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A Trus Story from 1984

  • Thread starterOutlander2
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Beloved Member
Jul 16, 2011
My wife and I are in our mid-40s and we have been together since high school. We have done some playing with friends a few years back but that kind of settled down since our jobs have changed and so on. Anyway, this is a true story from back in the early 80s when we were engaged and waiting to graduate that school year. We were barely 18 and we grew up in a small Arkansas town called Mena near the Oklahoma border.
April is five seven with kind of auburn hair and gorgeous brown eyes. A cheerleader and athlete back then, she has worked hard to retain her svelte figure even now. I am six four, athletic myself and I grew up in the woods and loved the outdoors.
I had a 1979 Jeep CJ 5 that I was very proud of and we would go for long rides back in the Ouachita Mountains there in that region. Picnics and long love making sessions just off some lonely old abandoned logging road was a very common occurrence.
One spring weekend we had headed up into the mountains and ended up on a road that wound back and forth along the Oklahoma-Arkansas border. A torrent of rain had made everything muddy
April and I had hit a few slick places, but nothing the 4-wheel drive jeep couldn't handle. Then we came to a place that was both steep and some water running off the mountain had made a cut that kept dropping out from under us and letting the Jeep slide toward the steep side of the hill. It was steep and it looked like the canyon went forever.
We decided to turn around and make the long drive back the way we came. The narrow road was hard to turn around in and my Jeep slipped, the back end sliding as the vehicle did a complete 360. sliding into a red dirt ravine that dropped the Jeep down to the frame.
The Jeep had a winch on the front but the trees I could reach with it were second growth scrub that pulled out at the roots. I know. In this day of cell phones this kind of stuff is rare, but we were miles from any kind of civilization on a remote jeep trail and it was already 1 PM. It was early spring but the nights had been getting down into the 40s and while the light wind was pleasant in the sun, it would be very cold tonight. I spent an hour trying to get the jeep to move, but it was down solid and the mud beneath the tires rippled like quicksand. You would think the top of a mountain would be more like solid rock!!
My jeans were covered with mud and we had not seen another soul on the mountain or anywhere else on this trail. We had passed a couple hunting cabins that had been locked up for the summer, but I couldn't even remember how far away they were. We started walking. I knew the twisting winding roads were a lot further than a straight shot across country, but those woods were thick and hard to navigate. We had on good shoes for hiking, but April was wearing a pair of denim shorts and a flannel shirt tucked in them. A light jacket would help, but she was gonna get cold when it got dark.
We had went about 3 or so miles when we heard the sound of a truck coming up the hill. Both of us got excited. I was carrying a rifle, something we did back in those days in the deep country roads. It was over 10 minutes from the time we heard the truck to when we saw it as it drove slow up the hill in our direction.
"Thank God," April said as I shouldered the rifle.
There was a single person in the truck and it was obviously he was surprised to see us as he drive right up to us as we flagged him down.
His window was down and his big forearm was hanging partly out.
His eyes were on April's legs and figure for a moment before he glanced at me. "What in the hell are you two doing way up here?" he asked.
"We're stuck!" April said as I cut her off as I tried to explain.
"Yeah, we were out driving around and my jeep slid into a ravine and the mud is like quicksand. It just bogs around my tires," I said.
"My name is Ricky," he said.
"I'm James and this is April," I said, introducing us and keeping it first names only just like he had.
"Where are you two from?" he asked.
We told him Mena and he nodded in understanding. He said, "Where are you at?"
We told him and he told us to hop in. April climbed in the middle and I sat by the other door. I noticed him checking out her legs again when we got in the vehicle.
It took no time to get back to the jeep after all the walking we had done to get as far as we had gotten. He got out and looked at the jeep.
He looked at the place we had trouble.
He said, "This road comes out in Smithville Oklahoma if you take one turn or turns back toward Mena if you take another. The problem is you are a heck of a long way from either and even further going back the other way."
He looked at my Jeep and he said he could back down the hill and back up here in 4 wheel drive and we could hook the winch line to the back of his truck and he could pull us out.
April did a girlish yippee and jumped up in the air and I was glad he felt like it would be that easy.
