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another gone

  • Thread startermuleman
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cjslk550 said:
lil baby frustrated? Shall we call the waaaambulance?

Ok this is the kind of post we don't need here. Kdawg delete this post so Pimp won't get blamed for doing it. This is the kind of shit that runs people away. We do not need childish shit here we are adults I hope. did not start this for a hate thread so why in the fuck is it heading down that road could someone please explain. For the record I have no dislike for Pimp as we have resect for one another.
Thank you, wewantu. I have never intentionally disparaged anyone. Have I sunk to the level of others and allowed myself to be dragged into an exchange that deteriorated into something ugly? Unfortunately the answer to that is yes. But never in initiation, only in response. Anyone who would argue otherwise should re-read posts where they think I have started such things. if they are honest with themselves and the rest of us, they will have to admit I called out certain behaviors and blasted subject matter, not people (initially).

I have never waivered or waffled on my principles or core set of beliefs. I have long maintained that high standards of character and morals, as human beings, should always be maintained. I do not think that intolerance of certain practices should ever be misconstrued as bigotry. One must stand for something or they will fall for anything. Freedom isn't a license to behave in any ill manner one wishes but rather the responsibility to act as one ought.

Many here seem to want (and be ok with) checking their moral fiber, character and good taste, judgment and behavior at the door. Like simple entry into the site means all bets are off and anything goes; that they can behave and engage in any immoral activity they so wish. That's what develops when they subject themselves to nothing but constant kink and fantasy. Reality gets skewed and they have to go further and more extreme to get off. Garbage in, garbage out. But true lifestylers, swingers and interracial sex afficionados understand that subjigating their principles and indulging in ethically questionable things is not an option for those who wish to remain in concert with their core convictions.

You, and many others like you, have said, emphatically, they did not like the direction the message board was going with all manner of perversions and bents taking root. I have endeavored only to ensure this place does not become a cesspool of repulsion (by most people's standards) and turned into a side-show carnival of all kind of circus freak perversion. Concessions have been made on the part of everyone; members, management and myself. Some things that are allowable I personally disagree with and find distasteful. That being said, they are at least reserved and relegated to a specific area that is clearly marked, thus enabling people who don't want to be subjected to the content inside with the option to avoid it.

Thankfully, however, many of the most disturbing things some would have the Cavern become a haven for, are still considered out of bounds and are not permissable. As long as I am here, and allowed to remain, both a member and moderator in good-standing, such things will never take root. Even those that are allowed, and considered questionable by myself and others, can at at least be monitored and kept in the areas which they belong and not where offensive notions would discourage the majority of sane members here to lose heart and leave.

I myself would rather have genuine, real and respectable core members than a deluge and morass of countless members who, by spreading repulsion like a disease, would have this site become their own personal cesspool and playground for all manner of inappropriate filth.

And by the way, is it just me or does this person's manner of posting remind anyone else of a certain individual we'd been relieved to not hear from in some time? It has his stamp all over it and gee, look........He's responsible for only four posts ever made and all of them are about or directed to me. Not one other post in the countless other categories. Ha! So much for this person coming here for interracial content. He comes to flame, argue, start trouble and grind an axe. All too typical. I'm fairly certain he's not long for the Cavern forum.
mule we know you did not start this thread as a tool to get at pimp,and nor have others, its just the same old people hijacking threads to get at pimp.
pimp............we rest our case..................fantastic post
Muleman, you and I may not agree 100% of the time or see eye to eye on every issue but I consider you a friend and a good one. When these people jump all over me don't let it get to ya. It truly does not bother me in the least and if you get too worked up you'll have a heart attack and then who would I fuck with about the Cowboys? Norm?
You're welcome, wewantu. I want only these things: to be consistent and fair as a moderator, to remain true to those things which I believe in and to never compromise who I am as a man. If I can do those things then my time here will have been worthwhile and well spent.
Now this is the DC I love - welcome back
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Can you prove that you’ve not been here under other user names? No, you cannot. Your perceptions are your own. I was merely reiterating a point you missed, perhaps purposely, over and over again; I am not interested in your opinion of me nor do I care what it is.

I never made the claim you were not a swinger or not into interracial content. I said the majority of those who are truly in the lifestyle do not compromise their convictions and do not endorse or condone such blatantly extreme and disturbing subject matter. You also miss the point: you claim I am ripe for flaming but your flames affect me not a whit—they only serve to subject other members to asinine and juvenile attempts to provoke me. Attempts, which I might add, that fail miserably. You go from using juvenile rhetoric and baby-talk to trying to show off a lofty vocabulary (which also fails because you use the language in erroneous ways and misspell it terribly).

I do not consider myself as an arbiter of good taste and judgment. No such arbiter is needed to determine such as those things are self-defining; they are not articles of debate-they are cut and dried, black and white self-evident truths. Perhaps not to people with troubled or faulty thinking but to most these are easily determined and defined issues. As far as my posting goes I am allowed to comment when, where and how I choose to, and just as all other members are. I am not giving thought to how you or any other member will interpret the volume of my responses-I merely post in reply to what interests me. If you’ll notice, there are specific forums I don’t ever post in at all. But, you should know all about unsolicited posts as you’ve made several in this thread alone.

I do not attempt to intimidate anyone but you’re right, I am not fostering an open environment for discussion on certain topics (the ones we’ve covered ad nausea). No discussion on such subjects need be discussed, tolerated or “fostered.” As long as I am here certain subjects will remain off limits. And I use no scapegoat tactic……I use only the said posters own words and presentation, against him or herself when making my judgments as to their credibility and “realness.” I never said or even insinuated you were fake—you’re here, you’re posting…….I would gather that legitimizes you as a real person. Do I think you’re truthful and above board with who and what you are? Hell no, I definitely do not.

