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  • Thread starterTVWill
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Nov 6, 2006
Goldilocks - by TVWill

Hope you like it!


Jenny and I were late for our party. 8:00 sharp it started and it was already 8:10. But I'm skipping ahead, let me start at the start...

It was Thursday when she said about a fancy dress party at her friend Jo's house. She'd invited us over and said it was themed on “Characters from fiction”. There would be the inevitable Supermen, James Bond's and Gandalf's. Jenny had told me she was going as Little Red Riding Hood and we'd discussed my going as Fred Flintstone. Jenny adores these kind of parties and I was a little shocked to see that her outfit was a very short sexy version, although really turned on my her dressing sexily so all the other guys could see her looking so horny.

On the Saturday, tonight, I saw what she'd ordered for me. It wasn't the massive foam head of Fred Flintstone, nor even the head of Barney, his gormless companion. It was an even sexier outfit than hers! It was a Golilocks outfit, complete with fluffy petticoat, white stockings and knee high white high healed boots. She'd giggled as I opened the eBay'd parcel and I felt an rage of embarrassment and concealed excitement as she showed me the dress. She had a glint in her eye I'd never seen before and she jumped up and said with such enthusiasm than we ought to get dressed straight away.

I was so blown away by her excitement that I was drawn into it. It would be fun to play such a naughty part, and if it turned her on so much... then what would the sex be like later?!? She tolk me upstairs and we tolk a bath together. She shaved her legs and then looked at me with that same surprising wicked look in her eyes saying, “go on! I'd love to see you with smooth legs!”. Feeling quite turned on by the idea of being girlishly smooth and Jenny being so turned on by the idea, I eagerly tolk the razor and shaved my legs. She laughed and splashed me as I stroked the blade up my legs.

Suddenly she jumped out of the bath and with a quick kiss, she popped off into the bedroom to get ready.

Left alone, I felt my smooth legs and felt a sudden thrill of sexual pleasure. 'Why don't I surprise Jenny with doing all of my body?' I thought. She'd be so shocked! I grinned to myself and began smoothing my whole body. First the feet, chest, armpits, arms... everything. My face I shaved smoother than I've ever tried and it came out almost as soft as Jenny's!

Jenny came into the bathroom just as I was finishing, as the shock I felt sent both a plumetting fear and a deap thrill of sexual pleasure through me. She looked like a really hot stripper! I felt my erection pump up as she gasped with girlish fun and burst out with giggles as she saw my freshly pink and hairless body.

“You LIKE it!!” She accused.

“Ermm... I thought.. it...” I stumbled for words as she laughed triumphantly.

“No darling! I love it! You look gorgeous! Now get out of the bath, I can't wait to see you in the outfit!”

Jenny helped me into the stockings, dress and boots... then admired her work.

“It needs a little bit more...” She wondered aloud, as if she hadn't already organised this to happen.

She brought out a girlish wig and her box of makeup. I began to feel a little bit worried, thinking this was going a bit far.

“Don't worry honey, which will look better? You looking like a man in a Goldilocks dress, or a pretty girl are sexy for a party?”

I felt another surge of thrill as her logic overwhelmed me and I realised that I was enjoying it.

After Jenny was finished I was aghast when I looked in the mirror and instead of the man I expected to see, instead there stood a sexy girl looking like (albeit a much less sexy version than Jenny) of a stripper too!

That's when we get back to the start of our story. It was about 8:30 than we arrived at the party and the host Jo was graciously about our lateness. We milled around and so many guys were checking out Jenny! I couldn't help but feel jealous and turned on by their interest, especially when she outrageously flirted back with them. What was strange was than many guys were checking me out too! It felt weird and quite gratifying that my work when dressing up had paid off, but felt like Jenny and I were being moved apart somehow. It was like we were two girlfriends on the pull rather than husband and wife.