He looked uncomfortable.
"Is something wrong?" I asked.
He said, "This is going to sound really chickenshit, but I ain't pull you guys out for free."
We both were startled. I started opening my billfold, knowing there was a 10 dollar bill. April had not even brought her purse.
"I . . . I think I got ten bucks," I said.
The man took a deep breath. He seemed uncomfortable but determined. "I don't want your money son. I want to fuck your girlfriend."
I lifted my rifle and he held up a hand.
"Don't go getting crazy with that gun! I ain't threatening anyone." He had his hands on his hips looking at both of us. "You guys are in a mess and I don't think you are endanger of losing your lives, but you are gonna have a pretty horrible night and day if you have to walk out."
"Dude, I don't get this!" I was pretty incredulous.
He looked in my face and then at April's. He said, "Look, I ain't forcing anyone to do anything and I am not hurting anyone. If you want me to pull you guys out, I am going to fuck her first. If not, I just drive off without helping you." He shrugged. "There ain't no law says I have to help."
I looked at the rifle and he said, "There are laws about kidnapping someone and making them do what you want at gunpoint." He moved his shirt to the side and I could see he was wearing a pistol. "Its just for self protection," he said.
I looked at April and she looked at me and I know we both felt like this could not be happening.
April had been quiet, but she said to him, "Are you really serious?"
He nodded and said, "Yes I am sweetheart. Sorry."
"Want to walk?" I asked her.
"I don't want to be out here on foot after it turns dark," she said and I could see she was fighting back tears.
The guy said, "Guys, seriously I am not a bad person even if this seems like it. Its just you two are in a pickle and I kind of have the only game in town to help."
I said, "You are really a piece of shit!"
He just nodded his head and said, "Yeah."
April and I stood there just looking at each other. She seemed resigned. "Its up to you April. We can walk out if you want."
She looked up at the sky. It would be dark in less than 3 hours. She said, "What do you think?"
Nodding, I looked at him and said, "I guess she'll do it."
He said, "That ain't up to you James." He met her eyes and asked if he could talk to her for a second in private. She nodded and the stepped behind his truck and I could hear part of it. He was telling her that if she absolutely did not want to do this he would really just drive off and we would be no worse off than before.
I heard April tell him she could do it.
He told her good girl and they came back.
I felt out of breath. April looked scared. I said, "So how???" I couldn't really say anything else.
Ricky said, "I just want you to understand one fuck to me may mean I cum two or three times with her. This won't just be a quickie and we're done."
April nodded and I just stood there. He said he wanted me to sit there and watch the entire thing where he could keep an eye on me. I wasn't leaving him alone with her anyway.
He held his hand out to April and she stepped forward and took it. He said, "Oh James, do you guys have a bedroll or sleeping bag or something I can fuck her on? I don't have a thing in my truck."
I remember thinking this is fucking crazy!! I got him a ground roll we used to sit on for picnics and he said, "Thanks. Lets go over here."
April said, "Hold on!" She ran to the Jeep and the daypack. She brought a box of condoms to Ricky. They had four or five left in them.
Laughing, Ricky tossed them back towards the jeep. "I ain't using them, April," he said matter-of-fact as she looked blank for a moment. He took her hand and they walked in front of me to the truck.
Getting a bucket from the back of his truck he turned it upside down for me to sit on. He spread the ground roll out on the ground.
Ricky was probably around 32 to 35 and he was a big guy, but not fat. He took off his clothes and he was kind of a hairy guy with a big cock. He helped April undress and he folded her clothes for her and put them to the side. April has a firm bubble butt and the most awesome hips. Her cup size is a B cup, but her breasts were very firm and pert. He told her to get on her knees and April did, taking his cock in her hand and sucking it unto her mouth.
"Ohhh a mind reader," he said, rubbing her hair as he watched her. I felt a stirring in my pants even though I was livid and felt very helpless. He closed his eyes some and let his head fall back some.
April had her eyes closed and she was sucking up and down his shaft. I had watched her do mine that same way a bunch and I knew what he was feeling. My baby gave great head!
"So beautiful," he kept saying over and over. He looked at me. "Were your her first?"
"No," I said, my voice dry and cracking.
"Do you know who was?" he asked.
This was a subject we didn't discuss. April had been my brother Donnie's girlfriend from the time she was 13 to 16 and Donnie had been her first. I told him and he laughed.
"Sorry," he said, apologetic, but laughing to where he did not sound convincing. "Just too sweet that your brother has fucked your girlfriend."
