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Funny question...

  • Thread starterelectricsecks
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Beloved Member
Jun 24, 2009
I posted this someplace else, but it works here, too...

Has anyone here come across personally, or heard/read about someone coming across their picture unexpectedly?

I just imagine there's been some college girl who is told by a friend of a friend that she's in the Fakes section of a cuckold forum getting blacked eight ways from Friday and finding her Facebook pictures being used in creative and disturbing ways.

There's hilarity here, I know it...
I would be most disappointed if she was under-age and someone posted her without permission. Posting under-age shows some insecurity with your own childhood or a desire to hurt someone who can't fight back.

..........'being used in creative and disturbing ways'......................What would happen ig they got you back by putting your face on a guy being ass fucked? Would you be upset escpecially if your family saw it?

"Do unto others only what you wish to be done to you".
Saraha, I agree that this idea of posting pictures of your ex-wife, ex-girlfriend, friends, mother, etc. to be "faked" is disturbing. I enjoy looking at the original pictures but the faking is in poor taste (my opinion). However, others do enjoy it and it is not against the law (except minors) so keep them coming. We do not have to look at them and I suppose it is, or can be, part of the cuckold fantasy.

I agree with your comment, "What would happen ig they got you back by putting your face on a guy being ass fucked? Would you be upset escpecially if your family saw it?" I often wonder what would happen to me if my posts on here and other forums were to be made public. My cuckolding and sissydom are not matters I want to share with the world!
Saraha said:
I would be most disappointed if she was under-age and someone posted her without permission. Posting under-age shows some insecurity with your own childhood or a desire to hurt someone who can't fight back.

..........'being used in creative and disturbing ways'......................What would happen ig they got you back by putting your face on a guy being ass fucked? Would you be upset escpecially if your family saw it?

"Do unto others only what you wish to be done to you".

...what in the Hell are you talking about? Under-age? Ig? Who mentioned any of this?

Listen, you'd be a fool to believe that a) any of the girls in the Fake section want to be faked. Most of the time it's a platonic friend posing as a girl, and b) you can tell who posts on a cuckold/sex forum and who doesn't. When the chick is 40+, kinda dumpy or trashy-she's for real. When the chick is young, perky and cute she's not. She's just allowed access to a MySpace or Facebook profile to a perv.

I didn't say I did these things. I said I think it's funny that it happens and I wonder if any chick came across something like this and tracked down who did it.

my picture unexpectedly

electricsecks said:
Has anyone here come across personally, or heard/read about someone coming across their picture unexpectedly?

Well, yes ... some kind this happened to myself! To tell the truth i was ordered to post my own pictures at the Club Sissy so i knew that they were out of the closet. But then some times later i found them at another website where i hadn't the slightest possibility to control them anymore ...

Of cause the Mistress was quite amused that i had become a public sissy by this. But on the other hand i am Her legal sissy wife and She really doesn't want all of Her friends to stumble over my pix everywhere. So i just hope that they will stay at least at thoses websites where the users have to login to show their interest. :eek:
The funniest picture incident we had was long ago, my wife had an amateur website. We were swingers and had ads online. Anyway a guy writes us saying they want to play. We say, "send over a pic or two and if interested we will reciprocate". So he sends a handfull of pics and ,,,,,, odd, these look just like April (my wife). In fact, they have the website url still on them.

We call him on it, he denies it to the bitter end, saying he/they were real and how we must be fakes, blah,blah,blah. Life needs a delete and ignore button sometimes,lol.
I have had my picture stolen from my website and used on another website with a different name then mine. I wrote and threatened to sue and they removed them. Why do people have to steal pictures just to attract guys to go to their sites? I will never understand.
MacNfries said:
Hotwifeapril ... as long as they weren't using your pic for pay or profit, there's really nothing you can do about it. I can understand you being upset, but once your pic is posted on the internet, its free property. Now, if they were using your pic to entice people to a paysite, you got 'em there. Mac

They were (I'm April's hubby) using them on a pay site.
Might be considered a compliment that your wife was so pretty, the guy couldn't help himself from attaching it to his website. Legal stuff would be costly, even just to get an opinion of your chances of winning a case.

I don't like under-age photos because all it does is strengthen the case for Governments to start controlling the internet big time. Google had the pressure put on it, and so have some other search engines.

Big Brother could just use certain key words to pull up websites and close them down automatically under new powerful "Clean up the Internet Legislation". Offending Websites could have their bank accounts and credit card processing frozen without warning.

The Police already have access to credit card purchases information (names, addresses,e-mail, telephones) from websites they look at when looking for paedophiles.

Under-age suggests "paedophiles", not something I want to be associated with.
Saraha said:
Might be considered a compliment that your wife was so pretty, the guy couldn't help himself from attaching it to his website. Legal stuff would be costly, even just to get an opinion of your chances of winning a case.

Wasn't a real big thing, we sent him a cease and disist letter,,, he complied.
Saraha said:
Might be considered a compliment that your wife was so pretty, the guy couldn't help himself from attaching it to his website. Legal stuff would be costly, even just to get an opinion of your chances of winning a case.

I don't like under-age photos because all it does is strengthen the case for Governments to start controlling the internet big time. Google had the pressure put on it, and so have some other search engines.

Big Brother could just use certain key words to pull up websites and close them down automatically under new powerful "Clean up the Internet Legislation". Offending Websites could have their bank accounts and credit card processing frozen without warning.

The Police already have access to credit card purchases information (names, addresses,e-mail, telephones) from websites they look at when looking for paedophiles.

Under-age suggests "paedophiles", not something I want to be associated with.

Bro, maybe you calm down with the underage stuff. Over three busy forums I've never seen anything questionable. You've brought it up 18 times in 2 posts. Methinks you doth protest too much.

I'd still like to hear funny stories, particularly from amateur "real" people versus swingers, professionals, etc.

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