That being said, you have as much right to membership here as does anyone else provided you go by the rules established by the site. And, according to your own statements, you’ve already violated policy. You admitted to flaming which is intentionally trying to goad another member. That is against the rules and one thing the site hopes to avoid and eliminate. On those grounds alone I am within my rights, as a moderator, to ban you. But you’re still here to serve as the ugly boil on the cavern ass aren’t you? Please keep it up so I can lance you shortly!
so pimp you will be looking and hoping that i and others you dont like slip up so you can ban us, do i detect a hint of victimization there?.... i have no reason to slip up or watch my back because as you said in your reply if you could have banned me you would have a long time ago.....so do you care to elaborate exactly what site rule i broke back then? because i as far as i can recall i have not broke any rules. but no doubt like the other innocent members who will fall victim to your tyranny i await the hangmans noose... keep smiling
Like I said.....as long as you adhere to the terms of use, follow the rules and do not overstep your bounds you're safe from the "noose." Cross any lines you are not supposed to, as you've done in the past in flaming, antagonizing and insulting members, and you'll be on the chopping block. If I were as vindictive as you claim, I'd have already banned you (and yes, I do have the power to do so) as you're dangerously close, despite your attempts to be subtle, in your attempts to provoke me.
I think he's getting close people. Ya'll better back up a bit or you'll get some on ya.
I'm not going to implode. If I were going to do so the heads of those I dislike would have rolled a long time ago. I actually find all the junk directed at me more humorous than frustrating.
My, Pimp but you are a lightning rod on this site. But you knew that going in when you tried to dictate everyone's morals on the old DC. They just remember the old Pimp and want to get one last shot in. Here let me help.

I don't know why everyone is beating this dead horse again now for. The rules have changed and Pimp is changing with them (whether he likes it or not). Pimp and I can't have our old discussions anymore because all the points I had tried to make have become site policy. So why is everyone still after Pimps ass?

Maybe this will help end the bash Pimp direction of this thread:

Look people, Pimp can't hurt you anymore. He has been de-clawed. He can say he doesn't like your kink but he can't really do anything unless you break site policy. He can do something if you keep flaming him about the same old reasons that don't exist anymore.

A great man once said:

"Breeding etc are fantasies. So is cuckoldry for 99% of the people posting here, and they come here specifically to indulge those fantasies, get their rocks off and go about their day. There's nothing wrong with that, that's one of the (many) reasons why we're here. These are the people that pay our bills and bless every one of them. Sexual fantasies in particular are about things that are irresponsible and wrong, if they weren't there would be no taboo to the subject and people would just do them instead of joining a web site to talk about them and see other people talk about them. There are PLENTY of people that would see a bunch of black guys banging some white chick as irresponsible, wrong and perverted. You can't judge someone else's kinks without being judged on your own, and everyone who comes to this board has some serious kinks. That's why they're here. Pointing out that irl breeding is irresponsible and dangerous etc is fine, they could point out the same thing regarding interracial gangbangs what with the risk of STD's, the danger to marriages etc. That can be debated all day long... what CANNOT take place is a ban on discussion or enjoyment of some particular kink because it's not YOUR particular kink, so long as it's not illegal. You don't have to say it's OK, you just have to let people have their fun. So far I think you're doing a pretty good job of that, much better than people thought you would."

Which great man said that you ask? ADMIN, thats who. THAT IS SITE POLICY NOW! And it was directed right at Pimp. So you can lay off the poor schnook now. He's a beaten man. Please no more kicking him when he is down.

Nobody loved it more than Muleman and I when Pimp went berserk, but those days are gone now. The big bad witch is dead. Let it drop.

Hope I helped Pimp.

You're attempts are in vain too, Norm. Like I told you..........you can think as you wish but you notice you hear very little about most of those subjects anymore and, when you do, they are relegated to one tiny section of the site. So who really won? Why do you think I'm far more easy to get a long with than before? Because I'm a happier man given those facts! ;)
Oh Ok so yer saying, ding dong the witch is dead the wicked witch is dead. That's a subtle post there Norm. I prefer the blunter "shock and awe" full frontal assault. The thread was started as a lament about good people leaving the forum because of (as I see it) politics. I agree that Pimp is basically neutered at this point, with power comes responsibility. He has to toe the line and my thought is that he's about to blow his top 'cause he can't exist w/out drama and chastizing. I agree that it's probably too much at this point, but I really think he may lose it and fuck up. Thus losing his mod position & as I see it that's a fuckin victory against tyranny whether past present or future.....amen
I hate to see your hopes up like that sicky123. Setting yourself up for major disappointment. Oh well, dream away.....will just hurt worse when it doesn't happen. ;)
pimpology101 said:
you notice you hear very little about most of those subjects anymore and, when you do, they are relegated to one tiny section of the site.

Actually I was looking at that very thing yesterday morning. I noticed that those forums don't have many threads or posts in them. There are probably multiple reasons for that.

One is many of "those" people are gone.

Two is that, people into those things didn't trust the site or you not to attack them.

Three is there just aren't that many people into that stuff on this site. After all, this is not NW. Never was, never will be, never could be and I certainly never wanted it to be. NW had an older crowd. This site always had a younger more aggressive crowd.

So what is the answer? Admin has failed in their attempts to be more inclusive? NW people won't stay here no matter how much you or the site changes? I don't know Pimp. I don't think the "Great Experiment" is a failure but I think eventually some of those forums will have to be closed. But then will the subjects become off limits? That would just be going back to being the old DC.

Lot of changes yet to come I guess. Only things that will stay the same will be that I will twist your tail. But I won't cheap shot you. Its beneath me. I'm much more subtle than that.Thats why I don't like to see the turn this thread has taken. I agree with Mule that many of the posts should be deleted.


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