My Darling Cuckold ch. 07

Things had been going wild and crazy for Jason and I since the pool party almost two weeks earlier. I even came to the conclusion that with the right cute young thing that I could even swing a little towards girls. I saw how that affected Jason every time the subject came up, but it had a bad connotation to it as well. Now that I had tried out my own gender, I didn’t feel nearly as bad for Jason when I coerced him into partaking of his own. I still understood how the male ego was much more easily bruised over the degrading same gender acts I craved to see Jason in the middle of, but I knew he was plenty strong enough mentally to overcome anything I launched his way. And it’s a good thing too, because I was about to walk into a very twisted scene.

I only worked seven blocks down the road, so I walked to work and back home everyday. Usually, on the way home I would go into my dream world and fantasize about my next adventure. Sometimes I would even consider taking on a second full time partner to make things easier to get laid when I felt like it. Mack even played a role many times in those daydreams, but he was never a serious contender as a secondary boyfriend. Yeah, if I thought I could control him he might be the perfect fling, but I was just worried about the guy.

I knew eventually that I would have to approach Jason over my new idea of getting one, or maybe even two part time boyfriends that I could rely on to fill my needs. I would still keep him, or them, at arms length and Jason would always be the one on my arm, but I was getting worried after the attempted drugging of me at the pool party. I figured that if I brought it up in just the right way that Jason would accept the idea himself since he was afraid of me getting hurt as much as I had grown to fret over.

That led me to think about what my perfect alternate might be like and the things I knew for sure was that he would have to have a fairly thick cock, another outlet so that he wouldn’t become fixated on me alone, and had that certain animalistic quality that I had found really alleviated my extreme cravings. That’s when I smiled and thought about how no guy would ever satisfy me totally without Jason finishing me off in the end. It was that specific talent of his along with his overall acts of sincere love for me that would always keep me coming home to him.

I had worked myself up so much that just as I got to the door of our room, I decided that I was going to need some relief from Jason in the worst way. But when I opened the door to see the sight before me, all hell broke loose in my panties. There at the foot of the bed was a strange man with Jason on his knees in front of him. He was lunging into his mouth and banging his head into the dresser behind him. I saw that behind the bed was another man and slightly recognized him, but as I tried to place him the door shut behind me.

“Hello there, Bliss. You really weren’t trying to hide from me were you?”

I spun my head around to see Mack standing by the door with an evil grin on his face. I turned back and looked at what was happening to Jason again, and just as Mack was wrapping his arms around my waist, I knew I had to try to control the extremely intense hormones raging throughout the room. I knew there wouldn’t be much I could do for Jason if I didn’t throw myself into the middle of things; and quick.

My hands went over Mack’s, but instead of pushing them away and yelling for them to free Jason, I rubbed up his arms to indicate to him that I was in need of his attention. I turned and looked up at him and spoke the truth. “You scare me, and this is why. Stop him from doing that… please. And we’ll talk.”

Mack just continued grinning at me and I knew I had to offer him more. I looked back at Jason’s tormented face and saw that the man was fucking away at him way too hard. There were tears streaming from his eyes and I knew it had very little to do with me seeing his manhood being dismantled before my eyes. I shot him a quick apologetic look and turned back to Mack.

I whispered so that Jason wouldn’t hear that I wasn’t sparing him from his ordeal, only trying to take some control over how it happened. “Please, Mack… I’ll do whatever you want, but stop that guy. He’s going to hurt him. Please… you can have your fun, but let’s just slow it down a little and I’ll even help you.”

I guess my pleading worked and Mack told the guy to go easier on Jason; that he didn’t want a mark on him when they left. It wasn’t what I had asked, but at least it was an acceptable compromise.

Mack told me, “Then prove you don’t just want to spare the little fucker. Go over there and help Damon.”

My eyes threw daggers at him, but I knew it was the only way out of this mess; at least until the testosterone level was depleted. I turned and went over to where Damon was assaulting Jason. I knelt down and immediately pushed back on Damon’s abdomen to tell him to go slower. I looked at Jay and began cooing out instructions. “Its okay, Jason, I’ll help you through this. Just do as I tell you and I’ll get you through this in just a couple of minutes.”

I slapped the man’s hands away from the sides of Jason’s head and again told him to go slower and easier. I scolded Damon on how to do what he wanted in a somewhat civilized manner and promised him he would get just as much out of it. I told him, “Go slow… and feel your cock riding through his lips. You don’t have to stab him, just go slow… until you feel he can’t take no more. Give him a chance to breathe and he won’t need to fight you as much.”

You could feel the tension in the room melting away with my soothing tone. I had already calmed down Jason and gotten Damon into a sex mode as opposed to a violent act. I started running my fingers through Jason’s long hair and he closed his eyes trying to make me disappear. I knew that as hard as his immediate future would be for him to endure, it was his knowing that I was there witnessing it happening to him that was by far the most emasculating. Sadly, being so close to his face as another man shoved his cock into it was a sight I wasn’t about to give up.

All the while I was acting as Damon’s coach and stroking Jason’s hair, I felt evenly mixed with ecstatic arousal and shame over what I was doing at the same time. The shame came more from the fact that even if all the coercion suddenly went away, I would still be insisting on Jason performing for me in some similar way.

I looked around at the two other faces watching and recognized how I knew the other man waiting his turn with my boyfriend. He had been one of the original men that had sodomized Jay on our fist night in town. Mack was still slumped against the door and I figured that I should be helping Jay make the time go by a little faster, so I started taking off the blouse I had worn to work. All eyes went directly to me and that got my own crotch working itself into heat. Just as I started taking off my bra, I saw Jason open his eyes to see why I had stopped rubbing his hair. I felt so sluttish baring myself in front of three men that were most likely all going to be fucking me before leaving.

