anymore. Sometimes it hurts your self-esteem. So I insulted and hurt her really bad. I know, extremely immature. She is still quite angry, but she has forgiven me. I know she will never forget that.
I hope by "hurt her really bad" you don't mean you physically beat her. If you did, your girlfriend has a much more serious problem with you than you've indicated.
Since you obviously have strong feelings for her but she isn't giving you physical love, but is fucking other men, it seems likely your frustration built to the point where you could no longer contain it and you "blew up." That isn't good. I suggest a good start on alternative lovemaking that would not require her to accept the disadvantages (noted above) of allowing you to fuck her would be to try to prevail on her to allow you to give her cunninglingus — after, of course, suitable preliminaries that would amount to "foreplay" like giving her a foot rub then working your way up her leg(s) with your tongue. See:
Cunnilingus: A How to Guide for Orally Stimulating the Vulva
I also suggest pointing out to your girlfriend that if she allows you to satisfy her in this way, bringing her pleasure will increase your own satisfaction and happiness.
TheDevil said:
Like, she knows I jack off at her every day and she loves it. I am very attracted to her.
Hm.... does "jacking off at her" mean you jack off in the privacy of your room while thinking about her?
You might consider suggesting to your girl friend that, after you bring her to orgasm with cunninglingus, she reward you by requesting you take off your clothes, then lie on your back at her feet and jack off, while — seated in comfort and more-or-less fully clothed — she watches while you jack yourself to orgasm and squirt for her pleasure. (Apparently, many women like watching men masturbate at their feet.)
TheDevil said:
Outside I am a very confident, aggressive, ambitious young man, but she knows that [inside] I'm a submissive cuckold. Like, when I am with her I turn into a caring and submissive man.... and every time, I get more and more caring.
That isn't unusual. It's called "courting behavior." There are actually quite a few men who are outwardly confident, ambitious and aggressive, which is usually required to succeed in whatever field they go into, but who secretly want to be submissive to a dominant women in their love lives.
You seem, however, to be conflicted about this. There's a good chance the source of your inner conflict is the long-standing societal expectation that men must be "strong" and "in control" of their wives or girlfriends on the "home front." Lots of men, though, don't fit that standard cookie-cutter social expectation. What you've said about yourself does not suggest there's anything "wrong" with you. Assuming, that is, you didn't beat your girlfriend physically. If you did, both you and she have a serious problem.
I suggest both you and your girlfriend may be able to get a handle on your inner thoughts, feelings and what you want from your relationship with her if you ask her to give you Ms. Elise Sutton's "Psychoanalysis of the Submissive Male." To do so, go to her web page:
Elise Sutton's Female Superiority Page
then scroll about halfway down until you come to the above title, then click on the link, then print it out. It's free. Your girlfriend will need to follow Ms. Sutton's instructions re. administering this evaluation — i.e., dress in a way she knows will turn you on, require you to take off your clothes, then lie on your back nude on your bed while she sits in a chair beside you, reading you the questions and using a notepad to take notes on your answers. And no sex, before or after.
Afterwards, if you decide this appeals to you (perhaps in spite of yourself), I suggest both of you read:
Sutton, Elise. 2003. Female Domination: an exploration of the male desire for loving female authority.
Simultaneously, I suggest you ask your girlfriend to begin performing Ms. Sutton's "procedures" on you, 1 per weekend. (I think there are about 15 or 17 "procedures" — your girlfriend may have to write to Ms. Sutton to obtain them, for the cost of reproduction. They may also be available online in Ms. Sutton's e-zine, "predominant.")
If you decide none of this appeals to you, I would guess you'll have to bring yourself to acceptance of the need to look for a more conventional girlfriend.
TheDevil said:
.... Now I want to rebuild and make our relationship stronger. I thought she would come to my place next weekend and we would cook and I will give her flowers and a foot massage.
Sounds like a good start.
TheDevil said:
I need more practical tips....
These are my suggestions.
Good luck. You may find it helpful to let us know, from time to time, how your relationship is developing.