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  • Thread starterspecialman
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Dec 23, 2007
Hi, this is Kyle. I posted the "Pregnant wife" thread a few weeks back. I told you guys about my wife taking a black lover who is now the father of their child and a live in boyfriend. Well, last night all the suspicions I had have come true. My wife is leaving me. They have asked me to leave by the end of the week. My heart has been ripped in two. I came here to say goodbye to you guys who have helped me and offered me a healthy environment to talk about my experiences. I no longer have a wife, so I guess that means I am no longer a cuckold. Thank you guys. Goodbye.
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specialman said:
Hi, this is Kyle. I posted the "Pregnant wife" thread a few weeks back. I told you guys about my wife taking a black lover who is now the father of their child and a live in boyfriend. Well, last night all the suspicions I had have come true. My wife is leaving me. They have asked me to leave by the end of the week. My heart has been ripped in two. I came here to say goodbye to you guys who have helped me and offered me a healthy environment to talk about my experiences. I no longer have a wife, so I guess that means I am no longer a cuckold. Thank you guys. Goodbye.

Sorry, man. That sucks.
Please don't leave, Kyle...

Hi Kyle,

It's really unfortunate that your wife has left you. I'm sorry to hear that. I remember your earlier post and followup comments well. Your descriptions of your situation were unusually intense and well-written. I had in mind writing again fairly soon and asking how you were doing, but I guess you've answered that question now.

Please don't leave this forum. The fact that you no longer have a wife and are thus no longer a "cuckold" (technically speaking) doesn't make any difference at all. Everyone is welcome. In particular, it will be bad for you to not have anyone to talk to now that you have lost your wife and your heart is broken.

I hope you will stay. I think you have much to say to us. I think I can speak for many in saying I want to hear more from you.

Best wishes—

Seconding what Custer said ...

Dude, do you know how many wannabes are on here, or guys who are looking for a woman to marry who will cuckold them? You've already been there, done that. Please stick around. If nothing else, this forum will give you people who understand what many will not, while you try and pick up the pieces of your broken heart.
An article that is relevant to your situation....


Although you feel bad now, in the reasonably-near future you may begin feeling relieved that you are no longer responsible for raising a baby that is not yours, and required to respond to the demands of a wife who no longer cares about you (and her lover).

Since you are young, you will have new opportunities to establish relationships with women — perhaps sooner than you think. Along those lines, an editorial by Maureen Dowd appeared in today's New York Times online that is relevant to your situation. It is on the subject of what women should look for (and try to avoid) in a man before "falling in love" — because after a woman "falls in love," love almost always trumps rationality.

I'm pointing it out because (I would say) Ms. Dowd's column is equally applicable to the problem of what men should look for (and try to avoid) in a woman before "falling in love." I am also pointing it out because you may be finding it difficult, right now, to comprehend what went wrong when you appeared to have found a highly attractive — indeed, beautiful — woman, and she agreed to become your wife.

You can find it here:

(hopefully, you will be able to "open" it).

I hope you will be able to begin looking forward, soon, to the future and will be able to write this off as another lesson in the school of hard knocks — although an exceptionally tough one. At your age, you have a long life and many experiences ahead of you.

Best regards—

Fuck Them Both

Hey Special; I know you are feeling like shit right now but dont let it get you down. I dont know where you live and its none of my business. But i really doubt if YOU have to leave. You can probably tell them to get the fuck out if you are so inclined. If you just wish to leave, then DO it. You sound like a good dude and there are so many hot ladies out there that will be willing to make you very HAPPY. Fuck her she just isnt worth the effort. Let the man have her ass with your blessings. Its a black baby as she wished and that is fine but YOU will have no child support to pay and they can NEVER say you are the father. So get started on a new program in a new direction. Man she didn't like your ass anyway. This has got to be a blessing in desguise. I hope they are happy everafter, so should you, for that fucker has without a doubt done you a big time favor. You will find yourself a little hottie that really likes you and YES will make you very happy. Your soon to be ex needs to be very careful or she will find herself alone with a baby to raise. I am sure that you as us wish her no bad luck but in the same breath can say THANK GOD AND GREYHOUND SHES GONE. Be tough specialman and thank your lucky stars you found out NOW!!!!! ;) okdeacon Hang Tough & Best Wishes
i swear i was crying

let it go deserve a much better woman to hold you in between your arms buddy

just let it go...never mind..
wow guys, thank you so much for the support. I'm probably going to still lurk around, so feel free to PM me if u ever need anything. The last few days have been so tough. They've been all lovey-dovey around me. Kissing and giggling. I want to kick their asses. I just can't wait to get out of here. I can't stand this apartment anymore, too many memories. The upside is that I got a job offer from a friend of mine, about 90 miles away. So I'll be getting out of here, hopefully. I have another friend who is going to put me up for a few days until I get my shit sorted. I just want to divorce this bitch and get the fuck out of this city and start putting it all behind me.