I could see Jason’s eyes going to my tits and when I looked down I saw what he was noticing; that my nipples were extremely hard and swollen. There was no hiding my arousal from him anymore. I unbuttoned my pants while still on my knees, but before getting to my feet I saw Damon was about to get off and decided to watch it happen while still in front of my face. I tried making it easier for Jason with my cooing voice, but as always, my words were more loyal to my own selfish needs.

“Just relax, honey, he’s almost finished. Think about me… and just let it happen. Try not to gag at the end so you don’t breathe his semen into your lungs.” I gave Damon a last warning not to hurt him; that he could get his kicks without needing to choke Jason. I watched him slow his pace even more, but he was definitely testing the limits and depths of Jay’s mouth. Without even thinking about it, my hand made its way into my panties and began rubbing my clit frantically. I saw the man take a very deep plunge into Jason and hold still, so I told Jay, “Here it comes, sweetheart, just relax for it.” I could have coached him into trying not to swallow, but the devil in me came out and I did just the opposite. “Just swallow as much as you can. I know it’s hard… but make me proud. Just accept it for the nice man.” How in the world could I call this dirt bag a “nice man” for torturing the love off my life? And where had my loyalty gone?

I frigged myself hard when I heard Jason’s first gurgling sound and watched as his eyes bugged out. When I saw his throat muscles working to clear his throat, I went nuts. Just the thought of this man dominating my boyfriend and shooting his cum into his throat had my mind reeling. But when I remembered how Bella had become submissive to me a week earlier, I saw Jason was acting in the same submissive way. That pushed me into a full blown orgasm that literally knocked me off balance and I fell into Jason. I was embarrassed over my actions, but instead of telling him how sorry I was, I left it at a kiss to his neck.

Someone was picking me up off my knees and it turned out to be Mack. I swear I could smell the testosterone wafting through the room. It was my turn to get used and there wasn’t anyway I could deny knowing that since I was now topless and my pants were wide open. Mack held up his hand and I saw he was holding the hobbles he had indoctrinated me with in the past. My knees went weak and if anyone could read my mind, they would know I had fingered myself a dozen times thinking about those leather straps. I stared at them for a moment, and then began pushing my pants and underpants to the floor, and slowly began crawling onto the bed. I felt Mack grab my foot to stop me and waited for him to attach both of them to my ankles. When he was done and I made a move for the top of the bed, he stopped me again.

Mack pulled my legs off the bed making me fall face first into the bedding and he spread my right leg way off to the bedpost at the foot of the bed. I felt him lifting that corner of the actual bed and understood he had run the loop of the hobble over the foot of the post. It wasn’t surprising then to feel him stretching my left leg to the other post to do the same. That essentially left me spread wide open, ass in the air, and hugging the bedding as my only control. Understanding that there was very little I could do to stop anything anymore, I looked back to see Jason. I got pissed when the third man had a fistful of his hair and was cuffing his face just to taunt him as his submissive playmate.

I screamed for Mack to control the guy, but instead I got a hard slap across my ass for telling him what to do. That was just the prelude to what was to come. The next thing I knew, all three of the men were teasing and taunting Jason over his inability to please me. I was hoping that Jason wouldn’t blame me for their actions since I had never said anything like that to Mack; that I could remember at least.

A scuffle broke out and I saw the three of them ganging up on Jason to strip his clothes off. It was like I was watching a nature channel as the three of them worked to prove their superior strength when any one of them could have handled Jason alone. The frenzy that ensued while I struggled just to get my body close to them left Jason humiliated as they stripped him bare and proceeded to poke fun at the size of his cock. It didn’t help things that he was as limp as I’d ever seen him. But with what they were putting him through I wouldn’t have expected anything less. I buried my face into the comforter to keep from hearing their taunts.

When they had totally demeaned Jason so that he felt worthless, he was pushed into my rear. I heard them telling him that as “gentlemen”, they were going to let him have first shot at me. I knew he would never be able to perform under such pressures; just as the men did. I begged Mack to come close enough so that I might bargain with him, but he was having too much fun. I finally shouted out that I’d fuck him every day if he would end the verbal assaults on Jason. That did get him to come closer and as Jason was pressed into a half lying position directly on top of me, Mack began letting me know why this was all happening. I sort of knew that from the very first words that had come out of his mouth.

“Just up and disappeared on me, huh?” Mack’s voice alone scared me. “That might have worked if you had of left the state, but just going down the street? And now you admit that you want to fuck me all the time. Well, maybe this is the last time. Maybe I don’t want your ass anymore. We have a perfectly fine mouth over here and if I wear that out, I bet I can find another hole to use in its place.”

I began begging him to understand why we had left the first motel and how he simply scared me. I pointed out how his very actions at the moment were proving my fears true. I saw Mack reach out and tug at Jason’s hair until his head was right against mine. Mack ordered him to begin fucking me so the other men could have their turns, but he lay on top of me motionless.

Mack started in, “If I didn’t just happen to find where this little fella worked, I might never have gotten another piece of your ass, so to thank him for leading me to you, he gets the first fuck.” Mack slapped his head and told him to get working. I began telling him to go ahead and do it. I knew his ego needed to fulfill a manly duty to have any hope of assuaging these men’s efforts to demean him further.

At first Mack agreed with my efforts to get Jason to screw me, and I thought the hardest part was over when I felt him sliding into me. I was ashamed when he did get into me so easily, because it told me just how wet I had become without even knowing it. I kept encouraging him to fuck me and it too worked at first, until Mack decided to have me destroy him. That was probably the plan all along.