It was 11:30 when Jo said we were all off to a nightclub. I pushed through the throng of crowds to Jenny, who was chatted to a very tall black man called Simon. Simon looked quite irritated to be interrupted, he'd obviously thought how annoying it was to be interrupted by one of Jenny's girl friends when she should be able to see that she was flirting with him. I told Jenny it was time to go home and she beamed at me;

“This is the bit I've been looking forward to Lucy!” She exclaimed, making my new name up on the spot “I'm sure you'll have fun too!”

The crowd surged onwards and Simon politely squeezed past me with Jenny laughing on his arm.

The nightclub was everything I hate about them. Loud, squashed and no where to sit. I'd completely lost sight of Jenny. As I pushed around the dance floor, a guy who must've been 6 foot 4 tolk my hand. He mouthed “Wanna dance?”, I mouthed “no” back and carried on looking for Jenny.

It was half an hour later before I found myself at the bar, exasperated at not finding my wife that I was next to the same guy from the dance floor again.

“Hi” he said. I felt a sudden panic that he might realise I was a guy dress as a girl and punch me for the deception. I'd lost completely all the other people from the fancy dress party and on my own I felt vulnerable.

“Hi” I responded in as demure a way as I could, trying to continue the deception until I could get away.

“Love the outfit, really slutty!”

I had no idea how to respond and came back with a pathetic “Thanks”.

“Wanna drink?” He asked, towering over me I felt obliged to say yes.

After having a drink with him for a short while, it must've been 10 minutes or so, he asked me to dance. A wild idea came to me, partly from the fear of his size and strength, partly from the alcohol and mostly from the irritation at my wife for having deserted me at this stupid nightclub, lastly from a deep desire, I said yes.

He tolk me to the middle of the dance floor and instead of dancing opposite me as you would normally, me held me close and ground himself in-towards my body. His hand slid under my petticoat and stroked my new smooth arse.

It was then that I got the shock of all shocks. My suddenly appeared opposite me as Simon held her on the dance floor, one hand under her arm-pit, then other hand between her legs.. kissing her deeply and rub her under that sexy red dress.

It was unreality for me and I stood watching. My dance partner Cal, smiled at me and squeezed my arse cheek appreciatively, obviously thinking I was enjoying the open display of sex on the dance floor.

In the unreality, Cal just kept us dancing alongside Jenny and Simon until my horror grew when Jenny opened her eyes and looked right at me.
My world came crashing down. She had caught me with another man! And I had caught her!

Rather than fling Simon away in horror at what she'd done, she and Simon danced right up next to us and Jenny leant over and said “How's Lucy, Cal? Told you she'd be putty in your hands!” and laughed looking right at me.

“Lets go home” she said. If only that'd been directed at me, but it was for Simon.

She and Simon disappeared into the crowd, but Cal was after them, and me by the arm.

“Jen.. what's going on?” I demanded outside, feeling even more vulnerable in my Goldilocks outfit on the street with two very imposing black men.

“I thought I'd have a little fun tonight sweetheart. I've always wanted to try a really BIG cock. You're lovely, but I've always felt you're better suited to playing the girl part.” She smiled up at Cal, “Lucy's really perfect for it, don't you think Cal?”.

Cal grinned at her and smiled down at me.

Once the cab had dropped us home, the night went from disorienting into bizarre. I felt like Alice in Wonderland, not sure if I was having the best time of my life or hating it – thinking dirty and pathetic that I wasn't sticking up for my rights to my wife. Jenny was clearly having the time of her life. She was giggling like a school girl whilst Simon played with her cunt. I'd never seen her enjoy sex so much, I wondered if I was being a good husband not objecting to the pleasure she was so clearly enjoying.

As we entered the living room, Jenny and Simon dropped onto the couch and Jenny started rubbing herself on him whilst he fingered her. She looked like a complete slut in her Little Red Riding Hood outfit, doing that and I felt turned on and a compulsion to stop it happening.

