Regarding your post prior to this one:
dirtyangel1966 said:
.... Anyway, I had a call from her when she arrived to let me know everything was ok. Now, 3 hours later I've heard nothing.... guess its going ok.
It occurred to me not hearing from your wife for 3 hours after she met a guy for a money job did not imply she was "OK." I would have been concerned about that. Thus, it's good to hear (if only much later) your hot sexy wife was, in fact, OK — and that she collected her agreed-on compensation, so to speak, even though the guy turned out to be unable to "perform." I guess that sort of thing must be among the reasons women of the evening always request payment up front.
dirtyangel1966 said:
Well, it wasn't a great success I'm afraid. She got the money but the guy was so nervous he never managed to get it up let alone cum. Seems it was his first time at this type of thing.
Ah, well.... but I'd say that was his problem, not hers.
dirtyangel1966 said:
We won't let it get us down, though. She has appointments for Thursday, Friday, Monday and Tuesday, and the guy from the other night is desperate for another go.... apparently, he wants to make amends.
Sounds like there's increasing demand for your wife's services. I (and others, I would imagine) will look forward to hearing how her "dates" tend to work out for her. By this I mean, does she find them erotic and rewarding in a personal (not just financial) sense — in other words, does she find herself meeting men who are interesting and erotic to relate to — or do her dates tend to be more along the lines of, "slam, bam, thank-you ma'am"....?
Incidentally, your wife is in a risky business, as I'm sure you appreciate. Given that ensuring her safety is a VERY important aspect of your role as her cuckold, how are you going about doing that?
It occurs to me a fairly basic-level thing to do routinely each time your wife meets a new client would be for her to call you on her cell phone, in his presence, and let you know she's met him and where they're going. Then, decline to go anywhere with a client in his car. Rather, agree with him re. where they're going for their tryst, then drive independently to that location (say, a hotel) in her own car, following him or driving in the lead (if she's the one who knows the destination), to preclude being kidnapped. Then, in their hotel room, call you again on her cell in his presence and let you know *exactly* where she is, preceded by a comment to her client that she has to let her husband know where she is. (Identifying you as her husband will let her client know there's someone "out there" [you] who cares a lot about her.) By way of doing so, your wife might also mention to her client that you're a big guy — regardless, of course, of whether you actually are. Or something along these lines.
Regardless of how your wife handles it, I suggest talking with her about the "personal safety for her" aspect of this on a regular basis. I.e., sometime during the day before each date, say something like "What's the security plan, sweetheart?" Then, let her take the lead in telling you how she's going to communicate with you and give you information, even if it's minimal, about her client and their location — then make any suggestions that might occur to you. Note also, though, it would be counterproductive to get in arguments with her about this. Each time your wife goes out she's on her own, obviously, so whatever she does about safety will have to be something she wants to do and considers reasonable.
Best regards to you and your hot sexy wife—