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Guy my girl knows offered her free implants, not sure what to say

  • Thread starteradviceeneeded
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Jun 4, 2012
My gf and I have bee talking about getting her some implants for awhile now but, money is tight. She has a small b cup and we were thinking big c's. A guy she knows introduced us to one of his friends who does plastic surgery and offered her pretty much a freebie with us only owing a little and we can make payments. She went to his office when I was working and told me she would look best with size E on her frame and she wants them. Would people look at her as a laughing stock on a smaller frame girl. She is not skin and bones but, not a girl who would look natural that big. She is pressuring me saying its what she wants it almost seems like he is degrading her for his own fun and I told her that. She insists i will love them.
How about you post some pictures of your gf´s naked tits here, so that we can give you advice. ;)
Show us her tits at present - a visual example may give us a better idea of how to reply. On this note if they are too big she will get back ache and other physical problems in time, so best that she takes the advice of the surgeon.
A second opinion from a reputable board-certified plastic surgeon is essential, IMO.

adviceeneeded said:
My gf and I have bee talking about getting her some implants for awhile now but, money is tight. She has a small b cup and we were thinking big c's. A guy she knows introduced us to one of his friends who does plastic surgery and offered her pretty much a freebie with us only owing a little and we can make payments. She went to his office when I was working and told me [the plastic surgeon told your woman?] she would look best with size E "on her frame," and she wants them.

D would be impressive, and DD even more so, but... well... they are, and will be, your woman's breasts of course...

adviceeneeded said:
Would [she be] a laughing stock, [given that she is not physically very big]? She is not skin and bones, but [I don't think she] would look natural [with breasts] that big.

The plastic surgeon should have before-and-after photos of women comparable in size (overall) to your woman whom he has enlarged to size E, so I suggest you urge your woman to obtain some of these photos so she can evaluate them and, as well, show them to you.

If the plastic surgeon does not have before-and-after photos of other women for whom he's done B to E enlargements, that would suggest he hasn't done enlargements of that magnitude before and wants to use your woman for practice and to develop his skills. That, I suggest, would be something she should stay away from.

adviceeneeded said:
My woman is pressuring me saying it's what she wants. It almost seems [to me] like [the surgeon wants to] degrade her for his own fun, and I told her that. But, she insists I will love them.

A very good thing for your woman to do would be to find another plastic surgeon who is board certified and has a good reputation for doing breast enhancements (you could assist her with that), and get a second opinion. A reputable plastic surgeon should be willing to give her a second opinion for the relatively low cost of an office visit.

It strikes me as somewhat suspicious that the "friend of a friend" plastic surgeon is willing to enhance your woman's breasts for free, or for very low cost. That suggests he's something of a novice who is viewing her as an opportunity to develop his skills. That, as I mentioned above, is something she should be very wary of.

An additional question your woman should discuss with her "friend of a friend" plastic surgeon would be the cost of additional treatment if it should happen that post-surgical problems develop. In that case, would he provide her with whatever additional treatment she might need for free? Or, would she have to pay the going "retail rate," which could be considerable, for whatever additional treatment might be necessary to deal with (for instance) an infection or other complications?
nice point

Thanks for the advice your right

Custer Laststand said:
D would be impressive, and DD even more so, but... well... they are, and will be, your woman's breasts of course...

The plastic surgeon should have before-and-after photos of women comparable in size (overall) to your woman whom he has enlarged to size E, so I suggest you urge your woman to obtain some of these photos so she can evaluate them and, as well, show them to you.

If the plastic surgeon does not have before-and-after photos of other women for whom he's done B to E enlargements, that would suggest he hasn't done enlargements of that magnitude before and wants to use your woman for practice and to develop his skills. That, I suggest, would be something she should stay away from.

A very good thing for your woman to do would be to find another plastic surgeon who is board certified and has a good reputation for doing breast enhancements (you could assist her with that), and get a second opinion. A reputable plastic surgeon should be willing to give her a second opinion for the relatively low cost of an office visit.

It strikes me as somewhat suspicious that the "friend of a friend" plastic surgeon is willing to enhance your woman's breasts for free, or for very low cost. That suggests he's something of a novice who is viewing her as an opportunity to develop his skills. That, as I mentioned above, is something she should be very wary of.

An additional question your woman should discuss with her "friend of a friend" plastic surgeon would be the cost of additional treatment if it should happen that post-surgical problems develop. In that case, would he provide her with whatever additional treatment she might need for free? Or, would she have to pay the going "retail rate," which could be considerable, for whatever additional treatment might be necessary to deal with (for instance) an infection or other complications?
Implants are GROSS!

I just cannot fathom why anyone would want to ruin a set of natural breasts, regardless of size, by slicing them and sticking a couple of silicon balloons in them. Gross!!!
Well certainly do some reasearch on the web, I just looked a few things up and there is plenty of good info.

