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chat roon issues

  • Thread starternicebutt
  • Start date


Beloved Member
Mar 19, 2004
For the last few weeks whenever I try to enter the chat room, as soon as I click on connect, my computer crashes, every time! I was wondering if there is a way to access the chat room via the mIRC ? if so, how?
nicebutt said:
For the last few weeks whenever I try to enter the chat room, as soon as I click on connect, my computer crashes, every time! I was wondering if there is a way to access the chat room via the mIRC ? if so, how?

Nope... you gotta come in from the darkcavern.com domain

Is your computer crashing or just your browser?
The whole computer crashes, shuts down then reloads...everytime I click on the connect button to enter the chat room...
nicebutt said:
The whole computer crashes, shuts down then reloads...everytime I click on the connect button to enter the chat room...

Chat works fine, it's a local problem to your machine. Do you have the latest version of java installed? We can't provide tech support for your computer from here but as a suggestion you might have a registry conflict or be low on resources. You can always Google the problem or look for help on microsoft.com or java.com.

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