Cal put me in a chair opposite them, in order that I'd see the whole thing and told me to “Stay and watch”. He looked so feirce when he said that, that I didn't consider breaking his rule.

I watched as Jenny pulled down Simon's trousers to reveal a huge black cock! My feeling were so intense at this time that I gasped. Cal came back in the room with a beer for himself and a glass of wine for me.

“Enjoying the show?” He asked, looking over at me. I couldn't answer.

“I said, enjoying the show?!?” He said, as Jenny looked over to watch me.

There was a silence whilst I sat there. I realised that this was my chance. This was the chance to say “No” and it'd all be over. Jenny was waiting for me to say no if I wanted to. But it I did, I'd deny her the chance to have something she's always wanted. She'd looked so desperate for Simon. So longing for him inside her, and I knew that was what this evening was about.

“Yes” I said quietly.

Jenny burst into laughter again and I felt a sudden happiness overwhelm me before she sank her mouth over Simon's cock. Whilst I watched her suck Simon, I felt a pang of being pointless to her, a rejection that she prefered Simon's cock to mine.

“Come here” Cal touched my arm as he said softly.

He pulled me in front of him and I realised what I'd stupidly not realised before. Jenny was for Simon and I was for Cal!! I couldn't believe I'd missed it! I thought they both wanted Jenny! Then I realised that I'd just agreed to! I was to be Cal's girl!

“No! No!” I squirmed, and Jenny was there instantly.

She bent down next to me and whispered; “You do anything for Cal, you're his girl tonight. Look at yourself, you wanted it from the time you wore the dress. Do it for me, be my girl friend. We can dress up together, date together, suck cock together... it's my fantasy.. please honey”.

I lent forwards and Jenny lent close, I mimicked her as she opened her mouth. The cock slid in and she smiled congratulatingly. “Thankyou Lucy.” She turned and went back to her duty.

I remember hearing Jenny and Simon rustle as she straddled him, her noises as he came inside her, his spunk filling her, the feeling of being pushed onto my back and then Jenny straddle my face, a wicked smile again on her face.

Jenny was so full of cum. I poured into my mouth, she told me to lick it out and I did, making sure to lick her clit to give her pleasure.

Simon then went to bed and Jenny sat up to watch as Cal bent me over. Jenny lifted my dress and pulled my butt cheeks apart and Cal put KY on my ass, pushing some inside. Jenny then started rubbing her clit as Cal began to fuck me. God his cock felt so huge! He's apparently 7 inches, which is about average I'm told, but it felt to me like my whole belly was full of his cock.

He started slow, using me to tease Jenny, who was masturbating herself to the show, and slowly he built up speed.

“Are you my girlfriend now Lucy?” Jenny asked.

“Argg!” was all I could say
“Are you my girlfriend?”

“Yes, Jen” I grunted

There was a pause during while Cal pounded my arse.

“No Lucy. You MY girlfriend.” He prounounce as I felt my arse fill full of his cum.
More please

VERY VERY good story More please!!!!!!
I keep hoping Mistress Susan will make this happen to me! Great story.
I'm glad you enjoyed it girls & cucks :)

Would you like more from Goldilocks or a different one?
I vote oldilocks, but i'd read any story you post.

this story really reminds me very strong of my own life... and i love it !!!

Plese go on TVWill
TVWill said:
I'm glad you enjoyed it girls & cucks :)

Would you like more from Goldilocks or a different one?


I'm sure I speak for many people when I say - If you write it - we will cum:D
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Chapter Two – ********

It was two weeks after the fancy dress party and my life had changed altogether. Jenny and I were looking through a glossy magazine and talking about the gorgeous dresses and make-up the models were wearing.

The day after the party I'd tried to make up for the previous evening by re-asserting myself as Jens husband, still feeling shaken up by the experience. Jen had had none of it. She'd cooed over me looking pretty as a girl and said how she'd preferred it. I loved and I still continue to love her very deeply and with an almost feminine kindness and gentleness. Perhaps that's why she was initially interested in other more macho men, ones who'll let her feel like the 'woman' in the relationship.

