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cucked twice

  • Thread startercuckboy2000
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Beloved Member
Feb 25, 2011
so, so far i have been cucked twice in my life. the first time i was cucked i was at my friends house and him and his girlfriend made me sit in a chair in their room as they had sex in front of me, it was a strange experience that was kind of humiliating yet sexually stimulating at the same time, it was the first time it had happened to me and i didnt know really what to do it was sort of awkward being there not really knowing what to do so i just kinda sat there watching them fuck, his girlfriend kept looking at me and smiling like she was getting some enjoyment out of it. later on that year his girlfriend told me she wanted to be with me because i seemed like the type that wouldent mind if she fucked other guys, her boyfriend didnt like any other guys looking at her and was real overprotective so maybe thats why she wanted me so she could cuck me lol.

the second time i was cucked was by a cute kinda skinny white girl and a black co worker of mine, they both worked where i worked and the black guy was sort of a "work friend" of mine (meaning we only hung out at work) so i was working one day and the boss comes over and says "we have a new hire here today and i need you to show her what to do" so i said sure!, well in walked the cutest little girl you ever did see, brunette with her hair in pigtails and she had this sweet innocent face that was just adorable, well we get to talking and she asks me if i like smoking weed and i say sure, then she asks if i have any for sale, and i tell her no but i know someone that does, so i tell her to go ask my friend jj (the black guy), so she goes over and they start talking and i kinda peeped over at them and noticed he gave her his phone number, at first i didnt think much about it i just assumed it was for getting in contact with him to buy some pot, well as the week goes on she starts getting really close to me like sitting next to me on our lunch break and telling me how she dosent have a boyfriend, but i was kinda shy and didnt know what to say so i just kinda made small talk with her,well a few days later we all get out of work at the same time and i notice her and jj are outside talking and i walk by and start talking to them,she said she was tired and wanted to go home but jj said he wanted to get high and asked me if i wanted to, so i said sure, well she starts to walk away but then turns and asks "so you guys are gonna go get high huh? i wannt come" so she says her parents are not home and we can go chill at her place, so we all go back to her place and we are sitting in the living room and i try to make a move and sit next to her and she says "what are you doing?" so i was shot down in my attempts at her so i take a seat at the other end of the couch, jj fired up a big blunt and starts smoking it then we all just kinda took turns passing it until we where stoned out of our minds, i was kind of out of it and not really coherent anymore so i just sat there starring at the floor, well a few minuted pass and she says "i think i have a bowl in my room, ill go get it" so she gets up and goes to her room, well jj (the black guy) gets up and follows her and says "hey show me your room" so they both go into her room and i just kinda sat there on he couch watching tv and i could kind of hear them talking in her room,so i keep sitting there and i hear the door close to her room and i hear giggling so then i start to suspect something might be happening so at first i though "why does this keep happening to me " then i got kinda turned on by it and i got up and went to the door of her room,the door wasent closed all the way and i could kinda see through the crack so i peeped through and i watched and listened in, at this point my heart is racing and im getting really turned on, so i look through and i see her start to walk toward the door when jj kinda grabs her and pushes her onto her bed then she just kinda giggles and trys to get up but jj moves in closer and pushes her back on the bed, she just kinda layed there after his second push as if she was submitting to him, then she said "ugh" kinda playfully, jj then started to unzip his pants and the look on her face is kinda suprised, jj the pulls out his massive black cock and it hangs there in front of her ,she says "oh my god its big !" i then hear jj say "suck it" she says "no, we cant do that with him in there" so then jj says "why? he cant hear he's in the other room" so at this point im sure im about to watch this cute little white girl get pounded by a big black cock but just as she leans over to it like she is going to suck it a car door slamming shut is heard from outside, they both take notice and start to come out of her room so i rush back to the couch and sit down, welll it was the neighbors car door and a false alarm she said so they sit back down, i ask so what where you to doing in there? and jj just kinda laughed and looked at her and she looked at him like "shhhh dont tell him" and she told me "it almost happened" i told her well i dont care, and she said "well but then what would you have done" i told her i guess i would have jerked off to it and she giggles, then jj said he had to go so me and him left, a few days pass and i didnt see much of her anymore as i got trasnfered to another area at work, i talked to jj and he said he "was still talking to that chick" so i never really knew much what happened after that. maybe he was fucking her i dunno.

anyways these are my two cuck experiences so far.

after these experiences i find myself wanting to be cucked again.

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