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  • Thread starterHank5069
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The Idea that Black men are stronger, healthier, or superior to white men is not only False it is Ludicrous. If that were the case, one would surly wonder why it is that these Black men are by far (often 50% or greater) more succeptible to develop lung cancer, kidney disease, hypertension, stroke, asthma, and who could forget Sickle cell disease. Dont get me wrong i have no bias towards african americans and find them to be fine people. I am on the otherhand very skeptical about interracial relationships. It seems to me that two very distinct cultures in this case anglo-saxon and african-american are too a very large degree incompatible in a relationship as serious as marrage. The fact that the divorce rate is higher among these marriages seems to support my argument. I myself being of middle eastern descent, yet born and raised here in america would never consider being intimate with a person of any other culture. Yet these are simply my beliefs and i dont plan on imposing then on others. Like any other taboo. interracial relationships arouse interest. This taboo combined with the idea that women are becomming more promiscuous seems to serve as the ultimate fantasy among this sites members. What troubles me most about this site, and the liberal culture of america on general, is that women are beginning to accept the argument that there are no reprocutions for having multiple male sex partners. Lets consider the analogy comparing women to cars. A car is most valuable with a no miles on the odometer. Once the wheels hit the pavement however the car depreciates to a large extent. With every mile put on, the car slowly depreciates. Once the wheels hit the pavement is a metaphore representing a woman losing her virginity. This analogy is innacurate however because if a woman has intercorse with an increasing number of men, in opposed to just one man her vagina begins to stretch, which makes it increasingly more difficult to reach climax. thus making them a less satisfying sex partner for men. The reprocussions to this increasing number of promiscuous woman have already been seen in that men are now searching for much younger women as partners instead of the far less satisfying promiscuous women of their age. This growing culture that justifies interracial sex for the sole purpose of lust will soon find that the novelty will ware off and there will be a price to pay. And the white men who encourage their wifes to be unfaithdul are among the most reprehensible people in my opinion simply because are naiive enough to believe that black men are by some standard superior to white men. Lets get real! It is usually only the dime-store hookers with stretched out vagina who needs, or can even fit, what you claim is a large penis. I maintain my original argument in that this interest in interracial sex is one based primarily on taboo!

Im open to your thoughts and rebuttal Sandy and would like to hear from members with both opposing and favoring viewpoints
Pinch me ....I must be dreaming! Surely you realize this is a site for racial mixing? Surely you realize much of this is based on fantasy?

Take a look at this other site....

Its free but it takes a couple days to get through the MSN screen wall. After you see some of the photos, I doubt you will still have doubts about the sexual and cultural transition around you.

Your wife and/or girlfriend may be getting black right now and you just fail to see the signs.


You posting requires a thoughtful response and I appreciate your comments. You may be surprised at how much I agree with you. One thing I guess that needs to be added to you discussion is that women tend get to their sexual peaks about the same time that lots of men are spending more time at the office, golf course, or drinking beer with the boys. I disagree with your car analogy. An inexperienced lover is no pleasure. Maybe I have a few more miles on my tires but honey, my engine runs very smoothly and my man gets a great ride! The same goes for men. I want a lover who will pleasure me. Maturity in a man, regardless of age, is what attracts a woman. Younger men have more stamina but it can be wasted if they are not experienced.

I think that many affairs are just by chance and not by plan. I do not think that most women are promiscuous, certainly less than men. But the old saying goes “it takes two to tango” so at least for heterosexuals, the promiscuity averages out.

I have never understood men wanting to be cuckolds either but I am liberal enough to appreciate differences. I do not accept that women will seek abuse by men, I just think that is sick.

Now, as far as size goes, black men and white men are not that much different. Sorry guys. BUT I will say this about black guys, they are very proud of their cocks and like to brag about them more. Maybe that is where the myth comes from.

Final point, I agree with you, it is the social taboo of interracial sex that gets everyone hot. I love men but black men have always attracted me because of the social taboo.
Sandy, what a perfectly lovely response !! I got this little tingle when I read your answer to the car analogy...

".....a smooth-running engine, and a nice ride".

How much better can it be said ???