Get a second opinion it seems a B to an E can be a big deal or not depending on your girl's current chest. Certainly get a surgeon who has done many many of these because it seems to take a certain touch to get it right.

As a fan of big boobs this sounds like a great way to go, if the doctor is right.
I've seen some fake tits that look fairly natural but to go from a B to an E sounds like way too much of a jump to retain a natural look and could end up looking way too stretched and distorted. The other even bigger issue here is, I would NEVER accept a gift of cosmetic surgery just because it is free! There are butchers out there performing cosmetic surgery and this guy might be one of them. I'm no cosmetic surgery expert but I might be a little concerned with this guy's reccommendation to go from a B to an E.

When you consider something as serious as any invasive surgery you should always consult and interview several surgeons and have a close look at the work they've done, then make your selection based on your comfort level. Remember, YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!!! And this is definitely one of the things in life you do NOT want to cut corners on expense. Make sure you get a quality cosmetic surgeon to perform this procedure if you're considering having it done!!! Check out some of the sites where they show pics of botched breast enhancement surgeries before you jump under the knife with this guy.
There's always kill-joys around and apparently, this forum is no exception.

I say: She wants size E, then she should get the E, end of story.
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There's positively nothing "rude" about my post. I didn't attack or criticize anyone.

Your post however is uncalled, crude and harassing and has been reported to the appropriate authorities here on the forum.

Thank you.
little squeaky cucks get all excited when someone answers
one of their cunty questions ........don't like the answers move on
adviceeneeded said:
My gf and I have bee talking about getting her some implants for awhile now but, money is tight. She has a small b cup and we were thinking big c's. A guy she knows introduced us to one of his friends who does plastic surgery and offered her pretty much a freebie with us only owing a little and we can make payments. She went to his office when I was working and told me she would look best with size E on her frame and she wants them. Would people look at her as a laughing stock on a smaller frame girl. She is not skin and bones but, not a girl who would look natural that big. She is pressuring me saying its what she wants it almost seems like he is degrading her for his own fun and I told her that. She insists i will love them.


he sure is making an ass out of both of you .........sounds hot
go with it
The surgeon may not be be able to offer it "for free," since many others will bill.


Regarding this point:

Custer Laststand said:
An additional question your woman should discuss with her "friend of a friend" plastic surgeon would be the cost of additional treatment if it should happen that post-surgical problems develop. In that case, would he provide her with whatever additional treatment she might need for free? Or, would she have to pay the going "retail rate," which could be considerable, for whatever additional treatment might be necessary to deal with (for instance) an infection or other complications?

An additional thought that comes to mind is, your woman's "friend of a friend" plastic surgeon probably is not in a position to offer her breast-enhancement surgery for free even if he wants to and, in fact, has offered her exactly that.

I say this because the costs of surgery are billed to the patient separately by every person and entity that's involved. After her surgery, your woman will receive:

1) a bill from the hospital for the use of their operating facilities. It won't be cheap.

2) a bill from the anesthesiologist, who will be a critically-necessary, highly-educated and highly-paid specialist different from the surgeon. That also will not be cheap; it may be comparable to, or more than, what the surgeon's bill would be (if he charged the normal rate for his services).

3) additional bills for ALL of the supplies needed for the surgery and for the services of any assistants who may be involved.

4) a bill from the surgeon, which will be zero (if he actually performs the surgery "for free" and does not bill your woman for any follow-up treatment that may be necessary).

In other words: even if your woman's "friend of a friend" surgeon performs her breast-enhancement surgery for free, that definitely does not imply she will not be billed by all the other medical people and entities involved in her surgery. It's unlikely (IMO) your woman's surgeon will be in a position to demand all these other medical people perform their work for free, and that the hospital refrain from billing her for the use of their operating facilities.

Thus, in addition to getting a second-opinion from an independent board-certified plastic surgeon, your woman should request a statement in writing, signed by her "friend of a friend" plastic surgeon, specifying all the different costs associated with her breast-enhancement surgery including post-op costs if it should turn out there are complications. The statement should include an estimated total cost for the whole procedure, over and above the plastic surgeon's bill (which should be zero, if he's as good as his word).

OceanBreeze said:
There's always kill-joys around and apparently, this forum is no exception.

I say: She wants size E, then she should get the E, end of story.

Yes but that's easy to say, ocean, when you're not the one who has to live with the physical and emotional pain of a botched breast augmentation if this guy ends up butchering her. All I meant was, don't jump under the knife of the first guy you talk to just because he offers it for free. Get some advice!
I wouldn't come to for advice. That's ridiculous.
OceanBreeze said:
I wouldn't come to for advice. That's ridiculous.

Well, neither would I, but the guy's user name is Adviceneeded.


Thanks everyone we just got back from vacation. We have asked around and got advice from more than a few. It's a big leap and she will be good as long as we get a reduction within 5-7yrs

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