Chapter 3 The Phone Call

I was at work that day and I found it difficult to concentrate. I worked in an assembly line on a car factory, not a very high paying job, but Sandra's high pay meant we lived a good life.

While I was welding parts I felt my phone vibrate. I decided to go for a toilet break so I could answer it. I reached the toilets, reached the nearest cubicle and locked myself in it.

"Hello darling" I said after I answered.

It rang for a long time, but Sandra generally expected me to answer my phone when she called, even if she had to wait for me to sneak off.

"Oh hi honey, I just called to give you a task to help prepare for Jame's first Saturday night living with us".

I replied with an "okay", but I suddenly became nervous because I realised that someone else was in the next cubicle and they could hear everything I said, what's worse, Sandra always made video calls and they were on loudspeaker.

"Do you remember how I dressed for you when I first started coming to your house to fuck you?"

"Yes", I replied not going into much detail for fear of being overheard.

"Really, well tell me what I wore?"

Oh god I thought, who ever is next to me is going to hear this conversation, but I didn't dare end the call with Sandra, something like that would make her angry.

"You wore a really short white dress with a leather belt and a green army jacket and sun glasses."

I heard someone next door pull their zip down.

"But how did I look to you?"

"You looked cool, but the low cut dress and heels made you look a bit slutty too?"

"Really, is there nothing else that made you think I was a bit slutty?"

I really didn't want this part to be overheard.

"You weren't wearing any panties and you flashed the fact when getting out of the car in front of me".

I wasn't sure but I thought I heard wanking next door.

"Exactly and you loved it. Well what I want you to do for me is buy me an outfit like that, slutty but cool. I want you to buy it after work in the store Rachel works at, you remember Rachel don't you?"

How could I forget Rachel, she was tall dainty and beautiful. She had long black hair and always had a smile like she particularly found me amusing. After all, Sandra shared everything with Rachel.

"Yes, of course I remember Rachel dear".

"Great well I've sent you some money, if you go to the store Rachel works at after work and explain why I want the outfit, she'll be able to help you choose an outfit for me. You won't have to worry about sizes, Rachel knows, and by the way you can tell her everything, she already knows a lot and is completely understanding of our relationship".

I didn't want to prolong the call encase she went into more detail.

I ended the call and I wasn't sure if I imagined someone cumming next door.

"Okay darling, I'll go to Rachel's after work. "

"That's wonderful, it will go a long way to you getting next Saturday night with me".
Next page: Shopping
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