My Darling Cuckold ch. 06

When Jason’s eyes opened, he looked down to see me attached to his prick by my mouth. I smiled up at him and he was probably very surprised to see me going at him while he had been asleep. It didn’t really matter how I got to where I was, he was just glad to see that I would perform the same acts on him as my part timers. I knew that getting blowjobs wasn’t one of his greatest likes, but come on; what guy is going to refuse one.

It had been a week since I had my last romp with Jack and Bull, and I woke up horny as all hell thinking about that night. I had gotten my first paycheck at my new job yesterday and we had planned on going out to celebrate as we had with Jason’s first pay day. Unfortunately, there was a huge storm and we hunkered down into each other’s arms for a very special sex session of our own. It proved very illuminating as we talked very openly between, and even during, our sexual forays.

Jason finally admitted to me that with my urging and help, he was becoming somewhat use to the nasty things I was putting him through. The toughest times for him were obvious; having to give Mack a blowjob because it had happened in front of me, and the thought of me going over board in front of other men. It was one thing for me to encourage him to do stuff for me behind closed doors, but it was something all together different with a witness to his denigration.

My secrets were mostly over how wild and special my life had become since Jason had given me such an absolute freedom over my sex life. He already knew that a huge thrill for me was, for lack of better words, humiliating him and degrading him as a man. He knew I didn’t really feel that way, but in the throes of sex it drove me wild to treat him as my sex toy. I was a sadist in that way, but as long as it didn’t involve pain, he agreed that it wouldn’t kill him. As a matter of fact, it was the very thing that was his driving force in sex, but it was only because it went through me first. That was explained to me when we began playing – “Would you rather…”

I asked if he would rather get a blowjob from me, or give me one of his wild earth moving lickings. I know that ninety-nine percent of all males would immediately say the obvious, but not my Jason. He genuinely would rather be between my legs so he could see my face and my reactions to how frigging mad he could drive me. And that train of thought carried through to virtually every other aspect of sex for him. He was just a natural pleaser, a giver if you will, as opposed to a taker.

I, on the other hand was a taker. When in my special sex driven mind, everything was about me and that drove me into a sadist lowlife porn queen. Luckily, Jason understood exactly what he meant to me, what I truly thought about him, and was willing to accept me even when I went into bitch mode; on one condition. He had to be on the receiving end of my face showing just how enraptured I was over what was going on.

I had even confessed something I found really hard to admit to Jay, and was probably the driving force behind my having his prick in my mouth at the moment. I confessed to him that I would rather have his face between my legs to finish me off after a clandestine romp than his cock. It was really hard to tell him that his size just wasn’t up to par with what I had before meeting him, or what I was finding with my new found freedom. He amazed me one more time when he agreed that he was far from well endowed and even credited that fact as the reason he had become so talented with his mouth. Naturally I had to tease him over that statement by bringing up that Mack would have to agree with his assessment. He also said that the one thing that would bother him would be if I pretended his cock was as big as my other lovers, and would then cause him an inferior complex over my need to lie about it. Just as quickly, he asked me not to make his lack of stature part of my repertoire to use against him. Naturally, since I knew he was confident in his own shoes, I promised I would probably do just that to him.

I could tell that I was giving Jason a very successful blowjob by the writhing he was doing. And I guess I was driving him a bit crazy, as well, because he brought up our last subject of last night. We had talked about my frequency of extra curricular activities and I was worried that it was already too much, but Jason told me he sort of thought I would have stepped out on him even more. He was glad that I was keeping it to a minimum, which I didn’t really agree with, and that he sort of got off on the way I acted when getting ready for a date. He basked in my inability to hide my excitement and exuberance and thought of it as his reward for not complaining. He really just loved seeing me happy, no matter what it took.

“The only thing that really bothers me is your safety. I worry that you’re going to run off with the wrong guy some night, and…” I took a look up to see Jason was extremely worried over that point, but there really wasn’t an entirely safe way to ever hook up with a guy. I even told him how I had wished that he had stayed that night in the parking lot to watch over me. Then, this sweet SOB in my mouth said the sweetest thing. “We need to work on getting you what you want, safely. I was thinking that maybe we could go places and I could pretend to be your brother or something, so that I can hang around and watch over you.”

I slurped off his cock and asked, “You could do that for me… with me in the next room, fucking another guy?”

As I suspected, it was all about safety for me, and his ego didn’t seem to matter one bit. The thought that there didn’t seem to be an end to what my love would do for me, flushed me with euphoric desire and I sucked his cock for all I was worth. I wanted to push him over the edge and paused just long enough to say, “I want you to find my next lover. Show me how it’s done.” The second I took him back into my mouth, I felt him swell over the idea of doing that and he was quickly coming to the point of no return. I did the thing he really liked the best at the end of a blowjob, and sank my mouth as deep over him as I could go; truly balls deep.