I know. It sounds too crazy but we were really standing there with him getting his cock sucked by my girlfriend while we discussed April's sexual history.
"How many guys have been inside your pussy, April?" he asked. April took her mouth off his cock. She looked at me and looked at him.
"2." she said, and even I could tell it was weak.
"Don't lie to me," he said sternly.
"3," she said finally.
Wow, okay, I had learned something!
"Who besides brother Donnie?" he asked.
When I heard the name I couldn't hardly believe it. The guy was her brother's best friend and he is over at her parent's all the time! Part of me is wondering when! When did this happen?
She tells me it happened the night of the big fight and I knew when that was because it was the only fight we had ever had. We broke up that night and then ended up getting back together that night. Except when she got home and was upset with me, she let her brother's best friend fuck her.
"Its okay," I said, feeling kind of numb.
"You know what's next," Ricky said as he had April to lay on her back. He moved between her legs and rubbed his cock up and down her pussy, then he pushed it inside and she moaned low and hard.
Ricky held still for a bit and then he looked up at me. "You're the lucky one, James. She is a doll."
"Thanks," I said. What else could I say.
He didn't move a muscle from the waist down as he sucked both of her breasts long and hard, making her nipples rigid. Then he kissed her cheek and started fucking her in a slow steady rhythm. I felt my cock getting hard and that kind of made me mad at myself.
All I could hear was some bird down the mountain and the sound of his flesh on the flesh of my girlfriend as she closed her eyes, her legs spread open as Ricky picked up his pace for a while. He slowed once and I heard him tell her he had not fucked a girl her age since he was 22 years old.
It wasn't long before he reached down and cupped her bottom and started really pummeling her pussy as she moaned .
"Move your ass," he said and I seen April respond.
He fucked her even hard and he said, "Good girl, April."
Then he cum inside of her and I swear he bellowed like a bull as he pushed as deep inside of April as he could. His shoulders were tense as he clung to her as he cum.
April's has a big pretty mouth with even white teeth and he kissed her, French kissing her. She hesitated. then responded. He lay on top of her for a while just catching his breath.
He said something to her and she nodded.
"What did you say?" I asked.
"I told her she's a great fuck, James. A woman needs to know that," he said as he raised up, sitting on his knees.
He rolled to his side, his cock glistening with semen and her pussy juices. He had her to roll to her side and it disappeared in her mouth. Laying there, he said, "This was a hell of a day for a ride in the country."
I sit there quietly. I won't say I didn't consider shooting him a time or two. Part of me hated him. Part of me found this somewhat erotic. I have become a pretty dominant guy but then, I definitely was not sure what to do.
Ricky however had no such issues as he had April to get on her hands and knees, her face and chest on the ground roll as he entered her pussy, slapping her ample butt cheeks. She was feeling good. I could see it and I wanted her to. I didn't want her to just hate this cause she would grow to hate me and every thing about it.
He commented on what a great ass she had and he fucked her for a long time like that. Then he got on his back and she climbed on top of him. He sucked her breasts, squeezing her ass she rode his cock like a cowgirl. He put his hand between them and started massaging her clit (First time I had seen that trick) and her eyes were wide, her face unable to hide the pleasure she felt. She came hard, moaning and grunting as he let got of her clit and pulled her hips down to grind against her pussy.
"Did you cum?" he asked and she nodded her head like a little girl.
"Tell James that you came," he said softly.
She looked at me and she said, "I came. James."
"Good," I said, unsure of what to say.
He kissed April and told her she was a very good girl. He put his right hand on her face and very calmly told her he was going to put her back in the doggy position and put another load of his sperm inside her cunt. He said okay and she nodded okay!! She hated the word cunt!!
She got off of him and put her face in the bedroll and he fucked her hard, slapping her bottom and fingering her butthole. He put his hands under her and squeezed her nipples as he cum inside of her. He pulled out of her and clumps of cum came out.
Ricky stood up and slipped his boots on. He walked to his truck and got a water jug and took a long drink.
"She's wearing me out," he said.
"Are you finished?" I asked.
Shaking his head, he said, "I was until I started playing with that big ass of hers. Man she is the perfect package!"
"You don't talk you're from around here," I said.
"I haven't lived here in a long time," he admitted. "But I visit from time to time. This has been the best one though by far!"
