Children are conditioned to believe they should not experiment with same gender sex, and without that conditioning they would never know what society thinks is right or wrong. Left to natural curiosity about their bodies, children would follow their own desires and if that meant same gender sex, no one would suggest that it was wrong.
Men get huge hangups about homosexuality, and gays get beaten up badly all over the world, but if society had never been told that homosexuality was a sin in the Bible, there would be no revulsion or energy to hurt gays. A few years back, black men used to be shot in America for having sex with white women.
I am in full support of rules to prevent adults taking sexual advantage of children, and the penalties should be toughened, in my view. In some Eastern countries, if compensation is paid to an agrieved family, the death penalty can be set aside for some crimes. There is a wide difference in sexual standards all over the world, and in the punishments decided on, and the interpretation of punishments.
The mark of Satin is 69, and technology is moving towards reading fingerprints and irises as an alternative to bank cards for making purchases, and the storage of condfidential information for life in secret locations.
The rants of the RC Church slip in from time-to-time, because I run across a lot of middle-age women who are still too fearful to masturbate because of the fear anchored into them by severe punishment as a pupil at church schools when a teacher noticed their hands moving in their panties behind a desk (which should have hid the teacher's view).
Anywhere in the world that strapping and caning has been phazed out, church schools have fought hard to have severe discipline retained under the guise of "spare the rod and spoil the child".
It has been foretold that when the mark of the Devil (Satin) is activated, the world will go into a period when Christianity will be pushed back into the shadows again and all Hell will break out on Earth. Sort of like Sodom and Gomorrah re-born until God comes back to save only those that follow his teachings.
There is a lot of energy to allow same-gender marriages, and an apposing energy to make marriage a union between a man and a woman. Who is right, just opinion?
Can gays rear children, well, apparently many do successfully, and Banks reckon that gays earn a higher income and credit is extended freely because gay men spend a lot of money on clothes and personal grooming, which earns banks lots of commission on the credit cards used. I saw an article in a newspaper, with the banks admitting gays were good for their business profits.