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Crossloop me

  • Thread starterpiiiiiic123
  • Start date


Hi. I'm new to this site. My wife is 24yrs old. wanna crossloop my pc? leave a reply to get the access code
what is a crossloop
Saraha said:
Is the access both ways?

Would you really let a stranger have access to your computer hard drive, and probably your pass words to internet banking, etc?

Its only 1 way, if i giv my code, u get access to my pc, if you giv ur code, i get access to urs.
This looks like a nice strategy for identity theft.

Maybe Piiiiiic123's access codes are to a dummy computer — i.e., one with nothing of value on it — and what he's really after is access codes to the computers of others.

No doubt many have obliged, by now....
Custer Laststand said:
Maybe Piiiiiic123's access codes are to a dummy computer — i.e., one with nothing of value on it — and what he's really after is access codes to the computers of others.

No doubt many have obliged, by now....

?? Wtf buddy?
Tell us some of the things we might find on your computer, and what your wife's reaction may be if she discovers we are reading all her keystrokes. Can we see photos of her?

We are all curious, but we don't want your marriage to go down the drain because you gave away her secrets and privacy. She could kick you in your testicles and change the locks on the doors OR SHE MIGHT BE THRILLED TO HAVE NEW FRIENDS TAKING A HUGE INTEREST IN HER CHARMS.

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