Mack began telling me to admit to Jason whose cock was the largest and how his did nothing for me. I kept telling Mack that I wouldn’t do that to Jason, but after several minutes of haranguing and near threats, he must have seen how his words were taking affect. And sure, all the things he wanted me to say were true and Jason knew that as well, but it wasn’t like there was anything he could do about it. I lay there feeling just how true the things Mack was saying to me were the reality. I could barely feel Jason’s cock working into me and I could tell it wasn’t even fully hard over the crap being thrown at him. Finally, I decided to get this event over with and I could worry about soothing Jason’s mental wounds after the men were gone.

I knew Mack wanted me to attack Jason just so that I would have to admit the truth. And once the truth was stated from my mouth, he would always have my words to use to take jabs at Jay. But if this was going to end sooner than later, I had to get it over with fast. I decided to just decimate Jason as quickly as possible so they could get their kicks and leave. My last thoughts were how if I did Mack’s bidding well enough that maybe I could talk him into leaving Jason alone. I deserved everything coming my way, and hell, I’d probably even like it. But Jason was not the one that should be getting humiliated over what I had started weeks ago.

“Get off me,” I tersely spoke to Jay. “Mack’s right! Why do you think I started fucking him in the first place? I can barely feel your tiny dick… is it even in me yet?” I felt the little hardness in me dwindle away in seconds. “Alright, so I need a real man’s cock, but at least you beat every one of these fuckers when it comes to eating pussy. Now get the fuck off me and let Mack do that.”

I felt horrible over speaking words that may have been honest, but never should have ever been spoken aloud. I felt Jason flop out of me and thought about how his limp prick felt like a rag falling from me. When Jason was clear of me, I pleaded with Mack to take his place. Instead, Mack went over to grab the stuffed chair by the door and brought it next to the bottom of the bed. I turned back to see Mack literally pick Jason up off his feet and slam him into the chair.

Mack, spewing his hatred for nothing more than Jason not being able to fight back, demanded of him, “Just sit there and watch, boy, and see how real men fuck a bitch.”

I dropped my head back to the bed when I understood they were going to force Jason to watch his own girlfriend getting gang fucked, and I knew Mack was going to demand more verbal assaults on Jason at my hands. I heard Mack telling me to choose which man I wanted first and I looked around to see they were all getting undressed. I dropped my head yet again and began wondering how I should go about making it easiest for Jason to hear, and then weighed which order I wanted to get taken in for my own reasons. I had to be honest for both reasons and I took another look at the two other men to see nothing but the weapons they wielded. I saw that the man that had been in the wings earlier was the smallest, so I nodded my head towards him. I knew Mack had the largest cock and would most likely bring me the most pleasure in the end, so I had to let him go last. It seemed obvious to take the small guy and work my way up so that I at least got my fill out of all this.

The guy walked right up behind me, but Mack stopped him and suggested that he whet his appetite on the “boy” first. I snapped my head to see that he meant he wanted Jason to fellate him into full hardness and I felt awful seeing the man hold his head back by his hair as he began working his half hard cock into Jay’s mouth. I saw that Jason was getting his hair ripped out, so I spat at the both of them at the same time saying, “Just do it Jay. And let go of his hair. Just suck it hard Jason… that’s all he wants you to do.”

The guy did release his hair and I saw Jason begin bobbing his head. I was strangely proud of my boyfriend for being able to admit defeat. I kept watching to see he did exactly as he was told until the guy pulled away with a magnificent erection. I don’t know what got into me, but I found myself complimenting Jason on his performance. “That’s good, Jay, you did a good job. See, it didn’t take long at all.”

I dropped my head again and awaited the guy to begin fucking me. I became very happy that Jay didn’t have to give the guy a full blowjob when he went at me like a frigging dog. There was no lining up, no first push; his body just began jerking until his cock happened to find my hole and when it did, he kept up his fast jerking motion throughout the entire fuck. I felt like the recipient of a male dog. Oddly enough, even though he had the smallest endowment of the three men, his actions had me bouncing all around trying to accept his jaunts without it hurting. The only thing that ever changed was when he was getting ready to get off, I felt him trying to get into me deeper. That would finally force my own hormones to kick in.

I turned to see Jason was indeed watching the man having his fun with me, and maybe that was why I decided to get him busy doing something else. “Mack, get the next guy ready.”

I didn’t need to tell him anything else. He had Damon warm up on Jason’s mouth for a second time and even though I couldn’t see his cock, I remembered it from earlier when I watched him close up feeding it to Jay. I thought about how it had been fairly thick and when I remembered how Jason’s eyes had bugged out, I told Jason, “Do a good job on him, honey. I don’t want a limp noodle trying to push into me.”

I guess my wanton actions spurred my present lover over the edge and with a new vigor; he slammed into me even faster and harder until my feet were barely able to touch the floor. The guy screeched out sounds I never would have guessed a man would make as he dumped his load into me. My mouth was gaping from his finish, because unlike most guys that stopped humping when they were ejaculating, he just kept going nuts on me. That was when I happened to look at Jason and noticed something quite unusual. His hands were actually holding Damon’s ass as he sucked his cock, and Damon’s hands were on his hips. I wanted to see his face so bad. His actions weren’t matching up with the boyfriend I knew for some reason.

As unceremoniously as he had begun, the guy dropped out of me in a flash. I took several labored breaths as I waited for the men to exchange positions. Jason had the weirdest look on his face and I nearly asked him about it right then and there. I even saw him look quickly at Mack’s cock and began wondering what was going on in his mind.