I agree but also disagree

You are right in most of your stataments but this site as well as others are only to & for adult consenting fun. In sex there is a term called VARIETY this is what we do every day not only here but in the streets, works, neighbord, church etc. Particulary I'm not interested in the % of the black community in regards of divorce, health, economy. I work my ass very hard every day and when I'm at home with my wife the only thing I think is relax. Movies, food, cable, reading and of course sex.
I very married and we love eachother very much, we are a very stable couple. We humans have fantasies.. and you do to ACCEPTED behind this yadayada I see a repressions and insecurity. I'm now trying I/R and my wife know this and share it with me. She is excited and willing to try.
So calm down do what you like to do. Accept your self and be happy.
By the way I just want to see a big cock going into my wife pussy, listening to the sounds and watching how her tits and suck and her butt is slapped while this black guy is calling her names is just a thrill and before I forget .. black females like the same with a white boy.


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WF 's getting more black action here

MOST of the white women i know are getting balck love at least occasionally. Many regularly. I know over 25 white women who have had at least 1 baby by a black man.
Most white women aren't...but they probably should :n)
I could comment for days on the content I have viewed on this website. I have come to realize that majority of the white women on this website, have never been with a black man. I have also realized that all of the white men on this website are plauged with fetishes. I love to come here and read the posts, because some are so "far fetched" no one in their right mind would actually believe some of this crap. Seriously! The whole black men are superior to white men, and all this other crap. There was a white guys posting on here the other day about whether or not anyone would rate his penis size. He had posted a picture and the replies were like, "nah, not big enough"... but his size was relatively the same as many of the black male postings, and larger than some. Which I thought was ridiculous. I have been with black men and white men, and after the first time I'd been with a black man, I was like, "what's the fuss all about?" Seriously, this coming from someone who actually has been with black men! I don't sit around and daydream and fantasize. I've dated black guys. I mean these women on here, have never been to black clubs, do not have any black friends, and are just on this website merely because it turns them on to gaze upon black anatomy. Just because it is taboo. And as soon as they log off of their computer, probably masterbate, then they're back to living their normal white lives, with their normal white friends, doing normal white things. No black involved. Despite the fact that I would never ever ever ever consider "hooking up" with someone I'd met online, or in a bar or club. I have enough decentcy and self respect to refrain from those actions. These women on here referring to themselves as "black cock *****" "black cock slut" and wanting to be degraded and dominated for the soul purpose of orgasm, seriously need to get appointments with therapists. I am not just going to "diss" the white people on this site, but I will also jump on the black guys, I bet over half of the black men on this site haven't been with a white woman. Majority of the black men I know havent. This site claims to be "dedicated to interracial lust" ... blah. Whatever. Then you see the postings about these freaks wanting to engage their children in interracial relationships. How about letting your children decide who they want to be with on their own. I have talked to a few level headed people on this site, but they are few and far between. Not to mention, that all of this is coming from someone who was raised in rural south alabama, where interracial relationships are still not cool. The south is still the south, we just don't get publisized as much. This is why I can tell you that majority of the people who frequent this site are merely coming to satisfy a fetish for a few minutes, and a great majority have never and will never do the things they claim on here. All I could as is for everyone to "keep it real".... but I forgot, ya'll don't hang around black folks, so you wouldn't know what that meant!
I agree with the comments...and it works both ways

As a Black man CURRENTLY engaged to a white woman, I have gone through what vanillablonde20 has discussed.

I have come to realize that majority of the white women on this website, have never been with a black man. I have also realized that all of the white men on this website are plauged with fetishes.

This also works both ways...and agree with what you said:

I love to come here and read the posts, because some are so "far fetched" no one in their right mind would actually believe some of this crap. Seriously! The whole black men are superior to white men, and all this other crap. There was a white guys posting on here the other day about whether or not anyone would rate his penis size. He had posted a picture and the replies were like, "nah, not big enough"... but his size was relatively the same as many of the black male postings, and larger than some. Which I thought was ridiculous. I have been with black men and white men, and after the first time I'd been with a black man, I was like, "what's the fuss all about?" Seriously, this coming from someone who actually has been with black men! I don't sit around and daydream and fantasize. I've dated black guys. I mean these women on here, have never been to black clubs, do not have any black friends, and are just on this website merely because it turns them on to gaze upon black anatomy. Just because it is taboo. And as soon as they log off of their computer, probably masterbate, then they're back to living their normal white lives, with their normal white friends, doing normal white things. No black involved. Despite the fact that I would never ever ever ever consider "hooking up" with someone I'd met online, or in a bar or club. I have enough decentcy and self respect to refrain from those actions. These women on here referring to themselves as "black cock *****" "black cock slut" and wanting to be degraded and dominated for the soul purpose of orgasm, seriously need to get appointments with therapists. I am not just going to "diss" the white people on this site, but I will also jump on the black guys, I bet over half of the black men on this site haven't been with a white woman. Majority of the black men I know havent. This site claims to be "dedicated to interracial lust" ... blah. Whatever. Then you see the postings about these freaks wanting to engage their children in interracial relationships. How about letting your children decide who they want to be with on their own. I have talked to a few level headed people on this site, but they are few and far between. Not to mention, that all of this is coming from someone who was raised in rural south alabama, where interracial relationships are still not cool. The south is still the south, we just don't get publisized as much. This is why I can tell you that majority of the people who frequent this site are merely coming to satisfy a fetish for a few minutes, and a great majority have never and will never do the things they claim on here. All I could as is for everyone to "keep it real".... but I forgot, ya'll don't hang around black folks, so you wouldn't know what that meant!