Here are some pics...I think the first one is during her pregnancy, she usually doesnt eat that much.
Putting her in your rear-view mirror is definitely the right goal, at this point.


specialman said:
...The upside is that I got a job offer from a friend of mine about 90 miles away. So I'll be getting out of here, hopefully. I have another friend who is going to put me up for a few days until I get my shit sorted.

Looks to me like you're on the road to recovery already. Having friends at times like this is incredibly important. Having one in a position to offer you a job (elsewhere), who actually did so, has probably put you on the road to a new life.

specialman said:
I just want to divorce this bitch and get the fuck out of this city and start putting it all behind me.

Putting your former wife and everything associated with her in your rear view mirror is definitely the right goal, at this point.

Good luck!

Sounds Good

Special i must say sounds like you are getting it together. Take the job 90 miles away and never look back, for friend you are leaving NOTHING, behind you. If you want to look at it in the right light, you have been using her all this time. You have lost nothing but should have gained a good working relationship with yourself. For you must be much smarter now than you were when you met her, and wiser to the pitfalls we must all try to avoid. But hell man things do go to shit once in awhile. For sure the best way to get over losing one pussy, is to stick your dick in some new ones.:D It works like a charm. You are now free to live so go enjoy all the sweet young ladies you will meet in your new hometown.:) Remember this adventure as what it was, just a lesson in life.:eek: No harm no foul. Get it on special and soon you will be posting stories about all the new pussies you are sampling. I for one can hardly wait. :p okdeacon
Breakups are hard to deal with when you've emotionally committed yourself to the other person. Been there done that. The one thing you don't want to let it do is wreck your life. I can tell you from firsthand experience that you're better off without someone like your soon to be ex-wife. Don't be afraid to talk to your friends you have left. They will certainly be there to listen and try to cheer you up. The best thing you can do is to let them and get on with your life like others here have suggested.
Once again guys, thank you so much for your support in this. I'm typing this from my buddy Andy's place. I had to leave tonight. They were driving me crazy. They've been fucking around the clock, leaving me to watch their baby because I can't just leave her. Then today I was going to meet my friend Rob who is going to try and get me that job at his company. As I'm about to leave, I walk out of the bathroom and it's just me and Isabella. They fucking went out. I was so infuriated. I brought her with me and left her at my sisters, who thankfully was willing to watch her for the afternoon. I had my little informal interview with Rob and his dad (its his dad's company). It seemed to have gone well.

Since I was down there, he introduced me to his girlfriend who does real estate and we talked about apartments in the area. She says there are quite a few in my price range that are remotely livable. If I get this job, everything will fall into place.

As for getting pussy like some of you have suggested, Andy is gonna help me with that this weekend :). I'll keep you guys informed.
Seriously dude, you need to make yourself scarce so she can't stick you with the baby. Now that she has a kid it's time to let the reality of what that means for her to set in. Stop making it easy for her and go hang with your friends over the weekend or for a week straight or something. As long as you are around you're going to be taken advantage of. Hopefully she'll be mad as hell when you get back and you can relish the moment knowing her life is about to be that way for a long, long time after you move out.
This all seems realistic enough, but that chick doesn't look 26 to me, she looks younger. And I can't believe she would have a mixed-race baby out of wedlock without some discomfort from her family and friends. Plus, I thought she said she wanted you around to support it?

If this is real, dude, you need to call Protective Services. God knows what they're going to be like when the sitter moved out.
electricsecks said:
This all seems realistic enough, but that chick doesn't look 26 to me, she looks younger. And I can't believe she would have a mixed-race baby out of wedlock without some discomfort from her family and friends. Plus, I thought she said she wanted you around to support it?

If this is real, dude, you need to call Protective Services. God knows what they're going to be like when the sitter moved out.

Thanks for the vote of confidence. I never said her family and friends were cool with this, I didn't really feel it necessary to explain myself from every possible angle. I kind of feel like she was brainwashed by him. The whole support thing sort of fell apart when they decided we needed a bigger place. Our marriage was tenuous when this all started, and it has only gotten worst since. All of this has just delayed the inevitable. I just wish there wasn't a baby involved. I don't think Protective Services is really needed. They may treat me like shit but they've always treated her well.
Hi Kyle, What used to be your wife, was a very good looking woman. She might be twenty six years old, but she is certainly not grown up. With her looks she could have had lots of fuckers. Most likely she is pregnant again. Considering that the economy is not in the best shape, one does not know if their jobs are solid. If they have no more free baby-sitter or nanny, have the extra expense of raising a kid or two (diapers are expensive). It is true, as you wrote, it is very bad that a child is involved. Yes that’s very bad, but this is not your child and not your wives child ( she is no longer your wife). That baby is your wives responsibility. This might be a bitter truth, but its true.
A there is a big chance that she will knock on your door, within one year and asks if she might come back. And you will think: ""I kind of feel like she was brainwashed by him”” Be careful, people can not change, no matter what she will promises to you. Be glad you had no children with her and got rid of her

Don’t forget
They have pointed out to me that she is not my child. Her mother is my wife and Paul is her father. She will be raised knowing me only as a caregiver, like a nanny.
That’s what they had planed for you.

