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At the pool..

  • Thread starterbillyjjj
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Sep 23, 2006
It was two years into mine and my girlfriends relationship that we took our first holiday abroad together. Her name is Sara, she is gorgeous, long blonde hair (which was acctually dyed black at the time) about 5'8, slim, nice C-cup breasts and all around gorgeous complexion. (pm with your email address if you want pics.)
We chose to go to Ibiza, because we're quite young (both 18) and enjoy the club scene. i'd been before, the year before, but she had never been. As soon as we got there, we started to have lots of fun, we'd never been alone in a hotel room together before, so the first two days were spent having nothing but hot sex, the food was all inclusive, so i'd pop down to the resturant every now and again to bring some food up to the room. On our third day, i was exhausted from all the sex, i could hardly get it up, but sara was still going strong, she was loving every second of it, and i was happy to eat her out, to bring her to orgasm when i wasnt able to perform myself.

it was on this day that we first left the room together and went down to the hotels pool area, sara was wearing a very skimpy little black bikini that showed off her figure perfectly. as soon as we got outside it was impossible to miss the hundreds of male eyes fixated on her body, it was intimidating at first, even some of the women were staring at us. but after we'd been to the bar, and had a bit of a drink and a giggle about the horny people staring, we got pretty relaxed with it. being quite adventurous and heavy drinkers, we were ***** within about 3 hours, and were hanging around the pool, getting quite frisky with each other. nothing too much, but a bit of petting which was obviously attracting attention from lots of people around the pool.

With a full bladder, and the need to change my clothes i asked sara if she'd like to come back up to the room. She asked me to stay, as she was really enjoying herself. i told her that i really needed to pee, so she said that i should go up to the room and she'd follow me up after she'd had a bit more time swimming. i did the worried boyfriend bit, asked her if she was sure she'd be ok. she assured me she would be, and that she wouldn't be long.

so i kissed her, and climbed out of the pool, and making my way back to the hotel, i could have sworn that a lot of the male eyes around the pool lit up with happyness. i thought nothing of it, more concerned with the fact that my bladder was close to exploding. when i got up to the room i immediatly went into the bathroom and relieved myself, i then had a shower, and began getting dressed, ready to go to a club later in the night. while i was getting ready in the bathroom, i was sure i heard sara come in the room, "sara?" i yelled, but there was no reply. i opened the door, she wasn't back yet. i remember checking my watch, thinking that at least 20 minutes had passed by. i walked over to the balcony and looked down upon the pool, we were 15 floors up, but i could still make out sara, she was in the corner of the pool, talking to two men. one was black, and appeared to be very muscular. the other was a quite athletic looking white guy.

They seemed to be getting quite flirtatious with eachother, i knew from personal experience that sara was an exceptionally flirty girl, escpecially when she'd had a drink or two. i stood there watching them talk for a while, and at one point they broke off into some kind of game, where they chased her around the pool, they were getting pretty physical with each other, but not in an obviously sexual way.
it was about 2 minutes into their game that sara looked up and saw me staring down at her. she looked a bit shocked first of all, and immediatly told the men to let her go. she then waved up to me, and held a finger up to me, suggesting she'd be back up in a minute. i smiled to her and gave a thumbsup, i then went back into the room. but hiddenly stuck my head out a few seconds later to get another look. she had climbed out of the pool and was saying goodbye to her two friends. at this point, the black guy climbed out of the pool with her and put his arms around her, she was hesitant at first, but let him kiss her on the cheek, as she turned and walked away he gave her ass a little pat which she didn't even seem to register.

i rushed back to the bathroom and heard her enter the room about a minute later "hiii" she shouted, in her usual slurred drunken speech. it didn't look as if she'd be making it out clubbing with me tonight. but i'd promised myself a good night out, so that's what i was going to get! feeling quite ***** and laddish i had the naughty thought that maybe i'd even meet a girl when i was out and have a bit of a fling.