He got back to the bed roll and April and he positioned her longways on the roll. In a push up position and almost a 69 position, he started fucking her mouth his half hard penis. He kissed the tops of her legs and nibbled on her clit. He lightly spanked her pussy and massaged her clit as he kept fucking her mouth.
Back then in that part of the country porn was hard to find so this was beyond fantasy and it seemed so surreal. He pulled her legs up under his arms to where they were spread widely and he used two fingers to finger fuck her ass while he kept fucking her mouth. His cock was really hard. He pulled out of her mouth and he moved between her legs. He had her knees pushed way back and I saw her eyes go wide as he went inside of her. She was moaning and whimpering.
He kept telling her she could handle it. She could handle it. I was like what!? He was fucking her slow, but he would push in strong. Then I saw it. He was not inside her pussy. He was inside her ass!!
Ricky was ignoring me. His eyes and April's were locked. He kept encouraging her. He told her how beautiful she is. He told her he loved to watch a girl's face the first they did this. Now I knew THIS was fucking her butt. He was sweating and he kept telling her it was so tight.
He had lasted forever that second time but he was already getting close. I could tell he was having a hard time talking even as he praised her body. April's eyes met mine and she closed them, her face slack with the erotic act she was doing and the emotions going through her.
Slowing, Ricky said, "April are you a senior?"
"I graduate . . . this May," she said, her voice pausing as though she were out of breath.
"Sweet," he said, kissing her forehead and fucking her harder. I could see her entire lower body shake with the impact of each thrust. Her bottom would absorb the impact and spring back. My cock was throbbing!!
Stopping momentarily again, Ricky said to April. "I have really enjoyed fucking you young lady."
"Okay," she said.
"You are a sweet person and a very good girl," he told her. "None of this makes you a bad person."
She nodded and he kissed her mouth. "I am gonna fill your ass with my cum now. Are you ready?"
April nodded and he fucked her hard non-stop for 3 or 4 minutes before he bellowed like a bull again, cumming in April's ass. He lay on top of her as she let her legs lay to the side as much as she could. He got off of her and looked at me.
"Fuck her," he said.
I was like huh!!!
"Her pussy. Now," he said.
I looked at April and she nodded. I was out of my jeans and on top of her so quickly I almost tripped over my jeans around my ankles. Her pussy was so wet and hot inside and I fucked her less than two minutes and she came so hard she farted beneath me. I could feel her passion emanating from her and I cum deep inside her pussy. We kissed and held each other.
When I looked up Ricky was dressed and he had my rifle and our clothes.
"I'm putting these along with your keys in my cab. I will drop them off about 200 yards down the road after I get your jeep pulled out," he said.
We got up and he backed up to the jeep. I dropped the stick into neutral. We hooked the winch line to his truck and that 4x4 of his popped that short wheel-based CJ-5 right up on solid ground. It took less than 5 minutes.
He got in his truck after I unhooked the winch line and he drove down the road. We seen him stop and put our clothes and stuff on the side of the road.
April and I walked quietly to the clothes. We got dressed and walked back to the jeep. We drove down off the mountain to the divide on the road down at the bottom. We stopped.
We talked until after it turned dark and both of us decided we would just never tell anyone. I did buy a block and tackle for my jeep, but then I sold it a year or so later anyway. It was not the best college vehicle and April and I were about to get married.
I really like this forum and since I could write this to protect our identity April didn't mind if I wrote this. I know it is pretty incredible, but reality often is. If you enjoyed it great. If you don't believe it, that is fine too. Does not make it any less true.
Well, my friend I have no reason to disbelieve you. I know where Mena is. I live in Fayetteville, AR about a 100 miles north. I liked your story and found it completely plausible and it may surprise you but I think the ending is what clinched it for me. The guy was a real shit but not a total asshole. In other words, basically sort of normal. He was older, you guys were just kids not completely out of HS. Its easy to assume he had been around and seeing you two in the straights you were in, he just went for it. I've known a few guys I could easily imagine doing just what he did. Then there is the fact that some girls put out a slut signal and don't even know it. Maybe your sweet little April did just that. You said you played around later in life so was she inclined that way before Ricky (she fucked two brothers and surprise surprise a best friend) or did the episode with Ricky make in easier later on.