Just as he began firing his cum into my mouth, the last thing I heard him say made me smile in delight. He said almost dreamily, “I’ll find you a guy alright!”

Normally I would just swallow it down for Jason, but this time I decided to use his own semen to show him a lesson. I worked to catch it all in my mouth and when I was sure he was done, I crawled up over his body. His eyes grew wide over knowing for sure that I was going to spit it into his mouth, but he was wrong. I did get into his face, managed to allow my mouth to open just enough to show Jay that I had all his cum in it, and then swallowed it down with a huge grin on my face.

“See,” I exclaimed, “it’s not that bad. You just think about how much what you’re doing is turning on your boyfriend, and you swallow. But I guess since your boyfriends are by proxy, it might be a little harder for you.” I could see he was taking my actions as a real lesson and said just to tease him, “Is he going to have a big cock? I like them really thick.”

Jason seemed bewildered and asked, “Who?”

“You just agreed that you’d find me my next guy. It’s going to be someone nice, I hope.”

Jason wanted to take the last minute of his life back, but I was going to hold him to his words, even if they were said in the heat of passion. The thought of my boyfriend actually finding me another guy to screw was mind numbingly erotic for me and I wouldn’t let him forget that all day. And the more I mentioned it, the more he seemed to be getting off on the thought of doing it, too. Little did I know how quickly he was going to act on my demand?

Around noon time, Jason went for a walk. There wasn’t anything unusual about that as he did it nearly every day. I took the opportunity to use his time away to frig the hell out of myself and as always since last weekend, I finished myself off over the thought of Bull turning my insides into a bladder for his sperm. I almost invited Abby out for a day so we could try to find the guy again just to prove to her what I had said about him.

When Jason got back I could tell he had come up with something wicked. His smile was just too big and bright, and he had a bounce in his step. That was when I found that Jason thought it was okay for him to lie to me, under the right circumstances. And I wasn’t going to complain in the least when I caught him. He casually told me that he had met a couple of girls down the street and they had invited him to a party; a pool party. I was ashamed with myself when the green eyed monster sat on my shoulder. Jason rightfully teased me over my double standard, but quickly added that he loved the fact that I didn’t want to share him with other girls. I know it’s totally unfair that I get to screw around and yet freak over the thought of him doing the same exact thing. However, Jason liked my display because he saw how much I loved him by how protective I was over him.

He begged me to go to the party with him and when he told me that I could wear my micro to fend off any girls I didn’t like, I began changing my mind. My micro is just that! It is essentially two patches that cover just the front of my boobs, and an even smaller patch that covers my vulva. It didn’t even cover my mons entirely, so I would have to shave bald just to wear it. Just the thought of getting to wear that suit was turning me on, because it wasn’t like trolling for guys, it was more like casting a net for them. I had only worn it once before and I felt like I had pissed off Jason so much by the attraction I had gathered that I had tucked it away. But now he was suggesting it! I knew that any girl that thought she could steal Jason away from me would have second thoughts instantly when she got a load of me in that suit.

Jason seemed excited to get some of his manhood back by checking out these girls he had met, and in a way, I liked that he was excited about anything because of what he had been doing for me lately. I loved it when it was he who told me to get in the bathroom and shave myself for the suit and I happily went off to do it. All the while I was doing that, I was hoping that there would be some cute guys at this pool party, too. I didn’t want my micro to just be a defensive weapon. I thought about the possibility of finding a guy that I could talk into coming home with us. That wouldn’t be what Jason had signed up for, but if I was going to let him flirt with other girls; what the hell?

After taking a quick shower, I donned the suit and primped before going out to show myself off to Jason. He definitely liked what he saw and I asked him if I could really intimidate other girls into staying away from him wearing my micro.

“They wouldn’t dare leave their guys alone to even get near me.”

Jason had picked out a pair of white short shorts and a peasant style top for me to wear as a cover up and I was happy to see him wanting to dress me. And he really didn’t do a bad job of it. He spent the next few minutes teasing the hell out of me with the idea that he was going to flirt like hell with every girl at the party to get back at me for some of the things I had put him through. I almost backed out on him, but I decided that he wasn’t going to get to lay a hand on any bitch as long as I was with him, so I decided to let him have his thrill.

It turned out that the party was just a few blocks away from where we were staying, so we walked there. Jason was having a blast asking me all kinds of questions over what I wouldn’t freak out to see as opposed to what would send me ballistic. I finally told him that as long as he didn’t go off behind closed doors with another girl that he could do anything near the pool he could get away with; and that took a lot for me to offer him.