Sara was absolutely fine with me wanting to go out and have a look around at the nightlife, she agreed that she should stay home and get some sleep.
so i left the hotel room at about 7 o'clock, at which time she was fast asleep. i put on my best pulling shirt and plenty of aftershave, and then i hit the town. i had a few drinks in a bar, and got talking to a couple of girls who were on a hen party weekend. i explained my situation to them, and they sympathised, inviting me to join them for the evening, having no better option, i accepted and soon after we went into a club and were dancing. i was pretty attracted to one of the girls, even though she was nowhere near as hot as sara.

we danced for a while and started making out. it was exhilirating, knowing that sara was asleep while i was out, having fun and being adulterous.
we found a quiet corner of the club and began rubbing our bodies together, it was getting pretty passionate, and she asked me if i'd like to go back to her room with her. i told her i couldn't, which seemed to piss her off a lot, we carried on kissing and got through some subtle mutual masturbation.
but then she left to go to the toilet, and the club was so packed that i didnt see her again that night. Leaving the club, i felt pretty guilty about what i'd done, but i'd decided that i wasn't going to say anything. "what happens in ibizia stays in ibizia" i thought. at that point i had no idea about how i'd eat my words later on.

i got back to the hotel, and was stumbling around a bit, but eventually made it up to the room, when i got in i noticed that sara wasn't in bed, i checked the bathroom and she wasn't in there either. she couldn't have gone down for food, as the resturant was closed. i walked over to the balcony and looked down to the pool area. there she was, laying on one of the deck chairs, asleep and alone. i ran down the stairs as fast as i could and i got to the pool area and found her laying there. sleeping. i was completely shocked to find that her bikini top had been pulled up, so that her tits were hanging out. her panties were also put on rather awkwardly. i knelt down at her side and pulled her bikini top back down over her tits, noticing as i did it, that there were red marks on her breasts, and her nipples looked pretty swollen.her panties were also put on rather awkwardly, as if in some kind of rush. i reached my hand down and pulled her panties to the side slightly, she didn't seem to even feel it. I moved around and got a look at her pussy, what i saw completely shocked me, her pussy was gaping wide open, more than i'd even seen it before, and cum was oozing from the hole. my first thought was that she'd been *****, so before even waking her i rushed to the reception desk and approached the security guard.

"Guard! i think my girlfriend has been *****!" i shouted at him
in bad english he stammered back, "you mean her?" he stammered, pointing towards the pool area.
"yes!" i shouted back at him.
" monsier," he stuttered "" he motioned for me to follow him
we got into the office where there was a stack of monitors, i could see sara on one of them, laying by the pool. the guard began to fumble with the controls and i could see the tape rewinding.

When he stopped the rewind and began to play it again, i was completely shocked by what i saw.

sara was in the pool, the tape read 11:06. she was in the corner, with who looked to me like the white man from earlier. they were passionately kissing each other, sara appeared to be topless.

the guard coughed "sorry monsier.." he then began fastforwarding the tape some more, stopping at a point where i was able to see my girlfriend on the same deckchair she was no ********** on, with the white man on top of her. the security camera angle was perfect, i could see him penetrate her, while they kissed, he sucked her tits and thrusted hard inside her. as i stood there i felt the erection in my pants begin to grow, until i had a full blown boner.

at that moment the angry side of me overtook the excited side and i burst out of the security office, to the poolside, and shook sara. she didnt so much as budge. i grabbed her, slung her over my shoulder and carried her back to the room. i felt humiliated, not only had sara cheated on me, but she'd done it in plain view of everyone in the hotel.

when we got up to the room, i took off her bikini top an bottoms and pushed her into the bathroom, i sat her on the toilet, where she was still fast asleep.
i then went to lay down in bed, but didn't get any sleep because of the horrible thoughts racing through my mind....


Edit: Spelling! :)
hmm... no feedback?
i'll take that as a hint to not bother writing anymore then? :p
Hi Billy,

Just read the first parts to your story and would love to hear
the the way, is this a real experience of yours or is
it fantasy...

Regardless, I know I'm going to especially enjoy the rest and
I'll be happy to tell you what I think...

OH man, a very HOT story, far
PLS finish it off.
So what did you do next??

fantastic cant wait 4 part 2 please
please send rest of that storie it sounds like somthing that once happned to me

wow please send some pics love 2 see them

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