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  • Thread startermelbguy
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Padder said:
LOL! You poor bugger!! Are you really that keen? Mate, if she wont go for it alls I can suggest is, look for a GF that will! ;)
Il ove her to death and of course wouldnt do anything to jeoperdise that, but she isnt the most open minded person sexually and she knows that and she has agreed to try hypnotherapy to lose her inhibitions etc.

I also chatted and we have agreed tha she is now the dom in he relationship so i clean,cook,wash laundry ,shopping etc etc.
Padder said:
Oh, fair enough matey, I thought you were having a joke with us. Mate, social conditioning is so hard to overcome, I wish you luck in your quest. Best I can think of is to try to organise things so you can have a few drinks at an upmarket swingers club and just get her comfortable with the whole "sexual freedom" thing and see how it goes from there. It's going to take time and may not go anywhere but it's a start. I wouldn't worry about the hypnotherapy thing, I think it's more a matter of taking small, incremental steps. Good luck!:)

cheers mate, shes the one wanting to go to hypnotherapy so if she thinks this will loosen her up a bit then i wont object at all , i was just curious as o whether it works or not?
Dear Melbguy:

There are other methods to convince her.
We have a lot of experience with this, because Alicia was just like your girlfriend.
If you are interested in knowing how we did it please write.

Best Regards:
Alicia and Jorge

try the above website warpmymind.com i think is the address. I have had some success with some of the files.

Cheers - cris
I am an experienced hypnotist and have got people to do all sorts of things they would not normally do - like eat onions and believe they were juicy apples, or men kiss a girl they normally would not kiss under any circumstances.

I like to put a person in a deep trance for several hours and thoroughly examine their belief systems, before deciding in consultation with them, what they would like to experience.

It is not a good idea to get a person to do something against their beliefs/values, because it is morally wrong, and in some situations could backfire on you, and involve a visit to the Police station.

Derren Brown in the UK, got highly respected people to rob a bank at gunpoint, to prove that anyone can be hypnotised. They were horrified when woken up, that they had done such a despicable crime.

Under hypnosis a person can be told that they need to have a bath and no one is around to see them naked, and they will take off their clothes and hop into an imaginery bath and turn on taps that are not there. They can be told to put on special glasses and they will see a naked audience. Their mind thinks it is all real, so the body simply carries out what it is told to do.

Hypnotists have told a person that a biro they were holding was a red hot poker, and when it touched their arm, the arm swelled up as nsaty red welts, like it would if a real hot poker touched their arm. Then instructions were reversed and the arm went down again.

Operations, you won't feel a thing, and you can watch what is happening and not be scared or faint like you normally would if you see blood.

A lot of food allergies are caused by the brain misinterpreting a food, and thinking it is very dangerous to their body - so a violent reaction occurs. Arthritis (an ato-immune disease) is a misinterpretation, and the body thinks it is under attack and creates painful joints as a mis-guided defence of confusion. In heat stroke, the mind is confused and switches off blood flow to the skin and the body gets hotter and self-destructs towards death.

When the conscious mind is put to sleep or distracted, it is easy to get the subconscious mind to do EXACTLY AS IT IS TOLD - because it does not know what is true or false as it can't reason out things like the conscious mind can. It just stores information like a library.

(animals don't have a conscious mind to think, so they just react from habit/experience/harmonics of the rotating Earth)

The subconscious mind can be programmed to accept permanent change over several months, using brain entrainment technology which burns new neural messages into the brain.

A wife who is scared to take a lover, has to have her brain seeded with new reasons as to why a lover can give her more fun and pleasure in life. Often she feels she has permission, because her friends confide in her that they have secret lovers, and she is all ears to see whey they do it.

Hypnotism works best in the state of alpha, when the brain is slowed right down to 8-12cycles per second and the eyes are closed. This shuts down most of the distractions of the beta speed of the world.

You can't fall asleep at night if your brain has not showed down to 5 cycles a second. In deep sleep the brain slows down to less than one cycle a second.