I just posted a story based loosely on accounts relayed to me with some embellishments. I would much prefer to have my own true story but the only thing my old lady did that pleased me was get divorced. Then again, I'm not sure I have the guts to tell of some true things in my life. Oh well, we all have some sort of cross to bear. Thanks for the true story. I believe you wouldn't have told it if people could recognize you.
April and I lived in Ft Smith for a year after college before moving to Texas. You know how mountainous that region is around Mena and that was back before the chicken houses took over the entire area.

I have thought alot about what happened that day and what signals did we send. I am not a sub, far from it. I think Ricky just knew he had us in a bad spot and took advantage of it.

I am not the best writer in the world. but I was trying to convey that he definitely fucked the shit out of April. Part of me hated it, but part of me was intrigued. Only part of that was seeing her have sex. It was how he managed to make it all happen. Being older now I know how he did it or at least have a much better understanding. He was a chicken shit. But, he could have been worse. He was honest about what he was doing too.

April was in a long term relationship with my brother. After they broke up I was there. I had a crush on her before she was my brother's gf. Small town loves start early. I am sure you know what I mean.
Chicken houses, I hate em

Outlander2 said:
April and I lived in Ft Smith for a year after college before moving to Texas. You know how mountainous that region is around Mena and that was back before the chicken houses took over the entire area.

I have thought alot about what happened that day and what signals did we send. I am not a sub, far from it. I think Ricky just knew he had us in a bad spot and took advantage of it.

I am not the best writer in the world. but I was trying to convey that he definitely fucked the shit out of April. Part of me hated it, but part of me was intrigued. Only part of that was seeing her have sex. It was how he managed to make it all happen. Being older now I know how he did it or at least have a much better understanding. He was a chicken shit. But, he could have been worse. He was honest about what he was doing too.

April was in a long term relationship with my brother. After they broke up I was there. I had a crush on her before she was my brother's gf. Small town loves start early. I am sure you know what I mean.

I really appreciate you coming back so soon. I wasn't expecting it. I guess I'm not the only insomniac around here. I know all about chicken houses. My ex and I grew 80,000 in four houses for 20 years over in north Georgia. I have to laugh when I see those ******' on cruelty to animals when they are talking about the chicken factory farms. You spend the time I did with those super dumb shit makers and you'll be smashing heads against posts too. Try cleaning up the mess of 20,000 + dead birds that died because some dumb ass company man brought disease to your farm and then the mother fuckers try to lay it off on you. No sirree I got nothing but hatred for the entire fucking chicken industry. I won't even eat it anymore.

Well shit...sorry bout the rant...chickens do that to me. Hey, don't you dare belittle your writing ability. I thought you did an excellent job describing the sex scenes, which btw are always hard to do. The story was told in such a way as the plot such as it was flowed smoothly. I don't see any reason for criticism at all. It was clear who we readers should like and who we should hate. All I can say is....excellent...great job telling what was probably a difficult tale to tell.
Hey Outlander, I'm curious but don't want to be a bother. Do you like to read cuckold stories. I'm guessing maybe so since you are here after all. If you haven't already read it, can I talk you into to going to Shidaves Favorite Story thread, check out the last story mentioned, its kind of long so you'll need some time. Then come back to my comments. I am wondering if you agree or disagree with me. I would really appreciate it. The story is a good one, I just had some issues. You probably should read the story first before my comments. I don't want to influence you while reading,. If you can do this, ...great...if not ...no big deal.
Copied the story to read later. Heading to bed. Lots of good stories here.
I love to study people and I think it is interesting to see what turns different people on. I love fucking other men's wives. During the short time April and I played with a few friends I did take the opportunity to fuck a few wives on the side. Prefer the husband to know and approve, but I am not there to treat him like shit. I appreciate him allowing me to fuck his wife. And, I AM going to fuck her. But it should be fun for all. So I imagine I am going to agree with your opinion. Just guessing tho

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