When we got to the house where the party was at, a guy opened the door and invited us to walk through the house and into the pool area out back. Just as we got to the glass doors near the rear of the house, I could see several too inviting of girls running around in skimpy bikinis by the pool. I barely noticed the two guys that had stopped us to talk to Jason.

“Hey man, glad to see you could make it. I didn’t think you’d really come. And this must be Trish?”

When I heard the wrong name, I got a little annoyed that Jason would allow my name to be mistaken and corrected the male, “That’s Bliss; as in total happiness.”

The guy looked up and down my body, smiled and responded with, “I can see why people would say that.”

I first sneered at Jason as if I had won a battle, and then looked over the guy that had said it. He wasn’t a hulk of a guy, but he had a pretty tight little bod on him. He started back out for the pool when it finally dawned on me how the guy had initially greeted us, I grabbed Jason’s arm to stop him.

“Glad to see you could make it? Why’d he say that? I thought two girls invited you over here?”

When Jason burst into a knowing smile, I understood what this sweet prick had done. All the time he had been teasing me about hooking up with girls, he knew better. He had conned me into this suit to show me off for my benefit, not to keep other girls away from him. I gave him a quick kiss and allowed him to lead me out to the pool.

I looked over the small crowd of thirty or so people and two girls came over to introduce themselves. One of them told us that we were overdressed and showed us where we could put our clothes. They seemed very nice and came with us to continue their greeting as we peeled off our outer cover-ups. I was keeping a good eye on them as they watched Jason taking off his shorts and got a little jealous of their attention at first, until both their eyes turned to me. Just the top of my suit made them raise their eyebrows, but when I stripped off my shorts, their mouths dropped open. I pretended that there wasn’t any big deal going on here, and their conversation started back up.

I was pleasantly pleased with myself when one of the girls stated, “Not overly dressed now, are we?”

The minute the guys started taking notice of me, I looped my arm into Jason’s and wrinkled up my nose at him. He had thrown me into a pool of hormones and pricks, and I wanted to advertise what guy I was there with to let him know just how much I loved him. Here I was worried that he was going to be hitting on a bunch of girls, and it turned out that he had brought me right into the middle of a boy buffet, dressed to score.

A couple of girls came over to compliment my suit and wanted to know where I had bought it. They seemed very nice and I caught one eyeing me a little more than I was used to seeing. They also liked the fact that not only did I have the balls to wear something so skimpy, but in front of my boyfriend as that. That gave me an opening to brag just how wonderfully lucky I was to have such a boyfriend, and that got him a couple of stares. The cute petite blonde asked if she could borrow him, and I wanted to scratch her eyes out just for mentioning it. But when I saw Jason’s chest puff out a tad bit, I sucked up my own jealousy and said, “If you must, but bring him back in good shape.”

That got giggles from the girls, a raised eyebrow from Jason, and an odd little quiver for me. I know that even though I got my mouth to say those words that I really didn’t mean it. But when I saw Jason’s frumpy attitude to see them leaving after having giggled, I felt really bad for him. I knew he didn’t understand their giggle as well as I did, but they sure weren’t making fun of him. It was more to appease me, the cat with her claws at the ready. If I had of been the first to turn away, either one of them probably would have taken a shot at hitting on him in some seductive way.

I kissed Jason on his neck and told him I would try to explain to him what just happened later on and when I saw he was still a little befuddled, I really felt bad for him. He had been giving so much to me and on top of that, even arranged out excursion to this party so I could get to know some guys. I stared at him as he looked off into the sky and I knew what I had to do.

“Look dude,” I started out, “you’re never going to get a piece of tail hanging around with this one. I’m going to walk around and ‘pretend’ to swim. Why don’t you smile and wait for whatever little skank sidles up to you as soon as they see the coast is clear?”

Obviously he told me he hadn’t come here for that, but I knew he really needed to feel from me what I wanted to say, but couldn’t. I sucked it up, grabbed his ass, and said, “I’ll be alright. I’m not saying you have to try to get laid, but a little flirting won’t kill me.” And when I saw he was still afraid of crossing me, “Look it, I love you so frigging much. I’ve put you through the ringers, so if… if you need to do something to get back what I’ve beat up on so much, then… go ahead and do what you have to do.” I pushed a knuckle into his arm until he winced and reminded him, “But if you don’t come back to me, instead of getting your balls back, I’ll cut them off for good.”