Damon was surprisingly gentle as he worked his cock into me. The feel of it sliding into me even made me sigh. It felt a lot thicker than I had seen earlier, but it was probably just in relation to the fist man in me. I found myself pushing my ass back into him to get him deeper and he told me how he liked my effort. I turned my face to watch Jason as the man began his exercise and saw he was actively watching me getting fucked, and even when he noticed me looking at him, he went right back to my ass. I realized that this was almost the same thing as viewing porn to him and that made everything easier for me. I didn’t feel like I had to hide anything anymore and I pushed myself up on my arms and began bucking back into my lover’s cock.

I saw Mack’s hand drop away from his own cock and he went to stand in front of Jason. I wanted so badly at that moment to see Jason sucking Mack’s cock again, but I got selfish and begged Mack, “No, don’t do that. Not yet!”

Mack turned, clearly perplexed, and wanted to know what I was talking about.

I gulped hard when I saw Jason wanting an answer to that as well. “I want you… I need that cock of yours. If you start on him now… just don’t get ready yet.”

He smiled when he understood I feared him getting off in Jason’s mouth instead of where I wanted him to cum. When I saw I was getting my way, I went crazy fucking Damon as hard as I could and I couldn’t begin to hide from Jason how good it felt getting ravaged by a larger cock. I even found myself saying so aloud and the men were giddy over my losing control. They began making fun of Jason over my display and words, but I wasn’t capable of looking out for him anymore; this was all about making me feel good now.

When I thought Damon was growing closer to getting off, I told Mack, “Now, do it now. Jay, suck him hard for me… and get him really wet.” Mack wasted no time in blocking my view as he stood in front of Jason and began doing as I had begged. I felt my sick need to torment Jason myself now and began realizing that just thinking about Mack fucking me ****** that effect on me.

“Ooohhh… suck that cock for mommy, baby. I want it nice and hard. Make me proud… make Mack moan for me.”

I saw Mack turn back and smile over my participation and he went back to fucking my guy’s mouth. I started feeling Damon’s last growth spurt and slammed back into him as my insides went warm while he filled me up ever so nicely. I told him, “Wait!” to keep him from pulling out of me. I wanted to relish the feel of his cock just resting in me. “You got my man hard, Jay. I want him really fucking hard for me.”

There was a quick flutter out of the corner of my eyes and I saw it was Jason’s hands going to Mack’s ass. Again, he was holding the very man abusing him. I was beginning to wonder if a man could be ****** into turning gay.

I pulled away from Damon and even thanked him for a wonderful fuck and quickly begged Mack to take his turn. I watched him pull away from Jason and when I saw how frigging hard he was, I told Jason, “Nice job, honey. Look how big and hard he is; don’t you wish you were that big?”

I only caught a quick take of Jason’s face that left me wondering if I had gone too far, but tough shit. It was my time now and I was after all sparing him from having to give three blowjobs instead of one. When I felt Mack taking his place, I braced for the thickest cock I’ve ever had and sneered at Jason as he watched Mack forcing the head past the entrance to my vaginal muscles. I made no secret of how wonderful it felt getting stretched to the max for the first time in weeks. “Oh, god, oh god!” just kept coming from my mouth.

Mack began setting me up for the future when he asked, “See, see how much you needed a real man in you. Go ahead, tell him what it’s like to feel a real cock ruining your cunt? Tell him how much you missed it and how you’ll never hide from me again.”

Mack had destroyed my will to be even slightly nice to Jason. I knew he would have a good idea why I would say the things I would, but feeling my lips stretched further than he could ever hope to, I went nuts on him. “Oh, god, Jason. This feels so good. He’s right, I need his cock… you just can’t do to me what he does. I was so wrong trying to hide from him. I know you go through hell, but I need this so bad. Please understand!”

When I really looked into Jason’s eyes, I saw two things: he understood why I was saying what I was and probably knew much of it was true. But the best part I saw was that he really didn’t seem pissed at me for saying so in front of all these men. Maybe he had run out of humility, or maybe he was growing use to my treatment of him. Either way, seeing that he wasn’t raging out at my words, I threw more at him just to make Mack’s use of me soar to its zenith. I couldn’t stop anything, so I might as well enjoy the hell out of it.

“Oh, baby, you’d love it if you knew what he’s doing to me. It feels so fucking good. I wish you could do this… I wish you could do all of this, but you just can’t.”

When I saw that Jason still didn’t appear mad at me and was even watching the very cock piercing into me that I was taunting him with, I gave him a place in all this fucked up shit. “But don’t worry, sweetie. Mack’s going to leave something for you; aren’t you Mack?” I turned back to see Mack grinning and saying, “I sure am.”

I had had my fill for the moment over taunting Jason and melted into the bed as Mack fucked my cunt numb and was trying to do his best to ruin me as he had said. I kept my eyes glued to Jason as his eyes went between mine and my union with Mack. It’s amazing how much can be said between two people truly in love without a word being spoken. I knew in my heart that despite the role Jason was playing, he was really happy to see me in such bliss. No pun intended!

Without being able to easily see Mack, all I had to do was relish the volley of small orgasms he was causing me to quake through while waiting for his big finish. I wanted to taunt Jason with so many vile things I didn’t dare say to him. I knew what I was about to do to him when Mack finished and I tried my hardest to spare him in the mean time. But when I sensed that Mack was nearing his finish, I couldn’t stop myself any longer.

“Will one of you fuckers stuff your cock in his mouth? This isn’t any way to train a cuckold. He should be working to please me.” I don’t know where that came from, but when the first guy to fuck me stood in front of Jason to put him to work on his cock, my whole crotch melted into a volcano. I saw the guy having a hard time getting Jason started, so I cried out, “Just blow him, damn it. You know you’re my cock sucker in this situation, so just fucking suck it.”