Bi-polar sufferers can sometimes go days without sleep, because the brain won't slow down enough. Paranoia, when you think people are talking about you, is usually at a brain speed of 60-120 cycles a second, as the brain is rigidly focused and racing furiously, overloaded with information that gets mixed up.

All hypnosis is actually self-hypnosis, you have to allow yourself to go into a day-dreaming trance by relaxing, as you just follow the suggestions given to you by the hypnotist.

Most people go into hypnotic state when absorbed with a book or watching television. TV is designed to hypnotise you to accept advertising material or different view points to what you currently hold - and it works over time.
Saraha said:
I am an experienced hypnotist and have got people to do all sorts of things they would not normally do - like eat onions and believe they were juicy apples, or men kiss a girl they normally would not kiss under any circumstances.

I like to put a person in a deep trance for several hours and thoroughly examine their belief systems, before deciding in consultation with them, what they would like to experience.

It is not a good idea to get a person to do something against their beliefs/values, because it is morally wrong, and in some situations could backfire on you, and involve a visit to the Police station.

Derren Brown in the UK, got highly respected people to rob a bank at gunpoint, to prove that anyone can be hypnotised. They were horrified when woken up, that they had done such a despicable crime.

Under hypnosis a person can be told that they need to have a bath and no one is around to see them naked, and they will take off their clothes and hop into an imaginery bath and turn on taps that are not there. They can be told to put on special glasses and they will see a naked audience. Their mind thinks it is all real, so the body simply carries out what it is told to do.

Hypnotists have told a person that a biro they were holding was a red hot poker, and when it touched their arm, the arm swelled up as nsaty red welts, like it would if a real hot poker touched their arm. Then instructions were reversed and the arm went down again.

Operations, you won't feel a thing, and you can watch what is happening and not be scared or faint like you normally would if you see blood.

A lot of food allergies are caused by the brain misinterpreting a food, and thinking it is very dangerous to their body - so a violent reaction occurs. Arthritis (an ato-immune disease) is a misinterpretation, and the body thinks it is under attack and creates painful joints as a mis-guided defence of confusion. In heat stroke, the mind is confused and switches off blood flow to the skin and the body gets hotter and self-destructs towards death.

When the conscious mind is put to sleep or distracted, it is easy to get the subconscious mind to do EXACTLY AS IT IS TOLD - because it does not know what is true or false as it can't reason out things like the conscious mind can. It just stores information like a library.

(animals don't have a conscious mind to think, so they just react from habit/experience/harmonics of the rotating Earth)

The subconscious mind can be programmed to accept permanent change over several months, using brain entrainment technology which burns new neural messages into the brain.

A wife who is scared to take a lover, has to have her brain seeded with new reasons as to why a lover can give her more fun and pleasure in life. Often she feels she has permission, because her friends confide in her that they have secret lovers, and she is all ears to see whey they do it.

Hypnotism works best in the state of alpha, when the brain is slowed right down to 8-12cycles per second and the eyes are closed. This shuts down most of the distractions of the beta speed of the world.

You can't fall asleep at night if your brain has not showed down to 5 cycles a second. In deep sleep the brain slows down to less than one cycle a second.

Bi-polar sufferers can sometimes go days without sleep, because the brain won't slow down enough. Paranoia, when you think people are talking about you, is usually at a brain speed of 60-120 cycles a second, as the brain is rigidly focused and racing furiously, overloaded with information that gets mixed up.

All hypnosis is actually self-hypnosis, you have to allow yourself to go into a day-dreaming trance by relaxing, as you just follow the suggestions given to you by the hypnotist.

Most people go into hypnotic state when absorbed with a book or watching television. TV is designed to hypnotise you to accept advertising material or different view points to what you currently hold - and it works over time.

Thanks for that it was very imformative , i think she just wants to loosen up a bit through hypnotherapy and feels for her this is he best way to go about it.
Keep us informed how she gets on. If she is keen to listen to the hypnotherapist's voice and follow the gentle suggestions, she will enjoy being hypnotised. The H will explain about the myths of H, so she has nothing to fear of being made to do something she does not want to. Professional H work to ethical standards.
Saraha, is it possible to use hypnosis to make someone take up something they dislike? This thread has raised some interesting questions that I was discussing with friends last night.