I must have made him believe me, because I finally got a serious laugh from him. I decided to walk around the pool and keep an eye on just what vixens might have been eyeing my sweetheart, and I wasn’t gone for thirty seconds when the two that had just giggled away at Jason went strolling back to him. I knew he would prefer the petite girl and sure enough, his eyes pinned to her body. I was driving myself crazy thinking about what would be getting said, so I had to get myself busy. I sat on the edge of the pool and dangled my feet in the water before diving in to get wet.

When I came up, I struck gold. Two young bucks just about my age were treading water right in front of me. I excused myself for nearly swimming into them and by their looks, they probably wouldn’t have noticed. They appeared to be three sheets to the wind already and about the only thing they did seem to notice were my buoys. One of them reached out and grabbed my right boob in his hand to heft it in his fingers, and when I turned away from him, it caused his fingers to tear away the tiny bit of fabric covering my nipple. I slapped at the water to splash his face and backed away, but the one split second my nipple was ******* caused the two of them instant mental erections.

“Too bad” I thought; they looked pretty tasty until they moved. I swam across the pool to get out and was met by two hands thrust in my direction offering to pull me out. I grabbed onto them before I realized the hands belonged to two different males. I thanked them for their help as I pulled my strings into a more comfortable position and one of the guys asked me if I needed a drink. I shrugged my shoulders and said, “You can’t get me ***** without one.”

I went to squeegee my body off with my hands and noticed a couple of chubbies coming from the crotches in front of me, and decided to tease them a little further by turning around to do my legs. I prayed that that tiny bit of fabric between my legs was covering the patch of me that it was bought to do. I heard some air being expelled not so gracefully behind me and turned back to my obvious admirers with a tantalizing smirk and one raised eyebrow.

“See something I should know about,” I asked them. All I got were some twisted grins and more raised eyebrows. I’ve always loved teasing guys and in this micro it was as easy as walking around in it.

One of the guys poked a finger towards my belly button and said, “Now that’s a navel to drink from if I ever saw one. Ever let guys take shots from it?”

I told him I had a couple of times and asked him if he ever did belly shots from a girl. Naturally he had if he was talking about it, but it was my exit from the pool area and he seemed like a nice ******. I was quickly invited into the basement where the hard stuff was and I told them to lead the way. I turned just before going back inside to see that Jason was still enamored with his admirers and tried to smile over his fishing abilities.

When I got down to the basement, I felt like a stripper walking on stage. All the guys down there began hooting over my ******** and I was pretty nervous until I saw at least three other girls were present. I was walked to the bar and the guy holding my hand told the dude acting as a bartender what he was up to, and received a shot of tequila. He took my hand and escorted me over to a low, long cocktail table in front of a couch and motioned for me to lie down. A small crowd gathered and a second shot appeared as I sat on the table. It was handed to me and I downed it like a professional alcoholic; and then proceeded to lie on my back. Hands went to my ass and I brushed them away before I would let the guy start the show.

The table wasn’t quite long enough to support my head, so I had to clasp my hands behind me to hold it up so I could see what was going on at my waist. I sucked in a little to make a bigger hollow in my tummy and he poured the shot onto me. Salt was poured just below my tits after I couldn’t move, for the obvious reason. The cheers began and he went to town with the salt first, bringing his tongue ever so close to the bottom of my boobs, and then slurped away at the liquid on my belly. All the onlookers cheering him on became deafening, yet encouraged me to no end. It felt so cool when he got to the bottom and began lapping away at me, pretending to lick me dry. I started to get up, but someone pushed me down again and I saw the crowd was trying to get a second guy to take a body shot off me.

It was fun being the center of attention amongst all these strangers, and since the two female faces I could see didn’t seem to mind my whorish behavior, I went along with the crowd. This time, the licking of the salt brought the guy’s tongue just to the bottom of my cups, with a quick attempt to lick under my left one. I saw where this was leading, so when I was begged to allow a third guy a turn, I gladly smiled and told him to go for it. I kept my eyes on a girl to one side of me and her face was clearly telling me what the guys I wasn’t looking at were plotting. I was a little amused to see her getting giddy as she watched the salt getting poured on my lower chest. We both knew what was coming for me, and she was delightfully waiting to see what the guy had in store for me.

The shot was poured and then the guy ran his tongue over some of the salt right at my cups, and then he went for the tequila. He only took three quarters of the shot and came back up for more salt. But this time he pushed my left cup to one side and began licking the bottom of my boob. I pretended to scold him as my hands were mysteriously stuck to the back of my head. After I watched my nipple harden over its public ********, I looked at the girl again to see she was definitely feeling left out. I finally pushed the boys head back to my belly, but waited until he took his last laps to clean me up before sitting up to cover my boob. His hand darted to it first to take a quick feel before I pushed him away and got covered up. I didn’t want to become the center piece of an orgy, so I called it quits right there.