Paul has made it pretty clear that he sees Isabella as his daughter and that even if he did leave us, he would want to remain in contact with her as her father.
He considers the possibility that he will leave at some time

They have asked me to leave by the end of the week. My heart has been ripped in two

Careful that you do not get stuck with their expenses, In who’s name is the lease, Electric bill, Water, Insurance, Telephone, Cable TV and Internet Car Insurance ?
You need to decide what is right for you. Once you make that decision the rest is easy. Because you are still there and taking their crap the decision you have made is to stay. Stop whining and live the life you have selected. If you decide to leave everything will work-out. Find a lawyer and follow their advice. If you just leave you could become the "bad guy" in the eyes of the law. But decide quickly and follow thru.
I hear what you guys have been saying. I have moved out, I'm sending to have my things brought to the storage place I've rented. I'm trying to get my life back together. I've started with divorce preparations. Our lease is in both of our names, but that expires in two weeks as I think I've mentioned before. That is why they want to move out to a bigger place, three adults and a baby aren't exactly comfortable in a two bedroom one bath. If she decides to continue it, it'll be in her name. I'm ready for the losses I'll take financially, anything to get out of this marriage. As for Paul skipping town, I really hope he doesn't since the baby is involved. If he does and she comes back to me, there isn't a bone in my body that would let her back in.
Good, you did the right thing (re. Isabella). There's a lot to be said for that.


Regarding your post of yesterday:

specialman said:
They've been fucking around the clock....

Sounds like your wife and her lover are trying to convince themselves that what they're doing to you is justified, because they're so passionately in love they can't help themselves.

specialman said:
.... Then today I was going to meet my friend Rob who is going to try and get me that job at his company. As I'm about to leave, I walk out of the bathroom and it's just me and Isabella [my wife's and her lover's infant daughter]. They fucking went out. ....

Confucius say: before others can use you as a doormat, you have to lie down.

specialman said:
I brought her [Isabella] with me and left her at my sisters, who thankfully was willing to watch her for the afternoon.

Good. You did the right thing, despite your feelings of anger. Fortunately, your sister did too. As you obviously appreciate, Isabella is innocent. She didn't ask to be born and has nothing to do with what's going down all around her.

There's a lot to be said for "doing the right thing."

Regarding your post of today:

specialman said:
.... I've started with divorce preparations.

I have no idea what the divorce laws are in your state (I gather you live in the U.S.), but this is something you want to do carefully. Most states now have "no fault divorce" laws — but it may be a good idea to consult a divorce attorney briefly if he/she is willing to answer a couple questions for little or no charge — say, something on the order of zero to $100. In fact, I recommend this. My impression is, a lot of attorneys who are "reasonable" won't charge you anything if they don't "do anything" other than answer a couple of simple questions. Determine this, however, before you start asking.

I suggest your first question should be: if your wife has a child by a man other than you, and you divorce her for that and related reasons, will the court system in your state hold you responsible for child support costs because — as your wife's legal husband during pregnancy and birth — the child is *presumed* to be yours, unless you prove otherwise?

An additional question, I suggest, should be: if you can avoid being held responsible for child support costs because your wife's child was not fathered by you, what will you need to do to *prove* you are not Isabella's father? Although the answer to this question seems obvious to you, it may not be a matter of simply pointing out that you and your wife are both white but Isabella is (mostly, or half) black. I say this because the court system almost certainly deals with divorces among many different flavors of interracial couples with varying differences in skin color. Thus, you may need to obtain a paternity test to prove you are not Isabella's father.

This point is important, because if you're held legally responsible for child support due to (what will seem to you to be) some technicality you overlooked, it can be a large fraction of your income for the next 18 years.

Finally, I strongly suggest resisting the urge to try to "punish" your wife in divorce court. If you do, you might gain — at most — a small amount beyond 50% of your joint assets, but there's a good chance your wife would gain the small extra amount (because she is Isabella's mother). AND, your attorney and court costs could easily be 10 or more times greater than anything you could conceivably gain by taking your wife to court. The emotional costs of protracted divorce proceedings are also extremely high. Believe me, you don't want to get involved in that. Rather, you want to put all this in your rear-view mirror (as I mentioned above).


* The above is free legal advice you may want to consider worth the price, because I'm not an attorney. My brother, however, went through a protracted divorce a while back as a result of his ex-wife insisting on taking him to court. Resolving it took years. The financial and emotional costs to both of them were *much* higher than necessary.
Bloody rite, Custer said it, remain always a gentleman

If somebody wants to argue or fight with you
Don’t resist or engage him in argument
Double your friendliness and politeness
Its more in the Christian spirit
And it sure angers more

Smiling is a pleasant way to show your teeth to your enemy.
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