Author's note:

I hope you enjoyed reading this lurid little tale. As I stated in a previous post, I have tried to highlight the erotic power of 'tease', and simple verbal communication and conversation versus the more raw 'physical' aspects that seem to dominate the genre. I guess the old saying 'the biggest sex organ is the brain' is a cliche, but, to me at least, it is true nonetheless - especially since cuckoldry seems to be as much a state of mind as it is a state of body.

I am lucky enough to have a wife who understands the power of verbal teasing, and she is well aware that she can reduce me to a trembling, lust-filled wreck with a few well-targeted sentences. She has not cuckolded me (not in the traditional sense of the word, anyway), but this doesn't stop her from using the full scope of her formidable feminine wiles trying to make me think that she has done, or will do. Many of the wicked things that the character of Kylie states to her hapless hubby in the above tale are based on remarks that my wife has made to me at one time or another.

The kinky sisters in the story are based on two very attractive real-life siblings whom I have known for a while. Although they are both in stable long-term relationships, this doesn't stop the pair from regularly attending dances together without their respective partners, and 'hooking-up' for the evening if the opportunity presents itself. I am fairly certain that "Kylie's" significant other is well aware of her infidelities, and that he possibly encourages them - and so I simply 'borrowed' the pair for the characters of Kylie and Michelle (naturally changing the names to protect the kinky).

If my style of writing is familiar to any of you, it may be because I would occasionally contribute stories to that 'other' forum, now recently deceased, under another nickname. It was also interesting to see that some of you had suggestions for how the tale should end. I guess that since it hasn't really ended, it would be interesting to see what some of you think should happen next between Kylie and her hubby, and how Brad and Michelle would work into events. Please don't hesitate to offer suggestions... *grin*

Anyway - thanks for reading my rather long-winded tale, and I hope that more than a few of you guys (and girls!) got your rocks off reading it! (Please let me know if you did! *grin*).