I went over to the bar for a wet towel to clean up the sticky residue and noticed that the girl that had been fascinated seeing me groped had followed me. But that was when I thought about Jason. The cute little blonde that he had been trying to make time with was with her girlfriend at the other end of the bar. I just got shown off and felt up, and he was left high and dry. I asked the girl next to me what their story was and she told me that they were best friends. I said, “No, I mean, do they have boyfriends?”

At first she looked like I was sizing them up like I was a lesbian, but then told me that they were unattached. I was handed another shot for letting the guys have their fun and asked the girl to introduce us. I downed the shot even before getting to them and found that their names were Stacy and the blonde, Bella. I just had to know what had happened.

“I thought you two were talking to Jason?”

Stacy said he was a nice guy, but also said she knew he was hung up on me. I decided to get my poor lover some action and lied a little. “Yeah, well I’m not so sure we’re going to last. He’s a great guy, but I’m not so sure I can stick with one guy though. If it wasn’t for being the best damn carpet muncher I’ve ever known, I would probably just dump him to spare his feelings. But, you know how that is, right?”

In seconds she wanted to know, “He’s that good?”

I let my smile answer for me and then I asked her, “You sound interested. I could hook you up if you want? Just don’t tell him what I just told you about maybe leaving him.”

The two of them eyed each other and I could see they were thinking about it seriously. I pushed their hands by turning to leave and the blonde asked, “But wouldn’t you freak out knowing he’s doing that to another girl?”

I asked her, “Didn’t you see what I just did? It’s just sex. But if you take him on, just check his teeth when you’re done with him, okay? Nothing worse than a hairy smile!”

That started them laughing, and looking at each other again. Bella came back with, “You wouldn’t have to worry about me there.”

It took me a second to understand she was telling me that she was well shaved, but when I caught on I looked down at my crotch and replied, “Oh, you mean we’re twins. Well, you’re money then. He loooves a smooth bottom. Go for it then!”

The two of them asked me again to make sure I wouldn’t really mind and I made myself very clear, as well I added a little insurance to protect my own ego. “Just promise me you won’t fuck him and you can do anything else you want.”

Their body language spoke clearly for both of them.

I thought for a moment and knew I had to talk to Jason first, so I told them, “Let me go mark my territory, and then he’s all yours. But remember, not a word to him about what I said earlier. I left them smiling like Cheshire cats.

I went up to find Jason and he was talking to the first ***** hunks I had run into. I tugged on him to get him a little away from them and simply said, “I love you, have a good time, and don’t believe anything they might say about us. Got me?”

He was dumbfounded over what I was talking about, but I shushed him up and told him to have fun. I gave him a peck on the cheek and ran off just as the girls were coming out the door. I gave them a wink and as I passed them by, I whispered, “Double team him, he’ll love it.” I then proceeded inside so that I wouldn’t interfere with their efforts.

The thought of Jay getting intimate with another girl was bad enough, but I had just handed him over to two rather hot girls; both in bikinis. I new I could easily trip into my bitch zone, so I decided to go back to the basement and try to keep my mind off all the many possibilities. Luckily, a guy that had seen my earlier performance met me at the top of the stairs. Since he was coming up, his face was practically level with my crotch and his expression was so over the top that I had to laugh and ask, “Never see one of those before?”

After stammering around the English language for a few seconds, he said about the only thing I guy could in his situation. “Not as hot as that one. You here with anyone?”

I told him, “Not at the moment,” and he offered to change that for me. He told me his name was Brian and walked with me back to the bar in the basement. After we each got a drink, he whisked me away to a corner of the basement that held the washer and dryer. We talked for a few minutes and he came off as a pretty decent guy, but never took his eyes off the skin I was showing. I was just coming to the decision that if he might be getting lucky in a few minutes and decided to hit the bathroom first. After finding out where it was, I headed off, but only after giving him a kiss and allowing my nipples to lightly graze his chest.

I had to go upstairs and when I passed the glass doors, I saw Bella and Stacy walking on each side of Jason, and they headed into some kind of a tool shed just off the pool area. I wanted to rage and run out there to stop them, but I could tell that the girls were still coaxing Jason into going with them just by the way they appeared to be walking him in between them. My mind was a mess and I headed for the bathroom.

As I sat on the toilet doing my thing, I wanted to cry. After everything that I had ****** Jason to put up with, I couldn’t understand why it was so hard accepting Jason getting a little something for himself. He had given me so much freedom and deserved this. And two hot girls were just the ticket. I cleaned up, gave myself one last look, and headed back to my own object of seduction and greeted him with a passion filled kiss that was meant to erase what Jason was doing from my thoughts. I went to finish off my Margarita and after looking at it, I stared at Brian.

