So many wanna be cucks out there that don't know where or how to
start the process of getting the wife or girlfriend to spread for other
men. How bout sharing a film or movie title that might help a wanna
be cuck start the dialogue with his lady?
Just a couple come into mind for me: The Postman Always Rings Twice &
The Getaway. There are dozens of others. Please make a few suggestions.
I want to make a list for a site I'm considering for serious cucks and hot
wives. With so many couples choosing a cuckold way of life it's surprising
that Hollywood hasn't produced a few films with a clear cuckold theme.
start the process of getting the wife or girlfriend to spread for other
men. How bout sharing a film or movie title that might help a wanna
be cuck start the dialogue with his lady?
Just a couple come into mind for me: The Postman Always Rings Twice &
The Getaway. There are dozens of others. Please make a few suggestions.
I want to make a list for a site I'm considering for serious cucks and hot
wives. With so many couples choosing a cuckold way of life it's surprising
that Hollywood hasn't produced a few films with a clear cuckold theme.