I am filling in the gaps in memory with logical scenarios and actual things I saw so please don't think it's untrue?
Me and 3 friends were out drinking about 10 years ago. I had cleared it with my 'then' Mrs, that we could come home and have a few more. Me and Kev were...
***[Note: Mother Debbie, the famous advisor of cuckold husbands, is the creation of CDE. He has generously let me borrow her in order to help a young woman in need. Thanks CDE!]Hello, out there in Internet Land. This is Mother Debbie, again. In my little corner of the World Wide Web I'm...
My wife and I were on vacation. Vacations usually mean drinking bouts for both of us as we hardly ever drink otherwise. So the third night, after we were dead ***** we decided to go to the Jacuzzi. I know they all say that after having alcohol it is not a very good idea to go in Jacuzzi but hey...