I put the drink down and looked at him in a whole new way. Yeah, he had a pretty good body, seemed to have a good sense of humor, but I was now seeing a seedier side of him. “You know, Margaritas shouldn’t fizz.”

His guilt festered from every pore in his body and he tried to pretend that he didn’t know what I was talking about, so I demanded of him to tell me.

“What did you put in it?” I watched his eyes and waited to see if he would fess up or if I was going to spit in his face.

“Just a little happy pill… to help you have a good time.”

I thought about my response for a moment and then reached out to grab his balls in my hand. I squeezed them until he understood I wasn’t amused, and then told him, “Drink it then… and get happy yourself.”

First he tried to get my hand off his jewels, and then he pleaded with me. I told him he had two choices; drink it, or I would begin telling everyone within earshot what he had tried to do to me. I swished the glass around in my free hand and held it out for him to take. For a moment I felt as powerful with this fucker as I had been when playing with my darling Jason. And that feeling grew when Brian reached out to take it from me. He looked at the half full glass like it was poison.

“You had no problem watching me drink it.” I asked, “You afraid of what I might do to you when you pass out? You know, the really sad thing is that I was just going to offer to fuck the hell out of you.”

That made his eyes really grow sad and I started lifting the glass to his lips. He gave me the bitterest look I’ve seen in quite a while, but drank the glass down. But I wasn’t done with him yet. I had made up my mind what I wanted, so I decided that his insolence wasn’t going to curtail that from happening. With my hand maintaining its grip, I told him, “Now, we can play. You wanted all this (sweeping my hand down my form), well you’ve got it; for as long as you’re awake.”

I had just tormented his mind like an expert interrogator. Now he was confused as to what he should do. Did he want to try to go throw up, or take that ride he had just wanted so badly that he would drug me to get at it? I let my hand turn from a painful grab into a fondling, and that made his mind up for him. He asked me if I was serious and I answered that I was; if he hurried. His head began spinning around in search of seclusion and I suggested the tool shed behind the pool. I knew it would still be occupied, but I needed to know what was happening out there. After I insisted on checking out the shed, Brian turned and began leading the way.

I teased him, “You seem to be in a hurry? Are you that horny or just getting a little tired?” He turned back to look over my body and I said, “Too bad, huh? You were going to get this anyway, but now you’re going to have to wonder how long you can keep it up.”

The poor boy was so confused, but driven to find a private place to consume me. When we got to the shed, I had Brian open the door slowly and immediately saw what I was hoping I wouldn’t have to face. Bella had her cute little ass on the edge of a work bench with her feet pasted to either side of her to hold her in place. Her hands were holding the back of Jason’s head with his face plastered to her cunt, and Stacy was standing next to them with only her top on and fingering herself as she watched them. Both girls looked to see who had come in and I quickly held my forefinger to my lips to quiet them. I pulled Brian backwards and we exited the shed. Now I was confused, or at least in my heart. I was so happy that Jay was getting some measure of his manly stature back, but distressed over his tasting the pussy of another girl. And there was little doubt in my mind that it would be two girls before they let him loose.

I was so mad at what I had seen that I grabbed Brian and pulled him behind the shed. I pretended to look at a watch on my wrist and told him his time was ticking away, and after making sure no one could see us, he began pulling his swim shorts down.

“You want a blowjob, or some of this?” I grabbed my right tit in my hand while pulling it free from its snippy enclosure, and toyed with my nipple.

Brian looked me over and reached his hand out to cup my pussy in his hand. I smiled and was glad that he started there. I untied the knot on my right hip and my micro bottom fell to the ground. I spun around and watched a rather hard cock aiming upward as he came closer to me, and then I lifted my leg onto a stack of concrete blocks that had been thrown behind the shed. To be honest, his half hard prick was just slightly larger than Jason’s, and clearly as confused as its owner. I giggled at Brian over his apparent lack of erection just to show him who was in charge, but I did want some interaction to happen, so I reached out to finger it into a more proper state.

After a few seconds, I figured it was about as hard as it would get under the circumstances and warned him, “Better hurry! Your time’s running out.”

Brian had to be cursing his own ignorance and immediately began poking his way into me. Now granted, a pencil getting poked into me can be enough at times to tantalize me, but all I could think about was how Brian was little more fulfilling than Jason in this arena. I took pity on him though and wanted to leave him knowing exactly what he could have had if not for his foolishness. I grabbed at his ass to pull him as deep into me as possible and encouraged him further by pulling my cups away from my breasts to excite him more.