There are some white women who don't follow what their moms and dads say...but I would raise an eyebrow, if they EVER told them to date a Black man. (I may give the white women in Utah the benefit of the doubt...but do offer the white women that have dated Black men my support and encouragement regarding this issue.)

I will say that every man has fetishes, and will add that my first experience with dating outside my race came while I was stationed in Hawaii. (Long story, and no time for me to explain to you.) My family acted just like the KKK...very upset and disapproving.

Right now, I see those that crave this as not taking the PROPER steps. I learned from my experience that a fetish like this can QUICKLY grow into an obsession...if not properly acted upon. I can also tell you from personal experience that a therapist can help...IF you seek help EARLY! (I had to see a Navy shrink, while serving on the front lines in Saudi Arabia during Operation Desert Shield/Storm in 1990-91.)

The obvious point is: If you are into it, and don't let it control your life. My former wife had this fetish, but her mother's negative influence and trechery kept her from fully acting on it. The end result is that I lost everything because she was too afraid to leave her mom alone. (Again, another story.)


I will add in closing that if you are currently dating or married to a white man, it IS imporant that you leave or divorce him. The old moral rings true:

You CAN'T have your cake and eat it, too!!!

This closing quote is from the bible:

I was fortunate to have a Psychiatrist help me during a time of war...but feel that those who are on here for kicks make things worse.

I won't encourage you to seek help, but I would love to see those handle their afflictions...UNLESS they let it control them like a drug.


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VanillaBlond "Keepin' It Real"

The two preceding posts are as lame as I have seen in this forum.

Vanilla Blond reminds me of a 16 year old who gets their driver license and immediately wants to take over the road! I bet she has only been on the net for a few months or less. What a crock!

How can she make fun of white women who have never experienced black men (or vice versa) just because she has. That makes you better? Smarter? What is it? There are no requirements for looking at this site. It should be for everyone........even women who just fantasize. Even white men. Even you Vanilla Blond!!

Maybe you think it's a slight for people to meet online. Or chat online. Or look at interracial porn online. Or frequent black clubs. So what! Millions of people disagree. Oh but I forgot, you are smarter and more upstanding than everyone else.

Then the latter part of your e-mail is the most shocking. Basically calling other people racist because you are white and from the south and hang out with black men. You are the one who needs to "keep it real!"

PS- I much prefer the racist post from white boys who object to this site. At least they are funny.


As for the master who responded.........what are you talking about man! I have always preferred interracial porn because I like white women. I have done so for 20 years. No shrinks. No obsession. Just harmless fun. Just harmless sex too!! Its funny when you see a person who has problems (not that problems are funny) the bible and religion are always hiding in there somewhere.

Hang in there dude! White women can keep their hubby's. They CAN have their cake and eat it too. Just like men do every day!

Master Earl

This closing quote is from the bible: Quote:

I was fortunate to have a Psychiatrist help me during a time of war...but feel that those who are on here for kicks make things worse.

I won't encourage you to seek help, but I would love to see those handle their afflictions...UNLESS they let it control them like a drug.


I just had to go back and read this from Masterbator......eerrr I mean Earl!!

That is so damn funny. It is one of the main reasons I come to this site. You just can't make this shit up!

OK Master.......I will obey you and the bible and go seek help because I am doing this for kicks!!! The bible says so.

Know what's really funny?

The various assholes that fail to see how I handled my issues think I ordered them to heed these quotes.

Hey, what you do is YOUR CHOICE!!! I almost got killed by a jealous white bastard...because his wife wanted to divorce him and marry me.