For example can a woman be persuaded to smoke cigarettes or enjoy social drinking if she dislikes them?

Can a lazy person be persuaded to become a jogger and keep fit fan?

Just a few of the questions raised and your opinion would be of interest,
Best Hypno Around

If you haven't discovered them yet - SubViewer Presets are the way to go.
I'll assume you visited warpmymind.com. Now "revision" any one of those files set into a video that blinks and paces images relevant to the topic matter. That's a Subviewer Preset
You can get the Viewer by joining Subviewer Groups at Yahoo. Be prepared, those groups are for men who train themselves to become sissies through the use of the SubViewer program. Does it work? Goodness, yes!
Yahoo! Groups
Almost all the Presets are geared toward altering the viewer into a female (sic:Slave) but some people will custom the presets for you ... I'll guess at a price. Joe Regions does this kind of thing. Here are links to some of his presets and I even found a mp3 file at his site.
We Suck is a SubViewer preset. You will need the
SubViewer to view it - and to install the program.
This next one is to drift off to sleep with..with your cock in your hand.
Copy it to a CD or audio device and use it to fall off to sleep
LOSER is another SubViewer preset. It will remind you
why you need to give into the dark side.
If her beliefs are very powerful, it can be hard to change them quickly, because her subconscious mind will by habit want her to follow her social conditioning. But it is possible to over-write her old habits with NEW habits or beliefs.

When a person smokes, there is a "pay-off reward" that prevents them giving up their addiction. Bulimia has two rewards: when she enjoys the food, and again when she enjoys throwing up in the toilet so the food can't digest and "make her fat". Once the reward has been discovered, the power of the reward can be taken away, and a new reward for not smoking can be inserted in her mind.

Losing weight often means the body has to find it again, so a special mind picture (a blueprint)has to be created as to how the person wishes to look after reducing weight. The old image has to be made redundant which involves thanking it for its help in your life, but you don't need it any more....then the weight falls off slowly and steadily with no special effort.

Yes, you can take up bad habits like smoking and drinking, if you can identify the benefits of doing so. There are many hypnosis CDs on the internet to condition your mind to making powerful changes in your life, if you are ready to "allow change to come", such as becoming keen on fitness.

I can shake hands with strangers and put them into a trance in 3 seconds before they realise what has happened.

There are many ways to hypnotise people or take advantage of them, but I stick to a code of ethics based on helping them improve their lives. I don't charge for my services.

Some Bank tellers have handed over thousands of dollars of money to gypsy hypnotists after the customer has embedded special language patterns into a few seconds of conversation. Luckily, customer faces are caught on cameras these days, so they are apprehended. The Bank Tellers are completely ******* they are handing the money over until they see the replay, and it freaks them out that they could be tricked.

I once placed a suggestion in a husband's mind that he would wet his pants evertime he started flirting with another woman. He found this embarrassing as he had to turn around quickly and head for the toilet. His wife reported back to me a few months later, that he had renewed his interest in their marriage in quite a spectacular way.

I heard recently that a man aged 66 has walked 2,000 kms solo in 30 days with 36 kgs (90 lbs) of packs on his chest/back on a dangerous highway in winter temperatures in the Southern Hemisphere, with thousands of trucks passing close by, and sleeping in trees on the side of the highway with snakes and other scary creatures. He programmed his mind by self-hypnosis to believe he could carry the huge weight "easily and effortlessly" and he would arrive safe and well. He took hundreds of photos of his incredible journey and when he arrived, he was thirsty for a bigger challenge.
Many thanks for this information. It will add to a discussion I am having next week. I can use you as a reasonable information source.

Again many thanks. :)
I am a hypnotherappist and as such a therapist use the knowledge for the benefit of my clients. Anything is possible, and certainly your wishes would be possible, but there are always consequences, it is a form of conditioning and you may need to consider the compatibility of the relationship and the reality of your of your wishes. But the short answer is Yes it is possible but partners are not toys to be manipulated against their will.

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