It was a struggle to really get into fucking him as his eyes began growing weak and he was having trouble staying interested in me. I teased him by saying that it seemed that he might really prefer boys to girls, and then I nearly had to catch him to keep him from falling to the ground. I grinned hard as I helped his body onto the ground while the drug too him over entirely.

“What the fuck’s going on here?”

I looked up and to my left to see two guys and a girl standing there watching me hover over Brian’s limp body.

“I guess the little fella took my drink by mistake,” I answered.

The girl knew immediately knew what I meant and replied, “That little fucker is still doing that? You guys ought to kick his ass.”

It seemed that Brian was known for doing such things and had only gotten away with it because he had a trust fund to keep him out of trouble. As I stood up, I abruptly became aware that I was hanging out for them all to gaze upon. One of the guys made a comment that there wasn’t a drug strong enough to have kept him from finishing up with me. Since the girl didn’t seem to mind his come on, I smiled and boasted, “He really didn’t have what it take’s to make me smile anyway.”

The guy got all manly on me and offered to take over for Sleeping Beauty, so I looked to make sure the girl still wasn’t upset and simply replied with, “Okay!”

Within the minute, the guy was fucking me hard against the back wall of the shed and the other girl had herself plastered right next to me by the other dude. We each had one leg up on the blocks between us and kept smiling at each other as we looked over the poor guy lying on the ground **********.

The boy fucking me was no Mack when it came to cock size, but he had a nicely engorged head on the top of his dick that worked every nerve ending in my vagina. And he was bumping his pelvic bone just right against my clit to make this offer to him well worth it. I had my arms wrapped around him and was just beginning to give his neck a hickey to mark him as mine for the moment when I heard a muffled sheik coming from the other side of the very wall I was getting bumped into. I knew that squeal of delight well and knew that my wonderfully talented boyfriend had just proven himself a master in the art of pussy licking yet again. Considering that I was getting my own cunt nicely stuffed at the time, it didn’t bother me as much knowing Jay was getting his freak on with some skank. I even smiled a little over his success.

When it appeared that both of the studs were close to cumming, the girl touched my arm and made it clear that she wanted me to join her. I watched her push her guy away enough so that she could hurriedly get on her knees to finish him off with her mouth, and decided to mimic her actions. I went down on my guy’s cock with all the enthusiasm of a market place *****. When I knew I had him ready to cum and was getting ready to suck his juice right down, I felt a tap on my arm again.

“Let’s swap… quick!”

The girl wanted to swap guys at the last second, and I thought it was a pretty weird thing to do, it was also really hot. It was easier for the guys to move then for us, so we pushed their aching bodies around until we each had the cocks that the other had prepared, and went back to sucking them off. The boys must have liked my new friends’ idea too, because within seconds, they were each grunting over filling our mouths with their deposits. This was definitely one of the freakiest things I’d ever done and flashed a “thank you” to the girl with my eyes as I held tight onto his cock for him to finish.

I started swallowing for my guy, but a third tap came to my arm and I looked questioningly at my friend and waited for her answer. I watched her slurp her lips off her guy and lunge her face towards mine. I’m not a lesbian, and have only had a couple of timid trysts with other girls at best, but when she began kissing me, I knew the nasty thought her pretty little head contained. There we were on our knees, kissing passionately, and swapping the cum in our mouths as our male providers looked on in awe. This girl was absolutely full of naughty tricks; I loved it. Her hands roamed my body as we enjoyed our treats, so I let my hands explore hers. I’d only felt a couple of boobs other than mine, but out in the open as we were, doing something as nasty as we were, made hers seem like the softness of summer clouds.

When we finally broke our kiss, and swallowed whatever was left in our mouths, we shared a knowing smile that I’ll never forget. We realized our audience of two had to be wondering about us and stood up while grabbing our pieces of bikinis to cover up. The guys couldn’t stop talking about our efforts and then our show. I started feeling out of place since the only name I knew was of the guy still ********** on the ground. I decided I had to move along and thanked both of the boys with quick kisses and went on my way.

When I got by the front door of the shed, I just had to look in to see if Jason and the girls were still there. I crept in quietly and as soon as I shut the door I saw that Stacy was now nude and watching Jason plastered prick first into Bella as she rested her elbows on the top of the bench she had been sitting on the last time I had seen her. It seemed that being bent over backwards had to be a pretty awkward position, so she really had to be enjoying herself. My mind raged out of control when I saw she was fucking him after my warning, but I knew I had invoked this journey and held my tongue. Stacy looked over to see I was watching and touched her friend’s hand to point me out. Bella’s eyes showed the appropriate fear I would expect when caught fucking another girls boyfriend right in front of her, but when she stiffened her body to push Jason away from her, I found myself mouthing the words, “Go ahead!”