Mack started lunging into me and I was in absolute heaven; physically because of what he was doing to me, and mentally because of what I was doing to Jason. Just as I had thought earlier, the guy in Jason’s mouth began fucking at him wildly like he was a dog. Mack slapped my ass and told me it was almost meal time and I could feel his cock swelling.

I lifted myself onto my arms for the finish and cried out, “Get ready Jason, here it comes. I hope… oh god… I hope you’re hungry still.”

Mack moaned loudly as he relieved himself like he was at a urinal. Compared to my two previous donors, Mack’s load easily felt warmer and like he had a ton of it. I fell onto my elbows exhausted in a way that Jason couldn’t possibly cause me. Mack pulled out of me with a very audible pop, and strutted like the cock of the walk that he was over to Jason. The other guy had stopped the ravaging of his face and I nodded my head towards Jason even as I went to torture his mind.

“Bring him over here.” Mack wasted no time in lifting Jason to his feet. He started to bring him behind me, but I stopped him and told him I wanted him on his back on the bed. Mack hoisted him into the air and slammed him onto the bed in front of me, but he was lying crossways on the bed. “Turn him around for me.”

I reached out to grab at his shoulders to help guide his head right between my legs while Mack twisted his body to help me. His forehead stopped at my crotch and I motioned for Mack to keep pushing him until his head hung off the end of the bed. I wasted no time in squatting right over his face as if to hold him into place. I began rubbing myself off on him as I demanded what to do with his tongue and lips. I swear that knowing I was feeding him the remnants of three men’s cum was about as close to nursing a baby as a girl can get. It never dawned on me how nasty of a thing I was forcing on him anymore. It really felt like I was nurturing him like a starving baby, and I was taking it very seriously.

Mack began undoing the hobbles on me, but I asked him to wait. The thrill of feeling restrained was adding a lot to my kitty and I didn’t want him to disturb it. The three men settled in to watch Jason doing his thing, and me getting my freak on. They were saying all kinds of belittling things to Jason, but soon they shot many taunts at my own inability to control my own needs. It all backfired on them though; because all it really did was turn me into a raving maniac demanding more from Jason.

I felt my body begin quivering until I began convulsing so hard that my boobs shook like vibrators. My nipples were so hard that I thought they would burst before my orgasm subsided. Just as it was ending, I fell over Jason’s body and grabbed his cock. I presumed the other men didn’t understand what I was seeing, but my lover was rock hard and I knew exactly why now. He had given me the wildest mustache ride any girl could ever imagine getting. And his erection made it impossible for him to deny that despite everything going on around us or even the semen he had languished through, he was near cumming just over what he had accomplished making me do.

An hour later, and after taking a shower together, I told Jason that he was the only man that hadn’t gotten off and I was about to change that for him with the wildest blowjob I could muster. I was still teasing him knowing that since he hadn’t cum yet, that he was most likely still charged up for it. “I have to take good care to make sure my little cocksucker knows how much I love him, and what better way than with his own blowjob.” He was a little put off by my teasing, but I saw his prick begin bobbing and knew I had achieved the desired reaction.

I had just gotten Jason on his back on the bed when there was a knock on the door. Jason froze thinking it was the men coming back, but I knew it was just too soft of a knock to be them. I ran over to look out the peep hole and saw a strangely familiar face, and then turned to squeal to Jason, “It’s Bella!”

We stared at each other for a moment and I could see Jason realizing just who Bella was, and then we asked each other what we should do. Neither of us was dressed and I didn’t want to be rude, but I assumed that Jason had to at least want to know what his extra curricular affair was doing at our door. However, it wasn’t up to Jason; I wanted to see the girl again after thinking briefly about the kisses we had shared.

“Just a minute… I need to put something on,” I called through the door.

As we scurried to get dressed, I realized I had probably just revealed that we were in the middle of having sex. I smiled thinking about what they had just missed and began feeling that twinge between my legs again. When I saw Jason was still looking for his clothes, I hurried along and as I was pulling my top over my head, I opened the door. Jay dove for the bed with nothing but his shirt in his hand.

Bella was wide eyed and all perky, and squeaked out, “Hi… Stacy found out that you lived over here and we thought we’d come over and say hello; so… hello.”

I looked around the door jamb and Stacy was trying to make friends with a squirrel. I waved to her and invited the two of them in. When Bella saw Jason under the covers of the bed she apologized for interrupting us. I told her that we had just been fooling around and told Jason that he ought to get dressed for our company.

I could see that both of the girls chose to dress rather provocatively and could even swear I saw the hint of a tent starting between Jason’s legs. The girls saw I was giving him a hard time and decided to join in as if they were my sisters. Bella teased him, “If you aren’t coming out, we’re coming in.”

Jason began blushing that beautiful shade of red I love to see him wearing. When I saw that Bella had a very playful side to her, I gave her a wink and nodded to the bed. She took my lead and bounced over to the bed and slid under the covers as she had threatened. I guess she felt comfortable with my smiling face and even leaned her head on his shoulder to get him all squeamish. Stacy saw Jason’s shorts under the edge of the bed and helped the poor dear to his dignity by throwing them to him. All-in-all, both the girls felt plenty at ease with us and nice. I had the instant idea to help Jason get back his manhood and decided to get the girls interested in sticking around.

