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I need help becoming a cuckold

  • Thread startercreameater2008
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Beloved Member
Dec 29, 2007
I am a 43 year old man that has been married to the same beautiful woman for almost 18 years. I know that I have not satisfied my wife with my 5 inch penis during our entire marriage. The only way she has an orgasm is by me eating her pussy or her using her large toys. After major surgery 5 years ago it is rare that my cock can even get hard enough to make love to her anymore even when she wants it. I continually catch her masturbating and fucking herself with her toys. I know she is sexually frustrated and I so want her to be happy and fulfilled.
I want her to be satisfied by a real cock and my dick gets hard thinking about watching her fuck another man.
My wife is a traditionalist and believes that it would ruin our marriage if she were to fuck another man because she would view it as cheating. How can make her realize (without being pushy) that I want this for her and for us. I need help from the group here in coming up with ideas to make this happen. Any advice?
be honest,let her inform herself. maybe show her this site??? if she feels its cheating then these maybe deep seated feelings on the matter.most of all talk to each other about it, mauh
creameater2008 said:
I am a 43 year old man that has been married to the same beautiful woman for almost 18 years. I know that I have not satisfied my wife with my 5 inch penis during our entire marriage. The only way she has an orgasm is by me eating her pussy or her using her large toys. After major surgery 5 years ago it is rare that my cock can even get hard enough to make love to her anymore even when she wants it. I continually catch her masturbating and fucking herself with her toys. I know she is sexually frustrated and I so want her to be happy and fulfilled.
I want her to be satisfied by a real cock and my dick gets hard thinking about watching her fuck another man.
My wife is a traditionalist and believes that it would ruin our marriage if she were to fuck another man because she would view it as cheating. How can make her realize (without being pushy) that I want this for her and for us. I need help from the group here in coming up with ideas to make this happen. Any advice?
Eater in reading this post i must say you dont need any help.You are very well versed and all you need to do is talk to her the way you just talked to us.If she really can trust you when she finds out how much YOU want this she should do it FOR YOU. Complete trust, and remind her that this will help you with your flustrations in a big way.She needs real cock and she deserves it and it is obivious you understand this as you said. You want her to have it for both of your enjoyment.It will be win win. But Sir you certainly have the finesse to convey this to her.It all comes down to trust, trust, trust. You may have to find the men for her as that may be hard for her to take that step. Good Luck okdeacon
MacNfries said:
Better be careful what you wish for because after the novelty of the thing wears off for you, you still got a ***** of a wife that isn't likely going to want to stop. Try some MFMs and FMFs a few times and see where that takes you. Cuckolding tends to bring out a lot of undesirable emotions sometimes. Good luck! :p
But it is a Yin/Yang,,,,,,,,, it can also bring out emotions that are favorable to some that simply can not be matched elsewhere. ;)
I have been married 21 years. We have a very strong relationship and great communication. You need to have that in order for it to work. How we got into this lifestyle was early on in our marriage he would invite friends over and I would blow or fuck them.
Then we saw a FOX 15 special on swinger clubs and tried that as well. But I really never wanted him to fuck anyone other than me. We tried with other couples and just didn't work out. We have played MFM and FMF and MFMF and FM and him not in the room. WE found that we both were more turned on when I fucked with out him present and told him details later than when were in the same room together. WE have found that infact we were more a hotwife/cuckold couple than a swinger.
My suggestion to you would be to try a swinger club and bring another man as a third to see if she likes it. Why a swinger club because you are able to select from quit a few single men and get to talk with them and see if there is chemistry as she could dance with them on a dance floor,she could flirt and watch you and see really how turned on she would get. This could lead to her going to the club alone to play with out you and coming home and giving you details of what happened.
Just don't push her let her do what she feels is comfortable to her. Let her feel sexy and wanted by other men.
In fact you marriage could become stonger with each other from these experiences. Just remember communication will be the key to success in your marriage/sex life.I wish you both the best of luck. If you don't know how to find a swinger clb in your neck of the woods send me a pm and will send you the link to search your area.:)
creameater2008 said:
I am a 43 year old man that has been married to the same beautiful woman for almost 18 years. I know that I have not satisfied my wife with my 5 inch penis during our entire marriage. The only way she has an orgasm is by me eating her pussy or her using her large toys. After major surgery 5 years ago it is rare that my cock can even get hard enough to make love to her anymore even when she wants it. I continually catch her masturbating and fucking herself with her toys. I know she is sexually frustrated and I so want her to be happy and fulfilled.
I want her to be satisfied by a real cock and my dick gets hard thinking about watching her fuck another man.
My wife is a traditionalist and believes that it would ruin our marriage if she were to fuck another man because she would view it as cheating. How can make her realize (without being pushy) that I want this for her and for us. I need help from the group here in coming up with ideas to make this happen. Any advice?
Go slow, if it takes 2 years for your wife to gain the comfort level to take this step, so what? The trip there can be quite enjoyable, also.

Just because you've become comfortable with the idea of her sleeping around, doesn't mean she's ready (obviously). If you were to decide Hawaii was the place you wanted to live the rest of your life, how long do you think it would take to convince your wife to move? "What about employment? We don't know anyone out there. What about friends/family here? Can we afford homes there?" Etc. And just because you logically answer questions, doesn't mean they're accepted emotionally.

Talk about it in bed...more importantly, talk about it OUT of bed. Talk, talk, talk. You may find that the idea of it hurts her so much, YOU decide against it! Who knows? <no one, not even you, 'til you talk it out>

Lastly, like Mac said, make DAMN sure this is what you want--this is a huge life-changing event...even if it only happens once and you both hate it, you'll both know she fucked another man with your approval.

Good luck, and tell us more about yourselves.

Well said, Communication is the key to any good relationships . Even if both of you decide to try it,make sure you communicate before and after any experience. You will find this help understand what each other of you wants or doesn't want.
Troilusand said:
Go slow, if it takes 2 years for your wife to gain the comfort level to take this step, so what? The trip there can be quite enjoyable, also.

Just because you've become comfortable with the idea of her sleeping around, doesn't mean she's ready (obviously). If you were to decide Hawaii was the place you wanted to live the rest of your life, how long do you think it would take to convince your wife to move? "What about employment? We don't know anyone out there. What about friends/family here? Can we afford homes there?" Etc. And just because you logically answer questions, doesn't mean they're accepted emotionally.

Talk about it in bed...more importantly, talk about it OUT of bed. Talk, talk, talk. You may find that the idea of it hurts her so much, YOU decide against it! Who knows? <no one, not even you, 'til you talk it out>

Lastly, like Mac said, make DAMN sure this is what you want--this is a huge life-changing event...even if it only happens once and you both hate it, you'll both know she fucked another man with your approval.

Good luck, and tell us more about yourselves.


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