I defended this so-called country, so people like you can enjoy these freedoms...however explicit they seem. I exercise these freedoms like you do, but don't RIP a person like they were paper.

If you don't like what I say, ignore the message...simple thing to do.

For those that are married to white men like the one that berated me, and still crave black...DON'T BLAME ME IF YOU ARE SO ADDICTED, AND IT RUINS YOUR MARRIAGE/RELATIONSHIP!!!

I put that religious message there as a simple quote...and it is YOUR CHOICE to heed or ignore. Don't put words in my mouth, call me 'preacher,' or the "Almighty." I get pissed off when people think they are so right, and when I interject my opinion, they go into a fit.

Vanillablonde20 gave HER opinion...whether it is BEING high and mighty, or not. If you don't like it...simply ignore it, or respond as polite as possible...and instead of ripping a person, show some respect. (Unless you want to show the world that you are a COMPLETE ASSHOLE!!! THAT will gain you NOTHING!)

There are SOME white women that DO crave Black men...and I thought my post made it clear. VanillaBlonde pointed to the fact that SOME are not as sincere, and treat it as a SICK GAME. (If I pointed out the word ALL in my previous message, quote it and send it to me.) White women may mant their husbands, but I personally am appalled that SOME want white men for FINANCIAL reasons, and Black men for sex. IF they want their cake, as well as eat it, I won't offer any, nor provide the frosting.

If you look at IR porn for 'harmless fun,' that may be good. I have TRIED to incorporate it into my lifestyle...and the ONLY option I have is to use the pics to illustrate any erotic stories I compose. Since you want to prove your 'point' about "White women can keep their hubby's" Explain to me the behavior of a racist mother, who forces her daughter to divorce me for a rich, racist white the process, intervenes in my child custody issues, and uses his financial/political clout to humiliate me.

IF you don't have any positive, polite response...KEEP IT TO YOURSELF! And YES, I feel you are a hostile bastard!!!
Excuse me Black Zepp...are you really black?

A Black man would NOT rip another 'brother' like that.

And I copied a quote from of the moderators:

There is an effort to make sure that cultural ideas and heritage are passed to the child and therefore the mother must be brought into the family fold to be able to do that. I think that is probably true of of any interracial relationship but more so with blacks. Abortion would be an easy choice for a woman who was not serious about her man so having his child shows a level of commitment to him. Unfortunately, I also think that black men are not as committed to the women who bear thier children. There is a lot of truth to that "sowing their black seed" talked about here on Dark Cavern.

I was as committed to my wife and son as any NORMAL white male would be with a white woman. Since you let the genie out of the bottle, I will explain my disdain with married white women fucking Black men...WHILE THEY ARE STILL MARRIED TO WHITE MEN!

The stigma of racism is one issue...Sandy also said "Size is one thing, skill is another." I hope I am NOT ripping anyone, but when a white wife...who I shared 10 years with (6 in a loving relationship BEFORE marrying her) goes to a racist white bastard, who uses his money, political power, etc. - AND IT IS AT THE ORDER OF A PARENT, then you have to wonder how a relationship like this went wrong.

My family was VERY accepting of her...UNTIL my dad died, then my aunts/uncles/cousins fell out of touch. A loving wife USUALLY would TRY to work at the marriage FOR THE SAKE OF THE CHILDREN. That was NOT the case here. I lost EVERYTHING, for the love of MONEY and POWER.

I learned from that mistake...but my son and daughter are suffering for this, and have been ****** from seeing them. (I know about giving my kids financial/emotional support, but my former wife, and her racist husband have made things COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE to work through.)

I won't continue with this 'sob story,' but my disdain at the issue has me VERY UPSET! Black Zepp, your comments pissed me off, and will not commet any further on this topic. I'm keeping my mouth shut.

What people do is THEIR business. I'm happy, and won't entertain the thought of having another man's wife.

I wish I knew a bit more about your story because I am not sure I understand. DarkCavern is a fantasy with some members trying to hold serious discussions, and others just letting their fetishes run wild. I wish it was more of a place where serious discussions could take place and I do try to encourage that in this area.

I am glad you found your way and have a life style that meets your needs. I am not sure that I would be as crtical of others but I understand your point. I guess I am one of the people you distain because of my interracial affairs. I am not proud of it but I am not ashamed either.
My issue pertained to how I was treated.

I will explain this:

I did say that SOME women are treacherous...the woman I dated rebounding from my divorce was seperated, and lied to me as well. When I met her hubby, he told me to leave her alone. (Racism has it's MANY ugly heads, and this one came out.) She asked me to give her some time, as she loved her husband, and would make him see her views.