Since then, she'd dated Simon 4 times. Each time I felt sickened and turned on, knowing that he was fucking her and she was loving it. I was growing used to the idea of being Jen's girl friend and was starting to enjoy the girly moments we had together. In some ways it was better than when I was a man, back then I'd fitted into the stereotype of watching telly whilst Jen did all the dishes and ignored her signs that she'd wanted a bit of attention. Now I realised a little of what it was to be a girl and how selfish I'd been.

Jen turned the page onto a one about oral sex. She poured over the magazine commenting on how to hold a cock and tease a man til bursting point. After my time when I gave a blow job I was still very uncomfortable thinking about it in real life, but the article was quite sexy and I found I had an erection.

It didn't go unnoticed and Jenny batted my dick quite hard, which made it shrivel back.

“I know we both love giving blow-jobs, but we like proper cocks, right Lucy?”

I smiled in acquiescence, it really was lovely to spend time with Jenny as great friends, sharing moments. I still however could feel the cold rejection of my manhood and the loss of my being her husband.

“Simon's invited me over again tonight”, she commented.

“Would you like any help in getting dressed?” I asked, thinking about sliding sexy thongs up her thighs and arranging her satin bra across her chest.

“You're a gem, Lucy!” She exclaimed, hugging me, “come on...”

We run upstairs where Jenny threw out some clothes to wear. I was surprised to see the corset I'd bought for her birthday, which she'd never worn but the once to see if it fitted. She'd looked amazing then and as I laced her up in it now she looked even better.

It was a turquoise satin, with matching thong. The black shining stockings added to the effect and made her look like a dancer from the Moulin Rouge.

I sat on the bed admiring her.

“Well?” She grinned, already knowing the devastating appeal she had over men by the bulge under my skirt.

“Amazing! ...hang on..” I said, and rushed to the dresser pulling out a black chocker. She tried it on.

“Gorgeous Lucy! You're really getting good at this!” She exclaimed, full of delight.
She paused and watched herself in the mirror and then turned to me. “You're going to be so pleased Luce, I've got another surprise for you too!”.

It was a matching white corset, thong and stockings. She helped me into them, sliding the stockings up my now daily smooth legs. She then helped me with my wig and pulled a pretty 50's style dress from the wardrobe. There was an interrupting 'ding-dong' at the door.

“Oh God! Simon's here already!!” She jumped up and rushed to the door and downstairs. I felt that familiar pang of loss of my husband status and rejection of my manhood. I reassured myself with how pretty I hoped to look in the dress and pulled it on.

I heard Simon greeting Jen and bustled to the bathroom to put on my make-up. Jen had practised with me for hours in helping me learn how to do it perfectly. The eye-liner I have to admit was difficult, I kept creating wiggly black lines and then making it too thick in trying to compensate.

“Come on Lucy, we're off!” Jen called up the stairs and I heard her quietly say to Simon, “she's such a fuss, has to have all the make-up perfectly applied. She's as bad as any girl I know.”

When I came downstairs I found Jen hand in hand with Simon, standing by the door. Usually at this point she'd give me a theatrical kiss on both cheeks, Simon would pinch my bum or do something to assert my femininity and his manhood but tonight she asked “Are you going to wear a wrap or anything?”.

I thought it was a little bit of pot calling kettle black as she was still just wearing her corset outfit with nothing over it, but what was more was that she obviously wanted me along this time. A little dismayed about what might happen tonight but still I felt an adrenalin rush at what she might have planned.

Cal was in the car waiting in the back, Jen gave me a look which said “Lucky girl! Now treat him nicely.”. As we drove, Cal commented about my outfit looking pretty and some of Jen's previous lesson's were put into practice.

“Thank you Cal” I said, flirtatiously and bit my lip, encouraging him to extend the compliment.

