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another gone

  • Thread startermuleman
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I do not think it requires, as it stands now, universal agreement by mods in banning someone. It does have the capacity for abuse but only by someone who would be ruled by emotion. Even then they have they power, at any time, to lift any bans they've enacted. Bans cover a wide variety of time also--anywhere from 24 hours to life. I try to use it very judiciously and as a last resort. No one is banned for a trite or isolated incident. Usually what constitutes being banned are abusive, specific and hate mongering posts. I don't think most would need a heads up to realize such beahvior jeopardizes their membership status.

And just an fyi, Norm: if I wanted my moral beliefs to be adopted as site beliefs things would be a helluva lot more stringent than they are. I pride myself on being a man of principle and moral integrity. It's obvious to me now how little that matters in many instances and how little of it is actually incorporated in the lives of people. Everyone has filled their minds with such whacked out shit that the feel anything is fair game. Garabage in, garbage out. While that's personally disappointing to me and a sad reflection on the state of society as a whole, it's just how it is. It will not affect me. My beliefs do not waiver and they will not be changed by those who have no moral fiber.
I have as much right to post and lurk here as anyone and I will never "stay the fuck over there" I am free to roam wherever I please. You may have the power to ban but I will not be intimidated into leaving like so many others before. I am in the habit of sticking up for myself and others when I see the balance is tipped. I was not bashing this forum and neither was I promoting wanda I was merely refuting your statement about all the riff raff flocking to wanda. Her forum is harmonious (so far) and this one has rarely been peaceful. Lately things here are better. but at what cost? That is all I am asking. Should we be so politically correct?
I never said you didn't have a right to be here or that you could not post your thoughts and opinions. Where did you read such words? I just figured, if you were so disatisfied with this place, then you'd prefer to be elsewhere. And yes, every other word out of your mouth is wanda this and wanda that. It's the same broken record of the NW rant.

You don't see a balance tipped.......you just percieve there to be a bias. It's all about a persecution complex when the extremists don't get their outlandish viewpoints embraced by a majority of sane folks. Why is that?
Hell I thought I was the only human ever perma banned from a message board! :D

guess people want me to leave here too? ;)
extremist? I beg to differ sir. I have mentioned wanda's forum exactly 2 times and I am tired of the attitude about all the "sick wing nuts" who are presently massed just outside the gate to try and pull this forum into the abyss. gimme a break nobody is trying to ruuin anything here and they'd never think of trying it on "your watch". Shit you can't even ask for a light when Pimp's in a no matches mood. in closing sane is as sane does bucko.
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See? You get salty when not agreed with. You can be tired of the attitude I have for sickos all you want. I don't care. The fact of the matter is there were a lot of wing nuts here once upon a time who dragged this site down into the muck, mire and mud. Countless members expressed dissatisfaction with the direction the site was headed, myself included. Now that I am a moderator you're right......a lot of that has ceased. And thank God for that. I take it as a compliment that they won't try to post certain things on my watch. Thank you. They'd be wise not to--unless it's in a fair and appropriate place.

Need a match? No light for you!!!! I said good day!!! :D
pimp the mod!!!

i would be deeply underestimated if i said i was shocked to see that the pimp had been made a super mod... looks like democracy is failing the world over.
but i having read quite a few of your replies since your shocking promotion i find that your opinions have not changed 1 iota... you continue to bash people verbally for having different sexual preferences to your own high moral standards... ie: being the white dude who rents a hotel room so he can have his kicks standing in the corner watching while white women are serviced by black men!! now if that was not acceptable to some people in here and is in its own right a perversion, would you not be kicking up blue murder if someone ask that your oreo ads be removed? but of course they never will now that you are a super mod or in your case a crazed despot so everything will carry on running smoothly as long as it is running your way.. did it never occur to you that that might just be one of the reasons that so many people are heading for the exit door on this site?
well i have said all im going to say on this matter and pimp you can ban me all you want because i wouldn't be losing any sleep over it...it would just prove my point that there is only one way....the pimp-way
If I were going to ban you, imabiggafaka, you'd have been banned long ago. I won't lie.....I do hope you slip up and do something that warrants your removal and trust me, I will be watching with an eagle eye and will smile ear to ear if and when you do.

You can complain as much as you want that your freedoms or freak on a leash, weird-Harold habits aren't tolerated and bemoan the fact you're being muzzled but the truth is that you're not. Just don't go down certain roads or, if you do, keep them in the appropriate place.

I may not like breeding, lending out of age daughters, pissing, scat, etc, etc, etc; but what I can't unfortunately keep out, I can damn sure keep an eye on.
I wonder if members of this forum who also are members of the paysite began to e-mail the paysite I.E. ( If pimp remains a mod I will cancel my $20 a month membership). maybe that would change the dynamic here at the forum. I believe that quite a few members here would be willing to lobby for the cause of freedom and self determination. posssibly creating a bit of a democratic process (and we know how polluted by money that is).............hhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm just thinking out loud. sure would lift the heavy feel of conformity
OH well??