Jason still didn’t know I was there just as the first time. Most of his ignorance was because his back had been to me both times, but a lot of it was because he was enjoying his new little skank ass ***** just that much; and oddly enough, I was glad he was enjoying himself.

Stacy had remembered my warning, and even though she was clearly waiting her turn to ride my boyfriend, she decided to put her suit back on. I decided that the last thing I wanted to do was to interrupt Jason before he got to finish fucking his new plaything, so I tried to appease both girls by rubbing my hand inside my own bathing suit bottom. When Bella saw me doing that, her eyes finally stopped glimpsing at mine and she went back to fervently enjoying her fucking.

While I stood there watching, I was just as confused over my feelings as ever, but I was really happy that we had come to this party. Jay needed to feel like a man again and after telling him how I considered his cock too small to be a great fuck with me, it was nice to see another girl considered it just right. When I saw the telltale sign of intensity that told me Jason was almost finished with his lover, I quietly walked up behind him as he started groaning his pleasure over finally relieving himself.

A little bit of bitch in me just snuck out when I found myself asking, “I bet she’s nice and tight, huh?”

Jason instantly flung around to see me standing there and Belle began begging for my forgiveness. I stared at Jason as he struggled to form an apology and Bella began standing up straight. I pushed her back onto her elbows and gave Jason a passion filled kiss as I held her in the position she had been in. I pulled away from Jason and pronounced, “You smell like cunt. I gave him a flirtatious eye that I’m sure he’ll never forget, and turned towards Bella. I could see she was scared out of her mind even though I wasn’t much bigger than her, so there’s no way she could have expected my next move.

I ran my body over hers much as Jason’s had just been, groped her slime covered pussy roughly, and began kissing her. I swear I could hear Jason’s cock snap back to a full erection behind me, and I was pleased that the girl never tried to stop my actions. In fact, her hands began rubbing along my backside as her friend gasped over her reactions to my amorous attack. I let my fingers delve into my first cunt, and toyed with her for a moment before making a scooping motion through her labia. I brought my hand up to her face, took my lips away from hers, and pushed my fingers into her mouth to clean. I could see she fell right into being my submissive slut and did as I wanted. When I was sure my fingers were cleaned I asked the three of them, “Is Bella a good lay?”

Strangely enough, all I heard was Jason say, “Yeah!” and I smiled at her as her face was still only inches from mine. I kissed her on the lips again and added, “You’re lucky, bitch. If this wasn’t worth it, I’d have you between my legs next.”

I couldn’t believe that I had fallen into the dominating bitch I felt like at the moment, but it felt awesome to be in control of everyone in the room. I smiled at both girls and as I stood back and even helped Bella get to her feet, I thanked them for taking good care of my guy. I latched onto Jason’s arm and walked him out of the shed. As soon as the door closed behind us I told Jason, “You owe me big for this one you know.” He almost looked a little afraid of me, so I told him I was glad that he had made a couple of new friends and decided to walk him to the back of the shed.

Jason freaked when he saw Brian on the ground ********** and I told him he was just sleeping off a big mistake, and then showed him the scuffle marks on the ground. “And this is where I finished my guy. Wait till I tell you about it. It’ll blow your frigging mind.”

As we got back to the front of the shed, Stacy and Bella were just leaving. Stacy was still afraid of me and stood away a little, but I noticed Bella had no further fear and walked right next to me back to the house. I made an explicit point of telling Bella that we were leaving and she took it upon herself to walk us through the house to the front door. Jason awkwardly thanked her for the good time they had shared and I bent over to her and gave her another raunchy kiss goodbye, and also thanked her again. When I saw Stacy standing just behind her, I grabbed her arm to pull her closer, and gave her a kiss, too. She felt really out of place and didn’t know what to do. I grinned at her and stated, “I told you he was good at eating pussy.” Stacy’s smile told me that she fully agreed. Then I added as I looked back at Bella, “And what did you think about his screwing?”

All she said was, “Wheew… unbelievable… despite everything else.”

While Jason and I walked home, I first questioned him for all the details of his time alone with the girls, and then I really floored him with my own adventures; including what had happened with Brian. We talked a lot about how he had tried to drug me and I told Jason how there was really only one way to prevent such things like that from happening again; he was going to have to stay close to me in the future. Just as we got to the door of our motel room, Jason finally brought up the really huge part of the day.

He stated, “I never knew you were into girls like that. What brought that on?”

I replied with, “I never knew either. Who knows?”