He deliberately ignored my fishing for another compliment and we drove on... Cal and Simon making laddish jokes, Jenny laughing along with them, expertly flirting and teasing them. Trying to get me to join in as her girl friend.

On arrival, we entered the building through a posh looking reception and into a bedroom which looked like a 17th century French boudoir with a gorgeous sledge shaped bed in the middle. A very art-y looking guy and gorgeous girl in a figure hugging skirt and blouse walking beside him entered the room. Something about her demeanour made her look like an assistant.

The guy chatted to Simon whilst the girl gave me a broad smile and walked straight up to me, took me by the arm and walked me off into another room. Jenny gave me a little wave and then turned back to listening to the guy with interest.

The room I was lead into was some kind of dressing room, with a posh looking mirror and furniture. She introduced herself as Becca and sat me down with a glass of champagne. Becca it turned out was very easy company and we got on really well; chatting about outfits, guys, how cold this winter is, general small talk.
After a little while, she said “Would you like to see your outfit for the evening? I thought you'd ask straight away to see it!”.

“Of course!” I exclaimed and wondered what the night would hold, realising that she had no idea that the whole evening was unknown to me.

“Do you mind me asking...” Becca paused.. considering her words “Don't you mind? ...about tonight and stuff? I heard that you're married to Jenny?”

I wondered still further about the evening, I didn't think I'd be able to get through it if I knew all the details, so I pretended full knowledge. “We're very good friends too and I know she likes sex, I feel it's one of the nicest things I can do to tell her have her freedom.” I thought for a second and added “Between you and me, I find it a bit sexy too” and blushed at admitting it to myself and Becca.

She looked at me, non-plussed for a second and then smiled. “Lucky old Jenny. ... and lucky old you! Now.. lets get that dress off you.” She pulled the dress off and admired my underwear. “You do like it then... that's good. I couldn't believe they'd got anyone willing when I first found out!”.

She pulled open a wardrobe revealing a big white wedding dress. Complete with train, bridal shoes, neckless and earrings.

Becca was wonderful in fitting me into the dress. She plumped it up, making it look gorgeous, did my hair into ringlets which bounced beautifully around my face and put me into my necklass. I was enjoying it so much, I forgot I'd ever been a man. It felt so natural and beautiful. She then stopped looking at my closely.

“Oh dear.. your ears aren't pierced.. hang on.” She rummaged around in her stash of girlifying equipment and brought out an ear piercing kit.

Making short work of my ears and making sure none of the blood went near the white dress, she pushed the earrings through and admired her handiwork.

“Gorgeous! My my! You really are quite beautiful, Lucy. Now leave the earrings in for a while, or the holes will close again, ok?”

I looked at my reflection as I rose out on the chair, it was as electrifying as the first time I wore the Goldilocks outfit those weeks ago. Despite being more used to seeing myself as a girl, seeing myself as the epitome of femininity, the bride, really struck me. I felt amazing, wonderful, beautiful. It felt so perfect.

“Come on! The others have been waiting for ages”. “You look stunning” She added simply.

She rushed me back to the boudoir where I found Jenny chatting and laughing with a crowd of men. One of the guys had his trousers pulled out so Jenny could see his cock and was rubbing it, whilst she giggled and teased him by running her finger down his navel towards it, then pulling away at the last second. The jealousy gripped me for a second and then sank into a defeated pit inside me.

“Right! Positions everyone!” Shouted the art-y guy, who turned out to be the boss. “Get into position as we've discussed!”

Three camera's were rolled out into the room, camera men playing with buttons and lens'.

Jenny knelt on the bed, her arms around Simon, his arms around her.

“Keep the camera's going for the first take, gentlemen and we'll see what we get. After then we'll stick to the script, ok?” The art-y director instructed. “Action!”

Becca silently sat me down next to her whilst Simon and Jenny began to kiss and fondle each other.