Before Jason and Bella got out of the bed, I told them how they made a cute couple. That really made Bella’s ears pick up and I could tell she was in a very playful mood. Stacy sat at the table and was essentially checking everything out and listening what was going on without caring to participate. Bella was far more outgoing and came right out and asked about our situation. I knew she was referring to what had gone on at the pool party and told her how Jay and I were madly in love, but had an understanding. I even confessed that I had contrived the situation the prior week and what had really gone on was a little game that we liked to play. I made sure that they understood that Jason and I were very much in love and that getting their kitties licked and screwed was not a common thing at all.

Bella corrected me and reminded me that Stacy hadn’t gotten the second part. The two of us teased her loss a little until I saw she blushed just like Jason. That was when I got an evil idea, figured I could make up to Jason for a little bit of the pain I had caused him, and proclaimed, “That’s not very fair, Jason. When you bed two girls, you always have to play fair. I guess that’s why they came by.”

I went over to Jay and slapped him on the knee and added, “Buck up and pay up, buddy boy. We’re not going to start out a new friendship by playing favorites.”

I went over to Stacy and asked her to go to the bathroom with me. It was just to get her alone for the explicit purpose of making Jason whole again with a quick offer. I didn’t make her aware of anything that had just gone on before their arrival, but I did tell her that there were a lot of reasons I needed Jason to feel extra special. There upon, I all but asked her to go to bed with Jason under the guise that he owed her something. She freaked out a little and wanted to know what kind of lifestyle we were involved in that would have me asking such things. I started to tell her, but when I saw how long of a story it was going to be, I decided on killing two birds with one stone.

“Why don’t I do this? I’ll take Bella out for a walk and tell her all about our lifestyle, and you can do your thing. You might have to take the lead with Jay because he’s still a little weird about this, but, as you’ve seen, he really does a good job of things. Bella can tell you all about our talk when you leave.”

I could see that even though they might not have come here as a team to actual make things even, Stacy’s eyes were saying that was what she may have very well been thinking. I gave her a little pep talk as if she was really doing me a favor and just to get her in the mood, I did something a little crazy myself. Just before leaving the bathroom, I ran my hand around the nape of her neck, snuggled my fingers into her hair, and pulled her to me for a deep, penetrating kiss.

Stacy asked almost jealously, “And where will you and Bella go?”

When I denoted her hint of pangs, I smiled and answered, “We’re at a motel, for Pete’s sake. I laughed and she knew I was joking, but I could see that they were as tight of friends as Abby and I were, and I would have to keep that in mind.

We exited the bathroom and I headed for Bella to hook my arm into hers, and pronounced, “We’re going for a little walk.” I looked at Jason and made a point out of telling him that we would stay gone for a least a half hour. And then to add a little humor to things, “That’s thirty minutes, Jason, not three minutes. I want to see some curled toes when I get back.”

Bella wasn’t quite sure what was going on, but I could feel the excited energy radiating from her over my holding her arm in a slightly dominating manner. The two of us stopped at Jason standing by the door on the way out and I gave him a kiss on the lips, and a quick love bite to the neck to mark my man. When I pulled away, I saw the fascination in Bella’s eyes and asked, “Care for a nibble?”

The girl got all giddy over the thought of being so surreptitiously promiscuous, and went for it. First she grabbed Jason’s neck to prevent him from pulling away, kissed him passionately for a few seconds, and then left her own quick mark on his neck. Jason’s face was so precious over the attention being paid him, but a quick grab of his crotch told me he was quickly forgetting being on his knees servicing men an hour earlier. I reminded Stacy and Jason to have a good time and headed out the door with my new girlfriend. And the thought of that really got my gears spinning.

So,” I asked, “think they’ll do it. Think either of them will overcome there loyalties to bang the bumpers?”

Bella laughed rather nervously, and answered meekly, “You should know… deep down Stacy is just a closeted *****. You gave her your guy and she’ll have him bagged in ten minutes.” She looked away trying to get up her courage and asked, “So, what’s up with that anyway? He’s your boyfriend, you’re still living together, yet you let him have at other girls?”

I first let her know that she and her friend were the first two girls I let him get intimate with, and then I told her about what I was getting from Jason that far outweighed anything he got. I wasn’t about to tell her about Mack or the cream pie things; I didn’t want to emasculate Jay to his only “virgin” friends that still saw him as all man. Bella wanted to know the reason I would even want to seek out other men and my first response was the obvious, “What girl wouldn’t like having two guys to fawn over her sexual desires as opposed to just one?” But then I got to the crux of what had started everything, and then how Jason’s physical attributes kept me going down that path. I was really happy for Jason because Bella considered Jason’s cock slightly larger than the youthful males she had been with and thus quite adequate as far as she was concerned. When I described Mack’s cock her eyes nearly popped out of her head.

We walked aimless talking about things we had both done in our pasts and how I had enjoyed Mack in different ways. When I told her about the hobbles he had introduced me to, I could see by her reactions that they interested her just as much. But things got a little weird when I brought up how I had been learning to dominate Jason. However, that did explain to her why I had just orchestrated Stacy’s plowing, as well as what had gone on at the pool party. And that party was Bella’s opening to ask the question that she eventually confessed to me had brought her to my door in the first place.

“Are you gay,” she asked?

“I wasn’t,” trying to be truthful with her. “But when I saw how beautiful you looked with Jason, I guess… I just had to find out what had him so excited. Bet I really freaked you out, huh?”

“I guess! I think it was really weird because Stacy was right there watching you do that, but… I really didn’t feel like I could say no or stop it. It really freaked me out because that was the first time a girl ever… did that to me. You really came off as a dominatrix.”

I asked her, “Did that really bother you? I guess it didn’t that much; after all, you came looking for me, didn’t you? And just how did you find us?”

“One of the girls at the party told me that she had seen you walking to the hotel a couple of times. All I had to do was describe the hot girl to the guy at the front desk and he knew exactly what room you were in.”