Hey "pimpy"

If you don't run a this show, why should anyone care about you checking on them??????????????????????

I think "YOU" do run the site , you just want the money your way!

At the same time I do beleive YOU live with your mom and is a "virgin"

That being said, I and my "slut" (who hates you) have 12 different handles on this site. Do what you can HITLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lame:
I dunno what you guys are so pissed about. Someone said earlier that Pimp gets pissed off when someone posts about standing in a corner watching their wife get fucked in a hotel room. I haven't seen that happening, if so, please enlighten me.

Pissing, scat, underage - none of that belongs here. Pretty much anything else is fair game and I've seen no instances of anyone being banned or even harassed by pimp or any other mod for anything that isn't illegal, or at least questionable. Restitutor had it coming, he followed Pimp around trying to start shit after I personally told him to knock it off. So he's gone.

I went to Wanda's site, and I have to tell you I didn't see anything that special. There's nothing happening there that's not happening here.
whthub said:
Hey "pimpy"

If you don't run a this show, why should anyone care about you checking on them??????????????????????

I think "YOU" do run the site , you just want the money your way!

At the same time I do beleive YOU live with your mom and is a "virgin"

That being said, I and my "slut" (who hates you) have 12 different handles on this site. Do what you can HITLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lame:

IP ban takes out all those handles in one fell swoop. Let's not be talking about people's mothers. This is not a place to bring your mother :)
To all you folks that don't like Pimp.

Look, you all know that Pimp and I have had our head butting sessions (and I certainly hope his head hurts as much as mine does). But Pimp and I both know how to "discuss" our views in an intelligent, informative and gentlemanly manner. You folks and I are basically on the same side but you have to respect the person if not that persons views.

I don't attack Pimp. That is the difference. You guys are just piling on attacks and insults. That will just make him dig in deeper. I believe Pimp is what he says he is as far as his parties and such. Don't be saying he lives with Mom and all because it brings nothing to the table as far as advancing the cause of "freedom of kinks." WHICH WE NOW HAVE! There is now nothing that I know of that was on NW that cannot be put on this site. Got that. Just put it in the right forum.

I think that in the end, his making SupMod has actually hampered him to our advantage as now he must follow the straight and narrow. So its ok for all you (us?) Pimp bashers to unite and come in and be counted. Just do so in an unaggressive manner. Don't become part of the bickering problem that this site has always been accused of.

Ok I've been gone here a couple of days and was following up on the thread I started. Pimp I did not refer your name or you as why Neat left. You did not buy into her as you had in your head she was a man. She is 100% woman I know we have became very good friends. Also I did not start this thread to start a hate thread toward a person. If you think pimp is the problem that these people left fine say it if not say it also. I think it is a little more then just him. Hell I've been told to fuck off and what a asshole I was. Nobody is gonna like everyone as I cringe when I see some shit people post but I have set back on saying much anymore. I like this site and I think Buzzy and Dig are trying to make this a better place for everyone with a kink to have a place. I just hate to see good people leave here.I know alot have left because of all the bickering here but not everyone agrees and so you will have that but it is singling the person out that I feel people don't like.
How can a person not help but laugh at people like whthub and sticky? I mean really. If you folks think you bother me in the least by bitching at me, insulting me or complaining about me......well, then you have another one coming. Don't waste it.
I love how Pimp hates on "sissies" and proclaims he is not a "cuck". Yet there is nothing more effeminate and sissy-ish than standing in the corner while other guys fuck women; and the last time I checked that sounds suspiciously like a cuck.

Pimp...this site appears to be a cornerstone of your life, as you average nearly 7 posts a day that makes you...really really pathetic.
I suppose you've been to one of my parties to know firsthand all I do is stand in a corner and pound my pud while everyone else has fun? You obviously didn't see the photos I posted of the last party.

Not that it matters.....in case you're deaf.......I COULD NOT CARE LESS WHAT YOU THINK OF ME!!!! Did you hear me that time?
So this is the usual bash pimp thread( one a month)now let me tell you how we feel,about 6 weeks ago we just about had enough of this site and some posts sickened us,now weve had disagrements with pimp in the past,but all very grown up arguments.he and all the other mods are trying to make this site relate to people like us.
REAL IR LOVERS.well done pimp and all you other guys for making this site something we look forward to coming on.
pimpology101 said:
I suppose you've been to one of my parties to know firsthand all I do is stand in a corner and pound my pud while everyone else has fun? You obviously didn't see the photos I posted of the last party.

Not that it matters.....in case you're deaf.......I COULD NOT CARE LESS WHAT YOU THINK OF ME!!!! Did you hear me that time?

lil baby frustrated? Shall we call the waaaambulance?

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