“I've got something for you...” Simon said to Jenny in that slightly wooden way all porn actors do.

“I'll do anything for you, master” Jenny answered, performing slightly too well for me to feel comfortable about. It certainly wasn't the first time she'd called him that.

Becca was clearly getting into the porn as Jenny and Simon got more and more intimate, occasionally looking at me, trying to gauge my reactions. I watched, trying to hide my emotions, which were roaring inside me.. the familiar pangs of lust, excitement and dread building.

Simon then turned to me, “Come here” he commanded, a look of complete control in his eyes, beckoning. Everyone turned to me, watching and waiting impatiently.

“Go on!” Becca whispered, “It's your bit!”

The pressure was huge and I stood and moved into camera shot.

“Come here, Lucy” He said, motioning to the bed where my wife was bent over, doggy fashion, about to receive Simon's cock. Jenny looked over her shoulder at me and I noticed the look sexual pleasure at my being dominated and laughing at my inadequacy. She, her mouth in an open grin.

“See your pretty husband Jenny? She's wearing a wedding dress, completely admitting she's a girl as nothing else can show as much.” he turned to me, “Right in front of your wife, Lucy. You're showing you're wife that you're completely my bitch. Hold this.” Simon opened Jenny's cunt lips as Jenny watched in sexual fascination as I shuffled forwards with difficulty trailing the skirt of the wedding dress behind me on the bed.

I put my fingers where Simon's had been on my very own wife's cunt, holding it open for another man, humiliation burned my cheeks. I watched as Simon knelt behind her and the cameras zoomed in on Jen's cunt lips and Simon's cock as Simon pushed the tip of his cock into Jenny. She moaned a little with anticipated pleasure and looked at me, watching my every reaction as the cock returned a little deeper.

This time she closed her eyes as the cock pushed half way in, craning her back and lifting her chin, pushing back again Simon. Simon slapped my face when I fingers slipped on Jen's slippery crack, telling me to keep it open for him.

“Move your hand here Lucy.” Simon told me and moved my hand and fingers in order that the touch his cock ran over my skin as it pushed inside. This time he pushed in slower than ever, Jenny looked over at me and watched me looking at Simon's cock as it sunk deeper and deeper until he was in up to the hilt and gasped with pleasure then laughed out loud. She was taking so much sexual pleasure at her master's mocking me in front of her, half of the sexual kick for her was my humiliation.

“Oh God! Lucy! Simon's cock is sooooo BIG!! It's sooo good! Oh Simon... please please...fuck me!” She begged, teasing me unbearably so my heart twisted. I still felt unbelieving at my situation, I remembered the day we got married and how much my heart melted when we first held hands as a married couple. Now this beautiful woman was thrilled at watching my expressions as she behaved like a slut.

Simon slid out and looked at me.
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“Lie on your back”, I did as Simon told me.

Jenny, without instruction straddled my face, her cunt over my mouth in a doggy style sex position, ready to receive Simon right over my face.

“Open her cunt again, Lucy”. Now trained, I was following all commands. As Simon put his cock at the entrance to Jenny, he pushed and it slid to the side, not making it in. He tried again and it again popped out, missing the mark. The size of it made it difficult to get in without guidance. The next thrust I gently held Simon's cock, opened Jenny's lips with the other hand and guided it inside. I was aghast at myself, but fascinated at how wet Jenny was for Simon and deeply turned on by helping Simon fuck her.

Simon pushed right in and once he was in up to the 9 inch hilt and his balls were resting on my face he said to Jenny; “Did you feel her do that? You're husband just deliberately opened you up and helped me get my cock inside you”.

Jenny gasped at my action, after the last few weeks I'd thought her unshockable and she ground her cunt into my face, getting off on my submission.

Simon began to pump her, his balls banging against my face. Jenny was moaning and grinding her clit against my soft mouth, I reached out my tounge and gave her something warm and wet to grind against. Simon finally let out a roaring grunt as he came inside her and, watching in horror and sexual delight as I saw his cock push deep inside, filling her.

