Ch. 2

So I'm sat here at the airport, already 40 minutes late, to pick up my husband and I'm watching him from across the street waiting for me to turn up. Steve didn't want me to be early waiting for my husband so I killed time by giving him my most most enthusiastic blowjob before I headed to the airport. I thought I'd do one better and watched John waiting for me in the cold for the last half an hour. My pussy was tingling and soaking wet at the idea of messing around my husband at my lovers instruction. Eventually I pull up outside the airport and wind down the window.

"Hi babe, chuck your bags in the boot so we can get out of here." I say, not even bothering to apologize for being late.

I chuckle as it starts to rain and I hear him try to open the boot knowing I haven't unlocked it. After several failed attempts he is fully soaked through so I unlock the boot.

"No idea what happened there babe!" I tell him.

"No problem, I'm just glad to see you!" beams John as he leans in for a kiss.

'Here it begins.' I think as I give him a full kiss on the lips letting our tongues explore each other. I smile, wondering if he can taste our landlords spunk. He doesn't say anything and just smiles, probably for the best it doesn't bother him as I have a feeling he'll have plenty of chances to taste it again. I begin to laugh.

"What's funny, babe?" John asks with a puzzled look.

"Oh nothing, just something from earlier." I give him a wink, rub his leg and start to drive off.

On the drive home John is droning on about his trip, boring the socks off me. It's all I can do to not crash into a tree, but the thought of things about to unfold keep me going.

As we park in the drive I head to the house and let John struggle with bags on his own. As I get to the door I see Steve is waiting. He grins and puts his hand up my skirt grabbing my ass before John can notice. "Need a hand with that buddy?" Steve asks, lifting the large suitcase with ease even before john can reply and carrying it into the apartment.

"Where do you want this? The bedroom?" shouts Steve from ahead of them.

"Yes please, mate." answers John. As the three of us enter the room Steve smiles as he sees the packet of extra safe condoms on the bed.

"Well I'll get out of your way guys, looks like Sarah has got plans for you!" laughs Steve, punching John on the arm and nodding towards the packet. The punch was just hard enough to make John wince and get all embarrassed.

I walked Steve to the door and he leans in and whispers "Remember what we agreed. Keep on as much clothes as possible, lights off and missionary only. Oh, and try to put two of those extra safe condoms on him." Steve winks and walks off.

Back in the bedroom I head straight to the cupboard and grab my thickest baggiest onesie pajamas and get dressed. John asked, "So babe, wanna fool around?"

"Yeah, but I have to tell your something first." I lean in and kiss him. "I take it you've seen the condoms?"

"Yeah, what's that all about?" he asks, with a fearful look in his eyes.

"It's nothing bad babe, it's just the birth control was making me sick so I stopped taking them, and I'm not ready for a baby so this is the only way," I say putting on my sweetest face to soften the blow.

John shrugs "I guess I can understand that, but why did you have to get the extra safe ones? I'm not gonna feel a thing."

"What are you trying to say?" I scold him in what I hope is my angry voice. "You know, we don't have to do anything if that's what you think!"

Instantly John is groveling, saying that's not what he meant. A smile creeps into the corners of my mouth. Perfect, I have him right where I want him. I probably won't even have to suck his tiny dick.

"Ok then, get undressed and let's put on this condom before you turn the lights out."

In an instant he's naked and I just sit at the end of the bed looking at him until starts to go red with embarrassment. I forgot how weedy he was and his dick standing to attention is barely 4 inches. I grab hold of it with only my thumb and forefinger and start to inspect it, making no attempt to suck it. "I've never used condoms before, do you think we need to put on two, to make sure it doesn't split?" I ask in a naïve way.

"No, one is plenty." John replies, in a rush to bed me.

"No, I think I'd be happier with two the first time, and if it works we can always drop it down to one. Put on the first one so I can watch."

With that John fits the condom on his dick. "See? That's thick enough."

"Let's just try it." I purr in his ear. With the second condom on I reach in to the drawer, grab some lube and and cover his dick.

"Lights out!" I tell him in my most commanding voice. As he tries to find his way back to the bed I hear him his stub his toe and allow myself a smile. "Lets get to it."

"But you're still dressed." says John, feeling my fluffy onesie.

"It's got that butt flap and these are baggy enough to bring it to the front," I tell him as I lie on my back.

He groans in disappointment as he climbs on top of me and penetrates me in one go. I lie there trying my best to not moan or pant and act as bored as possible until he finishes and rolls off. Even before he can catch his breath I berate him. "Come on, get up, we need to check the condom. It doesn't look split, take them off and make sure you don't get any on me!" I snap angrily.

"Ok ok, I won't! Why are you so angry?" John whines.

"Why? Coz I wasn't even close to coming! That's why! Next time do better!" I scream at him. Then my phone starts to ring. "Oh great, it's the landlord."

I picked it up. "Hi Steve... yeah sorry about the yelling. No, everything's fine, no need to come down. I'm just frustrated with John. I haven't seen him in months and he just gave me the worst fuck of my life!" With that I hang up.

"Why did you tell him that?!" whined John.

"Because its true." I stare him out and turn the lights out.

Once it was nice and dark, I texted Steve 'Phase one done.'

Steve replied, 'Lol I want you round mine before he's even left the drive 2moz!'

And with that I fall soundly asleep.
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