It was only around a year after I got my submissive partner into gangbangs. This story is 100% true. We were a local pub when a group of military men came in for a drink and a game of pool. Whenever we are out I always encourage my partner Kez to dress sexy, and she loves the attention. She had on a light flowing summer dress, not quite a mini but reasonably short (I prefer shorter) and no underwear. Not even a bra. Anyway it was probably less than 5 minutes and she was at the bar and a couple of them were talking to her. She pointed over at me next to the pool table. Another 5 minutes went past and the biggest and oldest of the group came over to me, introduced himself and shook hands. He told me that Kez said I would be happy if all the guys fucked her. I told him straight faced that was correct. He stared at me for a second then had a huge grin and asked "really? All of us?" I looked around the room and saw about 10-12 guys and replied "she could do that easily." He then went on to explain that a lot of military guys have the same relationships but none of them do group sex. I told him we both prefer it as there are no connections made during gangbangs and its just sex. He patted my shoulder and walked back to the bar. By this time Kez was kissing one of them.

A couple of the guys came over to me to check that what he big guy said was true. I said "yes, of course" and the shook my hand. One guy asked "what, all of us?" Again I said she could do them all without any problem. After smiling and giving themselves high fives one guy lent in close and asked if they could sneak her into the army barracks which was a 10 minute drive away. I said "I just though you would fuck her in the car park?" He had a broad gin and replied "its more comfortable there plus there are a lot more guys there." I looked over at Kez who was still kissing guys and one had his hand up her dress fingering her. I smiled and said "well shes warmed up. Lets go."

I walked over to Kez and she looked at me with a glazed horny look and said "I want to fuck these guys." I said "I know you do and you will. Do you want more?" She lent in and gave me a huge tongue kiss and I slid my hand under her dress and put 3 fingers into her wet, dripping cunt. She bit my earlobe and asked "how many more?" I replied "I'm not sure but probably a lot." She smiled and said "good" and continued to kiss me.

We left the pub and one guy asked to travel with us to give directions. When he got into the back seat, Kez got in with him and started kissing him. She then with a sense of urgency undid his pants and started sucking his cock. I couldn't see how big it was, but she was slurping and sucking away. He came before we arrived at the barracks and Kez swallowed every drop and then kissed him again.

Just before we got to the barracks I had to pull over so the army guy could get in the back. Kez laid down on the floor and we covered her in my jacket which was in the back. At the security gate the army guy lent over me to the guard and said "hi Barry. Had a few drinks and my mate here is just dropping me to my room." The guard had a quick look at me and waved us on. He didn't even check the back of the car. One we had turned a corner and was away from the guard booth, the army guy said "its all clear. Nearly there. Better pull up and park away from the light." The army guy then got on his mobile and said "we're here. Come to my room but not in a big group. Yeah you work it out."

The accommodation wasn't that big with a small lounge and dining area, a bedroom and toilet/shower. Kez walked in and looked around then walked straight into the bedroom and asked "naked or with the dress on?" The guy shrugged his shoulders and said "leave the dress on its sexier and a bit more of a **** fantasy." Kez smiled and took her shoes off and dropped the top of her dress to show her breasts. Army guy went straight over and started sucking her tits just as six guys came in. "Ok!" One exclaimed "the party has started. Awesome."

One guy asked me "condoms or bareback?" I replied "whatever you prefer. Kez called out "bareback!" Immediately they were taking turns fucking her brains out. Like slamming her hard. The guy next door came over as Kez was moaning and the walls weren't soundproof. Almost paper thin. Of course he joined into the fun.

News got out pretty quickly about the gangbang and with military precision, once a group of six had finished, another group of six would come in. The only break Kez got was the toilet once and when the guys used a towel to wipe away excess cum. This started just after 9:30pm and at 4am, it was suggested we leave before the sun came up.

Kez's dress was soaked in cum and I had to get my jacket from the car when we were leaving. As we were getting in the car a few asked if we could do this again. Kez giggled and replied "yeah sure. It was fun. In two weeks? Is that ok?" The remaining seven guys gave the thumbs up and smiled. She gave her mobile number to a few of them and told them "its ok to share my number."

On the way home Kez was tired, delirious, very very happy and still horny. She asked me to pull over and sucked my cock while she rubbed her clit. I came pretty quickly "How many do you think babe?" She asked wiping her mouth. "Hell. Lots. I stopped counting at 24. And some came back for seconds so no idea."

"It was awesome." Kez said excitedly. "And they said such nice things about me. How hot I was and what an awesome slut I am. God, they fucked me hard. Some young boys too. They came quick, haha. Hmmm I'm tired but happy." With that she laid the seat back and instantly fell asleep.

Needless to say, we went back there a few times until security stopped us the last time and accused us of sneaking in a ******. Kez had passed her number to a few guys so she got a lot of texts and phone calls when the guys were in town or at the pub. And yes, she still fucks a few of them to this day.
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