Jenny was sweating on her thighs and I felt suffocated under her as she put her exhausted weight on my face, I was barely able to catch a breath. Simon pulled away and a camera replaced his hips, waiting for the cream-pie above me. Jenny clenched and unclenched her slit to encourage the sperm to ouse out. It slowly did in blobs, Simon put his fingers in my mouth to open it as the first glob plopped straight to the back of my throat. I coughed as it hit my gagging reflex, Simon laughed and the camera drew closer to watch me.

I was getting disoriented with all of the bright lights, sex, excitement and horror of the situation and when a cock returned and pushed inside Jenny's dripping cunt again, I had no idea it wasn't Simon. She moaned with pleasure as the next cock started pumping her. I didn't even need to hold her open for this one as Simon's was very big and had prepared her for anything.

I don't know how long I lay there watching dick after dick fuck Jenny's sopping wet hole, but each man made me hold her cunt closed for the next one. It was like they were seeing how much spunk they could stuff inside her, making her hold it all inside.Jenny came again and again, enjoying the extra lubrication and rubbing her clit on my tounge. Much of the cum slid out and poured out onto me, which I was made to swallow or it simply dripped over my face, dribbling down my cheeks and over my neck.

Eventually the sex stopped and I could hear the murmurs of people shuffling around. The camera was back, closer than ever as Jenny positioned herself very carefully over my mouth and she opened her lips. Sperm poured out. Jenny held my mouth open for 10 or so seconds whilst the camera filmed me. She cooed at my phrases like “Good girl, you like that huh?” and “move your tounge around to feel and taste the spunk”. Then she told me to swallow. It went down in two big gulps and Jenny finally climbed off.

My wedding dress was covered in sperm and sweat, my face running with Jen's sweet juices and the musky tasting sperm. I felt abused and ashamed that I wouldn't stop the abuse of my gorgeous wife. I lay there along side my exhausted wife for a little while, wondering what to think. She rolled over and hugged me close, my heart blew up to the size of an elephants! I was so pleased to have her fill my heart back up with love.

“That was amazing, Saucy..“ she cooed into my ear, using my old nickname she'd given me years ago. I thought my heart would explode with pleasure at her giving me back some of the love. We shared the moment for it seemed an age before the director gently pushed her away.

“Right loves, that was wonderful, lets wrap things up with the final scene”.

Jen had looked disappointed to be pushed away at first, but now she looked pleased again. She leaned over quickly and whispered into my ear before jumping off the bed and into a bathrobe; “This is your treat now, Lucy”. The hole appeared again in my stomach at her going back to using my female name again.

Becca came over with some baby wipes, a brush and some makeup.

“That was amazing! You're a great actress! I really felt that you had no idea what was going to happen each time. Simon's gorgeous isn't he?” Becca carried on with her duties, tarting me up to look presentable again.

Cal stood before me, naked as the director commanded action. He approached me as I knelt on the bed and held his cock to my face. I looked over at Jen, who nodded appreciatively, holding Simon's thigh. I hesitantly took the dick and held it up to my mouth, all those people expecting me to act just right for the camera. I didn't really know what to do, I tried poking my tounge out and touching it to the end of Cal's stiff cock. A bead of pre-cum left a string between my tounge and his cock as I withdrew.

“Cut!” The director looked angry. “You're meant to be a cheating wife with a lover just before the marriage! Come on! You've got to be desperate for him!. Jesus...” He muttered going back to his seat.

As Cal came towards me the second time, cock in hand this time I tried to act like a girl desperate for his cock.. but the thought popped into my head that I was playing Jenny's part! She was the cheating wife! I tried to brush it aside, but I must've been showing hesitation in moving to Cal as I'd been thinking this thought as the director cut the scene with a greater show of anger.

“Jesus! Fucking amature! Have you never sucked a fucking cock before, you silly bitch!? Try again, and put something more into it, ok?”