Things didn't work out, as he told her to either 'end the relationship, or she won't get shit.' She RELUCTANTLY went back to him a week later, and has not kept in contact.

Like you said, this forum is based on FANTASY, but reality does get involved...and PEOPLE GET HURT!

I have met a sincere woman, and spent time getting to know her. (The key issue that you pointed out regarding any relationship.) Now when I see a post about a white woman craving a Black man simply for the purpose of 'Breeding,' 'Cuckolding a white hubby,' or any of the other fantasies, I get frustated.

Yes, I visit this site...but not for the reasons I listed in the above paragraph. All of the facts, stories, etc., have done little to stem this wildly growing fetish, and grow disgusted at the TRUE FACT that Black men are simply viewed as 'animals' by MOST white women.

I am through voicing my I have decided to stay on the sidelines. IF a white woman wants to have a relationship, she must first leave her husband...white, Black, etc. That post I did with the biblic quotation is done mostly to inform...besides warn.

Sandy, you had a relationship that MAY have been more. At least you are using it as a 'learning experience,' and don't want you to be ashamed. GOD FORBID, if something happened to your hubby, I would want you to think hard about who you will have as another mate. Granted, that quote "Once you go Black, you NEVER go Back" does not apply...but the TRUE FACT is the next person you choose has to accept your children as well as you.
Damn, I forgot.

I can't voice my opinion on this website, because *all* white women on this site are submissive, helpless, black cock whores, who wake up every morning craving thick creamy loads to be shot into their mouths by black bulls that are so superior to the white cocks they've had.


First of all, "homeboy" don't be "up in here" talking "smack" about me. lol I don't think that there is anything wrong with women (white) who fantasize about being with men (black). However, if you are going to sit there and rub one out to the idea, then persue it. (Duh.) However, I do have a problem with the whole submissive, black cock ***** idea. *whew* But, that is a whole different discussion. I mean, I realize that there are a lot of people on the internet period that are pretending to be someone they aren't. I stumbled onto this site probably 2 or 3 months ago. I was so intrigued by the weird shit some of the people on here come up with, that I can not help myself but to come back for more.

Let me talk about me for a minute... I do hold myself at a higher standard than a lot of women hold themselves. Why? It's called self respect. I can wake up in the morning and say, "I'm beautiful" or "I'm intelligent". Are you aware of the now infamous quote, "A lady in the streets, but a freak in the sheets" ? I am a respected person in my community. I work, I attend college, and I present an image that is "quality" or "wholesome." Sure, I raise plenty of hell, I go to the clubs, and I have a good time. However, I do not subject myself to having sex with people I do not know, for mere gratification, why? Because of self respect. However, what other people choose to do, is their own business, and I respect that. I don't want to wake up one morning, and examine my anatomy, and exclaim, "what the fuck is that." I am clean, and decent. My partners must be clean and decent as well. Just because some people want to run around fucking anyone who will fuck them, and the wiping their cat/cock off and go after round two, despite any social diseases or their own reputation. That is fine. However, when you have a bad rep, or you are infested with some form of sexually transmitted disease, guess what, I don't want to hear you bitch.

I really am on a soapbox today.

.........and I did take over the road when I was 16...........

I feel the need to conquer whatever feat I engage myself in.

One more thing, Sandy, I read your story about your daughter on another post, but I did not comment. I just wanted to say that I have a tremendous amount of respect for you regarding your situation. Not everyone would have been able to deal with quite a scenario you were faced with. However, I wish your children the best possible life you can give them, and I can see that you're going to do your best regardless of the circumstances.

I wish you could read those posts as a third party and try to figure out what the hell you are saying.

I said it before and I will say it again......

"You can't make this shit up!"


Hostile Bastard
I hope that vanillablonde was angry at Black Zepp...

I try to agree on a topic, then input my opinion, and then everyone jumps in on me. No wonder why the debate team at my old high school floundered.

I am angry about the topic, and yes...IT IS AN OPINION! :x

I wish you could read those posts as a third party and try to figure out what the hell you are saying.

I said it before and I will say it again......

"You can't make this shit up!"

Black Zepp did two things.

