This is a hang-up a lot of hubbies/boyfriends are passing through right now. I say hubbies and boyfriends because they’re in the majority. A lot of wives/girlfriends too as well have this same hang-up, but women are often in the minority when it comes to initiating their spouse/lovers towards giving them free reigns to try another lover. Hubbies and boyfriends are usually in the majority of desiring to be cuckolded by their respective women, such is the reason for the title.
Just as articles and books have been written about cuckolding and of how to cuck your lover, I’m not going to try and reference those other works. What I’m going to say is stuff that’ll be as straight-forward and honest as I can make it. I’m not going to lay down some set of rules to follow, but I will give you Two Commandments to follow as you indulge in travelling down this road, so please bear with me.
Just as articles and books have been written about cuckolding and of how to cuck your lover, I’m not going to try and reference those other works. What I’m going to say is stuff that’ll be as straight-forward and honest as I can make it. I’m not going to lay down some set of rules to follow, but I will give you Two Commandments to follow as you indulge in travelling down this road, so please bear with me.
1st Commandment: Know Yourself
This one is about as old as the Bible, and I’ll advise that anyone reading further on this article to pay solid attention to this.
This Commandment summarizes just about everything that’s got us hooked in what we’re here for. It may sound facetious and somewhat over-rated, but I’d beg to differ. This might strike as silly, but there’s a lot of hubbies and boyfriends out there who spend all day mouthing off about wanting their woman to cuckold them but never once pick up on the race. A lot of reasons might account for this: they simply want to pretend to belong, or they’re just so in-tuned with the lifestyle that all it remains is as a fantasy to them. Kind of like a guy always bragging about how much alcohol he can consume yet is too much of a chicken when it comes to proving it inside a bar. You run into such type of guys day in and day out: they talk the talk, but never get to walk the walk.
For some of them, we can’t totally blame them for such lapse. Let’s face it—we all started out this way. I never woke up one morning fantasizing about white women or about bedding even the married ones. Such thing happened over a long period of time, probably from watching one too many interracial porn movies and reading up erotic stories that involve white couples being seduced by sturdy black men, and then to walking the street and seeing interracial couples going about their business and thus fantasizing about how wild their sex must be from regular couples… we’ve all travelled this same route before, so let’s not kid ourselves into think that such an idea came to us pretty the same way that Isaac Newton discovered Gravity when the apple fell on his head (was that really an apple, by the way?).
Go here for more: Black Master SHANGO's Zone: Telling Your Wife/GF Part One
Just as articles and books have been written about cuckolding and of how to cuck your lover, I’m not going to try and reference those other works. What I’m going to say is stuff that’ll be as straight-forward and honest as I can make it. I’m not going to lay down some set of rules to follow, but I will give you Two Commandments to follow as you indulge in travelling down this road, so please bear with me.
Just as articles and books have been written about cuckolding and of how to cuck your lover, I’m not going to try and reference those other works. What I’m going to say is stuff that’ll be as straight-forward and honest as I can make it. I’m not going to lay down some set of rules to follow, but I will give you Two Commandments to follow as you indulge in travelling down this road, so please bear with me.
1st Commandment: Know Yourself
This one is about as old as the Bible, and I’ll advise that anyone reading further on this article to pay solid attention to this.
This Commandment summarizes just about everything that’s got us hooked in what we’re here for. It may sound facetious and somewhat over-rated, but I’d beg to differ. This might strike as silly, but there’s a lot of hubbies and boyfriends out there who spend all day mouthing off about wanting their woman to cuckold them but never once pick up on the race. A lot of reasons might account for this: they simply want to pretend to belong, or they’re just so in-tuned with the lifestyle that all it remains is as a fantasy to them. Kind of like a guy always bragging about how much alcohol he can consume yet is too much of a chicken when it comes to proving it inside a bar. You run into such type of guys day in and day out: they talk the talk, but never get to walk the walk.
For some of them, we can’t totally blame them for such lapse. Let’s face it—we all started out this way. I never woke up one morning fantasizing about white women or about bedding even the married ones. Such thing happened over a long period of time, probably from watching one too many interracial porn movies and reading up erotic stories that involve white couples being seduced by sturdy black men, and then to walking the street and seeing interracial couples going about their business and thus fantasizing about how wild their sex must be from regular couples… we’ve all travelled this same route before, so let’s not kid ourselves into think that such an idea came to us pretty the same way that Isaac Newton discovered Gravity when the apple fell on his head (was that really an apple, by the way?).
Go here for more: Black Master SHANGO's Zone: Telling Your Wife/GF Part One