This time when Cal came to me, I was determined to get it over with, finish it and go home. I put everything I could think of into my performance. I ran my tounge up his inner thigh, over his balls taking one testicle gently into my mouth and sucking... I then gave him a look I've seen in porn movies where the girl looks up into the mans eyes whilst sucking him and gave a muffled laugh as if I was loving every second.

Letting the ball out of my mouth I moved over his cock and with one go slid his whole 7 inches down my throat. Cal smiled down at me and let out a little breathy chuckle. The camera's all started coming in close again, around me at each angel and one next to Cal's face to get his view. I slid back and forth along his cock, taking care to give warm laughs of enjoyment sometimes. I knew my show must've been good as the room was silent, I remember thinking that the show will be over within minutes if I do really well. It only lasts as long as he does, so I made it my life to make him cum.

I made little sucking sounds 'accidentally', gasps of pleasure and mmmm noises, whilst throwing him lustful submissive looks. The director correctly judged that Cal was getting agressively horny. The camera's started backing off before Cal pulled me up and pushed me on the bed, he scrabbled to hitched up my wedding dress into folds upon folds of cream satin. I lay in the women's position of the missionary, legs apart for him as he mounted me, pushing my legs up high over his shoulders in order to get access to my arse.

He squirted some KY on me and too quickly push himself inside. The pain was unbearable and the scream I let out was a genuine one, Cal took it for sexual pleasure and slammed inside me again. His cock pushed me open again, again the scream. At the side of my vision I could see Jenny unconsciously rubbing Simon's cock under his bathrobe, the director looked thrilled and even Becca seemed to be enjoying the show, giving me a grin as I glanced at her.

I threw myself into my part with all I could muster. It was so painful that I wanted it to end now, I couldn't take it.

“Please...” I let out unconsciously... wanting him to stop. Cal looked more turned on than ever. I quickly made up for it, “Please fuck me harder..” I added quickly, hoping he'd be turned on more and it'd make him cum quicker.

He obliged and I let out a wail of pain as he slammed himself up inside.

“God!!...” I winced “That feels so goood!”. It was too long before Cal finally came. My hips were pulled up high as he pumped into me. Legs over his shoulders, I clenched my ankles involuntarily around his neck, feeling myself fill up with Cal's sperm for the second time in my life. Cal collapsed on top of me, cock still inside.

“You're such a slut, Luce”, he whispered, exhausted, but he said it kindly.

It seemed an age before I had the strength to sit upright again. The director come over and congratulated me wholeheartedly, saying he wasn't wrong to hire a professional.

Jenny sat down next to me; “Tiring isn't it? God! I feel like I've run a marathon! ... you looked hot, darling!” She hugged me and the world went right again. “That was amazing, Lucy. The video is gonna be amazing! We might even make a bit of money.”. She looked thoughtful, “You know, if I had doubts before, you've really convinced me that you're perfect as a girl. You really were enjoying sucking and getting fucked. I'm so pleased!” She smiled at me.

“Sorry to tease you when Simon was fucking me, you don't mind do you darling?” She read my expression wrongly, “Good! I love you honey!”.

Jenny hugged me again and I wondered how far down the rabbit-hole I'd fall...
Oh for sure we are interested in your story TVWill ... and for sure i would love to work as a porn actress as well so i could proof myself as my Mistress's and Her Man's devoted little sissy slut right in front of a camera!

So please go on with Your story since you make me cream my little panties... :eek:
Thankyou for responding sissymoan, and really glad you enjoyed it :)
TV, you have got to add more!!!!!!!!!!!!! My little tiny clitty dribbled my ovary cream when I read where Cal spurted his hot thick sticky man cum into her sissy pussy!!! MMM
sissy missy
More more & More!
Can't say enough good things about the story. It was wonderful. As i read it i kept wishing i were the one in it. Please, more stories, you are great !!!!

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