“Hot girl, huh? Is that what you think of me?”

Bella turned away again as she replied, “Well, look at you! And damn, girl, you know how many guys that are going blind from jerking themselves off thinking about you in that micro bikini?”

I laughed at the thought of that and then devilishly asked her, “And how about you? I bet you had a nasty thought or two about me putting my fingers in your mouth like that, didn’t you?”

She turned beat red, but nodded with quick, little strokes of her head. That caused me to look around like a guy would for a place I could answer that response most effectively. I saw an easy way to get behind the convenience store next to us and grabbed her hand to pull her along after me. It was awesome when I didn’t get the slightest act of defiance as I took her in tow. She knew exactly what I was doing.

We found a nicely sheltered area behind a crook in the building and I immediately pulled her into me for a total tongue-to-tongue lashing. I didn’t even get any resistance when I ran my hand up under her top to feel the soft, tender skin of her boobs. She seemed to melt into my grasp and moaned over the feel of my molesting action.

Bella pulled away and asked, “You kiss many girls? I mean, it’s just that you’re so good at it, that I was just wondering…”

I told her that I hadn’t since my couple of times growing up at sleep-overs just to learn, but then I remembered the girl right before her. When I told her about the other girl, she told me that she already knew because it was that girl that had told her where to find us. She didn’t seem to know exactly why we had kissed, and that was fine with me.

We spent the next several minutes essentially making out like two loved starved kids. She tasted as sweet as wine and had a nice little naughty act that was heavily veiled with a touch of naivety. When she suggested that she didn’t seem to be my hunky type of guy with a big dick, I told her it was nice to explore a softer side of life now and then.

After noticing that we had been gone for forty-five minutes already, we began heading back to the motel. On the way, I divulged how I had been thinking about getting a semi-permanent boyfriend on the side so I wouldn’t have to keep looking for a plaything when the urge struck. I was totally shocked when she instantly began plotting with me over how she might be able to find me someone to fit the bill. I felt awful and delighted at the same time over planning something like this that I hadn’t talked over with Jason yet. But anything that kept me close to this sweet vixen was entertaining enough to continue musing over the possibilities.

Just before we got back, I asked Bella if she wanted to get together alone sometime, and her bashful kicking at the dirt answered for her. After that quick answer, I even asked if she would like to help me keep Jason happy. I told her about some of the things he had said about her after eating her pussy and even fucking her, and she acted like a silly school girl as she jumped at the chance. At first she was to shy to admit that she had had a great deal of fun with my boyfriend, but a couple of properly placed touches allowed her to come truthful with me. She swooned when she told me how much she had loved what he had done to her and jumped at the chance to get seconds. I smiled to myself when I thought of the possibilities that the two of us double teaming Jason could bring.

When we walked through the door, Stacy was sitting at the table and Jason was sitting up on the bed. If not for the scent of very recent sex in the air (which I had hoped wasn’t leftover from two hours earlier), one never would have believed that Jason had gotten his hands on the girl. I was very surprised when Bella came right out and asked, “You guys hook up, or what?” Neither of them wanted to admit straight out that they had done the deed, so Bella and I backed off from their shyness.

I think when I went over and wrapped my arm around Bella’s waist and pulled her into my side that Stacy eyes would pop. I wanted to ease the tension in the room by displaying my own affection, but the way Bella let me handle her so easily told me a great deal more about her. She was the kind of girl that craved being captivated by a lover, and that was an element that I immediately knew I had to pursue. My first act of dominance over her was to announce to our onlookers that she had really soft boobs and smelled great, and then asked Jason if he would agree. His stuttering for an answer reminded me that he was in a room of three girls; all of whom had been his lovers recently. For a guy, that usually means a no win situation, but when he did agree the tension among us fell away.

Bella announced that they had to leave and Stacy stood up so quickly that I started wondering about dominance between dogs. I saw a natural submission from Bella to myself, and now Stacy acted the same way towards Bella. I knew I would have to give that a lot of thought later on. When I looked at Jason staying quiet off to one side, I also wondered where his place was in that issue. I gave Bella a quick kiss that I knew made her feel awkward in front of Stacy, so I evened the field by laying one on her, as well.

The minute the door shut I went over to grab Jason by his balls and asked, “So… how was she? As good as you’ve been dreaming about?”

The poor boy felt so guilty about screwing another girl even though I had all but ****** him to, that he could hardly speak. I had already decided to quiz him on the issue later on, but after he had a chance to rest up from his back-to-back ordeals. I left it at, “I bet she was a lot better than Mack and his friends.”

We puttered around for a while before he finally asked me, “Why you so quiet?”

I knew I had to get it out because between the walk home and talking to Bella about it, I had to give Jason at least a head’s up over it. I opened us both up a beer and sat him down beside me on the bed. I thought about how best to put it to him and it was a toss up between asking him what he thought about my idea, and telling him how it was going to be. Since he had been dealing so well with all my other demands of him, I went with the latter.

“There’s only one way to say this dearie, and … I’ve decided to take on another boyfriend.” As I thought, his head snapped my way in an instant. “I could never replace you, and hope you never leave me so I need to, but after all that’s happened lately I need to really think about this safety thing. I know you have to be afraid of me falling in love with another guy if I get to know him too well, but I swear that will never happen. I would never let it happen. But after Mack and his friends, that Brian guy trying to drug me, and even feeling the need to get a license from a guy to feel safe… I just have to do this. You told me that the one thing you had to insist on was that I stay safe, and now I see why that was so important to you. And I’ve already decided on something else. Since you know you’re going to be… shall we say involved… with whatever guy I decide to hook up with, you’re going to have to approve of him before I even tell him.”

