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How do I start?

  • Thread starterCuck Curious
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Cuck Curious

Beloved Member
Jan 31, 2008
I screwed around on my wife about 10 years ago. She forgave me and took me back, but still has anger and resentment about it. Our sex life has been practically non-existant since my affairs. I just had a very low sex drive, which she had a hard time with, saying then why did you screw around? Now in the last 8 months I have started taking medicine that keeps me from keeping an erection, so now its gone from a wam-bam thank you ma'am once every 3 months to nothing, due to my being impotent. Its not like I can't get a hard on, I just can't keep it when I put it in her. So feeling pretty guilty(she would get upset when I would try but couldn't do it), especially after being so unfaithful in the past, I thought that maybe I should find a man who can fuck her. But I just want it to happen behind my back, I don't want to sit there and watch or even act like I know. Can anyone give me an idea as to how I can get this done? And how do I do this without it spinning out of control? All of these stories seem to be about how the wife is frustrated by the man's lack of sexual prowess, sometimes the man asks her to fuck another man and have him watch, then some big aggresive bull enters the picture, fucks the wife delirious, tells the husband he can't fuck his wife anymore(and she agrees), etc. Sometimes the cuckold husband loses his place in the house(the wife moves the bull into the house in his place), is ****** to serve them, etc. Are most of the stories like that just bullshit or is this something that really happens. "Be careful what you wish for" seems to be a consistant theme. I have been reading these cuckold stories and have become obsessed with them, they turn me on so much! Now all I can think about is doing something like this, but I don't want it to get out of control.I was thinking I could find a bull and ask him to seduce her and not say anything about me recruiting him, basically having her do it behind my back. I have heard of arrangements where the wife has lovers outside the home and the man just gets to eat her pussy. That would work for me since I have the ED problem now.Would a bull cooperate with me like this. What do you all think?
Here's a place to start.

Cuck Curious,

I would suggest (you probably aren't going to like this phrase) "educating yourself" on the adulteress wife / cuckold husband phenomenon by reading Cherry Lee's web pages on this subject. They are sane, well-written and are not pornographic. You may be able to interest your wife in also reading the material below, but tread cautiously. Some women are easily offended (it seems) by anything on this subject.

Hotwives/Cuckold Husbands - INDEX

Qualities of successful open marriages:
Qualities of Successful Open Relationships

Understanding the cuckold husband, I:
Understanding the Cuckold Husband - Part

Understanding the cuckold husband, II:
Understanding the Cuckold Husband -Part II

Pursuading your wife to become a hotwife, I:
Turing A Wife Into A Hotwife - Part I

Pursuading your wife to become a hotwife, II:
Hotwives: Turing A Wife Into A Hotwife - Part II

Black-on-white sex, affairs, & relationships:
Black-On-White Sex and Affairs - Index Page

These sites are apparently safe -- meaning, they won't plant viruses and/or other bad things on your computer (as far as I know... I have an operating system that seems to be more-or-less immune to that sort of thing).

Regarding your problem with ED, I notice you didn't mention trying Viagra and/or other equivalent medications. Apparently they're effective in a broad range of cases, but prescriptions are required so you would need to see an M.D. I suggest doing that if you haven't tried this route already.

Good luck with pursuading your wife. If she's resistant, you're undertaking a challenging problem.


Hey you cant fuck your wife and that is not fair even one little bit. She will go so long and she WILL GET HERSELF SOME COCK. You or no one else can blame her. That is when you had better worry about losing your marriage because she will feel guilty and say this is just not worth it. She will end out leaving you and again no one can blame her for it. SO i would tell her how much i love her and i want her to have it all but i DONT WANT TO LOSE HER. Dont get involved but you must let her have cock as its natural and why make her unhappy and take a great chance of losing your marriage. Tell her she has your blessing to have sex as YOU want her to be happy and fullfilled in the sex dept. That you want her to have some men casually and on a friendship basis. May be you can save your union this way BUT there is no guarantee that you still wont lose her. You are in a tight spot and remember you cheated on her for 10 yrs and i bet deep inside she hates your guts for it. BUT she also still cares for you or she wouldn't still be there. She can gat a meal ticket just about anywhere. I really wish you luck and hope you can save your life together. But i would not wait to long if i was you. This is a tough situtation. But you have to follow your own heart. okdeacon
How do I start

Ok, Deacon, first I want to straighten something out- I didn't screw around on her for ten years, it was ten years ago that it happened. It really was about a 2 year span. Anyway, since then sex has been pretty vanilla and infrequent, and then the problem I now have with medication.
I don't know if she has found some other dick, I have no indication that she has, but just because I haven't found out that it hasn't happened. That possibility does make me curious. I am thinking that most women would have wanted to have some revenge for what I did, and to my knowledge, she hasn't. She does still like to hold it over my head and use it against me whenever she needs to though.
I am still pretty conflicted about the whole cuckold thing. I read about the humiliation and abuse, and think, what neurotic fuck would put up with that for thirty seconds. And then I realize that thinking about it turns me on. In fact, I spend a lot of time looking at this kind of stuff. what does that mean?

I have to wonder are you wanting to do this because it would really make you hot or because you don't want to lose her out of your life and are afraid that is what is going to happen.
No offense but you have problems in your marriage and they are not just sex. You cheated on her, by your own words she never really forgave that, and they don't usually, you violated trust made her feel in apt and now you want her to be seduced?
It is time for the two of you to sit down and really began working out the other issues before you move toward a bf for her, because if you push that you will most likely be the one with out a wife.
And to answer one important question, there are some couples that really do like the humiliation, bondage, and are in to black, that being said, the numbers of those are few and most of the stories you read here and a good number of the posts are bull shit. It gets hard on here to sometimes figure out which is which. The site Custard gave you links to is a good site, and there are many others, but again, I think you two need to take care of business first if you still love her.
getting wife to fuck with other men.

The way to approach this is from the other end. First, identify men, from your aquaintnaces or relatives, that you know have the hots for your wife. Then tell him (them) that you are unable to perform and you know your wife is being deprived. Tell him that because you love her so much, you would be very glad for some other man to fuck her, and fulfill her sexual needs. Even tell him when you will be out of town for a few days. If he is on the ball he will take that as his cue and go around to see if she will let him fuck her.

The beautiful part about this sort of arrangement is that later you friend can give you all the details without your wife knowing about it. Try it!
How do I start

Thanks everyone for the great ideas and responses. I must admit, part of this for me would be the "OK, we're even now" thing, but as you point out, Mac, I think she would rather use it against me than have sex with someone else.
I will have to search myself a bit more before I embark on this. You all give great advice. Thanks.
You have an angry marriage that could fall over quickly if she found a suitable lover who was caring and kind and able to hold an erection in bed.

Talk to her and re-assure her of your love for her. Admit the medication is making you impotent and you are feeling like you are being punished for your two year infedilities 10 years ago.

Tell her that it is not fair that she is (punished also) with no sex from you. Suggest that she be allowed to take a discreet lover to:-

(a) pay you back for hurting her.
(b) for her to get the sex she is entitled to in a marriage.
(c) a gift from you to show appreciation for other parts of the marriage that please you.

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