1. He managed to get under everyone's skin...mainly mine, with his comments.
2. He FINALLY admitted to being a hostile bastard.
My Two Cents

Wow, I don't really know where to begin. I guess I should address the "facts" that started this whole discussion. Although I feel that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I have to disagree with Hank on a few issues. First, I don't believe that any one race is superior to another, but I do believe that due to environmental stressors, populations have evolved to ensure the survival of that population. For instance, the sickle cell trait is believed to be expressed secondary to presence of malaria. Populations, to include middle eastern populations, have higher incidence of sickle cell and G6PD deficiency. In essence the body stops coding for proteins that are considered normal and starts coding for other proteins which allow the organism to co-exist with the environmental stressors like malaria. Other disease processes that plague African Americans can be attributed to socioeconomic factors that prevent equal access to adequate healthcare.

Since I'm in a left brain mode, I may as well state these few facts. 99.8% of all human DNA is identical. That means that the phenotypical differences seen in the various racial groups are due to a relatively small amount of DNA, about 0.2%. For me this is an amazing fact because it indicates a common origin for all races which anthropologists believe to be Africa. Another fact is that African American men on average have higher levels of testosterone and a higher percentage of fast-twitch muscle fibers (the excellence of black NFL, NBA, and track and field athletes now all of a sudden make sense). According to the Kinsey Reports, black men do have larger penises but don't take my word, look it up for yourselves. Whites do have higher lung capacities and the last time I checked all of our presidents have been white. So this whole notion of superiority and inferiority just doesn't add up to me. Having big cocks and being able to run fast didn't keep slave traders from rounding our ancestors up and boarding them on slave ships nor would this country be where it is had it not been for the fact that African Americans physically built a large part of this nation not to mention the sacrifice made in defending it. In a nutshell, we need each other as much as the Yin needs the Yang and the day needs the night to justify it's existence.

Damn, I need to come up for some air. Now that you have the logos, how about some personal epilogos. I first learned of this site in 2000, the night my favorite team lost the Superbowl. In a drunken and depressed state I started "surfing" the net and came across the darkcavern which was an infant compared to what it is now. The site appealed to me for several reasons. At the time it was the only site that explored the taboo nature of interracial sex. Up to that point I had only been with two white women and absolutely loved it so for me it was "no turning back". Even though I didn't discriminate because honestly I love all women but having been in the military I was ******* to latin and asian women as well as black women and none did it for me the way white women do. I often analyzed this and at first I thought it was my own feelings of inferiority that drove me to seeking white women as to say that if I get the white man's "prize" I am on equal footing with the male members of the dominant culture in this society. But what I eventually realized was that it had more to do with me seeking a harmonious union with my opposite. In other words, I was longing for wholeness in my being and the white female represented an opportunity for me to connect with my feminine opposite since in this society the white female represents ultra feminism especially when compared to the "strong" black woman. I didn't need another person that saw things the same way I did, I needed another view in order to grow as a person.

These revelations didn't come over night. I had to go through things like Earl in his encounter with the fickle woman as well as fulfilling the role of black "stud" or "bull". So Vanillablonde20 is accurate in some of her assessment of this site, there is definitely an energy associated with this site that is driven by the psychic and sexual energy of all the people that use this site as an conduit to express things that are buried deep in their shadows. For those people, I am in no position to judge because I have fed into their fantasies and likewise so it has been a sybiotic mutualism in many ways. I feel like some of us that have dared to be different by engaging our "dark" desires are better off for the experience.

I don't want to sound as if I have arrived. I am still growing and just wanted to weigh in after reading the post of some members that seem to form opinions without having "been there".

One last point, I personally don't go for the "white slut/*****" thing but I encourage women to do whatever they please. I see them as equals with the right to choose the lifestyle and sexual behavior that suits them. I don't really understand the double standard when it comes to sex that a man that is promiscous is a stud but a woman that is promiscous is a *****. Neither do I have a purity complex. I prefer a woman that is an experienced lover and a woman that knows how to communicate her sexual needs and desires. Furthermore, I live in the present and the internet is a tool for connectivity. Most of my encounters in the last 6 years have been with people that I have met online and I have never contracted a STD so just because the internet is the tool used to meet people doesn't mean that the people that use it are any less selective in choosing partners.

Hi Equiped-

"I don't really understand the double standard when it comes to sex that a man that is promiscous is a stud but a woman that is promiscous is a *****. Neither do I have a purity complex. I prefer a woman that is an experienced lover and a woman that knows how to communicate her sexual needs and desires. Furthermore, I live in the present and the internet is a tool for connectivity."

That was wonderful, thank you. I am complete agreement.

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