I gave Jason a moment to absorb everything I had just said and then went on. “I know this is all so hard for you to deal with, and you’ve handled it a million times better than I expected, but I really think this is the natural next step. After I saw you earlier watching those guys fucking me, I know you’re getting use to seeing it happen to me. I mean, every time you looked at something hot, you got a boner. It just seems to make sense to do it this way. Do you still love me?”

It took him a minute, but he finally said he did. I could see that he had a hundred things worrying him, and it was nearly impossible to drag even a few of them out of him. His greatest worries were three things; worrying about me eventually moving on without him, my coming back to him and making sure my other guy knew he was always number one to me, and me being truthful with him all along the way. I did my best to assure him that all his worries were just that and that I would always remain most loyal to him. I pointed out to him that even though I did use him for a lot of my own fun and whims, I never did more than I thought he could handle. I even got him to admit that what had happened earlier hadn’t scarred him since everything had come in slow steps right up till today. He confessed to me that having me seeing him sucking another man’s cock was still the truly hardest thing for him to handle, but I saw it get better right before my eyes when I told him that that had been my favorite part. I would feel far more sorry for him getting put through that if I hadn’t done the same thing to men many times myself.

We spent a while talking about that last issue and I found out that as a kid, some older boys had made him do that for them a few times, so bringing it into the present hadn’t been quite as hard for him to accept as I had thought. That was why getting orally ***** that first night in town hadn’t been the main focus then; it was seeing me fucking Mack that first time. Now the real damage he felt was what I was seeing him being put through; sadly, mostly at my hands for my own sexual kicks.

I was getting all horny just talking about him giving blowjobs, so we left things at how we would both think about my new ambition for a couple of days and talk about it again. I started getting him undressed again, sucked on him a little, and then did a strip tease for him. I needed a good licking and finally got him between my legs and performing his trophy sex act on me. After a few minutes of his gentle build up, my phone rang. I wouldn’t normally have answered it, other than to see who it was, but when it was Abby I decided to have some fun.

She asked me if I had time to gab and I told her I had a few minutes, but not to mind the unintentional screaming. Jason was annoyed, but with one of my hands on his head to keep him focused, he went back to his fantastic priming. Abby wanted to know what was going on and I came right out and told her that I was Jason’s victim at the moment. When I started going into great detail, I had to pull on Jason’s head harder to keep him in position. That’s when I started bragging on his talents so greatly that he grew even more enthused in his efforts and less bashful over my talking about it.

I saw that as long as I kept bragging on him that he didn’t seem to mind what I told her; even the minute by minute details. I could feel that just by telling her what was going on that she had a couple of fingers in her own crotch as she listened. I made a point out of telling her that this was the number one thing that Jason had going for him in the bed area and she asked me how his “tiny” problem was going. I told her quite boldly that I was still getting my screwing from my extra curricular activities, but that Jason hadn’t a thing to worry about when it came time to making real love. Jason raised his eyebrows over me saying that in front of him, but I didn’t get a hint of ire out of him.

I decided to come clean to Abby since she was my best friend about my recent endeavors with girls. Instead of going crazy on me, she told me that she had always suspected that I was bi, by the way I had looked at her in the past. After telling her about Bella and Stacy, and even how I had blown the two boys behind the shed and swapped cum with that third girl, she grew all quiet. I thought I was weirding her out, but then she asked in almost a whisper, “Did you ever look at me that way?”

“Yeah, sometimes,” I told her. “But you were too close and I was afraid of losing you as my BFF. Why? Did you want me to make a move on you?”

I was shocked to hear her say that she had on a few occasions, so I pushed on Jason’s head to get him to pause. “Can you picture Abby and me making out?” He grinned madly and answered me, “I thought you already had.”

I slapped his forehead playfully and ordered him back to work. Then I blew everyone’s mind when I said, “Well, I guess you’re just going to have to come out and visit me sometime and we’ll give it a go.” It seemed to be a real possibility of coming about, and then I lost it for a moment as Jason caused me a small orgasm. When I told Abby about it, she wanted to know if she could take a turn riding Jason’s face to “sweeten” the pot. I asked Jason if he would mind giving my best friend some of his special attention and he shook his head. I told her that he would love to and grabbed his head hard into me to keep him from saying anything to the contrary. I knew he still had no desire to face Abby, but where I was picturing his face being, he wouldn’t have to see much else of her anyway.

I had to end the conversation shortly thereafter because Jason was winding up his expert pleasuring of me. The second the phone was out of my hand, I gripped my lover’s head between my thighs and flipped us both over so that I was sitting on his face. It only took another moment of his expertise to force me into a mind riveting orgasm that had me nearly screaming. A motel room is not the ideal place for that much noise.

As I sat there looking down at his sweet face, I knew I couldn’t leave things where they were at, and fell off him. I walked, rather bow-legged, to the end of the bed and bent over it to resemble the way I had been earlier. I told Jason that he wasn’t finished yet and called him down to “mount” me like a dog. I saw his apprehension since he hadn’t been able to get it up before, but now there was no one haranguing him. I did just the opposite and eventually got him behind me, and to get him really into feeling all macho again, I asked him to tell me all about fucking Stacy as he did it to me. In a heartbeat, I felt him sliding into me and I fell into a strange lull while coaxing him to tell me all the raw details. It started out as me simply waiting for him to be finished building his ego back up, but the more I got him to talk about what he and Stacy had done while I was gone with Bella, the more I got into it. It was a rare occasion that Jason could get me excited using his cock, so I guess Stacy had really gotten him hot under the collar.

Good girl, Stacy!